By Ruth Angela © 2013
I was spinning delightfully. The joy was so full I could barely breathe. I looked down to see Wendy, my German shepherd dog, sitting in the middle of the living room and staring up at me with a question in her eyes. Next to her, my cat, Tiddles, quietly stared with her chin raised, head to one side, watching these ceiling spins. They both sat together beneath me, seeming unconcerned yet curious.
The bliss of spinning, lifting off the ground and flying in the air was more exquisite than anything I had ever known in my life. But even more than this, I was not alone. I was accompanied by an invisible beloved companion who showered love and blessings upon me as we joined in this aeronautical dance, twirling dervish-like off the ground into the air. Together, we violated the laws of Newtonian physics. But it felt natural, real, delightful fun like a child’s game, spinning around and around. We were galaxies twirling in space. We were dancers, Nataraj, thrilling each other in unified joy, spinning like binary stars. Through it all, there was bliss so ineffably delicious—a familiar ecstasy like a long forgotten warm, totally satisfying, wholly joyful pleasure.
Twenty five years later I watched a Chinese movie by Ang Lee, “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon,” where the Chinese warrior adepts flew through trees without gravity pulling them down, and I witnessed on the screen then what I too had experienced in 1979 in the ceiling of my Hawaii home. For years I had said nothing of these incredible spinning adventures because— who would believe it? But watching this movie, even though I knew it was photography, wires and animation that showed this skill, I, none-the-less, instantly understood that in ancient times these adepts had had the power and ability to fly; it confirmed for me that my ceiling spins were not entirely impossible if Chinese adepts could do this. Like them, I was able to fly, to reverse gravity and spin into the air effortlessly and without fear.
This spinning was a daily event in my life in the months after I received Shaktipat or Kundalini awakening from my spiritual teacher in 1979. This event was so life-altering in the scheme of life events, that it has taken me many years of pondering, integration and research to put it together into some kind of framework that I can understand and explain. This book is the result of my research and contemplation; it tells of my dramatic spiritual awakening, the strange and mysterious things that happened to me through an alchemical process that was triggered by my soul’s magnetizing a great saint’s energy. This sparked a process of evolution and return to my true nature.
This account of my experiences and insights may offer a modicum of comfort to others going through their own awakening, those whose numbers are increasing with every year as we approach a spiritual doorway for our species. Perhaps from these pages they can integrate the wild thrusts of energy that pulse through them, in order to become healers, artists and leaders in the world today.