You often hear people complain that they are not as smart as other people. They say they have a slower brain, a less creative brain or one that just cannot absorb anything. ‘If I were smarter, I would do a lot better in school’ is one of the most common excuses I hear. Many people ask me if I believe that some students are just more intelligent than others. My answer is always a definite yes. More intelligent students learn faster and produce better results. I always continue by saying that ‘your intelligence is your responsibility’. What I mean is that if you are not intelligent, it is your fault. ‘But how can I help it if I am not intelligent?’ is always the reply.
Well, I believe that a person’s
intelligence can be trained
and anyone can become more
intelligent. If you decide today
that you want to increase your
brain power, your intelligence,
your memory and your ability
to think, you can! While I
acknowledge that there are
some people who are born
gifted, most gifted people or
geniuses were self-trained! I
am a good example. I basically
trained my brain to be gifted.
I Am Gifted, So Are You!