I woke up this morning looking like I’d been bitten by the King Kong of mosquitoes. My whole nose is red now. And swollen! The Mad Cow says it’s infected and made me take the ring out. Thank God it’s half-term or I might end up going to school with a bag over my head like Katie Jamers did that time she dyed her hair pink and her father went INSANE and SHAVED IT ALL OFF! The Dippy Hippy gave me one of her herbal remedies for my nose. At least it smells OK.
Since looking like something deformed has made it impossible for me to go out in daylight, I read another couple of pages of The Outsider and did some yoga. I was feeling in a pretty reflective mood after that, so I wrote a poem about being Here while everyone else is There. Disha said it was v deep, which is what I thought. So maybe it was important for my nose to go septic for me to assimilate what the DP has taught me so far.