accessibilism, 199–200
accountability, 131–32
Acts, book of, 85
Adams, Marilyn McCord, 74–76, 147
Alcorn, Randy, 38, 43, 124–25, 155–56
Alpha and Omega, 24–25, 27, 48–49
altruism, 169–73, 175–77, 179, 182–85, 228n9
Antichrist, The (Nietzsche), 42
Apostles’ Creed, 29–30
Aquinas, Thomas. See Thomas Aquinas
Aristotle, 20–22
atonement, 101–3
Augustine, 155
Baxter, Richard, 214
beatific vision, 37–39
Bloesch, Donald, 206–7, 210–11
body, the, 43–44
and dualism vs. physicalism, 120–27
and “intermediate heaven,” 124–27
and purgatory, 126–27
resurrection of, 29–30, 32, 119, 222n19
See also identity
Brothers Karamazov, The (Dostoevsky), 140–42, 145, 148–49, 153, 159–61
Brown, David, 133–34
Calvin, John, 155–56
Can Catholics and Evangelicals Agree about Purgatory and the Last Judgment? (Salkeld), 93
Castaldo, Chris, 113–14
Christmas Carol, A (Dickens), 134–38
Colossians, book of, 150
compulsion, and repentance, 78–82
Corinthians, First, book of, 41, 125
Corinthians, Second, book of, 114, 124–25, 146
Craig, William Lane, 229n7
creation, theology of, 29–32, 42–43
Credo, 93
Creel, Richard, 145
dancing, 43–44
and the afterlife, 29–32, 124–25
death of, 32–33
identity after, 117
repentance after, 198–208
Dickens, Charles, 134–38
Divine Comedy (Dante), 24, 122–24, 187–91, 195–98, 210
Dostoevsky, Fyodor, 140–42
dualism, and the body, 120–27
“Dualism of Practical Reason” (Sidgwick), 166–69, 175, 182
Edwards, Jonathan, 155
Einstein, Albert, 63
eros, sexual, 28–29
evil, problem of, 139
and atheism, 144–45
Christian response to, 146–49
and perpetrators, 148–53
evolution, 172–73, 175, 177, 181
Fletcher, John, 95
forgiveness, God’s
and evil, 149–52
Forsythe, P. T., 206
Four Loves, The (Lewis), 87–88
fragmentation, and modernity, 33–34
freedom, 51, 73, 79–80, 108, 113
and divine and human will, 74–76
and repentance, 78
“Free Man’s Worship, A” (Russell), 50–53
Genesis, book of, 35
grace, 115, 150–51, 158, 193, 199
sufficient vs. optimal, 94, 199–203, 208–11
Great Divorce, The (Lewis), 87–90, 156–57, 207–8
Gregory, Saint, 196
happiness, 19–23
and Alpha and Omega, 24–27
great thinkers on, 20–23, 26–27, 110
and love, 23–24
Happiness (movie), 22
Hart, David Bentley, 85–86
and being with God, 35–39
and boredom, 218
and culture, 34–35
and death, 32–33
doctrine of
critique of, 42–44
and problem of evil, 140–51, 159–62
and suffering in hell, 153–58
and Eden, 39
and happiness, 24–27
identity in, 117–20
and longing, 27–29
loss of the dream of, 47–50, 64–65
and fleetingness of life, 58–64
and irony, 57–58
and meaning of life, 54–62
Russell on, 50–53
and Sisyphus, 53–55
and new earth, 29–32
and sex, 28–29
and truth, beauty, and goodness, 33–34, 47
Hebrews, book of, 93–94, 151, 184, 204
doctrine of, 208–9
as eternal, 187–89
as forcibly imposed punishment, 78–80, 82
and the rich man and Lazarus, 82–84, 89–90
as freely chosen, 86–89
and a loving God, 67–68, 70–73, 85
and freedom, 69–90
logic of, 68–70
and purgatory, 189–209
suffering in, 79–84
and image of fire, 85–86
and joy in heaven, 153–58
and the presence of God, 84–86
Hitler, Adolf, 149–53
Hugo, Victor, 163–65
Hume, David, 131
and character change, 133–38
and the life story, 127–30, 133–38
and modern thought, 131–32
theories of, 127–30
through death and resurrection, 117
and dualism vs. physicalism, 120–27
and “intermediate heaven,” 124–27
and Jesus, 117–19
intimacy, with God, 37
as incommensurate good, 147–48
James, book of, 73
Jesus Christ, 26, 28, 32, 115–16
and the incarnation, 36–37, 102–3
as Lamb of God, 44–46
postresurrection appearances of, 117–19
and sanctification, 106–9
and trinitarian love, 70–72
John, book of, 26, 28, 37, 44–45, 46, 207
and love, 70–72
John Paul II, Pope, 181–82
Jugie, Martin, 97–98
justice, God’s, 198–99
justification, by faith, 103
Le Goff, Jacques, 189
Letters to Malcolm (Lewis), 99, 109–10
Levinas, Emmanuel, 172, 183–84
on hell, 70, 87, 156–57, 210–11
on sanctification and faith, 104–9
and freedom and hell, 70–73
of God, 213–14
and postmodern suspicion, 214–16
and postmortem repentance, 197–203, 209–11
as ultimate reality, 44–46, 67
See also hell: and a loving God
Love Wins (Bell), 193
Luke, book of, 84, 114, 115–16, 117–18, 204–5
MacIntyre, Alasdair, 131–32, 185
Mark, book of, 137–38
Matthew, book of, 28, 31, 36, 207
Mavrodes, George, 186
meaning of life, without heaven, 53–57, 64–65
and fleetingness, 58–64
and human intellect, 57–58
Mere Christianity (Lewis), 100–107
Methods of Ethics, The (Sidgwick), 166–69
Michael (movie), 39–40
Mind and Cosmos (Nagel), 216
Misérables, Les (Hugo), 163–65, 180–82
morality, 163–65
and altruism and egoism, 165, 169–77, 179, 182–85, 228n9
Christian account of, 178–86
and emotivism, 185
and “empiricists” vs. “transcendentalists,” 174–76
and evolution, 172–73, 175, 177, 181
and heaven and hell, 165–66, 179–86
motivation for, 165–68, 171, 176–77
and naturalism, 166, 176–77, 183
objective vs. subjective, 52
and selfishness vs. self-interest, 182–84
on irony of life, 57–58
naturalism, 216–17
and morality, 166, 176–77, 183
Nicomachean Ethics (Aristotle), 20
Nieman, Susan, 33
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 132, 214, 218–19
and “will to power,” 45–46
Paul (apostle), 30, 31, 41, 79, 85, 114
on life after death, 124–25
on suffering, 146–47
Peter, First, book of, 45, 151
Philemon, book of, 114
Philippians, book of, 114
postmodernism, 214–16
prodigal son, the, 76–78
Protestant Reformation, 92, 96, 98
Psalms, book of, 85
argument for, 93–95
as grace, 115–16
and hell, 189–91
and the love of God, 197–99
and obstinate unrepentance, 191–92
and repentance after death, 192–208
and universalism, 208–9
Protestant and Catholic views on, 91–99, 113
and sanctification vs. satisfaction, 94–100, 109–15
Rawls, John, 228n9
reductionism, 216–17
Reitan, Eric, 154
and compulsion, 78–82
and forcibly imposed punishment, 78–80, 82
as inevitable, 80–81
repentance, postmortem, 189, 191–93, 229n10
and God becoming unforgiving, 193–94
and the love of God, 197–205
and purgatory, 205–8
and soul without body, 195–97
and this life’s decisions, 194–95
Revelation, book of, 45–46, 125
on heaven, 24–27, 29–39, 49–50, 86, 93, 139, 210–11
on hell, 68–70, 84–86, 153, 210–11
Romans, book of, 30–31, 146, 207
Ruse, Michael, 172–73
Russell, Bertrand
on worship, 51
Sagan, Carl, 63–64
salvation, 188–89
theology of, 32
universal, 68–69, 74, 154, 208–9
sanctification, 104–6
and Christ, 106–9
and the Trinity, 106–7
Sanderson, Ricky Lee, 143–44, 152
Sayers, Dorothy, 98
on purgatory, 189–90, 192, 198, 210
Schleiermacher, Friedrich, 154
science, physical, 216–17
Sidgwick, Henry, 166–69, 175, 182, 185
Singer, Peter, 177
Sisyphus, 54–56
Socrates, 55
Sources of the Self (Taylor), 128–29
spiritual, as nonmaterial, 40–42
suffering, and the afterlife, 79–84, 139–40, 146–47, 153–58
Tabash, Eddie, 150
Taylor, Charles, 127–29
Taylor, Richard, 54–57
Thomas Aquinas, 121, 155, 195, 222n19
Thus Spake Zarathustra (Nietzsche), 43
Tiessen, Terrance, 199–201
tragedy, 158
Trajan, second chance of, 195–98
Trinity, the, 70–72, 106–7, 130, 179, 183–84, 188
Weinberg, Steven, 64–65
Wesley, John, 26–27, 31, 72, 110
Wilson, Edward O., 172–78
Witherington, Ben, 38
Wolterstorff, Nicholas, 128
“worship” for atheists, 51
Wright, N. T., 30
Zaleski, Carol, 218