I think Justin must have a girlfriend because a girl called asking for “Just” (I was so surprised I said, “Just what?”), and when I asked him who it was he said, “No one” (which is pretty ironclad proof if you ask me). The MC says I’m getting carried away by my vivid imagination (as usual!!!). She says this girl’s probably just a friend. She says Justin has lots of female friends. Strange but true!!! Geek Boy’s always had lots of girls hanging round him, but he’s never gone out with any of them. I said I reckoned it must be time that changed. Why else was he nicking my underwear? And, anyway, as hard as it might be to believe that ANYONE from the human species could be interested in Justin, there was something in this girl’s voice that sounded POSSESSIVE – and also suggested SEX (and if that isn’t a thought to sober up every wild party in London, I don’t know what is). I know from waiting at airports etc. that some of the most unattractive people imaginable find partners (look no further than the parent Bandrys for proof!!!), so I think we have to accept that – though grossly improbable – it is not impossible that a female might be interested in my brother. She’s probably a right tart.