1Womersley, David (ed.) (1995), Edward Gibbon, The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire Volume II. Harmondsworth: Penguin (vol. 3, chapter 28 of the first edition of 1781), 92.
2For a magisterial exposition of these newer perceptions, Brown, Peter (10th Anniversary Edition 2013), The Rise of Western Christendom: Triumph and Diversity ad 200–1000. John Wiley and Sons: xi–xlvii and 1–34.
1Grafton, Anthony, and Williams, Megan (2008), Christianity and the Transformation of the Book: Origen, Eusebius, and the Library of Caesarea. Harvard University Press.
2For the many complex problems surrounding the nature and content of the Hexapla, see the essays in Salvesen, Alison (ed.) (1998), Origen’s Hexapla and Fragments. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck (Texte und Studien zum Antiken Judentum, 58).
3Christianity and the Transformation of the Book, 178.
4For a recent discussion, Skeat, Theodore (October 1999), ‘The Codex Sinaiticus, the Codex Vaticanus, and Constantine’, Journal of Theological Studies, New Series, vol. 50, no. 2, centenary Issue 1899–1999, 583–625.
5Christianity and the Transformation of the Book, 169–70.
6Williams, Megan Hale (2006), The Monk and the Book: Jerome and the Making of Christian Scholarship. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
7For more on the iconography of St Jerome, see Chapter 19 below.
1McKendrick, Scot, Lowden, John, & Doyle, Kathleen with Fronska, Joanna, and Jackson, Deirdre (eds.) (2011), Royal Manuscripts: the Genius of Illumination. British Library Publications.
2Royal Manuscripts, 96–7.
3Royal Manuscripts, 272–5.
4Royal Manuscripts, 56–9.
5Royal Manuscripts, 70–3 : for a vivid exploration of all aspects of Henry VIII’s library, Carley, James (2004), The Books of King Henry VIII and his Wives. British Library Publications.
6Royal Manuscripts, 81–3.
7Royal Manuscripts, 130–1.
8Duffy, Eamon (2006), Marking the Hours: English People and Their Prayers. Yale University Press, 49–52.
9Starkey, David (2009), Henry, Virtuous Prince. Harper Perennial, 199–205.
1All citations of the Golden Legend refer to the one-volume reissue of the translation by Ryan, William Granger (2012), The Golden Legend: Readings on the Saints. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
2The only full-length study is Monleone, G. (1941), Jacopo de Voragine e la sua Cronaca de Genoa. Rome: Istituto storico italiano per il Medio Evo.
3For both, see Reames, Sherry L. (1985), The Legenda Aurea: A Reexamination of Its Paradoxical History. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 164ff.
4Gorlach, Manfred (1974), The Textual Tradition of the South English Legendary. Leeds: University of Leeds. However, Gorlach is inclined to minimize the influence of Jacobus.
5Seybolt, Robert Francis (July 1946), ‘Fifteenth-century editions of the Legenda Aurea’, Speculum 21:3, 327–38; brief discussion by Boureau, Alain (2000) in André Vauchez (ed.), Encyclopaedia of the Middle Ages. Chicago, London: Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers; Paris: Editions du Cerf; Rome: Città nuova), 620–1, and sources there cited.
6Golden Legend, 53ff.
7For Mirk’s dependence on Jacobus, see Powell, Susan (ed.) (2009), John Mirk’s Festial, vol. 1. Oxford: Early English Text Society O.S. 339, xxxii–xxxvii.
8For these developments, see Vauchez, André (1997), Sainthood in the Later Middle Ages. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 33–84.
9See the table of canonizations in Vauchez, Sainthood, 252–6.
10Chapters 113, 149, 63.
11Golden Legend, 24ff.
12The compact discussion by J. P. Kirsch of the elaboration of the legend in the early sources, in his article on Saint Agnes in the Catholic Encyclopedia, retains its value, despite its venerable age. It is available online at
13Boureau, Alain (1984), La Légende dorée: Le système narratif de Jacques de Voragine. Paris: Cerf, 118–20.
14Cf. Boureau, Légende dorée, 101.
15Boureau, Légende dorée, 75–108; Reames, Legenda Aurea, passim.
16This is the central argument of Reames’s Legenda Aurea.
17Cited in Reames, Legenda Aurea, 52.
1This discussion is based on the facsimile version of the manuscript with an ancillary collection of essays edited by Clemens, Raymond (2016), The Voynich Manuscript. New Haven and London: Yale University Press.
2The following discussion of Voynich as owner and the manuscript’s recent provenance is indebted to the essay by Arnold Hunt in The Voynich Manuscript, 11–21.
3The most comprehensive treatment of Kircher is Fletcher, John Edward, edited by Elizabeth Fletcher (2011), A Study of the Life and Works of Athanasius Kircher,‘Germanus incredibilis’: With a Selection of His Unpublished Correspondence and an Annotated Translation of His Autobiography. Leiden: Brill. Aries Book Series: Texts and Studies in Western Esotericism 12.
4Marci’s letter is reproduced in facsimile in, The Voynich Manuscript, 4.
5Bolton, Henry Carrington (1904), The Follies of Science at the Court of Rudolph II, 1576–1612. Milwaukee.
6On attempts to decrypt the manuscript, see the essay by Sherman, William (2016), ‘Cryptographic attempts’, in The Voynich Manuscript, 39–43: D’Imperio, M. E. (1978), The Voynich Manuscript, an Elegant Enigma. Fort George G. Meade, MD: National Security Agency.
1De Hamel, Christopher (2001), The Book: A History of the Bible. London: Phaidon, 128–9.
2For the Psalter divisions, see Taft, Robert (1986), The Liturgy of the Hours in East and West. Collegeville: Liturgical Press, 136; and Hughes, Andrew (1982), Medieval Manuscripts for Mass and Office. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 873–85.
3The standard contents are discussed in Wieck, Roger S. (1988), The Book of Hours in Medieval Art and Life. London: Sotheby’s Publications.
4Duffy, Eamon (2006), Marking the Hours, English People and their Prayers. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 3–22.
5I have based these calculations on the text of the Sarum Horae printed in STC 15973 (Regnault, 1531).
6I have used the text in Cambridge University Library Ms Kk II 7 fols 11–12.
7Duffy, Marking the Hours, 17.
8Text in Hoskins, E. (ed.) (1901), Horae Beatae Mariae Virginis, or, Sarum and York Primers. London, 147–8.
9Fisher, John, edited by J. B. Mayor (1876), English Works. Early English Texts Society, 292.
10Savage, Anne, and Watson, Nicholas (eds) (1991), Anchoritic Spirituality. New Jersey: Paulist Press, 64.
11Gascoigne, Thomas (1530), Here after folowith the boke callyd the myrroure of Oure Lady very necessary for all relygyous persones. STC 17542, London sig aii (v) – A iii.
12De Hamel, The Book, 166–89.
13I have used the texts in CUL Mss. Dd VIII 18 fols 8–9 and CUL Kk II 7 fols 11–12.
14English Writings of Richard Rolle, ed. Hope Emily Allen (1931). Oxford UP, 7.
15English Writings of Richard Rolle, 4–5.
16Horae Eboracenses, Surtees Society, 1920, 116–23: another text of the Psalter of St Jerome with a translation, identifying the psalms from which the prayer is constructed, will be found online at <>. For the standard accompanying rubric, Hoskins, Horae Beatae Mariae Virginis, 115.
17Wieck, The Book of Hours in Medieval Art and Life, 108
18Gascoigne, Myrroure of Oure Lady, fol. xv.
19Beinecke Library, Yale, Ms Vault More: Martz, Louis L., and Sylvester, Richard R. (eds) (1969), Thomas More’s Prayer Book, a Facsimile reproduction of the annotated pages. New Haven and London: Yale University Press.
20Fisher, John (1508), This treatise concernynge the fruytfull saynges of Davyd in the seven penytencyall psalms. London: STC 10902-8.
21For what follows, Duffy, Marking the Hours, 108–17.
22Marking the Hours, 111–12.
23Marking the Hours, 102.
24Duffy, Eamon (2012), ‘The spirituality of John Fisher’ in Saints, Sacrilege and Sedition: Religion and Conflict in the Tudor Reformations. London: Bloomsbury, 155–8.
25Thomas More’s Prayer Book, 194.
1Little, Lester K. (ed.) (2006), Plague and the End of Antiquity: The Pandemic of 541–750. Cambridge and Rome: Cambridge University Press, American Academy in Rome.
2The ancient Syrian sources for information about the plague are surveyed and vividly illustrated by Morony, Michael G., in Plague and the End of Antiquity, 59ff. See also the essay by Hordern, Peregrine (2004), ‘Mediterranean plague in the Age of Justinian’, in The Cambridge Companion to the Age of Justinian, ed. M. Maas. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 134–60.
3Procopius’s account of the plague is conveniently available at
4For Evagrius and his work, Allen, Pauline (1981), Evagrius Scholasticus the Church Historian. Leuven: Spicilegium Sacrum Lovaniense. Etudes et Documents, 41.
5For Evagrius’s account of the plague, Whitby Michael (trans. and ed.) (2000), The Ecclesiastical History of Evagrius Scholasticus. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 230–2.
6Plague and the End of Antiquity, 59–86.
7Plague and the End of Antiquity, 12.
8For a discussion of the plague in Anglo-Saxon England, and Becle’s account in particular, J R Maddicott, (1997) ‘Plague in Seventh century England’, Past and Present No. 156, 7–54.
9Plague and the End of Antiquity, 204.
10Plague and the End of Antiquity, 150.
11Plague and the End of Antiquity, 99–118.
12See the essay by Michael McCormick, ‘Toward a Molecular History of the Justiniac Pandemic’ in Plague and the End of Antiquity, 290–312.
13The bibliography on the Black Death is immense, and contested: worthwhile recent studies include Aberth, John (2000), From the Brink of the Apocalypse: Confronting Famine, War, Plague and Death in the Later Middle Ages. London: Routledge; Benedictow, Ole Jørgen (2004), Black Death 1346–1353: The Complete History. Woodbridge: Boydell; Byrne, J. P. (2002), The Black Death. London; Cohn, Samuel K., Jr (2002), The Black Death Transformed: Disease and Culture in Early Renaissance Europe. London: Arnold; Herlihy, Daniel (1997), The Black Death and the Transformation of the West, Harvard: Harvard University Press; Horrox, Rosemary (1994), The Black Death (sources). Manchester: Manchester University Press; Twigg, G. (1984), The Black Death: A Biological Reappraisal. London: Batsford.
1Page, Christopher (2012), The Christian West and its Singers: the first thousand years. New Haven and London: Yale University Press.
2Page, Christian West, 467, 362.
3Page, Christian West, 459.
4Page, Christian West, 458.
5Page, Christian West, 52, 99–100, 161–2, 221.
6Page, Christian West, 221, 161–2.
7Page, Christian West, 229.
8Page, Christian West, 248.
9Page, Christian West, ch. 15 passim.
10Page, Christian West, 400.
1Runciman, Steven (1954), The Kingdom of Acre (History of the Crusades, vol. 3). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 480.
2Constable’s essays on Crusade are collected in Constable, G. (2008), Crusaders and Crusading in the Twelfth Century. Ashgate.
3Succinct summaries of Riley-Smith’s influential ideas in his The First Crusade and the Idea of Crusading. University of Pennsylvania Press, 1991; and in his brilliant inaugural lecture ‘Crusading as an act of love’, in History, 65:214 (1980), 177–192.
4Tyerman, Christopher (2006), God’s War: A New History of the Crusades. Harvard: Harvard University Press,
5For an admiring biography which nevertheless throws much light on Runciman’s limitations, Dinshaw, Minoo (2016), Outlandish Knight: The Byzantine Life of Steven Runciman. London: Allen Lane.
6God’s War, 553.
7The quotation is from Robert of Rheims, recollection of Urban II’s Crusade speech at Clermont in 1095, in Philips, Jonathan (2012), The Crusades 1095–1204, 2nd edition. London: Routledge, 210–11.
8God’s War, 104.
9Riley-Smith, Jonathan (1990), The Crusades, A Short History. London: Continuum, 130.
10God’s War, 560.
11Vincent, Nicholas (2008), The Holy Blood: Henry III and the Westminster Blood Relic. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
12God’s War, 921.
1Ariès, Philippe, translated by Robert Baldick (1962), Centuries of Childhood: A Social History of Family Life. New York: Vintage.
2For a critique of Ariès’s views, Wilson, Adrian, ‘The infancy of the history of childhood: an appraisal of Philippe Ariès’, History and Theory, 19: 2 (February 1980), 132–53.
3Kertzer, David I., and Barbagli, Marzio (eds) (2001), The History of the European Family, vol. 1, Family Life in Early Modern Times, 1500–1789. New Haven and London: Yale University Press.
4Kertzer & Barbagli, History of the European Family, 219.
5Ozment, Steven (2001), Ancestors: The Loving Family in Old Europe. Harvard: Harvard University Press.
6Ancestors, 112.
7Orme, Nicholas (2003), Medieval Children. New Haven and London: Yale University Press.
8Medieval Children, 9.
9Medieval Children, 284.
1For a recent discussion of this aspect of the Prioress’s Tale, Bale, Anthony (2006), The Jew in the Medieval Book: English Antisemitism 1350–1500. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 56–88.
2Biale, David (2007), Blood and Belief: The Circulation of a Symbol between Jews and Christians. Berkeley: University of California Press; Johnson, Hannah R. (2012), Blood Libel: Ritual Murder Accusation at the Limit of Jewish History. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
3Statistics from the table printed in the Jewish Encyclopedia, 1901–6 (vol. 3, available online), 266–7.
4News item reported, for example at,7340,L-3067416,00.html and also at
5Rubin, Miri (ed. and trans.) (2014), Thomas of Monmouth, Life and Passion of William of Norwich. London: Penguin Classics, 29.
6Langmuir, Gavin I., in ‘Thomas of Monmouth: detector of ritual murder’, Speculum 59:4 (October 1984), 820–46, argues for the centrality of Thomas of Monmouth’s narrative for the spread of the blood libel: this is challenged by McCulloh, John M., in ‘Jewish ritual murder: William of Norwich, Thomas of Monmouth, and the early dissemination of the myth’, Speculum, 72:3 (July 1997), 698–740, which argues that Thomas reworked ideas which originated in continental Europe, and that his text had little subsequent influence.
7Rose, Emily (2015), The Murder of William of Norwich: The Origin of the Blood Libel in Medieval Europe. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Rose’s book won the Phi Beta Kappa 2016 Ralph Waldo Emerson Prize for outstanding scholarship.
8Rose, Murder, 45ff.
9Life and Passion, 70; Rose, Murder, 67ff.
10Bill, C. Harper, entry for William Turbe in Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
11Rose, Murder, 98.
12Life and Passion, 81, 83, 108.
13Life and Passion, 39–42, 56–63.
14Life and Passion, 80, 114.
15McCulloh, ‘Jewish ritual murder’, 740.
16Rose, Murder, 152 and note 7, 304.
1Bynum, Caroline Walker (1982), Jesus as Mother: Studies in the Spirituality of the High Middle Ages. Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, UCLA.
2Bynum, Caroline Walker (1987), Holy Feast and Holy Fast: The Religious Significance of Food to Medieval Women. University of California Press, The New Historicism: Studies in Cultural Poetics.
3Notably, Bell, Rudolf M. (1987), Holy Anorexia. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
4Bynum, Caroline Walker (1995), The Resurrection of the Body in Western Christianity, 200–1336. Columbia University Press.
5Bynum, Caroline Walker (2007), Wonderful Blood: Theology and Practice in Late Medieval Northern Germany and Beyond. University of Pennsylvania Press.
6Bynum, Caroline Walker (2015), Christian Materiality: An Essay on Religion in Late Medieval Europe. New York: Zone Books.
7Christian Materiality, 18.
8Ibid., 20.
9Ibid., 35.
10Scribner, Bob, ‘Popular piety and modes of visual perception in late-medieval and Reformation Germany’, Journal of Religious History, 15: 4 (December 1989), 448–69.
11Christian Materiality, 58.
12Belting, Hans (1994), Likeness and Presence: A History of the Image before the Era of Art. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Bynum was however aware of some of the limitations of Belting’s approach – Christian Materiality, 323.
13Christian Materiality, 66ff.
14Ibid., 131.
15Ibid., 240.
16Ibid., 185.
1The fullest collection of source material in English is Wolf, Kenneth Baxter (2001), The Life and Afterlife of St Elizabeth of Hungary: Testimony from her Canonisation Hearings. Oxford University Press, with a useful essay on her life, pp. 43ff; Bartlett, Robert (2013), Why Can the Dead Do Such Great Things: Saints and Worshippers from the Martyrs to the Reformation. Princeton and Oxford University, pp. 72–6.
2Useful and judicious if old-fashioned short account in Thurston, Herbert, and Attwater, Donald (1956), (editors) Butler’s Lives of the Saints. London: Burns Oates, vol. IV, 386–91.
3For the canonization, Wolf, Life and Afterlife, pp. 3ff.
4Bartlett, Why Can the Dead, pp. 57–64: Kemp, E. W. (1948), Canonisation and Authority in the Western Church. Oxford University Press; Vauchez, André (1997), Sainthood in the Later Middle Ages. Cambridge University Press, 22–58.
5Malden, Arthur Russell (1901), The Canonization of Saint Osmund, from the Manuscript Records in the Muniment Room of Salisbury Cathedral, Salisbury; Farmer, David Hugh (1992), Oxford Dictionary of the Saints. Oxford University Press, 368.
6Goodrich, Michael (1983), ‘The Politics of Canonisation in the thirteenth century’, in Wilson, Stephen (ed.), Saints and their Cults. Cambridge University Press, 169–87.
7On the Abbey and its significance for Henry III, Binski, Paul (1995), Westminster Abbey and the Plantagenets. New Haven and London: Yale University Press.
8Details of Louis’s life are drawn from Le Goff, Jacques (2009), St Louis. University of Notre Dame Press.
9For the Sainte-Chapelle see the essays gathered in Hediger, Christine (ed.) (2007), La Sainte-Chapelle de Paris: Royaume de France ou Jérusalem céleste? Actes du colloque Paris, Collège de France, 2001. Turnhout Brepols; for the importance of the Sainte-Chapelle for non-royal pilgrims, Cohen, Meredith, ‘An Indulgence for the Visitor: The Public at the Sainte-Chapelle of Paris’. Speculum, Vol. 83, No. 4 (Oct. 2008), 840–83.
10Shaw, M. R. B. (translator) (1963), Joinville and Villehardouin, Chronicles of the Crusades. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 177, 342.
11Gaposchkin, M. Cecilia, & Field, Sean L. (eds) and L. F. Field (translator) (2013), The Sanctity of Louis IX: Early Lives of Saint Louis by Geoffrey of Beaulieu and William of Chartres. Cornell University Press.
12Staniforth, Maxwell (translator) (1987), Early Christian Writings. Harmondsworth: Penguin, p. 131.
13Bartlett, Why Can the Dead, p. 10.
14Brown, Peter (1981), The Cult of the Saints: Its Rise and Function in Latin Christianity. London: SCM Press, 23–49.
15Brief survey in Arnold Angenot, ‘Relics and their veneration’, in Bagnoli, Martina, and Klein, Holger A. (eds) (2011), Treasures of Heaven: Saints, Relics, and Devotion in Medieval Europe. British Museum Press, 19–28.
16McCulloh, J. M., ‘The Cult of Relics in the Letters and Dialogues of St Gregory the Great’. Traditio 32 (1976), pp. 145–84; Ewald, P., and Hartmann, L. M., Gregorii Papae Registrum Epistolarum. Berlin 1887–91, 4.30.
17For Deusdona, Geary, Patrick J. (1978), Furta Sacra: Thefts of Relics in the Central Middle Ages. Princeton University Press, 44–9, and for the spread of the cult of relics more generally, 3–43.
18Hahn, Cynthia, ‘What Do Reliquaries Do for Relics?’, Numen, Vol. 57, No. 3/4, Relics in Comparative Perspective (2010), pp. 284–316; Hahn, Cynthia (2017), The Reliquary Effect: Enshrining the Sacred Object. London: Reaktion Books.
19Bartlett, Why Can the Dead, pp. 269–70.
20Farmer, David Hugh (1985), St Hugh of Lincoln. London SCM Press, 89.
21Drijvers, J. W. (1992), Helena Augusta, the Mother of Constantine the Great and the Legend of her Finding of the True Cross. Leiden, Brill.
22For the importance of reliquaries, see Hahn, Cynthia (2012), Strange Beauty: Issues in the Making and Meaning of Reliquaries, 400–circa 1204. University Park, PA: Penn State University Press; and the same author’s The Reliquary Effect: Enshrining the Sacred Object. London, Reaktion Books, 2017.
23‘That Nature is a Heraclitean Fire and of the Comfort of the Resurrection’, Phillips, Catherine (editor) (1986), Gerard Manley Hopkins. Oxford University Press, 181.
24Luxford, Julian, ‘The Nature and Purpose of medieval Relic Lists’, in Powell, Susan (editor) (2017), Saints and Cults in Medieval England. Donington. Sean Tyas, 65.
25Bagnoli and Klein, Treasures of Heaven, 127 (no. 66).
26Hahn, Cynthia, ‘The Spectacle of the Charismatic Body’, in Treasures of Heaven, pp. 163–72, and exhibits nos 104–112.
27Bagnoli and Klein, Treasures of Heaven, pp. 191–3, no. 105.
28Bagnoli and Klein, Treasures of Heaven, pp. 194–5, nos 107, 108.
29Bartlett, Why Can the Dead, p. 103.
30Geary, Patrick, ‘Humiliation of Saints’, in Wilson, Saints and their Cults, pp. 123–40.
31Cited in Van Os, Henk (2001), The Way to Heaven: Relic Veneration in the Middle Ages. Amsterdam: De Prom, 17.
32Bartlett, Why Can the Dead, p. 7.
33All three lives are included in White, Carolinne (ed.) (1998), Early Christian Lives. Harmondsworth: Penguin.
34Bartlett, Why Can the Dead, p. 521.
35See above, chapter 3 pp. 29–42.
1Bede, ed. J. McClure and R. Collins (1994), The Ecclesiastical History of the English People. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 183–4; Farmer, D. H. (1992), The Oxford Dictionary of the Saints, 3rd edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 160–1.
2Good outline account of the Saxon and Norman cult in Whatley, E. G. (ed.) (1989), The Saint of London, The Life and Miracles of St Erkenwald. Binghamton, New York: Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies, 58, 57–70 (hereafter cited as Life and Miracles).
3For Erkenwald’s shrine, Wilson, Christopher, ‘The Shrine of St Erkenwald on paper and in reality’, in Susan Powell (ed.), Saints and Cults in Medieval England, Proceedings of the Harlaxton Symposium 2015. Donington, 2017, 217–36.
4This is the suggestion of Scholz, B. W., ‘The canonisation of Edward the Confessor’, Speculum, 26 (1961), 40ff; Thacker Alan, ‘The cult of the saints and the liturgy’, in Derek Keene, Arthur Burns and Andrew Saint (eds), St Paul’s: The Cathedral Church of London 604–2004. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2004, 113–22.
5Life and Miracles, 91–7.
6Ward, B. (1987), Miracles and the Medieval Mind. Aldershot: Scolar Press, 38, 49, 68–9, 139–49, 157.
7Finucane R. C. (1982), ‘Cantilupe as thaumaturge’, in M. Jancey (ed.), St Thomas Cantilupe Bishop of Hereford: Essays in his Honour. Hereford: Friends of Hereford Cathedral, 139.
8Life and Miracles, 112–13.
9Ibid., 132–3.
10Proctor, F., and Wordsworth, C. (eds), Breviarium ad Usum Insignis Ecclesiae Sarum. Cambridge, 1886, vol. 3, cols 1036–48.
11Whatley, G., ‘A Symple Wrecche at work: the life and miracles of St Erkenwald in the Gilte Legende’, BL Add 35298, in B. Dunn-Lardeau (ed.), Legenda Aurea: sept siècles de diffusion. Montreal and Paris, 1986, 335: Horstmann, C. (ed.), Nova Legenda Angliae. Oxford, 1901, vol. 1, 391–405.
12Lawler, T. M. C., Marc’hadour, G., and Marius, R. C. (eds), The Complete Works of St Thomas More, vol. 6, pt 1. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1981, 71, 81.
13Life and Miracles, 67.
14Sparrow Simpson, W. (ed.), Registrum Statutorum et Consuetudinam Ecclesiae Cathedralis Sancti Pauli Londiniensis. London, 1873, 393–4. For fourteenth- century Londoners’ lack of enthusiasm for Erkenwald’s cult, and Bishop Braybrook’s efforts to promote it, Barron, Caroline, ‘London and St Paul’s Cathedral’, in Janet Backhouse (ed.), The Medieval English Cathedral. Donington, 2003, 143–5.
15Life and Miracles, 67, 204.
16Registrum, 394: the Mass texts are also printed, along with the St Paul’s Office for St Erkenwald, which unfortunately cannot be dated since it survives only in an eighteenth-century transcription by William Cole, in Sparrow Simpson, W. (ed.), Documents Illustrating the History of St Paul’s Cathedral. Camden Society, n.s. XXVI. London, 1880, 15–24.
17Wright, T. (ed.), Political Poems and Songs Relating to English History..., 2 vols, Rolls Series. London, 1859–61, vol. 1, 293.
18Dugdale, W. (1716), The History of St Paul’s Cathedral in London. London, 22–4; Baker, J. (1984), The Order of Serjeants at Law. Selden Society Supplementary Series, 101–4, though Baker is (unnecessarily) sceptical of any special connection.
19I have consulted six editions of the poem: Horstmann, C. (ed.), Altenglische Legenden: neue folge. Heilbronn, 1881, 265–74; Gollancz, I., Select Early English Poems, IV. London, 1922; Savage, H. L., St Erkenwald. New Haven, 1926; Peterson, C., Saint Erkenwald. University of Pennsylvania Press, 1977; Morse, R., St Erkenwald. Cambridge, 1975; Turville-Petre, T., Alliterative Poetry of the Later Middle Ages. London, 1989, 101–19. Except where otherwise stated, all citations are from the Turville-Petre edition.
20Best discussion of the dating in Peterson, Saint Erkenwald, 11–15, 21–3.
21Vauchez, A. (1997), Sainthood in the Later Middle Ages. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 432.
22Lines 267–72.
23Lines 285–304.
24Colgrave B. (trans. and ed.), The Earliest Life of Gregory the Great. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1968, 126–9.
25The evolution of the story is surveyed in Paris, Gaston, ‘La Légende de Trajan’, in Mélanges de l’Ecole des Hautes Etudes, 35 (1878), 261–298, and, more usefully, in Whatley, G., ‘The use of hagiography: the legend of Pope Gregory and the Emperor Trajan in the Middle Ages’, Viator, 15 (1984), 25–63.
26For readings of St Erkenwald as endorsing a position similar to Langland’s, Gollancz, ed. cit., xxxiv–lv; Morse, St Erkenwald, 15–31; for a definitive rebuttal, Whatley, G., ‘Heathens and saints: St Erkenwald in its legendary context’, Speculum, 61 (1986), 330–63.
27Gollancz argued, not altogether convincingly, for a connection with the Booth family of Dunham Massey in Cheshire, one of whom was dean of St Paul’s in the mid-fifteenth century, and who had many city and legal connections – ed. cit., v–vii.
28On the ‘order of the coif’, see Baker, Serjeants at Law, passim.
29Whatley, ‘Heathens and Saints’, op. cit., 330–63; Cairns, S., ‘Fact and Fiction in the Middle English De Erkenwaldo’, Neuphilologische Mitteilungen, 83 (1982), 430–8.
30Ed. cit., 54–5. The skull in which a spark of life has been miraculously preserved until priestly absolution can be obtained for the dead man is a theme found in the Miracles of the Virgin: cf. Whatley, ‘Uses of Hagiography’, 38 n.
31Ed. cit., 49.
32Colgrave, Earliest Life of Gregory the Great, 78–9.
33Ibid., 82–3.
34Lines 13–17.
35Earliest Life of Gregory the Great, 126–7.
36The historical and theological tangle is expertly unravelled in O’Loughlin, T., and Conrad O’Brian, H., ‘The Baptism of Tears in Early Anglo-Saxon Sources’, Anglo-Saxon England, 22 (1993), 65–83.
37Lines 125–6: for tears and the Spirit, see Duffy E., ‘The spirituality of John Fisher’, in B. Bradshaw and E. Duffy (eds), Humanism, Reform and the Reformation: The Career of John Fisher. Cambridge University Press, 1989, 210.
38Colgrave, Earliest Life of Gregory the Great, 128–33 (translation modified).
39Whatley, ‘Heathens and Saints’, passim.
40Leff, G. (1957), Bradwardine and the Pelagians. Cambridge University Press; and Whatley, ‘Uses of Hagiography’, passim.
41Watson, N., ‘Censorship and Cultural Change in Late Medieval England’, Speculum, 70 (1995), 842–3.
42Hudson, A. (1988), The Premature Reformation. Oxford University Press, 229.
43Line 17.
44Whatley, ‘Heathens and Saints’, 361.
45Lines 144–46; my emphasis.
46Cairns, S., ‘Fact and Fiction in the Middle English De Erkenwaldo’, Neuphilologische Mitteilungen, 83 (1982), 430–8.
47The version of the Trinubium of St Anne preserved in the commonplace book of Robert Reynes of Acle (Bod Tanner MS 407) was explicitly designed to be read aloud to a St Anne Guild.
48Salter, Elizabeth (1983), Fourteenth-Century English Poetry. Oxford University Press, 74–6; Scattergood, John, ‘St Erkenwald and its literary relations’, in Powell, Saints and Cults, 339–41.
49For the St Paul’s Jesus Guild, New, Elizabeth, ‘Fraternities: a case study of the Jesus Guild’, in Keene et al., St Paul’s, 162–3.
50McFarlane, K. B. (1998), Lancastrian Kings and Lollard Knights. Oxford University Press reprint, 207–20; Thompson, J. A. F., ‘Knightly piety and the margins of Lollardy’, in M. Aston and C. Richmond (eds), Lollardy and the Gentry in the Later Middle Ages. Stroud: History Press, 1997, 95–111.
51Horstmann, C. (ed.) (1896), Yorkshire Writers: Richard Rolle of Hampole and His Followers. London, II, 452–3; for the wide dissemination of this text, not only among clergy but as a devotional aid for the literate laity, see Joliffe, P. S. (1974), A Check-list of Middle English Prose Writings of Spiritual Advice. Toronto, 124–5; Doyle, A. I., ‘A survey of the origins and circulation of theological writings in English in the fourteenth, fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries’. Unpublished Cambridge PhD thesis, 2001, I, 219–24.
52Richmond, C., John Hopton. Cambridge University Press, 1981, 244.
53Lines 180–4.
1For the reign of Henry VI and its end, Wolffe, Bertram (1981), Henry VI. New Haven and London: Yale University Press; Watts, John Lovett (1996), Henry VI and the Politics of Kingship. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; Griffiths, Ralph A. (1981), The Reign of King Henry VI: The Exercise of Royal Authority, 1422–1461. London: Ernest Benn; Gross, Anthony (1996), The Dissolution of the Lancastrian Kingship: Sir John Fortescue and the Crisis of Monarchy in Fifteenth-Century England. Stamford: Paul Watkins Publishing.
2Wright, Thomas (ed.) (1843), Three Chapters of Letters Relating to the Suppression of the Monasteries. London: Camden Society, 222.
3All the known contemporary accounts of the burial were published in Grosjean, Paul (1935), Henrici VI Regis Miracula Postuma. Brussels: Subsidia Hagiographica, Société des Bollandistes, 129*–151*.
4Vauchez, André (1997), Sainthood in the Later Middle Ages. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 158–67; McKenna, John W., ‘Piety and propaganda: the cult of Henry VI’, in Beryl Rowland (ed.), Chaucer and Middle English Studies in Honour of Russell Hope Robbins. London, 1974; Walker, Simon, ‘Political saints in later medieval England’, in Richard H. Britnell and Anthony J. Pollard (eds), The MacFarlane Legacy: Studies in Late Medieval Politics and Society. New York, 1995; Piroyansky, Danna (2008), Martyrs in the Making: Political Martyrdom in Late Medieval England. Basingstoke: Palgrave.
5McKenna, John W., ‘Popular canonisation as political propaganda: the cult of Archbishop Scrope’, Speculum 45 (1970), 608–23.
6Craig, Leigh Ann, ‘Royalty, virtue, and adversity: the cult of King Henry VI’, Albion: A Quarterly Journal Concerned with British Studies, 35:2 (Summer, 2003), 187–209
7Lovatt, Roger, ‘A collector of apocryphal anecdotes: John Blacman revisited’, in Anthony Pollard (ed.), Property and Politics: Essays in Later Medieval English History. New York, 1984, 172–97; Lovatt, Roger, ‘John Blacman, biographer of Henry VI’, in R. H. C. Davies & J. M. Wallace Hadrill (eds), The Writing of History in the Middle Ages. Oxford University Press, 1981, 417–29.
8James, M. R. (ed. and trans.) (1919), Henry the Sixth: A Reprint of John Blacman’s Memoir with translation and notes. Cambridge University Press, 43.
9For an account of Blacman’s memoir arguing that it was intended for an elite audience and presented Henry as a model for gentlemen, Freeman, Thomas, ‘Ut verus Christi Sequestor: John Blacman and the cult of Henry VI’, The Fifteenth Century 5 (2005), 127–42.
10James (ed. and trans.), Blacman’s Memoir, 41.
11These devotions in prose and verse are printed in Grosjean, Henrici VI Regis Miracula Postuma, 234*–262*: selection in Ronald Knox and Shane Leslie (eds and trans.), The Miracles of King Henry VI. Cambridge, 1923, 7–16.
12Latin text in Knox and Leslie, Miracles, 8. Translation by E. D.
13Here begynneth the holy lyfe and history of saynt Werburge / very frutefull for all christen people to rede: Carl Horstmann, The Life of Saint Werburge of Chester, by Henry Bradshaw. London, 1887, EETS o.s. 88, lines 2835–44.
14[Of this chapell se here the fundacyon] London: Richard Pynson [1496?] (STC 25001), lines 94–101.
15Knox and Leslie, Miracles, 89–98.
16Knox and Leslie, Miracles, 41–9.
17The entire register was edited in Grosjean, Henrici VI Regis Miracula Postuma, and Grosjean provided a thorough analysis of the contents, in Latin, 1–128*: brief summary in English in Knox and Leslie, Miracles, 16–29.
18Spencer, Brian, ‘King Henry VI and the London pilgrim’, in J. Bird, H. Chapman and J. Clark (eds), Collectanea Londiniensia. London 1978; idem, ‘Pilgrim badges of King Henry VI’, Henry VI Society newsletter (December 1972), 10–13.
19Marks, Richard, ‘Images of Henry VI’, in Jenny Stratford (ed.), The Lancastrian Court. Donington, 2008, 111–24; republished in Marks, Studies in the Art and Imagery of the Middle Ages. London: Pindar Press, 2012, 607–31.
20List in Baker, Audrey, Ballantyne, Ann, and Plummer, Pauline (2011), English Panel Paintings 1400–1558. London: Archetype Publications, 120; photograph in Marks, Art and Imagery, 618.
21Ibid., 138–60; Marks, Art and Imagery, 619.
22Ibid., 142; Marks, Art and Imagery, 620.
23Marks, Richard, ‘A late medieval pilgrimage cult: Master John Schorn of North Marston and Windsor’, in Art and Imagery, 583–606.
24Baker et al., English Panel Paintings, 163–4.
25The Windsor poster, which survives only in a damaged copy now in the Bodleian Library, is reproduced in Marks, Art and Imagery, 615.
26James (ed. and trans.) Blacman’s Memoir, 36.
27Knox and Leslie, Miracles, 149–56
28Knox and Leslie, Miracles, 77–84.
29For a fuller discussion of the cult of St Walstan, and his verse legend, see above, ch. 15.
30For images of St Walstan, Baker et al., English Panel Paintings, 36, 88, 89, 118, 121, 124, 135, 140, 157, 160, 164, 170, 189, 232, 238.
31Baker et al., English Panel Paintings, 159–62.
32James, M.R. (ed.), ‘Lives of St Walstan’, Proceedings of the Norfolk and Norwich Archaeological Society, 19 (1917); 238–67.
33But it should be noted that the case made in Freeman, ‘Ut verus Christi Sequestor’ (above, note 9), perhaps militates against this association of the Blacman memoir with popular trends in the cult of the saints.
34Scholarly edition by Horstmann, Carl (1901), Nova Legenda Anglie as collected by John of Tynemouth, John Capgrave, and others, and first printed, with new lives, by Wynkyn de Worde 1516. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
35Scholarly edition by Görlach, Manfred (1994), The Kalendre of the Newe Legende of Englande. Heidelberg: Middle English Texts series, no. 27.
1Lubin, Helen, The Worcester Pilgrim. Worcester, 1990.
2Geary, Patrick, ‘The saint and the shrine: the pilgrim’s goal in the Middle Ages’, in L. Kriss-Rettenbeck and G. Mohler (eds), Wallfahrt kennt keine Grenzen. Zurich, 1984, 265. For a discussion of the specific applicability of Turner’s model to late medieval English pilgrimage, see Theilmann, J. M., ‘Communitas among fifteenth-century pilgrims’, Historical Reflections, xi (1984), 253–70.
3Henry, A. (ed.), The Pilgrimage of the Lyfe of the Manhood. EETS, 1985, 1.
4For criticism of the ‘liminality’ account of pilgrimage from alternative anthropological perspectives, see Eade, J., and Sallnow, M. J. (eds), (1991), Contesting the Sacred: The Anthropology of Christian Pilgrimage. London and New York: Wipf and Stok.
5For some other accounts of late medieval English pilgrimage, see Finucane, R., Miracles and Pilgrims: Popular Beliefs in Medieval England. London, 1977; Duffy, E., The Stripping of the Altars, Traditional Religion in England c. 1400–1580. New Haven, CT and London: Yale University Press, 1992, 155–205; Whiting, R. (1989), The Blind Devotion of the People: Popular Religion and the English Reformation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 54–9; Nilson, B. (1998), Cathedral Shrines of Medieval England. Woodbridge: Boydell and Brewer; Bernard, G. W., ‘Vitality and vulnerability in the late-medieval Church: pilgrimage on the eve of the break with Rome’, in J. L. Watts (ed.) (1998), The End of the Middle Ages. Stroud: History Press, 199–233; Webb, Diana (2000), Pilgrimage in Medieval England. London: Hambledon Continuum.
6Horstmann, Nova Legenda Anglie, vol. II, 412–15.
7James, M. R. (ed.), ‘Lives of St Walstan’, Norfolk Archaeology, 19 (1917), 238–67.
8Duffy, Stripping of the Altars, 78–9.
9The sole surviving copy of the Holy Blood poem is missing from the Gloucester Public Library, where it was on deposit: we now rely on the account in Oats, J. C. T., ‘Richard Pynson and the Holy Blood of Hayles’, The Library, 5th series, 13 (1958), 269–77.
10Printed in Dickinson, J. C. (1956), The Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham. Cambridge University Press, 124–30.
11Robinson, J. A. (1926), Two Glastonbury Legends. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; Traherne, R. F. (1967), The Glastonbury Legends. London: Cresset Press.
12His will is in PCC Adeane 23, PRO Prob 11/15 LH 187: there is no mention of Bawburgh or St Walstan.
13Duffy, Stripping of the Altars, 204.
14These details are from: Blomefield, F., and Parkin, C., An Essay towards a Topographical History of the Country of Norfolk. London, 1805, vol. II, pp. 387–90; Gill, M., ‘The Saint with a Scythe’, Proceedings of the Suffolk Institute of Archaeology, 38 (1993), 245–54; Richmond, Colin, ‘Religion’, in R. Horrox (ed.) (1994), Fifteenth-Century Attitudes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 187.
15Blomefield and Parkin, loc. cit.
16Baker, Audrey, Ballantyne, Ann, and Plummer, Pauline (2011), English Panel Paintings 1400–1558: a Survey of Figure Paintings on East Anglian Rood Screens. London: Archetype, 160 (Ludham), 156–7 (Litcham).
17Baker et al., English Panel Paintings, 118 (Barnham Broom), 120–1 (Beeston), 163–4 (Burlingham).
18Baker et al., English Panel Paintings, 159–60, 223 (Ludham), 156, 223 (Litcham), 189 (Sparham), 118 (Barnham Broom).
19Blomefield and Parkin, loc. cit.
20Gill, ‘The Saint with a Scythe’, 248.
21On the proliferation of images in late medieval parish churches, Marks, Richard (2004), Image and Devotion in Late Medieval England. Stroud: The History Press.
22NCC Punting 31r.
23Hart, R., ‘Shrines and pilgrimages of the county of Norfolk’, Norfolk Archaeology, 6 (1864), 277.
24For what follows on Woolpit, Paine, C., ‘The chapel and image of Our Lady of Woolpit’, Proceedings of the Suffolk Institute of Archaeology, 38 (1996), 8–12.
25For the Cawston screen, Duffy, E., ‘The Parish, piety and patronage in late medieval East Anglia’, in Duffy, Saints, Sacrilege and Sedition, 66–7 and figs 4 and colour plate 3; Baker et al., English Panel Paintings, 132–4.
26Fitzwilliam Museum Mss 5, Horae c .1480, fol. 57b. Such gestures are extensions of the devotional vogue for pilgrim badges and tokens. These were widely believed to retain and transmit some of the power of the shrine itself, so that even bulky lead badges were sometimes pinned or glued into Books of Hours: see pl. 1, 148 in Spencer, B. W., ‘Medieval Pilgrim Badges’, in Rotterdam Papers: A Contribution to Medieval Archaeology. Rotterdam, 1968. (Replicas of pilgrim badges painted in the margins of a Flemish Book of Hours in Sir John Soane’s Museum, Ms 4 fol. 122v.)
27Northeast, P., ‘Superstition and belief: a Suffolk case of the fifteenth century’, Suffolk Review, n.s., 20 (1993), 44–6.
28Horn J. M. (ed.), Register of Robert Hallam, Bishop of Salisbury 1407–17 (Torquay, 1982), 215.
29Bannister A. T. (ed.), Registrum Thome Myllyng, Episcopi Herefordiensis 1474–92. London, 1920, 107.
30Tanner N. (ed.), Kent Heresy Proceedings, 1511–12. Kent Records, 1997, 4, 90; Wright D. P. (ed.), The Register of Thomas Langton, Bishop of Salisbury, 1485–93. Canterbury and York Society, 72.
31Duncan L. L. (ed.), Testamenta Cantiana: West Kent. London, 1906, 271, 348.
32Harrod, H. (ed.), ‘Extracts from Early Norfolk Wills’, Norfolk Archaeology, 1 (1847), 257.
33Woodruff, C. E. (ed.), A XVth Century Guide-Book to the Principal Churches of Rome Compiled c. 1470 by William Brewyn. London, 1933, 25.
34Furnivall, F. J. (ed.), The Stacyons of Rome. London, 1867.
35Meech, S. B., and Allen, E. H. (eds), The Book of Margery Kempe. EETS 212 (1940), 75.
36Parry, J. H. (ed.), Register of Edmund Lacy, Bishop of Hereford, 1417–20. London, 1918, 21, 24, 28; Dunstan, G. R. (ed.), The Register of Edmund Lacy, Bishop of Exeter 1420–1455. Torquay, 1963, vol. I: 51, 107, 300, 306, 315; vol. II: 25, 314, 403; vol. III: 14, 38, 39, 136, 210.
37Meech and Allen (eds), Book of Margery Kempe, 22.
38Nicholas N. H. (ed.), Privy Purse Expenses of Elizabeth of York. London, 1830, 3–4.
39The faculties given to private chaplains licensed at Rome routinely specify the power to dispense all pilgrimage vows except those to these greater sites: e.g., Twemlow J. A. (ed.), Calendar of Entries in the Papal Registers Relating to Great Britain and Ireland: Paper Letters, vol. xiv. London, 1960, 189, 255.
40Wheeler, R. B. (ed.), ‘Torkington’s Pilgrimage to Jerusalem in 1517’, Gentleman’s Magazine, 82 (1812), 313.
41Duncan (ed.), Testamenta Cantiana: West Kent, 326.
42Hart, ‘Pilgrimages of the County of Norfolk’, 277.
43Harrod, H. (ed.), ‘Early Norfolk Wills’, Norfolk Archaeology, 4 (1855), 338.
1For the offerings of the Tudor kings at Walsingham, and of royal devotion more generally, Dickenson, J. C. (1956), The Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 38–47.
2Morgan, Nigel, ‘Marian Liturgy in Salisbury Cathedral’, in Backhouse, J. (ed.) (2003), The Medieval English Cathedral (Donington: Harlaxton Medieval Studies X), 89–111.
3Harrison, F. L. (1963), Music in Medieval Britain. London: Routledge, 81–8.
4Williamson, Magnus, ‘Liturgical music in the late medieval parish’, in C. Burgess and E. Duffy (eds), The Parish in Late Medieval England. Donington, 2006, 232.
5Williamson, ‘Liturgical Music’, 190, 225, 240.
6James, M. R., ‘The Sculptures in the Lady Chapel at Ely’, Archaeological Journal 49 (1892), 345–62.
7James, M. R., and Tristram, E. W., ‘The wall paintings in Eton College Chapel and the Lady Chapel of Winchester Cathedral’, Walpole Society 17, 1929, 1–44; Howe, Emily, McBurney, Henrietta, and Park, David (2012), Wall Paintings of Eton College. London: Scala; for the Winchester paintings, see the discussion by Julie Adams available at
8James, Montague Rhodes (1895), A Descriptive Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the Library of Eton College. Cambridge, 108–12; Harrison, Music in Medieval Britain, 307–29, idem, ‘The Eton Choirbook: its background and contents (Eton College Library ms. 178)’, Annales Musicologiques I (1953), 151–75; Curtis, Gareth, and Wathey, Andrew, ‘Fifteenth-century English liturgical music: a list of the surviving repertory’, RMA Research Chronicle 27 (1994), 1–69; Williamson, Magnus (2010), The Eton Choirbook, Facsimile with introductory study. Oxford: DIAMM Publications.
9For the text of Stella Coeli Extirpavit, see Horae Eboracenses (Surtees Society, 1920), p. 69.
10On rosary beads, the best study remains Wilkins, Eithne (1969), The Rose Garden Game. London: Victor Gollancz; on the evolution and content of rosary devotions, Winston-Allen, Anne (1997), Stories of the Rose: The Making of the Rosary in the Middle Ages. Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania University Press; brief treatment of the rosary in Rubin, Miri (2009), Mother of God, A History of the Virgin Mary. London: Penguin, 332–8.
11Thurston, Herbert (1953), Familiar Prayers. London: Burns Oates, 90–114.
12On the Book of Hours in lay piety, Wieck, Roger S. (1988), The Book of Hours in Medieval Art and Life. London: Sotheby’s Publications; Duffy, E. (2006), Marking the Hours, English People and their Prayers 1240–1570. New Haven and London: Yale University Press; de Hamel, Christopher (1994), A History of Illuminated Manuscripts. London: Phaidon Press, ch. 6; Smyth, Kathryn A. (2003), Art, Identity and Devotion in Fourteenth-Century England: Three Women and their Books of Hours. London and Toronto: British Library Publications.
13Winston-Allen, Stories of the Rose, 65–80.
14Wilkins, Rose-Garden Game, 40.
15Details in Duffy, The Stripping of the Altars, 289.
16There is no accessible study-edition of the text of a standard medieval Book of Hours: the contents of such books in England in the late Middle Ages, allowing for the regional variations, can be gathered from the Surtees Society edition of Horae Eboracenses, cited in note 9 above.
17I have translated the text from Horae Eboracenses, 63–4.
18Duffy, Stripping of the Altars, 258.
19For a discussion of some of the issues raised by devotion to the sorrows of Mary, Duffy, E., ‘Mater Dolorosa, Mater Misericordiae: theological dimensions of late-medieval popular devotion to Mary, the Mother of God’, New Blackfriars (May 1988), 210–227.
20The fullest discussion of the European background of devotion to the Pietà is Ziegler, Joanna E. (1992), Sculpture of Compassion: the Pietà and the Beguines in the Southern Low Countries c. 1300–c. 1600. Brussels and Rome: Institut. Historique Belge de Rome.
21Stripping of the Altars, 260–1.
22I have translated from the text in Horae Eboracenses, 66–7.
23See the title page reproduced in Duffy, Marking the Hours, 143.
24Duffy, Stripping of the Altars, 266–98.
25Cambridge University Library, MS Ii. 6.2.
26For the Roberts book and the discussion which follows, Duffy, Marking the Hours, 81–96.
27Gordon, Dillian (ed.) (1993), Making and Meaning: the Wilton Diptych. London; Gordon, Dillian, Monnas, Lisa, and Elam Caroline, (eds) (1997), The Regal Image of Richard II and the Wilton Diptych. London: Brepols.
28Skinner, David, ‘William Cornysh: clerk or courtier?’, Musical Times, 138: 1851 (May 1997), 5–12; Bent, Margaret (1981), Dunstaple. Oxford: Oxford University Press; Fitch, Fabrice, ‘Hearing John Browne’s motets: registral space in the music of the Eton Choirbook’, Early Music, 36:1 (February 2008), 19–40.
29For the post-Reformation afterlife of Walsingham, and the revival of the shrine(s) in modern times, Waller, Gary (2011), Walsingham and the English Imagination. Farnham: Routledge.
1For Wingfield, see the collection of essays gathered in Bloore, Peter, and Martin, Edward (eds) (2015), Wingfield College and its Patrons. Woodbridge: The Boydell Press.
2Meiss, Millard (1978), Painting in Florence and Siena After the Black Death: The Arts, Religion, and Society in the Mid-Fourteenth Century. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
3Delumeau, Jean (1990), Sin and Fear: The Emergence of the Western Guilt Culture, 13th–18th Centuries. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 3.
4Delumeau, Sin and Fear, 475.
5For an outstanding study of the other great de la Pole mortuary foundation, Goodall, John A. A. (2001), God’s House at Ewelme: Life, Devotion and Architecture in a Fifteenth-Century Almshouse. Aldershot: Routledge.
6Burgess, Clive, ‘A fond thing vainly invented: an essay on Purgatory and pious motive in late-medieval England’, in S. J. Wright (ed.) (1988) Parish, Church and People: Local Studies in Lay Religion, 1350–1750. London: Hutchinson.
7Figures from the 1998 Cambridge PhD dissertation by Rachel Elizabeth Ward, ‘The foundation and functions of perpetual Chantries in the Diocese of Norwich c.1250–1547’.
8Burgess, Clive, ‘An Institution for all seasons: the late medieval English college’, in Clive Burgess and Martin Heale (eds) (2008), The Late Medieval English College and its Context. Woodbridge: Boydell and Brewer, 3–27, at 19–20; and for a discussion of the relationship between monasteries and collegiate churches more generally, Martin Heale, ‘Colleges and monasteries in late medieval England’ in the same collection, 67–86.
9Matthew Parker’s transcription of the Statutes of Mortimer College is in Corpus Christi College Cambridge, Parker Library, Ms 108, item 8, fols 75–82, 117–24.
10I have used the text in Horstman, Carl, Yorkshire Writers, 2 vols. London, 1895, vol. 1, 383–92; there is a modern scholarly edition by Harley, Marta Powell, A Revelation of Purgatory by an Unknown Fifteenth-Century Woman Visionary: Introduction, Critical Text, and Translation, Studies in Women and Religion 18. Lewiston: NY, 1985; for the context and early distribution of the vision, Erler, Mary, ‘A revelation of Purgatory (1422): reform and the politics of female visions’, Viator 38:1 (2007), 312–383.
11Duffy, Eamon, The Stripping of the Altars. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1992, 346.
12Northeast, Peter (ed.), Wills of the Archdeaconry of Sudbury, 1439–1474: wills from the register ‘Baldwyne’, Part 1. Woodbridge, Suffolk Record Society, 2001; Northeast, Peter, and Falvey, Heather, Wills of the Archdeaconry of Sudbury, 1439–1474, Part II: 1461–74. Woodbridge, 2009.
13Northeast, Wills, Part 1, 842.
14Northeast, Wills, Part II, 187.
15The will is printed in Tymms, Samuel (ed.), Wills and Inventories from the Registers of the Commissary of Bury St Edmunds, and the Archdeacon of Sudbury. Camden Society 1850, 15–44.
16Manley, Frank, Marc’adour, Germain, Marius, Richard, and Miller, Clarence (eds), Complete Works of St Thomas More, Vol. 7. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 111.
1The quotation is from Clare’s sonnet ‘Crowland Abbey’, in John Clare, The Midsummer Cushion, ed. Kelsey Thornton and Anne Tibble. Ashington: Carcanet, 1990, 394; two of Cotman’s watercolours of the Abbey are available online at
2For the Abbey’s finances, Page, F. M. (1934), The Estates of Crowland Abbey: A Study in Manorial Organisation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; Raban, Sandra (1977), The Estates of Thorney and Crowland: A Study in Medieval Monastic Land Tenure. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
3For the Abbey’s history, Gough, R., The History and Antiquities of Croyland-Abbey in the County of Lincoln (London, 1783 [recte 1784]), with A Second Appendix to the History of Croyland (London, 1797) and, for a modern overview, A History of the County of Lincoln, vol. 2 (originally published by Victoria County History, London, 1906), 105–18.
4The literature on the ‘Historia Croylandensis’ and its various continuations is immense: a start can be made with Searle, W. G., Ingulf and the Historia Croylandensis. Cambridge, 1894; Williams D. (ed.), ‘The Crowland Chronicles 615–1500’, England in the Fifteenth Century. Woodbridge, 1987, 371–90; Roffe, David, ‘The Historia Croylandensis: a plea for reassessment’, English Historical Review, 110:435 (February 1995), 93–108; Hicks, Michael, ‘The second anonymous continuation of the Crowland Abbey Chronicle 1459–86 revisited’, English Historical Review, 122:496 (April 2007), 349–370: Pronay, N., and Cox, J. (ed.), The Crowland Chronicle Continuations 1459–86. Richard III and Yorkist History Trust, London, 1986; Hiatt, Alfred, The Making of Medieval Forgeries: False Documents in Fifteenth-Century England. London, 2004, esp. 36–69; Ispir, Christian Nicolae, ‘A Critical Edition of the Crowland Chronicle’, King’s College London, PhD dissertation, 2015.
5Fulman, William (ed.), Rerum Anglicarum Scriptorum Veterum, Tom 1. Oxford 1684, 77; Riley, Henry T. (trans.), Ingulph’s Chronicle of the Abbey of Croyland, with the continuations of Peter of Blois and anonymous writers. London: George Bell and Sons, 1908, 155.
6Colgrave, Bertram, trans. (1956), Felix’s Life of St. Guthlac. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 87: Darby, H. C. (1940), The Medieval Fenland. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; Oosthuizen, Susan, ‘Culture and identity in the early medieval Fenland’, Landscape History, 37:1 (2016), 5–24.
7McClure, Judith, and Collins, Roger (eds) (1994), Bede, The Ecclesiastical History of the English People. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 95–6.
8Felix’s Life of Saint Guthlac, 81–3.
9Henderson, George D. S., ‘The imagery of St Guthlac of Crowland’, in Ormerod, W. M. (ed.), England in the Thirteenth Century: Proceedings of the 1984 Harlaxton Symposium. Grantham, UK: Harlaxton College, 1985, 76–94, some points of which are corrected in Alexander, Jennifer S., ‘Guthlac and Company ... on the west front of Croyland Abbey Church’, in Susan Powell (ed.), Saints and Cults in Medieval England. Donington: Harlaxton Studies, 2017, 249–64; Bolton, W. F., ‘The Croyland quatrefoil and Polychronicon’, Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 21 (1958), 295–6.
10Farmer, David High (1992), Oxford Dictionary of the Saints. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 221.
11Szarmach, Paul E. (ed.) (1981), Vercelli Homiles ix–xxiii. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. Survey of early material on Guthlac in Black, John, ‘Tradition and transformation in the cult of St Guthlac in early medieval England’, The Heroic Age: A Journal of Early Medieval Northwestern Europe, 10 (2007).
12Roberts, Jane (ed.) (1979), The Guthlac Poems of the Exeter Book. Oxford: Oxford University Press; Roberts, J., ‘An inventory of early Guthlac materials’, Mediaeval Studies, 32 (1970), 193–233; Sharma, Manish, ‘A reconsideration of the structure of “Guthlac A”: the extremes of saintliness’, Journal of English and Germanic Philology, 101:2 (April 2002), 185–200.
13Warner, G. F. (1928), The Guthlac Roll. London: Roxburghe Club (facsimile); discussion in Henderson, note 7 above.
14Chibnall, Marjorie (ed.) (1968), The Ecclesiastical History of Orderic Vitalis, vol. II. Oxford: Oxford University Press, xxiv–xxix, 332–50.
15Lewis, C. P., ‘Waltheof, earl of Northumbria (c. 1050–1076)’, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004; Scott, F. S., ‘Earl Waltheof of Northumbria’, Archaeologia Aeliana, 4th ser., 30 (1952), 149–215.
16Latin text of the Vita Waldevi in Michel F. (ed.), Chroniques anglo-normandes, Tome 2. Rouen 1836, 99ff: the text of the account of the twelve miracles 131–42; discussion of authorship and provenance, Watkins, C. S., ‘The cult of Earl Waltheof at Crowland’, Hagiographica, 3 (1996), 96–112 at 97–8.
17For what follows, Watkins, ‘Cult of Earl Waltheof’, and Scott, ‘Earl Waltheof of Northumbria’, 149–215; Mason, Emma, ‘Invoking Earl Waltheof’, in David Roffe (ed.), The English and Their Legacy, 900–1200: Essays in Honour of Ann Williams. Woodbridge: The Boydell Press, 185–203.
18Vita Waldevi, 131–2.
19Vita Waldevi, 132–3.
20Vita Waldevi, 133–4.
21Vita Waldevi, 134–5.
22Vita Waldevi, 135–6, 138–9.
23Vita Waldevi, 140–1.
24Vita Waldevi, 139.
25Vita Waldevi, 141–2.
26Vita Waldevi, 136, 137.
27See the remarks in Watkins, ‘Cult of Earl Waltheof’, 105–6.
28Chibnall, Orderic Vitalis, 348.
29Chibnall, Orderic Vitalis, 342.
30I diverge here from the conclusions of Dr Watkins, ‘Cult of Earl Waltheof’, 111.
31Caley, J., and Hunter, J. (eds), Valor Ecclesiasticus Temp. Henrici VIII: Auctoritate Regia Institutus; printed by command in pursuance of an address of the House of Commons of Great Britain, vol. 4. London, 1821, 85.
32Riley, Ingulph’s Chronicle, 476; Fulman, Anglicarum Scriptorum Veterum, 560.
33This was a mass celebrated by priests employed by the Boston guild of the Blessed Virgin, which carried the same religious benefits as a mass celebrated at the Scala Coeli shrine in Rome, a privilege negotiated on the guild’s behalf by, of all people, the young Thomas Cromwell.
34Riley, Ingulph’s Chronicle, 444; Fulman, Anglicarum Scriptorum Veterum, 541.
35Fulman, Anglicarum Scriptorum Veterum, 540–1; Riley, Ingulph’s Chronicle, 442.
36Riley, Ingulph’s Chronicle, 434–9; Fulman, Rerum Anglicarum Scriptorum Veterum, 537–9.
1H. Leclercq in Cabrol, F., and Leclercq, H. (eds) (1920), Dictionnaire d’Archéologie Chrétienne et de Liturgie. Paris: Letouzey et Ane, Editeurs, iv (i), cols 1260–1 (‘Docteurs de l’Eglise’); Rice, Eugene F. (1988), Saint Jerome in the Renaissance. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 89–90.
2Rouse, R. H. and M. A., ‘Ordinatio and Compilatio Revisited’ in M. D. Jordan and K. Emery (eds), Ad Litteram: Authoritative Texts and their Medieval Readers. University of Notre Dame Press, 1992, 120–1.
3Holmstedt, G. (ed.), Speculum Christiani, A Middle English Religious Treatise of the 14th Century. EETS, 1933.
4BL Add Ms 28026 f 2r; Bodley Ms 243 f 115v (from which the quotation in the text comes). I am indebted to Professor Anne Hudson for these references and for guidance on this general point.
5Cigman, G. (ed.) (1989), Lollard Sermons. Oxford: Oxford University Press, xlvii, 51; cf Matthew, F. D. (ed.), The English Works of Wyclif hitherto unprinted. London 1880, 58, 118, 258, 429.
6Tanner, Norman P. (ed.) (1977), Heresy Trials in the Diocese of Norwich 1428–31. London: Camden Society, Fourth Series, vol. 20, 148.
7Thompson, J. A. F. (1965), The Later Lollards 1414–1520. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 66.
8Ibid., 65–6.
9Townsend, George, and Cattley, S. R. (eds), The Acts and Monuments of John Foxe, vol. iv. London 1837, 207–8.
10Where they were originally in the Library – Hutchinson, F. E. (1949), Medieval Glass at All Souls College. London, 38, 43, 49 and plates xxviii and xxix.
11Wayment, Hilary, King’s College Chapel Cambridge: the Side-Chapel Glass. Cambridge 1988, 194–5, illustrated 196.
12Rushforth, G. McN. (1936), Medieval Christian Imagery as Illustrated by the Painted Windows of Great Malvern Priory Church. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 253–4, 316–20.
13Nichols, Ann Eljenholm (2002), The Early Art of Norfolk. Kalamazoo, MI: Medieval Institute Publications, 153–7.
14Nichols, Early Art of Norfolk, 159
15Lasko, Peter (1994), Ars Sacra 800–1200, 2nd ed. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, pl. 149.
16Rice, Jerome, 64–5.
17Lucy Wrapson dates the seated figures of the Doctors on the Lessingham screen to c.1508–1520: Lucy Wrapson (2017) ‘Towards a new methodological approach for interpreting workshop activity and dating medieval church screens’, in Spike Bucklow, Richard Marks and Lucy Wrapson (eds), The Arts and Science of the church screen in Medieval Europe, Woodbridge the Boydell Press, 69. As Wrapson argues, my own earlier conjecture that the superimposed figures date from the Marian restoration now seems unlikely, given similarities in their workmanship to early Tudor screens at Fritton and elsewhere.
18Jonathan Alexander, ‘The pulpit with the Four Doctors’, in N. Rogers (ed.), England in the Fifteenth Century. Stamford: Harlaxton Medieval Studies, 1994, 198–206, the Latin tags cited in note 9, 200; Nichols, Early Art of Norfolk, p. 154.
19For a general discussion of these screens, Duffy, E., ‘The parish, piety and patronage in late medieval East Anglia: the evidence of roodscreens’, in B. Kumin and K. L. French (eds) (1997), The Parish in English Life 1400–1700. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 133–62.
20For the presence of the Doctors on Devon screens I have relied on personal inspection and on the (alphabetically arranged by parish) listings in Bond, F. B., and Camm, Bede (1909), Roodscreens and Roodlofts, vol. 2. London: Pitman and Sons. Fuller bibliography in Duffy, ‘Parish, piety and patronage’, 133, note 2.
21Listed in Williamson, W. W., ‘Saints on Norfolk rood-Screens and pulpits’, Norfolk Archaeology XXXI (1955–7), 229–46; approximate dates for many of the screens are provided in Cotton, S., ‘Medieval roodscreens in Norfolk – their construction and painting dates’, Norfolk Archaeology, XL (1987), 44–54. A fuller list of datings, based in part on Cotton’s work, is printed in Wrapson, ‘Towards a new methodological approach’, 49–51.
22This is discussed more fully in The Stripping of the Altars: Traditional Religion in England c. 1400–1580. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1992, 238ff, and see plate 49, reproducing the Mass of St Gregory and the opening of a prayer to the Trinity usually attributed to St Gregory.
23Hoskins, Edgar, Horae Beatae Mariae Virginis or Sarum and York Primers with Kindred Books. London, 1901, 124; for this and other prayers with apotropaic powers attributed to St Augustine, see also Leroquais, V., Les Livres d’Heures Manuscrits de la Bibliothèque Nationale, vol. 1. Paris, 1927, xxv, 274, 280, 329.
24Rice, Jerome, passim.
25For a representative example, see the illuminated page from a Sarum book of hours of c. 1430 (made in Bruges) reproduced in Arnould, Alain, and Massing, Jean Michel (1993), Splendours of Flanders. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 103 (catalogue item 33).
26An observation for which I am indebted to Mr Nicholas Rogers. For some examples of the conjunction of image and psalter, CUL Mss, f 164v–176v: Dd.6.1., f 130v: Kk.6.10, f 148v.
27For a priest’s book with Jerome’s psalter, CUL Ms Ee.5.13 fol. 3ff.
28Amphlett, J. (ed.), A Survey of Worcestershire by Thomas Habington, vol. 2. Oxford: Worcester Historical Society, 1895, 177.
29Kirschbaum, Engelbert (ed.), Lexikon der Christlichen Ikonographie, vol. 2. Herder, 1970, cols 529–38.
30Mâle, Emile (1986), Religious Art in France: the Late Middle Ages. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 212–13 and plates 122–3.
31Kurth Willi (ed.) (1963), The Complete Woodcuts of Albrecht Dürer. Toronto, 14 and plate 69.
32Van Os, Henk (1994), The Art of Devotion in the Late Middle Ages in Europe 1300–1500. Amsterdam, 118–22.
33Christiansen, Keith, et al. (1988), Painting in Renaissance Siena 1420–1500. New York, 63–77.
1Cited in Webb, Diana (1999), Pilgrims and Pilgrimage in the Medieval West. London, 240.
2Maine G. (trans.), The Imitation of Christ. London, 1957, 236 (Book 4, ch. 1).
3Cited in Eire, Carlos (1986), War Against the Idols: the Reformation of Worship from Erasmus to Calvin. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 34.
4Aston, Margaret (1988), England’s Iconoclasts. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 107.
5Hudson, Anne (ed.) (1978), Selections from English Wycliffite Writings. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 87.
6Aston, England’s Iconoclasts, 133–43.
7Hudson, English Wycliffite Writings, 83, 84; for the frequency of this subject in Alabaster, Cheetham, Francis (1984), English Medieval Alabasters. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 296; and for a listing of almost 130 surviving alabaster images of the Trinity, Cheetham (2003), Alabaster Images of Medieval England. Woodbridge: Boydell, 147–53.
8Eire, War Against the Idols, esp. chs 3 and 4.
9Atson, England’s Iconoclasts, 408–45.
10Cited in Aston, England’s Iconoclasts, 210–11.
11A Dialogue concerning Heresies, in Lawlor, Thomas M. C., Marc’hadour, Germain, and Marius, Richard C. (eds) (1981), Complete Works of Sir Thomas More, vol. 6, pt 1. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 35–70.
12Duffy, E. (1992), Stripping of the Altars. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 380–1; for the attack on the rood of Dovercourt, Aston, Margaret (1993), Faith and Fire. London, 263–5.
13For which see Aston, England’s Iconoclasts, 201–10: the translation was A Treatise Declaryng and Shewing Dyvers Causes that Pyctures and Other Ymages ... are in no Wise to be Suffred in the Temples or Churches of Cristen Men. London 1535.
14Aston, Faith and Fire, 296.
15Stripping of the Altars, 383–5.
16Frere, W. H., and Kennedy, W. M. (eds), Visitation Articles and Injunctions of the Period of the Reformation, vol. II. London 1910, 5–6.
17Formularies of Faith Put forth by Authority in the reign of Henry VIII. Oxford, 1825, 134–8.
18Visitation Articles and Injunctions, II, 37–9.
19Stripping of the Altars, 408–20.
20Duffy, E. (2001), The Voices of Morebath. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 34–5.
21Cheetham, Medieval English Alabasters, 53.
22Hughes, P. L., and Larkin, J. F. (eds) (1964), Tudor Royal Proclamations 1485–1553. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 229–32: Duffy, E. (2006), Marking the Hours. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 29, fig. 17.
23Tudor Royal Proclamations, 275–6; examples of the defacement of images and prayers relating to Becket in books of hours in Duffy, Marking the Hours, 152, 153, 154, 164.
24Cheetham, English Medieval Alabasters, 317–32: Alabaster Images, 156–60.
25Bradshaw, C. (1996), ‘David or Josiah? Old Testament kings as exemplars in Edwardian religious polemic’, in B. Gordon (ed.), Protestant History and Identity in Sixteenth-Century Europe. Aldershot, 77–90; for a fascinating exploration of another ‘Josian’ representation of Edward’s reign, Aston, Margaret (1995), The King’s Bedpost: Reformation and Iconography in a Tudor Group Portrait. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
26Visitation Articles and Injunctions, 169.
27Stripping of the Altars, 453–60.
28Aston, England’s Iconoclasts, 267.
29Marks, Richard (2004), Image and Devotion in Late Medieval England. Stroud: History Press, 4, 251, 314 (note 116).
30For a general discussion of the disposal of Church goods in Edward’s reign, Duffy, E., ‘The end of it all: the material culture of the late medieval English parish and the 1552 Inventories of Church Goods’, in Saints, Sacrilege and Sedition: Religion and Conflict in the Tudor Reformations. London: Bloomsbury, 2012, 109–29.
31Turnbull, William (ed.), Calendar of State Papers, Foreign Series, of the Reign of Edward VI. London 1861, vol. 1, 54–5.
32An alabaster retable in the chapel of the Château de Grandmont bears an inscription, ‘Ex dono M I Baille Huius Ecclesiae rectoris, 1551’, making it likely to be a product of these Edwardian sales: Cheetham, Medieval English Alabasters, 53.
33Examples of survival in Cheetham, Medieval English Alabasters, 53.
34Stripping of the Altars, 543–559.
35Halliwell, James Orchard (ed.), Tarlton’s Jests and News out of Purgatory. London, 1844, 86–7; Marks, Image and Devotion, 268.
36Stone, Lawrence, Sculpture in Britain: the Middle Ages. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1972, 233.
1Christensen, Carl C. (1979), Art and the Reformation in Germany. Athens, OH: Ohio University Press, 64; Koerner, Joseph Lee (2004), The Reformation of the Image. London: Reaktion, 2004, 38.
2Koerner, Joseph Lee (2004), The Reformation of the Image, London, Reaktion, 38.
3Koerner, Reformation of the Image, 160
4The most comprehensive introduction in English to Cranach and his work is the catalogue to the Royal Academy of Art’s 2008 exhibition, Brinkmann, Brodo (ed.), Cranach. London, 2008; for an overview of Cranach’s career, ibid., 17–27.
5Brinkmann, Cranach, plates 37–44.
6Evans, Mark, ‘Lucas Cranach and the art of humanism’, in Brinkmann, Cranach, 49–62.
7Koepplin, Dieter, ‘Cranach’s paintings of Charity’, in Brinkmann, Cranach, 63–80.
8Koerner, Reformation of the Image, 226.
9For a fascinating discussion of the evolution of Lutheran attitudes to devotional art, which significantly modifies Koerner’s thesis, Heal, Bridget (2017), A Magnificent Faith: Art and Identity in Lutheran Germany. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
10Brinkmann, Cranach, plates 72–3.
11Brinkmann, Cranach, plates 103, 111, 112, 113, 114.
12Tacke, Andreas, ‘With Cranach’s help: counter-Reformation Art before the Council of Trent’, in Brinkmann, Cranach, 81–90.
13Koerner, Reformation of the Image, 303.
14Koerner, Reformation of the Image, 352.
15Koerner, Reformation of the Image, 358.
16Brinkmann, Cranach, plates 101, 104, 105, 110, 111.
17Brinkmann, Cranach, plate 114. Under the headline ‘Venus banned from London underworld’, Maev Kennedy in the Guardian of 13 February 2008 wrote: ‘Wearing nothing but her best necklace, a wisp of gauze and a foxy expression, Venus has been delighting connoisseurs for almost 500 years – but she has been banned from the underworld, as London Underground has decided she is likely to offend rather than enchant the capital’s weary commuters.’