Not only is the tension between Sigmund and the MC GINORMOUS, but Sigmund’s acting even more peculiar than usual. For months we’ve hardly seen him because he’s always working, but now he’s cancelled EVERYTHING and refuses to leave the house. I asked the MC what she thought was wrong with him and she said (AND I QUOTE!!!), “He’s a total jerk, that’s what’s wrong with him.” I WAS SHOCKED. Really. It’s one thing me slagging him off – after all, being critical of your parents is part of the teenage experience, isn’t it? But Jocelyn’s married to him. Also, she’s my mother. I don’t think it can be healthy for a child to have one parent telling her what a total waste of space and air her other parent is. It feels like it breaks some really major rule. People on the same team are meant to be loyal to one another, aren’t they?

Most of my mates have gone away for the Easter holidays (including Disha, whose parents were lent a cottage in France for a few days and decided to go at the last minute). So since I’m well BORED (there is no phone in the French cottage and D was forced to leave her mobe at home) and feeling very STRESSED by the war between the Bandrys, I decided to forgive Flynn for the pizza incident (time really is the great healer, isn’t it?) and asked him if he wanted to spend the day with me. He wanted to know who else I’d invited along, and I said no one. We went bowling up Finsbury Park. I told Flynn all about Mrs Kennedy and the police and everything. He could hardly stop laughing.