Made another attempt at my story for the school mag this morning, but writing is A LOT harder than it looks. I was pretty relieved when David rang up. He was bored too. So in the end I hung out with Marcus, David, Siranee, Disha, Flynn etc. at David’s. I took the opportunity to try and get some information out of Flynn about what’s happening with Catriona when we had a few minutes alone. I started out by asking him if he got any valentines and he actually blushed! Busted!!! (It was really v Sweet and Endearing. Like when you see some guy built like an American football player with a baby. I don’t know why that should seem so sweet – I see dozens of women with babies every day and all I think is that’s their youth and figure gone.) I said I got one too, to encourage him, and he didn’t say anything. Then I asked him who he thought his was from, and he smiled (he has one of those v attractive lopsided smiles) and said he had an idea but he wasn’t going to say. I was about to start wheedling when the others came back. Better luck next time.

Disha said did I notice that Marcus and Flynn seemed a bit cool to each other at David’s, and I said no. D said REALLY? I asked her if she was trying to make some point, and she said no, she was just saying because the DP has got her into the habit of thinking and noticing things. I reminded her that we’re meant to be noticing things with profound significance, not mundane details.

I’ve spent a lot of the half-term going though all the possibilities, and I really think my valentine must have been from Elvin. It was too soppy for Marcus. And I KNOW I’m right about Flynn being interested in the Hendley. Who else is there? This is the first time anyone’s sent me one, and it’s the first time I’ve known Elvin. The logic seems pretty irrefutable to me. So, since he obviously is interested in me (having more or less said so), I’ve decided to be one of those new women you’re always reading about in the colour supplements and not wait for him to ring me about the bike ride. After all, maybe he forgot. He is a film-maker. You wouldn’t expect Spielberg to remember he once asked you to go on a bike ride, would you?

I don’t think being twins can be healthy. Either S&S don’t speak to me at all because they live in their own little Twin World, or they won’t shut up, and talk in stereo. Tonight they were banging on about their father again. Apparently he’s bigger than my father, stronger than my father, cleverer than my father and even better looking than my father. God they’re exhausting! I ask you, who would be young? How tedious and infantile their minds are. I tried to ignore them. After all, I couldn’t really argue with them – they are mere children – and, anyway, since I’ve never met their dad (because he’s been inside all the time I’ve known Mrs Kennedy) they may be right as far as I know. (The DP is also helping me develop an open mind.) Then Shane said their dad could beat my dad up, and Shaun said too right. I asked them why he would want to do that, and they said BECAUSE. Could I ever have been like that? It really doesn’t seem possible. Sigmund was still up when I got back, so I told him how weird they’ve been lately. I reckoned, since he’s Mrs Kennedy’s therapist and all, he’d be interested, and he was. He went into this long blah blah blah about the way twins relate, and their imaginations, and how you can’t really believe much they say, especially twins who have been through as much as Shane and Shaun and have to pretty much make up a father. And he thinks I talk a lot!!! As per usual, I was v sorry I’d brought it up. I said all I really wanted to know was if he thought they could be on medication. Sigmund said the only person he suspects of being on medication is me. You can see what I’m up against. And he expects me to have serious conversations with him!