
NUS Talent Development Programme (TDP). The latter is an extension of the ‘gifted programme’ offered to the top 1% of students at the university.

I achieved this not as a ‘mugger’, but as a student who still found time to start his first business in event management at the age of 15 with a couple of friends. The company, Event Gurus Pte Ltd, exists to this day and is extremely successful. I also spent much of my time as an Executive Trainer at the Super-Teen™ programme, helping thousands more students to unleash their true genius.


I begin this book with my life experience not to impress you, but to impress upon you the fact that if someone like me who was at the bottom and who was labelled as a lousy student could end up topping a national university and being in a gifted programme, then I believe anyone can!

You just need to create the desire
within you to aim for what you
want, believe in yourself and learn
the strategies to achieve success.
This is what this book is all
about. I want to share with you
all I have learned because the
journey to self-discovery is the
most exciting one anyone can
embark on. Are you ready to
create an extraordinary new life
for yourself? Then turn the page
and read on!


I Am Gifted, So Are You!