With all the trauma with the police and all, I never got a penny from Mrs Kennedy for the weekend. More dreams dashed against the Rock of Reality! So even though I’ve refused to mind Jupiter since he peed under the table, I gave in tonight because I need the money. And also Willow said she’d do my cards. About five minutes after Willow went off, Jupiter nearly knocked himself out trying to get from the sofa to the armchair without touching the floor. He was pretty quiet after that. On a darker note, the Dippy Hippy says she sees conflict in my immediate future. But she says I should appreciate the fact that whatever happens has a purpose. She says the nature of the universe is change, and since we’re a part of the universe, that’s our nature too. She says there can’t be any growth either in the cosmos or in the individual without some chaos and pain. You can’t make an omelette without breaking a few eggs, can you? She says that this conflict will give me the opportunity to grow both intellectually and spiritually. She says it’s important I keep that in mind. I said intellectual and spiritual growth are exactly what I planned for this year, and that I know there’s no gain without pain. I promised her I’d try to keep all that in mind when the Going Gets Tough. I just hope that this conflict isn’t a broken heart. I know it’ll come eventually – that’s life, isn’t it? – and, as possibly Shakespeare said, it’s better to have loved and lost than die a virgin – but I’m not sure I’m ready for it just yet. I’d like a bit of the Joy and Ecstasy first.