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THEY FOUND TRANCE AND Leah standing outside of the mess hall. Leah looked a bit unsure as Trance tried to talk her into going inside.
Shawn joined in Trance’s battle. “Fancy meeting you two here. Tempest and I were going to grab something to eat, too. Maybe the ladies can grab us the table and we’ll get the plates?”
Trance looked relieved. “Sounds good.”
The two males walked toward the buffet, leaving her and the human standing awkwardly.
“I’m not sure if I introduced myself earlier. I am Tempest.”
“There was too much going on to remember,” Leah said. “But I think someone mentioned your name. Nice to meet you.”
“There is a table vacating over there.” Tempest pointed to it and hurried that way, leaving Leah to follow. She stretched out on one side of the table, making it clear that she was saving Shawn’s spot. She didn’t want the female to get any ideas about which man would be hers.
Leah sat a bit more timidly, leaving more than plenty of room for Trance to sit on her side.
“You can sit across from me, where you will not be staring at Shawn. He is mine. I will be your friend so it is okay for you to look at me while I eat.” She wasn’t sure where that possessiveness came from regarding Shawn, but for just this once, it might do to make the boundaries clear.
That was when Tempest remembered to be friendly. She forced a rather large smile to soften her demanding tone, but it felt more like an uncomfortable grimace. “You won’t have friends here in Xenia yet, so I will be your first. You can ask Trance to send me a message to get a hold of you, or you can have him write down my call number. I am not home frequently, but if you wish I can forward your calls to my comm unit.”
“Umm, that’s fine. If I need you I can always leave a message.”
The human didn’t sound convincing that she would bother to call her at all.
Tempest tried a new tactic. “You will enjoy the food here. It is the best.”
The human looked back at her with huge brown eyes. “I know. I help prepare it.”
Oh. Well, that was awkward. Maybe it had been a while she since she’d made friends because this wasn’t working out too well.
The human’s eyes softened. “I’ve never been on this side of the mess hall. I just don’t feel like I should be here, enjoying the food that was meant for Xeno Sapiens. That’s what Trance and I were arguing about in the hall before you two arrived.”
“Is it because you’re the hired help?”
The woman’s lips broke into the first genuine smile she’d seen since she met her. She was really quite lovely. “Hired help? I guess that’s true.”
“Well, we take care of our own and that includes the help.” To be fair, she patted the human’s hands where they rested on top of the table.
“You don’t have many friends, do you?” Leah asked, her voice wry.
“No,” Tempest admitted. “Just a select few.” She wanted the human to understand it was by choice. Her choice. “Now, if you want to get a breather from Trance, you just call me up. I will show you Xenia, introduce you to others. I know Trance can be a bit much to handle.”
“He can be?”
Tempest nodded. “He was my neighbor in one of the cages we were kept in. I know him well. He can be intense to deal with. Sometimes you have to just hold out a hand and tell him to back off. To give you time and space.”
“He’s been rather nice to me...”
“Well, of course, he has. He has probably fantasized about you naked. You’ll find out soon enough.”
“I will?”
“Yes. If you are more comfortable about talking that over with a girlfriend when it happens, you may call me. Perhaps I may just forward your calls to my comm, anyway.”
The female seemed a little stunned as she stared at her.
The males arrived, each holding two plates in their hands.
Shawn set both plates down, pushing one in front of her. “Here you go, my pretty. Got you plenty of protein to keep up with your workouts.” Shawn leered at her. He actually leered, showing their temporary status in front of the others.
Tempest rolled her eyes briefly. She only had two more orgasm workouts to even things out. “Shawn, will you program Trance’s call number to forward to my comm unit? That way when Leah calls me, I will be available at all times.”
He picked up her wrist and brought it to his lap, holding her hand with his while he used his other to program her device.
Trance was murmuring to Leah about the food he’d gotten her.
“You’re already friends?” Shawn whispered to her. “Good job, baby.”
“Of course. I saw no point in beating around the bush. I instructed her that she will need a friend when Trance’s intensity gets to be too much and so she should call.”
“His intensity?” Shawn’s voice was a low whisper, so she matched hers to his.
“You know. His power. How he dreams of others and manages to link you into his dreams? If you’re not expecting it, it can be intense. That’s why he’s called Trance, you know. Sometimes the other person can go into a trance while he’s yanked you into his dreams. It’s like the shock is too much for your brain.”
“Oh, my fucking god. What if he’s having sexual dreams?” Shawn leaned into her ear. “Can he control yanking a person into his fantasies?”
“I don’t think he’s established control yet. And if he’s having a sexual dream...well, unfortunately, you will be participating in the same dream.” She wrinkled her nose. “Most people pretend it doesn’t happen. Otherwise it could get real awkward.”
“No shit,” Shawn murmured. “Good to know.”
Tempest turned to her plate, eating as she looked over at the human female. “So what did you think of Trance’s apartment?” she asked Leah.
“Oh, uhh, well, it’s nice,” Leah said, rather quietly. She quickly glanced to the right as if she thought Trance might be watching her.
“It’s a one bedroom,” Tempest announced. “Where are you gonna sleep?”
“On the sofa is fine,” Leah said quickly, keeping her eyes focused on her plate.
“You can take my bed,” Trance said. “I’ll take the sofa.”
“No, I can’t put you out. I’ll take the sofa.”
“It’s a king-sized bed,” Tempest said. “No reason why you can’t both sleep on it. There’s probably room for four.”
“Not quite.” Shawn’s voice sounded strangled.
“No sense in fighting over the sofa is all I’m saying.”
Neither Trance nor Leah responded, but began to eat quicker.
It didn’t take long for the four of them to finish their meal, as focused as they all were on eating instead of talking.
“I’m stuffed,” Shawn finally groaned, leaning back in his chair. His arm draped along the back of Tempest’s.
“You should be,” Tempest smiled at him. “It’s not like you starved. I brought you a sandwich earlier.”
Shawn winked. “She takes great care of me.”
“I am nurturing,” Tempest agreed.
“May I take the next couple days off?” Trance asked Shawn. “Get Leah settled in?”
Under the table, Shawn reached for her hand, squeezing slightly. Asking her to stay silent. Something was up.
“It normally wouldn’t be a problem,” Shawn said. “But I’m a little bit short on staff right now. Would you be able to work for a few hours in the morning? Just until ten or so? Leah doesn’t start work until noon, correct?”
Trance looked at Leah.
“That’s right,” she said. “I don’t work until noon. But Trance, you don’t have to escort me around.”
“I know I don’t have to. I want to. It’ll make me feel better. Plus I might get to pick up some extra tips and techniques.”
She smiled faintly—just a bare ghost of a smile. “All right.”
“Well, with that, we’ll take off and get settled into the apartment,” Trance said, pushing back his chair. “Thank you both for having lunch with us.”
“Anytime,” Shawn said. “Leave the plates. We’ll clean up.”
Tempest looked at Leah and motioned holding a phone against her ear. “Call me,” she mouthed.
Bemused, Leah nodded.
As soon as they left, Shawn draped his arm around Tempest.
“What was that about?” she asked. “We’re not that short staffed. You and I could easily have split up and covered the front desk. We could even have gone in and covered it together.”
“Yeah,” he grinned. “But then we wouldn’t be able to sleep in tomorrow morning. And we’re gonna work out tonight.”
“Work out how?”
“Your choice. You still owe me a night. Or we could go sparring, which will get us all sweaty and dirty and might lead to an orgasm anyway.”
“Sparring, please. I like it dirty.” She leaned in to his neck. “I like to lick the salt from your skin.”
“Fuck me.” He shivered. “Let’s clean up.”
They carried the plates to the waste station and Tempest scraped the bits of food into the receptacle and loaded the plates in the trays provided. They would be machine washed when the tray was full. Shawn took a dishrag and spray bottle of cleanser to wipe down the table and chairs. By the time he brought both back, she was done with the dishes. He spread the dishrag onto a hanging spot to dry. They headed to the locker rooms to change.
By the time they got to the pits, Jason was up.
“Shawn,” he said, as the two punched fists. “I haven’t taken a turn with you in a while.”
Shawn looked at Tempest, about to protest. But the smile on her face was broad. “I would like to watch two sweaty males in the ring,” she said. “Go on.” She swatted Shawn’s round little tush and strode to the benches just outside the gates.
Beastly was sitting there and it would be rude to sit away from him. She sighed, joining his bench.
“Don’t feel like getting your ass beat by Shawn?” he asked, rather condescendingly.
“I feel like watching,” she sneered. “Hasn’t Sunny ever shared with you how sexy it is to watch half-naked, sweaty men?”
He narrowed his eyes at her. “She has all the sweaty man she can handle.”
Tempest lifted her nose into the air, avoiding his scent. “I imagine so.”
She ignored his barbaric growl and turned her attention back to the ring. Shawn and Jason were pretty evenly matched—but it wasn’t about that. It was about trying to build stamina. The more she watched the more she was treated to Shawn’s masculine grace of thwarting blows, slick skin shining with sweat, muscles that swelled with exertion and bulged obscenely.
“He is rather magnificent, you know,” she said to Beastly, not tearing her eyes from Shawn.
“If you say so.”
She was going to have Shawn again tonight. She was going to have toe-curling sex with him. Inhale his musky sweetness. Then every time they’d spar, she’d be reminded of this night when she had him after watching him with Jason, her old crush. Jason, who didn’t hold a candle to the beauty of Shawn. Now that she could see Shawn didn’t spar to win—he sparred to teach. He sparred to build strength. No wonder he was the best.
The sexy best.
Her panties were damp and the only reason why she wore them was because they were going to spar and she wanted the short skirt to flip up and surprise him with the flimsy white lace she’d hidden in her drawers for special occasions. She’d had two pair, but he’d ripped the other. This pair she was hoping might remind him of that first time together. Originally, she’d bought the underwear for Sunny to entice Beastly, but decided the white wasn’t sexy enough. She’d loaded her with scarlet and naughty black instead. So white would have to do for Shawn, because she didn’t think he’d want her skirt to flip up and show everyone her scarlet underthings.
Plus he’d muttered how the white was so hot and virginal.
He’d probably get all snarly and possessive. Her panties dampened at the thought. Hell, if he was here right now, he’d part her thighs on the bench, Beast be damned. He’d check her moist heat and find her drenched for him.
She was soaked thinking of it. She was slick and swollen and needed him to sate this need. Abruptly she stood and immediately both men in the ring turned her way.
Jason punched Shawn lightly on the shoulder, steering him away from him. Next to her, Beastly stood and approached Jason instead, taking Shawn’s spot.
Shawn crossed his path as he made his way to her.
“Do you want to take a turn?” he asked, his eyes pinned to hers.
She leaned back on the bleachers, slowly spreading her legs, widening them so he could catch a glimpse of the white lace, and then crossing them. “I would, but it seems I wore panties with too much lace. They would make for a rather see-through experience.”
“Fuck,” he growled, his eyes glued to her crotch. “You’re damp.”
She stood. “Your place or mine, big boy?”
He leaned over and picked her up. “Whichever is closer.”
She curled up in his arms, ignoring the catcalls behind them.
Somehow they were inside the maze of hallways that led to the various residential quarters. He set her down on her feet, but instead of making their way down the hall, he pulled her close.
“New rule,” he said, cupping her ass through the thin fabric of her skirt. “Dirty talk.”
“Dirty talk? You are already dirty and sweaty. Is that not enough?”
“Yeah. Maybe. But this will make it hotter. This will make us both come so hard. Trust me.”
She reached down to stroke his cock. He quivered beneath her touch. “I don’t know how to dirty talk,” she admitted.
“Keep stroking my cock,” he commanded.
“Like this?”
He was close. She could tell by the quiver of his muscles.
“Tell me you love me,” he snarled, his breath curling with heat along her neck.
“I want to hear the words. Tell me you love me.”
“I won’t.”
“I don’t care if you do or not,” he gritted. “But tell me. Every time you want an orgasm, you tell me you love me. It’ll get dirty from there.”
Was it really too hard to say the words?
“I love you,” she blurted out, and then mashed her mouth to his. His cock throbbed against her hand. Their teeth clashed but they opened at the same time, tongues meeting each other frantically. Goddess, he was right. The words somehow made this all...hotter.
She pulled away. “You tell me,” she gasped.
“I love you, my pretty. I’ll always love you,” he murmured, nipping her bottom lip before taking her lips again. Something hot and tangible unfurled in her belly, spreading throughout her limbs, reaching every nerve ending in her fingers and toes.
And then his fingers were right there, delving under her skirt and into her pussy as his tongue stroked in her mouth and she came, arching her back. But the mini-orgasm did nothing to quench the need.
“Get a room,” someone snarled, walking down the hallway.
She didn’t even care enough to hiss at the nosy Xeno. Instead, she eagerly allowed Shawn to pick her up, wrapping her legs around his waist as he carried her down the hallway to the residential units, his hands still on her ass.
His place was closer. She was barely aware of when he pressed the locking device on the wall, scanned his thumbprint in and then took her hand to press onto the screen. The door slid open and they were inside. The two of them fell into his quarters, the door slamming shut behind them. He leaned up against the door with her, cupping her face with his two massive hands.
She tore her mouth away. “You just gave me access to your quarters,” she gasped.
“Yeah.” He gave her no other explanation beyond that. And then all train of thought disappeared as he carried her into his bedroom.
She felt the cool bed underneath her before his fingers clutched her upper arms to pull her closer. Her breasts mashed against his chest and wild need ran through her core when his mouth took possession of her. He was a man starved as he hungrily delved past her lips, stroking her tongue. Somehow, her fists were in his hair when he pulled away.
“I need you naked.”
“Yes. Naked is good. So good.”
He pulled the laces of her corset apart and she hurriedly shrugged from the top half. His hands left her to strip his pants off so she took advantage of the time to lift her ass off the bed and shimmy from her flouncy little skirt. Even with as fast she moved, he still managed to squirm out of his first and then reached for her ankles, removing her boots.
“Fucking soaked,” he said, his nose buried in the wet lace of her panties. “So glad you wore these. And so glad you didn’t spar in them.”
She laughed, but it faded away when he inhaled deeply. Then he ripped her panties from her.
“Guess I won’t be sparring in lace panties. Those were my only two pair.”
“I’ll buy you more. But you only wear them for me.”
When she was naked, he crawled over her, his hands curving down over her ass to lift her up against the unyielding hardness of his cock.
“Fuck, you feel good,” he muttered.
She trailed her hand over his chest, tracing the tight ridges of muscle leading down to the V of his groin, barely brushing against the thick ridge of his cock before he pushed her backward against the pillows.
A shiver raced over her skin as his mouth traced a heated path between her breasts, licked a nipple, and then trailed up again.
Then he slammed his mouth down on hers, their tongues tangling. She slipped her hands down to cup his muscular ass as she hooked her leg up the back of his, pressing against his cock.
Shawn’s nostrils flared, his eyes growing darker. She reached between them, cupping his sac, rolling it gently, then sliding her fingers up and down his cock.
He groaned her name and she kissed his chin.
How had she never noticed how sexy this human was?
He skimmed his hand up her right leg, then pressed it against her pussy. Just that possessive touch and she felt like a snarling wildcat, needing him now, squirming beneath his hand. But Shawn slid a couple of those magical, long fingers inside her and bit his bottom lip.
“You’re so fucking wet, my pretty,” he said, his voice vibrating with arousal. The same need that flooded her.
It didn’t appear that lust between them was getting tamped. Instead, it was growing hotter with each bout of sex.
He knelt between her spread thighs, slipping one hand to her hip, and took his cock in the opposite hand. He gave it a few sure strokes and she fought a whimper. It was so sexy when he did that.
He slipped the tip through her damp folds, pausing a second so they could both feel. Her hands made their way to his shoulders, knowing what was coming.
He entered her on one hard, sure thrust.
They both groaned as he started to move, pulling almost all the way out of her depths, and slamming home once again.
“Shawn,” she gasped. “So good. Keep going. Never stop, please.”
She felt herself inching toward her release and then it was just there, exploding all around his cock, convulsing through her body.
He held perfectly still, watching her with his dark eyes, his cock throbbing in her body, his jaw clenched. “Feel good, my pretty?”
Had he come too? There was more liquid than she expected.
“The best.”
“You’re not done yet.” He pulled all the way out of her, and urged her to turn on her stomach. He pulled her up to her knees and entered again, all the way to the hilt.
His pace was fast, delving deeply at this angle. His hands gripped her hips, slamming her backward into his as he thrust. Tempest slid her hand down through the wetness of her crotch, finding her clit, pressing it as he continued to thrust in and out of her. Her orgasm was almost there, but just out of reach. She focused on the sounds of his flesh slapping against hers, the feel of his hands possessive on her hips. The scent of sex permeating his room. He increased his rhythm, harder, deeper...
“Tempest,” he growled. “I fucking love you.”
Oh yeah. That was it. Her lips curved upward. “I fucking love you more.”
Her clit exploded under her fingers and she tumbled over the edge, pleasure twisting through her as she squeezed his cock deep inside of her. Dimly, she was aware he was coming too, her name on his lips as he poured hot sticky seed into her.
They collapsed, their ragged breaths the only sound in the room. Shawn pulled out, then collapsed on the bed next to her, spooning her against him. She could feel his heart thumping against her back.
“How many times did you come?” he asked, whispering into her ear.
“Darn. I only came twice. I guess you still owe me.”
She turned and looked at him suspiciously. Since when had Shawn ever said anything like darn?
“Not to worry. We’ll balance out next time,” he said.
Neither one of them said a word about the L-words they’d uttered. Sure, the words caused him to come harder, that was a given. But for her...the words weren’t so far off the mark.
She really did fucking love him.