Cassidy offered her friends and Guardians the use of her shower and clean robes to wear after they had cleaned up; the robes appeared from nowhere for each of them, so that part was easy.

She waited until the last one had exited the shower and settled in the living area, before trying to clean up herself. Cassidy spent time in the office, ordering food and supplies for tomorrow, pizza for tonight.

The doorbell chimed just as the last of her friends finished in the shower. Cassidy announced she was going to get in the shower, then join her friends for pizza. They had all been quiet and subdued. She was beginning to worry because none of her friends seemed to be dealing with anything, she decided to clean up before she started that discussion.

She had just entered the bathroom when there was a light knock on the door; she opened it and was surprised to see Justice standing there in a robe. He apologized for interrupting, but he wanted to look at her wounds that needed cleaning before she showered.

She was surprised that Justice had to remind her she was hurt. She didn’t feel any of the pain she should be, and was even more surprised when she looked down and saw she was a bloody mess.

Cassidy opened the door wider to allow him into the bathroom with her. He had a first aid kit in his hand and very gently had her sit down. “I will treat the shoulder first,” he said.

Cassidy winced as he pulled her shirt off her shoulder. The blood had dried and her shirt was stuck. He took his time freeing the shirt from the wound. Finally, he said, “You have several pieces of glass in your skin; I can call a doctor or try to get them myself. Which would you prefer?”

“Go ahead,” she said, “I don’t have the energy to call or wait.” Cassidy felt him tug on the pieces of glass, and she realized they were bigger than she had thought. “Wow, I didn’t even feel those in there, now it’s starting to hurt.” She grimaced as he took a large piece out of her shoulder blade.

Justice had just finished her shoulder when Kallen appeared in the doorway. “Pizza is here. Shit, Cassi what the hell did you do?” He came into the bathroom.

All of her friends were squishing in, each exclaiming their dismay when they saw her wounds.

Celli started crying again. “Cassi, you have to take better care of yourself. What if something happens to you too?” Cami's eyes filled up and nodded her head with Celli.

Justice spoke up to the crowd, “Guys, I’m taking care of her. Her shoulder is cleaned up; I have gotten all the glass out. We have to see to her leg, which may need stitches, so can I get some room? Kallen can you stay and help?” he asked; the rest of her friends left and Kallen closed the door.

“Sorry, I shouldn’t have said that so loud, but I was surprised; usually Cassi is a wimp. When she has even a sliver, she screams and cries; this should have created a huge screaming scene.” He teased, “I’m shocked, and we haven’t heard crying coming from in here.”

Cassidy tried to smile, but it didn’t quite look right considering her eyes were tearing and her face was scrunched in pain, “Shut up, loser, this is really hurting now.”

Justice had been looking at her leg and said briskly, “Off with the pants.”

“Excuse me?” She questioned, “It will be harder than that to get me to take off my pants in front of you guys. In fact, I believe the word would be impossible!”

“OK, take off your pants, please, before I have Kallen hold you down while I do it!” Justice chuckled with a serious look on his face.

“Come on, just cut the pants, they’re ruined anyway,” she pleaded.

“Sorry, Cass, you have to take them off. The cut is too high on your leg. What’s wrong, are you wearing the famous Granny panties that Kristen bought you last year?” Kallen pointed out grinning.

If she had been with Kallen, she would have taken them off without a thought. They grew up together; she thought of him like a brother and wasn’t embarrassed with him.

Justice was another story. She was thinking of the sexy underwear she had put on this morning and not the Granny panties Kallen was talking about. Did he really need to see she had on matching bra and panties? Since he could see her bra strap already, he would know if she had to take off her pants too.

Finally, Cassidy rolled her eyes and asked for a towel at least.

Cassidy said, “No peeking, either of you.”

“You wish,” Kallen said and held up a big towel.

Cassidy started to pull down her pants when she felt it tugging on the cut on her leg, and she had to stop and take a deep breath before continuing. “Are you ok?” she heard Justice ask with a worried tone.

“No, I don’t think I can do this. It's already bleeding again. I can feel it and parts of my pants are caught in the wound,” Cassidy said looking at her leg.

Justice and Kallen pulled down the towel and looked at her leg. The boys both gasped when they saw the extent of the injury.

“Oh my God, Cassidy, sit down,” Kallen exclaimed and pushed her back onto the chair. “Justice, really, do we need a doctor? This looks bad.”

Justice took a bottle of antiseptic and said, “Hang on,” before he dumped the medicine on her leg without any warning.

“Pay backs are a bitch, both of you need to remember that when I sneak into your rooms and shave your heads,” Cassidy gritted out. “Justice, we are going to have to work on your bedside manner a little. Like, before you do that again, try to prepare me by saying ‘this may hurt’ or ‘here comes the nasty stuff’ not ‘hang on’. Unless you would like me to use your hair to hang on with?”

Little by little, they worked her pants off, and by the time they had them off, Cassidy had used every cuss word known to man and some she had just made up. The gash on her leg was about 6 inches in length and very deep.

“Stitches here or hospital, I can do them. I have all the stuff, but it is really going to hurt. At least at the hospital you would get painkillers,” Justice said.

“Yeah, but do you have lollipops?” Cassidy asked. “Just kidding, go ahead, I’m not going to the hospital.”

Justice nodded and went to work. She gritted her teeth when she could feel the tug on her leg. There was blood running down her calf, and she was starting to feel light headed when he finally said he was done.

Kallen had been his make-shift assistant and had tried to keep her blood wiped up, but the floor was a mess. Therefore, the guys began cleaning up while Cassidy remained where she was. Cassidy was trying to keep her wits about her and not concentrate on the pain.

“You need a shower now,” Justice said pulling her into a standing position. “We aren’t leaving until we’re sure you’re not going to pass out.”

“I refuse to get naked in front of you; it’s bad enough that you and I have already played doctor, Bernie will have a fit when he finds that out,” she said more calmly than she felt, Cassidy was trying to make light of an embarrassing situation that seemed to get worse and worse.

“Get in the shower, pull the curtain, and throw out your clothes,” Justice said while he rolled his eyes at her joke. “You do realize I’m not leaving, right?”

“You know you’re a little bossy there, big guy. Who made you King?” she teased.

“You did. Now, get in the shower before I strip you myself,” Justice said and pushed her toward the shower.

Kallen had been standing by the door quietly, looking at the pair. When Cassidy got into the shower and threw out her clothes, they went right into the trash.

Kallen turned to Justice. “Thank you for taking care of her. You will have your hands full if you decide to stay. Since I didn’t get to do the big brother thing earlier, if you hurt her, you will answer to me.” Justice nodded in agreement, Kallen hit him on his uninjured shoulder and left the room.

Justice sat down on the chair Cassidy had occupied and thought about the girl in the shower. She had bowled him away the first time he met her, since then he had been impressed with how she handled herself in different situations.

It wouldn’t take much before he was completely in love with her. She had blown him away with her fearless approach to the dangerous situation earlier. He respected her caring nature and protective attitude of her Stronghold. Cassidy was going to be a great leader, and he was going to be by her side.

The water turned off and Cassidy yelled, “Hey, anyone still out there? I need a robe and a towel. I feel a little dizzy.”

Justice jumped up and handed her a robe through the curtain, soon she pushed it open and held out her hand for Justice to help her out of the shower.

He grabbed her hand and lifted her up and into his arms so she wasn’t touching the floor. Cassidy was staring into his eyes and she wrapped her arms around his neck. “Thanks,” she said breathlessly.

Justice smiled at her and sat her on the ground. Her arms remained wrapped around his neck, leaned against him and put her head on his chest. He pulled her into a hug, and that was all it took. The floodgates released and Cassidy began crying against him.

He lifted her back up and then sat on the chair with her in his lap. She cried for Kristen and her friends, for her people, and for herself.

What a day this had been, finally her sobbing quieted and Cassidy felt Justice rubbing her back; at first it was comforting, but then it turned into something else.

She lifted her head and Justice handed her a tissue. She cleaned her face and looked at him again.

Justice leaned in and kissed her gently on the lips. The nice gentle kiss turned quickly into passion, Cassidy turned around and was straddling him, which he didn’t seem to mind because he was pulling her closer to deepen the kiss. They continued sitting like this and kissing for a long time.

Justice was the one who had to pull back; he rested his forehead against hers and whispered, “As much as I would like to do this, I think we need to break and go and eat pizza.”

Cassidy looked down and saw her robe had opened partly, and she quickly grabbed the two sides and pulled them together turning red. “Sorry I threw myself at you,” she said stiffly standing and pushing her hair back.

Justice groaned, “Cass, do you really think I was complaining? Honey, I just don’t want you to regret anything. Let’s take it slow; you know you drive me crazy, right? From the first time I saw you flying through the air and landing on the street. Your hair was all messed up, and you had dirt everywhere, and the only thing I wanted to do was kiss you silly.” Then he kissed her quickly and intensely to make his point.

Cassidy said, “Whew,” then opened the bathroom door and walked into the living area that was full of her friends just hanging out. They had gotten pillows from somewhere and created a huge pit area where they all were sitting and talking. Cassidy saw Kallen turn and look at her with a worried expression.

“I’m fine, stitches are done and antiseptic has been applied, and we’re good,” Cassidy said wearily and she got a plate of pizza and a soda and sat down. Justice did the same thing and sat next to her. Cassidy realized they hadn’t officially met Justice.

“Guys, I want you to meet Justice. He was chosen by my father as my mate. With all of these happenings, I think we are lucky to have him in our Council,” Cassidy said and then she pointed out all of her friends to him and told him what Guild they were from and their names.

He nodded to them and said, “Hi. I have seen all of your parents, and as of a year ago, they were fine. I gave Cassidy the same information that I’m giving all of you. My parents owed the rebels a debt, and I was payment. I had to work off their debt, which of course was impossible to do, but CJ liked to make a show out of paying me then taking the money away. Cassidy’s father and mother and I became very close, her father snuck me jewels to sell to pay off my debt. I’m the only slave to have ever had enough money to buy their freedom. Trust me, CJ was pissed and is still pissed that I could buy my freedom. I have already pledged myself to Cassidy,” and he showed them his jewels, which caused all of them to look at her, and she lifted her hands to show them the addition.

Of course they were all excited. Cassidy and Justice explained to them they had decided to accept the match just before they got back to the castle. Cassidy and Justice briefly went over what had transpired while they were gone. Justice told them about the swords and arriving back at the castle.

They all sat and talked about Kristen and supported Eli, as he broke down again, and Charlie, when he could not talk anymore. Then they all fell asleep in the living area together. Cassidy felt someone lifting her and putting her into the bed, but she never opened her eyes.

When she woke, Cami and Celli were in bed with her sleeping. The girls had curled together to comfort each other even during sleep. Cassidy laid there for a minute thinking she was going to have to get up soon, but right now, she was able to deal with her feelings alone. She closed her eyes and thought over things that had happened yesterday. Unfortunately, it wasn’t a dream; there were friends dead and supporters in need of her leadership.

Cassidy heard the door open, and she opened her eyes to see Dyl checking on them. She lifted her hand and waved at him. Dyl came in and whispered, “Do you need anything?”

“No, do you? I’m sorry. I forgot last night and you have to be grieving too. Eli has always been more sensitive than you; I forget you need comfort too. Do you need to talk?” Cassidy asked and grabbed his hand. “Oh Dyl, I will listen for however long you need me. Kristen was an important person in our lives; she will remain with us in our memories.” At first Cassidy didn’t think Dyl would take her up on her offer, and then he sank beside her bed and started crying.

Cassidy slipped out of bed. She put her arms around him, and she rocked him as he sobbed.

Finally, his tears subsided and he sat up. “Thank you, Cassidy, I needed that. I haven’t been able to cry since yesterday. Everything seems so unreal, one minute she was there and the next she was gone. What am I going to do without her?”

Cassidy kissed his cheek and said, “I will always be here for you. Don’t ever doubt that I love you, brother, and Eli. Whatever else happens? You are part of our family, and we will make it through together. Charlie and Eli too, if anyone needs anything, you just come and get me.”

Cassidy and Eli talked quietly for a while more, and then they jumped on the bed and woke up the girls. She used the bathroom first and put on a loose sweat suit so she wouldn’t hurt the cut on her leg. She exited her suite and found no one in the living area. Cassidy could smell something good coming from the kitchen and followed the smell of coffee.

There were people everywhere eating on the bottom floor, Cassidy had arranged for some local caterers last night, but was surprised they had pulled it off this quickly.

The food was great and there were workers from the catering place cleaning up, Cassidy was so impressed she went looking for the owner. She found him in the dining room gathering plates. She realized when she saw him, he was in a Guild.

Cassidy asked from which he belonged to and complimented him on the food. They talked about his business, which was struggling a little right now. Cassidy saw the opportunity and asked him if he would like to maintain his catering business out of their kitchen, as long as he maintains their kitchen. He could use their facilities to cook out of.

He would be able to cut his costs by not paying rent. The caterer, who was a Wizard, jumped at the chance, and she made a meeting for later in the week to firm up the details. Cassidy had hired him through the end of the week to cook for the Stronghold anyway, so he would be around.

Cassidy felt good that she had started her day out so constructively. She knew she was going to be having meetings with her people today, so she got right to it. She announced members needed to sign up for appointments starting as soon as she ate.

She left a piece of paper on the table for anyone to sign up that wanted to talk to her. Then announced she would pick the list up on the way to her first appointment in her office.

Cassidy wandered around for a few minutes looking for her Council. They were also busy helping those in the Stronghold that needed things that belonged to their Guilds.

Eli, Charlie, and Dyl went to arrange for Kristen’s funeral. Cassidy thought it was best for them to go by themselves; the funeral home would not be prepared for such a large group.

Since no one knew if the farmer had any family, they were also taking care of him. Cassidy instructed the funeral home that she would pay for the cost of the funeral and to spare no expense, the man had died a hero.

There were men from the Stronghold that were going over to the farm to see what could be salvaged and what was going to need to be taken away. Some of the women had made food for the Stronghold to help the caterers.

Cassidy was impressed the way the members of her Stronghold were pulling together and actually seemed to be growing. Some of the members of the town had decided they were needed on the Stronghold grounds and had pitched tents and were helping rebuild already. Bernie, Bea and Liam were organizing the Guild members and told her to go to her office and get started fixing this mess.

Cassidy took her third cup of coffee and started up the stairs looking around wondering where Justice and Sam were. She climbed the steps and knocked on his door. There was no answer, shrugging she went into her rooms, which had been straightened out from the previous night.

She was in deep thought when she opened the door to her office, Cassidy thought the office was empty and discovered that Justice, Sam, and Tina were there. They startled her so much her coffee sloshed over the rim of her cup. Justice came and took the cup, shaking his head and chuckling.

“I guess this is my new job in life, to keep you safe. I thought it was going to be an easy job, but I’m quickly discovering it’s a full time position.”

Tina and Sam both giggled at Justice, and Cassidy glared at them. “Um, I don’t need a babysitter. I was just not expecting my office to be so active right now.”

“So what’s going on in here so early?” Cassidy asked and Justice looked up and smiled.

“Waiting for you,” he responded. “We have meetings today?”

“Yes, I have the list right here.” She waved the paper. “Sam and Tina, do you want to go over to Justice’s room and use his office while we meet with people in here?”

They nodded and stood up still talking and walked out of the door. Cassidy shook her head and said, “Bring your chair over here.”

They sat at her desk and she said, “Before the meetings, I need to talk to you about some things. Tina has all the paperwork for your accounts, and she will give them to Sam. We share our accounts, so I have given you and Sam signing ability. In addition, we have to begin our training soon so I have asked Bernie to set a schedule. That’s it, are you ready?”

“Nope,” he said.

“No?” she asked as he leaned his head down and kissed her.

“Good Morning, Cass,” he said.

“Good Morning, Justice,” and she kissed him again.

“Now I’m ready, do you want me to get the first person?” he asked.

“Yep.” And they began their day together. They met with most of the people in the Stronghold, got their perspectives of what they needed to feel safe and what they needed replaced after yesterday.

They didn’t even stop for lunch. Tina and Sam brought them food so they could work through lunch. Some of the Council came and went throughout the day, making plans and changes to schedules. They also gave their opinions when needed. By the end of the day, Cassidy was exhausted, but they had accomplished a lot.

The Council all met and agreed they would be able to start lessons as soon as the funeral was over. Until then, they had many things to do to make their Stronghold protected. Cassidy and Justice explained the new security that was being installed, and told them they were all going to be protected with guards when they left the Stronghold. Kallen and the boys argued briefly but conceded that they needed help until they found their soul's gifts.

The Stronghold was gaining members by the minute so it was a little easier to find Warriors willing to be guards. Cassidy asked everyone who had an appointment today to ask around for those interested. By the end of the day, Cassidy had filled almost all the positions. She hadn’t found anyone for her, but was making sure her friends were taken care of first.

Her land that had been mostly unused began to fill up quickly with more people joining them. They were getting a great community brought together. Justice told the Council the rebel Stronghold was the size of Loveland, and they had control over everything.

Cassidy instructed those who were new to the Stronghold they must speak with each Council member and explain to them what they planned to do for the Stronghold. Permission to practice their trade was given as long as they made the pledge to Cassidy and Justice.

Cassidy was getting ready for bed, her room being her own again. She was getting ready to shower when she noticed the bandage on her leg had bled through. She tried to peel it off, but it opened and began bleeding. Cassidy tried to get it to stop but was unable to. She was in her robe and needed help. She didn’t want to try to get dressed because she was applying pressure to her leg, but it seemed to be getting worse.

Cassidy tried walking to the door while applying pressure but that did not work either. Finally, she gave up, walked out her door and across the hall to Justice's room, and knocked. She was wiping up the blood that was trailing down her leg when the door opened. Justice surveyed the situation, swept her up in his arms, and took her into his bathroom.

Cassidy barely had time to catch her breath before he was cleaning her wound and trying to get the bleeding to stop. She told him what happened and he muttered, “Stitches tore a little.”

He looked up at her briefly and asked, “Will you be ok to get it stitched again? I can wait if you need me to get someone.”

“Get it over with,” she said.

“Are you sure? This may hurt.” he replied.

“I’m not as big of a puss as Kallen made me out to be,” she said.

Justice got his supplies together and cleaned her wound again. She was a weenie, but she was going to suck it up. She didn’t want to look like a weakling in front of Justice.

He told her she needed three stitches replaced, and so she kept her eyes closed when he did the first one, she bit her tongue so hard it could have been bleeding too.

Shit, that hurt, she thought and continued to keep her eyes closed. She began to feel the tears coming and tried to stop it but without success. Justice was so intent on completing her stitches, he didn’t see her crying until he was done and looked up to tell her he finished.

“Oh sweetheart, I’m sorry I hurt you. I was so concentrated on stopping the bleeding I wasn’t paying attention. How bad does it hurt?” he asked wiping the tears from her eyes.

She cried a little more and then said, “Justice, I’m a weenie, and I don’t care. I hate pain and being hurt. I’m a terrible patient. I don’t care; I can’t be brave about this. Owwwie,” and she leaned into him.

She felt him laugh and she looked up and saw sympathy in his eyes. “Do I need to kiss and make it better?”

“Yes,” she said shyly.

Justice kissed her leg softly and then her hand and her cheek and finally his mouth settled on hers. Cassidy sighed in contentment as he kissed her.

He gently picked her up, took her into his living area, and settled in a big chair with her on his lap.

“Let’s veg out for a while before you go to bed,” he suggested. Cassidy nodded and rested her head against his shoulder and looked at the TV that was on his wall. She had one identical to it, but had yet to turn it on.

They sat watching a popular cop show, and she felt her eyes grow heavy. She was too relaxed to move. Cassidy knew she was going to fall asleep on Justice but couldn’t even get enough energy to tell him.

Cassidy woke up still sitting on his lap curled into a ball, someone had pulled a blanket over them, but Justice had also fallen asleep, and he looked uncomfortable.

Cassidy tried to move, but his arms tightened around her. She didn’t want to wake him up, but she figured she had little choice if she wanted him to be able to walk straight tomorrow.

She freed her arms and he didn’t wake. She ran her hand over his cheek. He didn’t wake up. Cassidy shook his shoulder and he still did not wake up. So she began tracing her finger around his eyes, around his nose, and then his lips; she thought maybe he was teasing her. She lowered her head and kissed him lightly on the cheek, and then she knew he was awake because she felt his arms tighten around her slightly, and she smiled.

It was still the middle of the night. Cassidy sighed and whispered in his ear, “Aren’t you uncomfortable?”

Justice whispered back, “Not with you in my arms. I could never be uncomfortable. If I move, you’ll go back to your room; would you consider just sleeping for one night in my room, so I can hold you?”

Cassidy knew she didn’t want to go to her room because she felt safe with him. She needed that right now so she pulled herself up, grabbed his hand and pulled him up.

She took his hand and silently led him to his room. There was a light on by the bed. She approached the right side of the bed, pulled back the covers, and crawled in. Justice pulled the covers over her, went to the left side, and mimicked her.

This was a huge king size bed, and Cassidy giggled a little and scooted until she was in the middle. Justice did the same and took her in his arms so her head was resting on his chest.

Justice was rubbing her back up and down, making Cassidy have a hard time sleeping; she was relaxed but very aware of him. His arm started slowing. His breath evened out, and he was asleep. Cassidy laid and listened to his heart beating steadily, and she finally dropped off.

Cassidy was dreaming again, she was sure of it. Something was on top of her that would not let her go and Cassidy began to think she was being attacked. She started fighting and kicking; before she was fully awake, she could hear Justice laughing.

She opened her eyes and saw she had kicked him on the floor; he was lying in a heap holding his stomach. “Shit, you have a seriously wicked right hook, and we won’t talk about your kicking. You may want to consider a different job; I hear the Broncos are looking for a new kicker.”

Cassidy smiled at him over the edge and said, “I’m not used to sleeping with someone. I’m sorry.” Her face turned red as she heard what she said, and she rolled over and groaned, insert foot into the mouth.

“I would hope not, but in the future, we may have to practice more or I will have to wear hockey equipment to bed,” he teased, “How would it look for the King to have a black eye every other day? I will admit, you can kick my ass in private but let me have some dignity in public.”

Cassidy joined in with the lighthearted approach and said, “Maybe you should improve your bedroom skills then because people may get the right idea that you can’t satisfy me.” Cassidy hopped out of bed and turned in time to see him jump for her; she was able to turn at the last minute so he fell on the bed and missed.

Cassidy stuck her tongue out and ran for the door, as he got up to chase her, she made it as for as the living area when she was pulled back. She laughed as he tickled her and tried to get away again; that only caused them to fall over the couch wrestling.

After a few minutes, Justice finally got the upper hand and had her pinned to the couch, and they were both out of breathe from laughing and wrestling. They were catching their breath when Sam and Tina came into the room.

“Oh my god, sorry for interrupting,” Sam said quickly and pulled Tina back out the door. Cassidy and Justice laughed harder at the look they had on their faces.

“It will be the talk of the castle in 5 minutes,” Cassidy said.

“I know I have to protect your virtue and become your official mate.” Justice said, “It’s a hardship, but I’ll make due, I mean you do cook and do laundry don’t you?”

Cassidy’s eyes widened and she hit him in the shoulder. “Yeah, as soon as you want to feed me my bon bons, I’ll get right on that,” she retorted.

“Hmmm, I will have to think about that, what else you are good at?” he said with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

“Kicking your ass,” and she threw him over the back of the couch with her legs.

“Hey!” Justice yelled and fell on the floor. “Ohh, I’m hurt,” he cried.

Cassidy thought she had really hurt him so she jumped up and ran around the couch where he was waiting, and tackled her to the floor.

“Crap,” she screamed as she hit the floor.

Justice didn’t give her time to catch her breath and he was kissing her. Cassidy was still trying to fight for air and return the passionate kiss when she flipped him on his back and she sat up straddling him.

“Ok buster, no more games,” she teased, “The Queen is requiring her daily amount of kissing before we face the day.” She leaned down to him and kissed him again, he quickly flipped her over and made sure she got her money’s worth this morning. They were exploring each other’s mouths when Cassidy began moving her hand under his shirt, feeling his muscles ripple under her hands.

All she could think was what a beautiful body he had. Then she sucked in her breath because his cold hand had done the same thing up her back, dragging her tee shirt up with it. Cassidy was so involved in kissing Justice that it took her a minute to realize they were starting to move beyond kissing.

My goodness, she barely knew him, what was she thinking? They just met officially yesterday, but she felt like she had known him her whole life. It just felt right.

Justice made her forget everything but him when he started kissing her; the sensational feelings consumed her, so she didn’t want to stop. She felt his hand moving around her rib cage gently tracing the outline of her bra. She had never felt this out of control before, and she pulled his shirt off so she could feel his skin against hers. She was feeling his arms and back muscles while never breaking contact with his mouth.

Justice had to be feeling the same out of control feelings she was because he didn’t hear the door open again until Kallen’s loud whistling finally brought his head up. His body was protecting Kallen’s view from seeing Cassidy’s shirt pulled up to her neck. He swiftly pulled it down without her friends seeing it when he stood up.

“Dude, knock and if there’s no answer, that means no entering. Where are your manners?” Justice was frowning when he was talking. Kallen’s smile grew bigger as Justice talked.

“Man, I tried that for 5 minutes. I knew you were in here because your secretaries are out wandering the hallways outside of Cassidy’s room. They plainly interrupted you before, so they were hanging out in the hallway with your first two appointments of the day, which you are now late for I might add. By the way, Cassidy maybe you should give Tina a key so if this happens again, I don’t have to be scarred for life seeing you two kissing. Us kids are very impressionable so you need to lock the doors,” and Kallen left laughing hysterically.

Cassidy groaned and sat up, trying to tame her hair that was full of static now and flying uncontrollably around her face. “Shit,” and she stood up “gotta go buddy,” and she kissed him quickly and walked to the door. When she opened the door, there were about 15 people wandering the hallway, which of course, included her friends.

“Justice, thanks for breakfast,” she said mischievously and shut the door when she saw the shocked look on his face.

Cassidy held her head high, went to her door, opened it and stepped in before saying, “I’ll be prepared in a few minutes.” She hit her forehead with her palm and went to her bathroom for a quick shower that turned out longer than expected when her hair refused to cooperate. She hadn’t had a hair cut in so long it was a tangled mess. She finally pulled her hair into a ponytail, changed her clothes, and went to her office to start the day.

Tina was at her desk and just grinned at her when she walked in. Cassidy rolled her eyes and said, “Who does hair around here?”

Tina shrugged and replied, “The only Guild member I know of is Serenity, and she owns this awesome full day spa in town. Do you want an appointment?”

“Yes, get the first available for me. Cami, Celli, Bea, and you together, kinda like a chick’s day out. If it’s in a few weeks all the better, we need to get our training in order,” Cassidy answered and asked her to get the first appointment of the day.

Justice came in with the caterer who had been waiting patiently in the hallway. They began their meetings for the day, and it was similar to the day before except they finished at 3:00 pm. They went to find the other Council members who were finishing their meetings also.

That turned into a dinner together in the dining room, they had so much to discuss, and they would have the funerals tomorrow. They decided to start training again after the weekend.

They started out by talking about the funerals. Cassidy wanted to make sure Eli, Dyl, and Charlie were satisfied with what they planned. She was hosting the dinner afterward, and she was going over the menu and plans to release doves. They moved on to the changes that were taking place in the Stronghold.

Each one took a turn talking about what they had been doing the previous day. Eli of course, went first, and he told them about what they had planned for the funerals and then talked about an Elf he had met in town.

“An older Elf came up to me when we were in the flower shop, he told me he was a master Weapon smith and he wanted to join our Stronghold. He gave me names of references, none of which I knew of course, but I wrote them down anyway. He was ready to pledge his loyalty right there, but I told him we were making decisions as a group and I would have to bring it to all of you. He also told me he knew Kristen and was appalled by the attack, and wanted to join us as our personal master Weapon smith. After talking to him, I would have to say I trust he’s telling the truth, and I have looked up his references and many are very well known in the Guild world.” Eli completed his report, and they voted positively on having Roan the Elf invited into the Stronghold. Eli said he would talk to him tomorrow after the funeral.

Celli and Cami discussed their search for the farmer’s wife, who was a member of the Fairy Guild. They had found several people who had seen her after she had let the rebels into the Stronghold.

They had finally found her mode of transportation away from the Stronghold; she had stolen a car from the lake beach parking lot and found it off an exit going to the mountains. They figured she had hitched a ride from there to CJ and the rebel’s Stronghold.

They had also had several members of the Fairy and Gnome Guild. Each wanted to join the Stronghold, the most interesting person being a master weather watcher and a master planter. They were sisters, both with families who wanted to pledge their loyalty to them. Once again, they were accepted into the Stronghold. Cassidy was writing down names so they could find land for them to build on in the Stronghold.

Dyl reported several new families wanted to join their Stronghold and had put the word out they needed a trainer for the Guilds, but so far, no one had come forward. He thought that one family had good control of their powers and would help protect the Stronghold better with their spells. In addition, there were several older teens in the family that would be excellent guards if trained correctly. They discussed how they were going to protect the Stronghold while they were gone.

Cassidy and Justice explained how they were having a security fence put around her property and in each of the residences. There would be a personal security system put in the houses. In addition, there would be a building added to the property that would be a place for all the members to go if there was danger.

The building will contain food and weapons for all the members. Bernie was in control of the planning and construction of the panic house. Bea was in charge of stocking what they would need for a few days if they needed to stay inside for a while. Cassidy was planning to look at it after the meeting, when she was going to check on how everyone was feeling in the Stronghold.

Kallen announced that he had met eight new Solaris and Rangers. They wanted to join the Stronghold; among them were an eagle and a wolf that as lookouts around the perimeter would be great assets. A baker and a mechanic were also in the group. Kallen had also been in charge of setting up accounts for the new secretaries and the house manager that they had not found yet. So they discussed who they thought would be able to fill the position, but no one came to mind.

Cassidy and Justice told them about the caterer they had hired for her castle. They also talked about what they intended to do with the land and how they were going to split it up among the different Guilds. Cassidy thought the members would be more comfortable in sections for each Guild around the Stronghold.

Cassidy also talked about starting the training; after the weekend, they all agreed it would be best to start right away, so they decided to begin the day after the funeral. It was evident from all the people they had talked to that they wanted leaders that were going to put everything in order again. Cassidy couldn’t do anything until they had all completed the training.

They talked into the night until they were all exhausted again from another grueling day and they retired to their rooms. Cassidy wasn’t looking forward to tomorrow and was already becoming emotional. She needed a shoulder to cry on again and Justice walked her to her room and asked if she wanted him to stay with her tonight.

It was as if he had read her mind, she didn’t even answer, instead took his hand and led him into her room. This time Justice lay on top of the covers and held her to comfort her. She cried herself to sleep, trying to get it all out before the funeral. She wanted to look strong in front of her Stronghold.

The funeral for Kristen was beautiful and sad. Cassidy couldn’t control her emotions and cried anyway. She always hated it when she cried because she couldn’t help thinking what Kristen had told them, royals do not show many emotions in public. The Guild members want to think they have control of any situation, including death.

At the gravesite, Cassidy was supposed to read a prayer. She had been unable to read what she prepared, and Justice took over for her. Every day he was becoming more indispensable to her and the Stronghold. It was as if they had been together for years, Justice was very attuned to Cassidy and her feelings. During the day, he anticipated her needs often and Cassidy was grateful he was there.

After the service, they all went back to the castle for a luncheon the new caterer had put together. He had done a wonderful job, Cassidy thought, even though she could not choke down even a small amount. They sat and talked about Kristen and their memories. Cassidy actually enjoyed it and was glad to have some happy memories to end the day. They all went to their rooms for the rest of the day after everyone left, to get ready for the next day when they would start training again. Justice had gone to his room in order to catch up with them on what history they had already learned. Cassidy had taken the opportunity to finish talking to the people in the Stronghold. When she was finished, Cassidy asked Bernie to meet her in the morning before the lessons.

Cassidy thought the bikes she ordered for her friends would be coming in the next few days. Justice and Cassidy talked at great length about safety and other issues with her gift. He was going to have Bernie set up lessons for all of them while they were in training, so when the time came, Cassidy and her friends would be ready to hit the road together. When they were little, Cassidy and her friends played a game where they would pick a city and research it to find fun things they would do if they had the chance to travel there.

Cassidy was second-guessing herself a little because Kristen had been the adventurous Guardian. Cassidy knew Kristen would have supported her in her decision to buy her Council the gift of a custom motorcycle. Bea was very reserved and would never even let the kids ride bicycles in the street let alone a ‘motorized killer’, as she referred to them. Kristen had always been her cheerleader, and now, when she needed it the most, she was on her own.

Cassidy went to bed feeling very conflicted and alone. She dreamed of Kristen. When they were little, the fun she planned for Cassidy and her friends. Cassidy tossed and turned as each memory replayed in her dreams, because no matter how much she wished, when she woke up in the morning, Kristen would still be gone.