With the full arsenal of super memory techniques, you would have taken care of the first criteria of excelling in exams. You would have the ability to recall all the facts and figures in a short period of time.
But having content intelligence is not enough to get you that ‘A’! The second test of exams is perhaps even more important. It is the ability to apply your content knowledge to the different combinations of questions that the examiners can throw at you.
In order to master the ability to apply what you have learnt, you must develop a range of core thinking skills that include creative, analytical and critical thinking. The thinking skills you must master include:
• Comparing data for similarities and differences
• Analysing information and relationships
• Identifying cause and effect
• Selecting and organising relevant information
• Making inferences
• Creative problem solving
• Explaining and elaborating
• Evaluating information for reliability and relevance
• Distinguishing facts, non-facts and opinions
• Drawing conclusions from evidence
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