Recursos sugeridos

Para más lectura y ayuda. Ésta no es, en sentido alguno, una lista exhaustiva, pero los siguientes libros, artículos y páginas web pueden resultar de utilidad.

Addiction. HBO Series. Producida por John Hoffman y Susan Froemke. DVD disponible. Home Box Office, 2007.

Black, Claudia, Ph. D., Straight Talk from Claudia Black: What Recovering Parents Should Tell Their Kids About Drugs and Alcohol, City Center, MN. Hazelden Publishing, 2003.

Brown, Stephanie, Ph. D., Virginia Lewis, Ph. D., con Andrew Liotta, The Family Recovery Guide: A Map for Health Growth, Oakland, CA, New Harbinger Publications, 2000.

Cheever, Susan, My name is Bill: Bill Wilson —His Life and the Creation of Alcoholics Anonymous, Nueva York, Washington Square Press, 2005.

Cheever, Susan, Note Found in a Bottle, Nueva York, Washington Square Press, 2006.

Conyers, Beverly, Addict in the Family: Stories of Loss, Hope, and Recovery, Center City, MN, Hazelden Publishing and Educational Services, 2003.

Didion, Joan, The Year of Magical Thinking, Nueva York, Knopf, 2005.

Hoffman, John y Susan Froemke, editores, HBO Addiction: Why Can’t They Just Stop? Nueva York, Rodale Press, 2007.

Johnson, Vernon, Intervention: How to Help Someone Who Doesn’t Want to be Helped, Center City, MN, Hazelden Publishing, 1986.

Kellermann, Joseph L., A Guide for the Family of the Alcoholic, Center City, MN, Hazelden Publishing and Educational Services, 1996.

Ketcham, Katherine y William F. Asbury, con Mel Schulstad y Arthur P. Ciaramicoli, Beyond the Influence: Understanding and Defeating Alcoholism, Nueva York, Bantam Books, 2000.

Lamott, Anne, Bird by Bird: Some Thoughts on Writing and Life, Nueva York, Anchor, 1995.

Lamott, Anne, Plan B: Further Thoughts on Faith, Nueva York, Riverhead Trade, 2006.

Lamott, Anne, Traveling Mercies: Some Thoughts on Faith, Nueva York, Anchor, 2000.

Lynch, Thomas, “The Way We Are”, de Bodies in Motion and at Rest: On Metaphor and Mortality, Nueva York, W.W. Norton and Co., 2001.

Milan, James Robert y Katharine Ketcham, Under the Influence: A Guide to the Myths and Realities of Alcoholism, Nueva York, Bantam Books, 1983.

Mnookin, Seth, “Harvard and Heroin”,, 27 de agosto de 1999.

Mnookin, Seth, “The End of My World as I Knew It”,, 31 de diciembre, 2004.

Mnookin, Wendy, “My Son the Heroin Addict”,, 27 de agosto de 1999.

Moyers on Addiction: Close to Home. Dirigida por Bill Moyers. VHS. Curriculum Media Group, 1998.

Moyers, William C., y Katherine Ketcham, Broken: My Story of Addiction and Redemption, Nueva York, Viking, 2006.

Oficinas centrales de Al-Anón y Grupo Familiar Al-Anón, The Al-Anon Family Groups —Classic Edition, Virginia Beach, VA, Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc., 2000.

Oficinas centrales de Al-Anón y Grupo Familiar Al-Anón, Alateen —Hope for Children of Alcoholics, Virginia Beach, VA, Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc., 1973.

Oficinas centrales de Al-Anón y Grupo Familiar Al-Anón, Courage to Change: One Day at a Time in Al-Anon II, Virginia Beach, VA, Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc., 1968, 1972, 1973.

Oficinas centrales de Al-Anón y Grupo Familiar Al-Anón, One Day at a Time in Al-Anon, Virginia Beach, VA, Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc., 1968, 1972, 1973.

Oficinas centrales de Al-Anón y Grupo Familiar Al-Anón, Paths to Recovery —Al-Anon Steps, Traditions, and Concepts, Virginia Beach, VA, Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc., 1997.

Orenstein, Peggy, “Staying Clean”, New York Times Magazine, 10 de febrero del 2002.

Recovery of Chemical Dependent Families (folleto), Center City, MN, Hazelden/Johnson Institute, 1987.

Schwebel, Robert, Saying No Is Not Enough: Helping Your Kids Make Wise Decisions About Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs, Nueva York, Newmarket Press, 1989.

Shannonhouse, Rebecca, Under the Influence: The Literature of Addiction, Nueva York, Modern Library, 2003.

Sheff, Nic, Tweak, Nueva York, Ginee Seo Books/Atheneum, 2007.

Singer, Mark, “The Misfit: How David Milch Got from NYPD Blue to Deadwood by Way of an Epistle of St. Paul, The New Yorker, 14 y 25 de febrero de 2005.

“The Meth Epidemic”. Frontline, DVD, PBS, 2005

Wallerstein, Judith S. y Sandra Blakeslee, What About the Kids: Raising Your Children Before, During, and After Divorce, Nueva York, Hyperior, 2003.

Wallerstein, Judith S., Julia M. Lewis y Sandra Blakeslee, The Unexpected Legacy of Divorce: The 25-Year Landmark Study, Nueva York, Hyperiom, 2000.

Sitios web para más información y referencias; incluso reuniones de doce pasos en tu área.

Al-Anón / Alateen


Alcohólicos Anónimos

Narcóticos Anónimos

Sociedad para una América Libre de Drogas; centro de información y recursos sobre las metanfetaminas

KCI, el sitio anti-metanfetaminas

Programas Integrados de Abuso de Sustancias de la UCLA


Asociación Nacional de Hijos de Alcohólicos (NACOA)

Sociedad Estadounidense de Medicina para Adicción

Instituto Nacional de Abuso de Drogas

Instituto Nacional de Abuso de Drogas; información y recursos relacionados con las metanfetaminas

Instituto Nacional de Abuso de Drogas para Adolescentes