Disha got her period last night and didn’t feel like coming to school today (HER mother is v sympathetic about these things, unlike some). I was on my way to see her this afternoon when I bumped into Flynn. He said he was going to Camden to get his mother something for her birthday, and I said if he wanted some feminine help I’d be glad to tag along. He was excruciatingly grateful (even when it isn’t Christmas, boys hate shopping!!!). Now that I finally had him alone I didn’t know how to start about Catriona. Valentine’s Day seems a long time ago. So we talked about the film we saw on Sunday (which he didn’t seem to remember much), and school and stuff like that, and then I said he seemed to be hanging out a lot with Catriona Hendley lately – dead casual like. He said, “Really?” He said he’s always hung out with her; he’s known her since they were six (she seems to have known every attractive male in London since they were little – if she wasn’t so stupid you’d assume she must’ve planned it). Then (v tellingly if you ask me) he quickly tried to change the subject to how chummy Marcus and I seem to be lately. Since I definitely don’t want Flynn thinking I’m interested in Marcus (in case he says something to Catriona, who says something to Elvin) I said we weren’t any chummier than usual, and I explained about the glitter. As I expected, he laughed v loudly, which I took as an admission that he’d had the wrong impression. It put him in such a good mood that he treated me to a coffee. Naturally, the first thing I did when I finally reached the House of Horror was ring D. I said I reckoned we should set up in the matchmaking business, since Flynn and Catriona are obviously on their way to being an ITEM. I mean, Flynn denied it so much he might as well have admitted it. Disha, however, disagrees. She says I have no corroborating evidence. I think she’s been watching too many police dramas. Disha says Lila hasn’t said anything about it, and we all know what a BIG MOUTH Lila has; there’s no way she wouldn’t at least drop a hint if things were hotting up between Catriona and Flynn. And also Lila did say that they’d always hung out together, like Flynn said. But I’m the child of a psychotherapist, and I believe in psychological evidence. Psychological evidence isn’t based on what people say, but on what they might be saying.