Praise for Paula Mowery


"We all wonder why bad things happen to good people. Can God use even the worst events in our lives to help us feed the world around us? Be the Blessing skillfully provides both food for thought and food for discussion."

~ Lisa Wingate, national best-selling author of The Sea Glass Sisters and The Prayer Box


The Blessing Seer

Mowery’s gentle first person story of a woman who needs to be heard as much as she hears is one of joy in growing and loving God, of living and walking without fear, and being faithful to Him who calls us. The included Bible study guide will surely be a favorite with your group. Using the gifts of the Holy Spirit is a favorite subject, and I am delighted to read such a lovely story that makes such a thing natural. Whenever you need a dose of personal encouragement, bring out Paula’s book for a refresher course.
