I can’t tell you how relieved I was this morning when Sara rang to say the test was negative. She sounded pretty relieved too. She said if she’d known it was going to be negative, she would’ve bought some condoms while we were in the chemist’s.

I was just getting ready to settle down to writing my story when Marcus rang to say he’d returned to Ye Olde London. He asked me to go to the Tate Modern with him, so I said I’d been dying to go but somehow had never got round to it. It was all right. The building’s pretty cool. But Marcus and I agreed that even though we’re Young and v Avant-garde we’re not really into modern art. Marcus says Soul has been replaced by mere cleverness. I was v impressed. I thought that was a v profound perception and said so. Marcus said what did I think, that he was just another extraordinarily handsome face, and I said no, I never thought that. (Sometimes we really crack each other up!!!) We got v bored of soulless art in a very short time so we went for coffee. I told Marcus all about Mrs Kennedy and the police, of course, and he laughed even more than Flynn had.

To show you exactly how TENSE the atmosphere is at home and how desperate we all are for some neutral conversation, Justin actually asked me how I liked the Tate Modern at supper. I said I thought some of it was pretty cool, but that on the whole I felt that modern art had replaced soul with mere cleverness. Justin said he’d read that piece in The Guardian too.