
Note: A page number followed by an f indicates a figure, n indicates a note, and t indicates a table.


Abe, S., 338

Abedin, M., 111, 113

Abelson, P., 70

Abstractions, 278–279

Abstract knowledge, 68

Academic science, 132–136, 142n7

Acculturation, 221

Acetylcholine, 176, 332

Acquired immune system, 169, 179, 374

ACTH, 178–179

Action selection, 177

Adaptability, 310–311

Adaptations, 2, 34, 93

Adaptedness, 322

Adaptive evolution, 11

Adaptive radiation, 77–78, 82, 88–89

Addison, Joseph, 141

Ader, R., 178

Adolphs, R., 181

Adrenaline, 178

Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), 178–179

Advertising industry, 292

Affect, 169, 174, 177, 180


brain plasticity over life span, 283, 327–340, 384–385

compensation for neuroanatomical/neurochemical declines with, 338–340

decline in dopaminergic function associated with, 332–333, 334f, 336f

memory plasticity associated with, 336f, 337

mnemonic training on brain circuitry associated with, 338, 339f

plasticity of brain regions supporting information processing associated with, 331, 384

plasticity of sensory/motor cortex shaped by, 330–331

Agency core cognition, 214

Agents, 206n1, 311

Agent scaffolding. See Developmental agent scaffolding

Agriculture, 289, 290f

Ahmadi, S., 150

Ahringer, J., 116

Aiello, L., 255

Aircraft industry, 82–83, 103n9

Airline flight, 67

Airport control tower, 66

Alber, M. S., 112

Albert, R., 127, 129

Alberts, Jeff R., 153–156, 160

Aldrich, H. E., 297

Alegado, R. A., 111

Algeria, 137

Allen, Colin, 6, 60, 191, 195, 204–205, 229, 231–245, 340, 376–378, 380, 385

Allostasis, 173

Allostatic load, 173

Alon, U., 103n10

Alteration of reproductive generations model, 40

Altruism, 11, 67

Alvarado, M., 331

Amedi, A., 329–330

American Economic Review, 129

American Machine Works, 95

American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 103n9

Ames Manufacturing Company, 95

Amygdala, 181, 184

Analogies, 278–279

Analogue magnitude number representations, 214

Anderson, C., 131

Anderson, J. R., 244

Anderson, N. D., 338–339

Anderson, P., 297

Anderson, R. L., 137

Animals. See also Rat pup aggregation experiment

canalization of developmental programs in, 119–120

coordination of groups, 65–66

development of worms/insects, 116

K-T mass extinction/mammalian adaptations, 82

selective breeding as hybrid with entrenchment, 91

symbolic interpretation, 242

Anonymity, 200–201

Anterior-posterior polarity, 116–117

Anthropological relativist theories, 216

Anticipatory looking, 214

Antigen-presenting molecules, 182

Ant raft building, 170, 203–205

Appraisal, 174–175

Apprenticeship. See Mentor-mentee relationships

Arabidopsis thaliana, 134–136

Architectural features, 230–231

Architecture of complexity, 287

Architecture of innovation, 283

Armory practice, 78, 94, 102

Arnold, Matthew, 267

Arthur, B., 2

Arthur, W., 13, 277

Article-level data, 143n8

Artifact mediating short-term activities, 80

Artifacts. See also Computers; Mass-production systems; Tools

as characterization of scaffolding developmental process, 367

circulation through seasonal meetings, 67

constructional alphabet engendering, 77

definition of, 15

development of, 46

diagrams, 229–230, 252–253, 257–259, 378

as element of theory of cultural evolution, 80–81

formation of parts of practices, 256–259

generation of norms/standards, 252–253

group interactions facilitating production, 79, 366

interchangeability propagating adaptive radiation of, 77–78

as links to complex structures of cultural evolution, 229, 377

meaning and intention in design/construction of, 81

production of/interaction with, 46–47

repeated assembly of, 26, 59

role in spread of culture, 258

as social imaginaries, 68–69

tracking of, 370

Artifact scaffolding

for cultural development, 46, 51

for cultural evolution, 209, 219–220, 261

definition of, 15, 81

for development, 30, 226

intersection with maintenance/growth/development, 15, 365

for learning, 7, 219, 222–223, 344, 364

for production of representings, 256

significance of, 6–8

Artifact structures, 80, 366

Artificial sciences, 26

Ashburner, J., 330

Assembly bonus, 198

Assembly malus, 199

Assembly processes, 34

Assimilation, 136

Associative memory, 332, 337–338

Atran, S., 210, 212, 215, 221

Attractor state, 310–314, 316–317, 321–322, 383–384

Attunement, 58, 65, 69

Aunger, R., 251

Autoactivatory-lateral inhibitory circuitry, 112

Autocatalytic molecules, 10

Automobile industry, 25, 100–101, 103n9

Avital, E., 11

Axial polarity, 115

Axioms, 131–132, 142n5

Aydede, M., 344


Bäckman, L., 329, 332–333, 340

Backward compatibility, 85, 97, 103n3–103n4

Bailey, C. H., 183

Ball, P., 206

Baltes, Paul B., 327, 329, 337

Bands. See Demes

Barabási, A.-L., 127, 129

Barad, K., 32

Baratta, M. V., 182

Bargh, J. A., 70

Barkow, J., 268

Barlow, Nora, 347

Barnason, A. R., 134

Barnier, A. J., 191, 194–196

Baron, J., 350

Baron, R. M., 11, 59, 111, 119f

Barrier steps in reproduction, 42–46

Barsalou, L. W., 242

Bartha, P. F. A., 273

Bartsch, D., 183

Basalla, G., 292

BASF, 300

Baum, A., 174

Baum, J. A. C., 297

Baumeister, R. F., 176

Baune, B. T., 172, 182–183

Bayer, 293, 300

Bayesian reasoner, 127, 372

Bechara, A., 181

Becker, Howard S., 265, 268–269, 272

Beer, J. H., 293


collective, 271–273

context-dependent, 161

creation/maintenance of reliability/consistency in, 266, 379–380, 383

and culture, 266, 283–284

epigenetic modulators of, 284

normative rules/frameworks guiding, 80, 366

relationship between individual and collective, 271–273

as self-referential/recursive, 274, 278

social norms, 80, 366

trial-and-error, 161, 293, 296, 312, 381

Behavioral robotics, 253

Behavioral science, 150–152

Being There (Clark), 5–6

Bekar, C., 298

Bell Labs (AT&T), 292

Bermiss, Sekou, 292

Berryman, A. A., 162

Bertalanffy, L., 171

Bhat, R., 27, 110, 113–114

Bherer, L., 331


of contemporary psychology/cognitive science, 196

directional biases in operations with symbols, 229

due to longing for generality, 249, 377

as factors of attraction, 321–322, 376

inherent cognitive biases shaping cultural evolution, 310

leading to cultural stability/attractor, 170, 210, 212, 313, 322, 376

natural perceptual, 229

physiological/learning effect on spread of practices, 309

in Waddington’s epigenetic landscape, 313

Bickhard, Mark, 8–9, 30, 47, 253, 259

Bidirectional immune-neuroendocrine communication, 179

Bielby, W. T., 350

Bininda-Emonds, O. R., 118

Biocultural coconstruction, cross-level dynamic, 327–328, 328f, 338–340, 384–385

Bioinformatics, 138

Biological entities, 59

Biological evolution

cultural evolution contrasted with, 80–81, 273–276, 279–280

effect of generative entrenchment, 301

genetic change with similar appearance/operation, 103n3

importance of phenotypical trait development, 210

standard narratives (see Standard narratives of biological evolution)

Biological individuals, 79, 366

Biological null condition, 10

Biological reproduction, 27–29. See also Reproduction

Biological science experiments, 150–152

Biological systems, 90–91

Biology, 284, 327–328, 328f

Biotechnology of plants, 134–136, 143n8

Bipedalism, 58, 70, 73

Birdsell, J. B., 61, 63

Bish, R., 157

Black, P. H., 180

Black, S., 128

Black boxing

advantages/disadvantages of, 100

chunking, 78, 88, 91, 99, 237

of complex hierarchical artifacts, 47, 100

evo-devo as opportunity for opening, 369, 375

meme-like things as, 78

of processes producing phenotypes, 210

standard narratives of evolution ignoring, 363, 369

of subassemblies, 99

Blackmore, S., 251

Blalock, J. Edwin, 177–179

Blood-brain barrier, 178

Bockaert, J., 182

Body form/morphology

importance of in robot aggregation, 162

robots simulating rat pups, 157–160

social life associated with, 58, 60–61, 63, 69–70, 73

Bohan, D. A., 148

Boinski, S., 65

Boli, J., 138

Bonde, S., 185

Bonnell, V. E., 269

Bookkeeping, 93

Bootstrapping, Quinian, 222–223

Bottom-up brain determines behavior perspective, 284

Boundaries. See also Extended mind thesis

of cultural change processes, 384

human bodies/situated active scaffolding, 63

hybrids’ blurring of system-environment boundaries, 30

between Jews/gentile world, 318

links crossing between individual psychology/culture, 170

of mind, 5

tools for recognition of, 170

Bourdieu, P., 323

Bourgois, P., 308

Bowers, W. J., 185

Bowker, G. C., 138

The Box (Levinson), 101

Boyce, P., 128

Boyd, R., 4, 11, 46, 79, 209, 211, 217–218, 226, 260, 268, 309, 369–370, 375

Boydston, E. E., 66

Boyer, P., 210, 215–216, 221

Braaksma, F. J., 135


as dependent variable, 327, 329–330, 384

effect of mental exercise, 327

experience-dependent plasticity of sensory/motor cortex, 330–331, 385

extended mind thesis, 169, 191

future research needed concerning plasticity, 339–340

immune-brain coevolution thesis, 172, 177–180

immune system involvement in, 172, 177–178, 182, 374

information processing’s dependence on cognitive training, 331

modification of circuitry with mnemonic training, 338

neurochemical mechanisms of memory plasticity, 332–333, 384–385

plasticity over life span, 283, 327–340, 384–385

proinflammatory cytokines role in generation of new cells, 179

scaffolding of process, 329

Brandes, U., 313

Brandon, Robert, 103n5

Bratslavsky, E., 176

Breeding groups, 49–50, 380

Brehmer, Y., 337, 340

Brewer, M. B., 11, 58, 62, 68

Brinkman, Paul, 348

Brodie, E., III, 46

Brooks, R., 253, 260

Bruner, Jerome, 6–7, 69

Brunner, D., 113

Buenstorf, G., 300

Burgelman, R. A., 297

Burgess, E. W., 137

Burke, C. B., 291

Burt, R., 130

Business firms. See Firms

Buskens, V., 130

Buss, L. W., 11, 58–59

B. xylophilus, 117

Byrne, M. C., 134

Bystritsky, P., 333


Cabeza, R., 338–339

Cadence, 229, 241–242

Cadherins, 111–112

Cagampang, F. R., 181–182

Cajal, Ramón y, 327, 329

Callebaut, W., 10, 57

Calow, P., 28

Cambridge University’s evaluation system, 219

Camerer, C. F., 340

Campbell, Donald T., 4, 273, 288, 293, 296–298, 301

Campbell, S., 195


of cognitive development by genes, 220–221

definition of, 312–313

developmental biologists’ emphasis on processes of, 307

of developmental programs of present-day animals, 119–120

as focus of studies of meaning, 323

of Jewish life, 284, 317–321, 383

modulation of entrenchment, 13, 87

protection of features from deep changes, 13

relationship to plasticity, 313

of social practices, 323

of urban poverty, 308, 317, 383

Waddington’s concept of, 311–312

Cannon, W. B., 173–174

Cao, X., 179

Capitalism, 221

Caporael, Linnda R., 1–17, 24, 30, 32, 48, 52n17, 57–73, 79, 110–111, 117, 119f, 216, 259, 287, 343–344, 349, 363–387

Career development

choice of profession scaffolding, 79

cognitive development intertwined with, 343, 346–351, 385

of Darwin, 347–348

decision making process, 353–354

emotional/professional guidance scaffolding, 283

mentor-mentee relationships, 285, 343, 346–348, 354–359

personality matching, 285

professionalization, 90, 343, 350–351, 359, 385

profession choice, 79, 346–347, 349–350, 353–356

role of encouragement/guidance in, 350–351, 352t, 360n2

scaffolding, 283, 343–344, 346–359, 352t, 360n2, 385

skill acquisition, 284–285

of Venter, 346

Caregiver-infant dyad, 12, 69–73, 368, 386

Carey, Susan, 211, 213–214, 222–223, 225

Carlaw, K., 298

Caron-Lormier, G., 148

Carpentier, P. A., 172, 182, 185

Carroll, S. B., 109

Carter, C. S., 150

Cartwright, N., 250

Cassie-Baxter law, 204

Castelhano, M., 241

Castells, M., 127, 131

Catecholamines, 178–179

Causal coupling, 204

Causal narratives, 34–35

Cavalier-Smith, T., 109, 113

CCCCs (cultural cognitive causal chains), 214–215, 227n3, 376

C. elegans, 116

Cell, 129

Cell adhesion, 107, 109, 111–112

Cell interaction toolkit, 109, 111, 118


aggregation of, 89

differentiation of, 10, 88–90, 112

emergence of morphological complexity, 107

premetazoan clusters, 113–114

primordial clusters, 109

reproduction of, 27, 91

rise of multicellularity, 111–112

RNA, 95

RNA-DNA hybrids, 42–46

role in production by genes, 13

as scaffold of gene replication, 81

Cell-surface receptors, 178

Central sensitization, 184

Central subjects, 24–25, 32, 36–37, 40, 44

Chalmers, D., 191, 193–194

Chalmers, Margaret, 243, 245

Chandler, A. D., 277

Chaperone molecules, 81

Charnas, D., 278

Cheats, 67

Chemical gradients, 112

Chen, X., 180

Chi-square approximation, 360n2

Choanozoans, 111, 113

Chowdhury, S., 183

Christensen, C., 192, 197

Chromosomes, 27, 95

Chrousos, G. P., 173, 177

Chunking, 78, 88, 91, 99, 237. See also Black boxing

Churchill, F., 23

Chwe, M. S.-Y., 272

Circadian rhythmicity, 181

Citation lists, 107–108

Claidière, N., 212, 256, 321

Clark, Andy, 5–6, 191, 193–194, 196, 344, 346, 349, 359

Clark, K., 91

Class distinction, 137

Classification systems, 125

Closed causal loops, 86

Cluzel, C., 113

Codes, 257

Cognition. See also Learning

challenge of drawing porous boundaries, 169

coadaptation with symbol structures, 229, 242–243

collective epistemic action facilitating, 196–206

definition of, 174

diagrams as technology of, 257–259

distribution in task groups, 63–64

as dynamical activity, 241

effect of repeated assembly of core configurations, 344

embodied/embedded cognition, 5–6, 70, 366, 370

epistemic actions aiding, 192–193

evolution of, 254–255, 375–376

extended (see Extended cognition; Extended mind thesis)

fitness dynamics for evolution of, 374

grounded nature of, 344–345

group size for distribution of, 64

intersection with stress response, 180–182

of magnitudes, 375

mediation of behavior/physiological adjustments to inflammation/injury, 180

mutual support between culture and, 254–256

as result of models of constraints, 260

role of immune system in normal function, 171–172

standard evolutionary narratives of, 374

Cognitive artifacts, 8

Cognitive causal chains, 210, 214, 226n1

Cognitive development

acquisition of expertise, 278, 330–331, 345–348, 351, 360n1

career development intertwined with, 343, 346–351, 385

conceptual change during, 222

enculturation producing, 220

in generative process, 345

hierarchical nature of, 371

hourglass pattern in, 369

mentor-mentee relationships scaffolding, 285, 343–344, 346–348, 350–351

over life span, 327–340, 384

role of environment in, 220

role of learning, 344–345

sequential nature of, 370

social/cultural/artifactual realm, 344

social scaffolding of, 343–345, 359

standard narrations of, 363

as step-wise process, 346

study of, 244–245

symbols scaffolding, 231–246

Cognitive epidemiology, 369, 383

Cognitive memory mechanisms, 172, 184

Cognitive plasticity, 226

Cognitive scaffolding

cognition/cultural development, 46

collective resources, 197–198, 370–371

communication, 125–141, 372

complex tasks scaffolded by, 229

core cognition as scaffold for conceptual change, 216, 220–226

cultural phenomena, 220

cultural stability/innovation scaffolded by, 249, 254–258

generally, 7–8, 229, 343–344, 360, 370

innate cognitive abilities, 209–226, 375

with material/cognitive modes, 91

mentoring, 285, 343–344, 346–348

mentor-mentee relationships, 285, 343–344, 346–348, 350–351

repeated assembly of core configurations scaffolding, 58

social-cognitive, 169

social scaffolding, 343–345, 359

stress, 169, 171–186, 345, 373–374, 376

symbols, 231, 233–246, 237f

technology of cognition as scaffold for diversification of standards, 258–259

Cognitive science, 233

Cognitive system, 7, 74n3

Cognitive tracks, 215–216, 218, 221, 226

Cognitive training, 331

Cohen, J., 150, 163n2

Cohen, M., 176

Colcombe, S. J., 331

Cole, M., 57

Collaboration, 133

Collaborative tagging, 126

Collective behavior, 271–273

Collective cognition resources, 197

Collective cognitive systems, 196–206

Collective epistemic action. See also Core configurations

decision making, 197–199

definition of, 191, 197, 374

fire-ant raft building, 204–205

judgment aggregation, 199–202, 199t, 206n1–206n2

as units of inquiry, 374

Collective information sampling model, 198

Collectively extended cognition, 197

Collective psychology tradition, 195


invisible colleges, 63

stability of, 283, 292

as support structure for industry, 298, 381–382

Collegial groups, 169

Collins, H. M., 278

Colonization, 136–137

Combinatorial alphabet, 77, 102, 231, 235

Combinatorial antibodies, 89

Combinatorial entrenchment

definition of, 77, 88, 102

effect of black boxed subassemblies, 47

emergence of standardized parts and tools, 88, 89t, 93–102, 97f–98f

polyfunctional nature of standardization, 89–91, 90t

Combinatorial generative systems, 77–78, 88


to bipedalism/group-living, 58, 70, 73

empirical tracking, 37–38

ideological, 276

institutional methodological commitment for different disciplines, 4

to mentors, 357–358

moral, 267

to novel units of investigation, 36, 385

ontological, 38–39, 48

opening/closing avenues of change, 350, 386

of resources in mentor-mentee relationship, 351, 352t, 353

theoretical, 36, 126, 132, 136, 195

univocal strategic, 382

Common carrier law/regulation, 277

Common knowledge

articulation of institutions through, 271–273, 380–381

function in culture, 279, 363, 369

independence from particular individuals/organizations, 275

scientific research as, 64

Communication, 125–146

cognitive scaffolding, 125–141, 372

compatibility of structure with message, 125–126

effect of shifts in quality on knowledge/culture, 125, 139–142, 372

effect of shifts in quantity on knowledge/culture, 125–139, 130f, 141–142, 372

effect of theory, 134–136

forms of, 232

of ideas, 5

increase through standardization, 138–139

material overlap in, 29

scaffolding of science/scholarship, 128–134, 130t

social cognitive causal chains resulting from, 214

social/geographic/technical protocols effect on culture, 136–138, 372

through World Wide Web, 126–128

trace left on things conveyed, 125

Comper, W. D., 109, 115

Competitive games, 64

Completeness, 200–201

Complex tasks cognitive scaffolding, 229

Compositional coherence, 151–152

Computer languages, 90


backward compatibility of programs, 85, 97, 103n3–103n4

economic growth attributed to, 290

entrenchment of hardware/software, 83, 85

object-oriented programs, 93

Conative faculty, 169

Conceptual change, 211, 222–226

Conceptual demes, 63

Conceptual framework, 3–4

Conclusion-centered procedure, 200–201

Concretizing process, 278

Condorcet’s paradox, 200, 202

Conduct. See Behavior

Conquest, 266

Consciousness, unitary, 169–170


of adaptive defense mechanisms, 180

entrenchment explaining, 2, 283

of intermediate stage of development, 118, 119f

of material overlap, 28

of phytotype, 114–117

of signaling pathways of memory, 183

in simple entrenchment, 83

Conservatism, 283

Conserved intermediate stage of development, 118, 119f

Consistency, 141, 200–201, 206n1, 379. See also Stability


of anatomical/psychological properties, 213

black boxing of, 363

on the brain, 327

on change, 10

on children, 308

on combinatorially entrenched processes, 88

on compatibility of computer hardware/software, 83, 85

on core configurations, 60

on design of mass produced parts, 89t, 95–96

on development, 57

on distributed cognition, 66

evolution/novel mechanism emergence channeled by, 180

of experimental models, 158

explaining hourglass in development, 107

genetic constraints, 218

on human cognition, 253

of impossibility theorem on judgment aggregation, 202

model of for understanding cognition, 260

on organic forms, 343

representation in social-developmental landscape model, 316f

representation in Waddington’s epigenetic view, 313, 314f–315f

of reproduction, 49

standard narratives of evolution’s treatment of, 369, 384

of technological evolution, 253

on transmission of causal structures, 78

Constructed niche, 310

Construction alphabet, 77

Construction biases, 376

Construction scaffolding, 30–32, 33f, 46, 52n11, 162, 219, 369

Constructive learning, 8–9

Context-dependent behavior, 161

Context-dependent interaction processes, 309

Continuity thesis, 254–255

Continuum of tolerance, 172, 175–177, 374

Contrada, R. J., 174

Conventions. See also Norms; Standards/standardization

conjoining to reshape/form institutions, 277

culture as system of, 268

definition of, 269

fixed features of cultural systems, 14

generative role, 14

institutions as, 378

modification of, 269–270

movement from an institutional setting to another, 277–279

role of, 363

Conway-Morris, S., 119

Cook, P. J., 127


of animal groups, 66

of caregiver-infant dyad, 70–71

as central problem in social life, 11

by core configurations, 12, 65–70, 79

definition of, 65, 349

factors determining, 65–66

as function of groups, 65

of human groups, 66

Copf, T., 183

Core cognition

constraint of CCCCs, 215

as factor of cultural stability/diversity, 214–216

as important innate ability, 213–214

inborn abilities, 222

as scaffold for conceptual change, 216, 220–226

Core configurations

of animal groups, 65–66

articulation of material overlap/hybridity/entrenchment, 58

body form/developmental trajectory binding humans to, 58, 70, 73

breeding groups, 48–50, 380

caregiver-infant dyad, 70–73

definition of, 12, 32, 57–58, 61, 344

distribution of folk psychology, 69–70

function of, 57, 60, 79

group size, 60–61, 63

group types, 12–13, 63

as hybrids, 32, 34

hypothesis of, 12

as interface between individuals and habitats, 58

in modern society, 68

modulation of culturally induced reference groups, 81

of non-human animals, 65–66

organizations, 80

processes that organize phylotypic anatomies, 119

production of entities/artifacts/practices, 79

repeated assembly of, 9, 11–13, 363, 380

reproducer perspective of, 32, 34

role in human evolution, 73

scaffolding development of offspring, 57

size/modal task/scaffolding, 62t

sociality as solution to defection problem, 67

task groups, 48–50, 52n16, 61, 63, 66, 69, 363, 369, 380

trait groups, 48–50, 52n16, 380

Core configurations model, 9, 12, 73, 111

Corning, P. A., 171

Corporations, 91–92. See also Firms

Corticosterone, 178

Corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH), 178–179

Cortisol, 178

Cosley, B., 182

Cosmides, L., 212, 217, 226–227n2, 268

Coulson, S., 277

Council, N. R., 142n7

Coward, F., 261n6

Craver, C. F., 184

Creative fusion, 230

Creative thought, 298–299

CRH, 178–179

Crisafi, A., 197

Croonian Lecture to the Royal Society (Cajal), 327

Cross-cutting group structures, 63–64, 68, 79

Cross-level dynamic biocultural coconstruction, 327–328, 328f, 338–340, 384–385

Cross-modal plasticity, 330

Cruickshank, T., 118

Cultural attractor, 212, 215

Cultural beliefs/values, 221

Cultural capacity, 46

Cultural change/evolution, 265–282. See also Cumulative cultural evolution

application of standard narratives of evolution, 25, 46, 48, 230, 249, 252, 266, 274–275, 280, 309–310, 366, 371, 377, 379–380, 382–383

architecture of theory of, 78–82, 366

artifacts as links in, 229, 377

biases due to longing for generality, 249, 377

biological evolution contrasted with, 80–81, 273–275, 279–280

boundaries conditions of, 384

conceptual changes in, 223–226

cumulative cultural evolution, 209–211

definition of, 279

developmentalist accounts of, 230

developmental systems theory, 321–324

development compared to, 275–276

development of chemical dye industry, 283

development of papermaking technology, 283

effect on genetic changes, 4

elements necessary to theory of, 77–82

epidemiologically based accounts, 230

formation of normative horizon of cultural practices, 257–259

generative entrenchment associated with, 13–14

innate cognitive abilities scaffolding, 209–226, 375

as institutional changes, 229

mechanisms promoting, 256, 266

memetic theory of, 250–253

models of, 249–253, 255–256, 259–261, 377

natural selection, 209–210

Netz’s view of, 252–253

non-Weismannian view of, 227n3

problems of analysis of, 265–280

role of practices in understanding of, 253

role of technologies of cognition, 257–259

selectionist approaches, 283

tools for making deep modifications, 13–14

topics of, 265

transmitted artifacts/public representation scaffolding, 209

unconstrained cultural evolution, 211–213

Cultural cognitive causal chains (CCCCs), 214–215, 227n3, 376

Cultural development

hourglass pattern in, 369

repeated assembly of core configurations scaffolding, 58

scaffolding and hybrids in, 46–48

systems for, 212, 216–217

Cultural diversity, 214–218

Cultural evolution. See Cultural change/evolution

Cultural innovation, 249

Cultural items, 225, 230

Cultural phenomena, 214–217, 219–220, 225, 256

Cultural practices, 59, 191

Cultural products, 219–220, 321–322

Cultural representations, 321–322

Cultural speciation, 137

Cultural stability

attraction leading to, 321

as by-product of evolving structure of scaffoldings, 260–261

cognition scaffolding, 249

core cognition as factor of, 214–216

epigenetic landscape as metaphor for, 284, 311–314, 383–384

human disposition to acquire knowledge/act in social world contributing to, 309–310

models of, 249

of Orthodox Jewish community, 317–321

as product of cultural developmental systems, 212

relationship to innovation, 255–257

role of ability to attribute aims/intentions, 256

role of imitation, 256

role of practices in understanding of, 253

social-developmental landscape metaphor, 314–317, 316f

of urban poverty, 283–284, 307–311, 316–317, 322

Cultural transmission systems, 29, 217, 226


aspects of, 265–266, 269–270

assimilation of/adjustment to change, 307

and behavior, 266, 283–284

biology framing, 214

change and evolution (see Cultural change/evolution)

combinatorial systems of, 93–94

constitution of mind, 69

contrasting concepts of, 364

definition of, 103n1, 258, 266–268, 271, 277, 380

effect of shifts in quality of communication, 125, 139–142, 372

effect of shifts in quantity of communication, 125–139, 130f, 141–142, 372

effects of colonization, 136–137

effects of Internet on, 130–131

elements necessary to theory of, 77–82

evoked culture, 212–213, 217–218, 226–227n2

factors affecting stability/diversity, 214–216

generation of variational systems, 90

generative entrenchment of, 211

Gerson’s definition, 80, 103n1

as hierarchy of contingencies, 14

influences on brain/cognitive development, 327–328, 328f

as intergenerational transmission of learning, 230

mutual support between cognition and, 254–256

overlapping and embedded entrenchment in, 90–91

role in human development, 284

scaffolding, 126, 130–131, 136–137, 170, 216, 259–260

scaffolding as distinguishing characteristic of, 102

as shared practices, 250–255

stability of, 307

strategies for facilitating deep modifications, 93

as system of conventions/institutions, 230, 267–270, 380

as systems of meaning, 230

technology scaffolding, 230

variance in institutions of, 136

Culture theory, 77–82, 101–102

Cumulative cultural evolution, 209–211, 216–218, 226

Cumulative developmental change, 170

Curtis, M. A., 184

Customs, 330–331, 369

Cyborgs, 52n9

Cytokines, 178–179, 182–183

Cziko, G., 268


Dallman, M. F., 181

Damasio, A. R., 175, 181

Damuth, J., 47

Dangling pages, 142n2

Dantzer, Robert, 179

Darwin, Charles, 25, 285, 296, 343, 347–348

Darwin and Henslow (Barlow), 347

Darwinism. See also Neo-Darwinism

application of reproducer perspective to, 40

application to economics, 381–382

attraction of mentors, 356–357

career development, 283

classification of animal realm, 221

compared to cultural evolution, 274–275, 280

extension to cognitive/cultural development, 25, 46, 48, 230, 249, 266, 377, 382

extension to viruses, 45

focus of studies, 23

importance of phenotypical trait development, 210

model of human evolution, 254

multilevel selection theory recasting, 58–59

necessity of ontological context, 250

repeated assembly consistent with, 11

units of inquiry, 35

Das, M., 179

Dasgupta, P., 140, 308

Dassow, G. von, 118

Databases, 107, 138–139

Data management, 107

Data productions, 149–150

DAT (dopamine transporter) binding, 332–333, 334f–335f

David, P. A., 140

Davies, J., 348

Dawkins, R., 4–5, 10, 25–26, 250–251, 255–256, 260, 268

Dayel, M. J., 111

Decision making

as collective epistemic action, 197–199

institutions scaffolding, 5

in medical field, 353–359

molar adaptive, 100

opening/closing avenues of change, 386

political party influence, 202

rationality in, 6, 350

role of encouragement/guidance in, 349–351, 352t, 353, 355–359 (see also Mentor-mentee relationships)

Defectors, 67

De Groote, S. L., 128


breeding groups, 49–50, 380

conceptual, 63

coordination of task groups into, 48

definition of, 12

distribution of folk psychology, 69–70

of hunter-gatherers, 61

macrodemes (see Macrobands/macrodemes)

requirement for child rearing, 52n17

role in establishing social imaginaries, 68–69

Demic structure of science, 57–58, 63–65

Democracy, 137, 140, 202

Dennett, D., 250

Dentate gyrus, 185

Dependencies. See Downstream dependencies

Deprivation, 284

Derecki, N. C., 183

Deutsch, G. K., 331

Development. See also Evo-devo perspective

cognitive (see Cognitive development)

cultural change compared to, 275–276

definition of, 10, 26, 233

entrenched steps/outcomes in process of, 111

expansion of considerations, 16

factors affecting success, 365

focus of, 8

generation of cumulative change, 170

group living bracketing, 65

hourglass pattern in, 107, 110–111, 117–120, 119f, 369, 387

identification of agencies of, 364

of insects, 116

as integral part of reproduction, 24

intersection with entrenchment/repeated assembly/reproduction, 365

intersection with types of scaffolding, 15

material overlap, 25–27

parent-offspring relationship, 51n7, 52n8, 58

process of, 28

rates of evolution, 13

relationship to heredity, 23

repeatedly assembled errors in systems, 60

in retrovirus replication, 40, 45

role in evolution/cognition/cultural change, 15–16

role of individuals, 34–35

role of mesoscale physics, 109–110

scaffolding infant development, 69

scaffolding of, 26, 29–32

of scientific skills, 63–64

socialization during, 79

of viruses, 42

of worms, 116

Developmental agents/agency, 16–17

Developmental agent scaffolding, 15, 30, 81, 226, 365

Developmental capacity, 27, 43–45, 141–142, 363, 370

Developmental entrenchment, 8–9

Developmental patterning modules, 378

Developmental plasticity, 284

Developmental scaffolding, 26, 29–32, 63–64, 69

Developmental systems theory (DST)

application to reproduction, 321–324

application to stability of poverty, 310

concepts of, 6

contexts required for capacity carrying, 29–30

core configurations based on, 58

cross-discipline application of, 363, 366

definition of, 11, 307

interpretation of, 51n7

units of inquiry, 383

view of black box of development, 369

Developmental toolkit, 109

Development-embryonic dynamics schema, 311–314

DeVore, I., 61

Diagnostics, 366–371

Diagrams, 229–230, 252–253, 257–259, 378

Dialectical system, 6

Dialects, scientific, 125

Dialogue, 71–72

Diatonic scales, 138

Dictyostelium discoideum, 175–176

Diderot, Denis, 288–289

Dierker, D., 71

Dietz-Uhler, B., 198

Differential diffusion of ideas/practices, 309

Differential entrenchment, 2, 13

Differentially distributed knowledge, 363

Differential stabilization, 310–311

Differentiation of functions, 87–88

Diffusion, 107, 112

Dijksterhuis, A. P., 70

Diploblasts, 114

Disciplinary horizons, 364

Discursive dilemma, 199–200

Distributed cognition, 61, 220, 366–367, 369–370

Distributed cognitive systems, 348–349

Distributed premise-centered procedure, 201


as constraint to mutational landscape, 369

gene-environment interactions, 59

genomic replication of, 26–28, 35–37, 39

as master molecule, 95

nucleic acid sequences, 89

RNA-DNA hybrids, 42–46

structures/functions of, 35

temporal scale and cycle of reproduction, 60

Dobbs, D., 357

Dodds, P. S., 127

Dolan, R. J., 340

Domain-general abilities, 213, 226

Domain-specific conceptual abilities, 213–214

Donald, Merlin, 8, 220

Dong, L., 119

Dooren, T. J. van, 118

Dopamine, 178, 332–333, 334f, 336f

Dopamine D1 receptor binding, 333, 335f

Dopaminergic function, 332–333, 334f

Dopamine transmitter gene, 340

Dopamine transporter (DAT) binding, 332–333, 334f–335f

Dorsch, J. L., 128

Dosi, G., 287

Dove, G., 2, 91

Downstream consequences, 82–83, 84f

Downstream dependencies

adaptation of life cycle, 2

of caregiver-infant patterns of behavior, 70

configuration of resources creating, 259

entrenchment generating, 34, 83, 111, 369, 375 (see also Entrenchment)

feedback to entrenched elements, 82–83

of fine hand-eye coordination, 67

tracking of, 368

DPMs (dynamical patterning modules), 125–139, 130f, 141–142, 372

Dranovsky, A., 172

Drug dealers, 308

Drug dependence, 176

DST. See Developmental systems theory

Dual inheritance theory

application to cultural evolution, 46, 383

application to urban poverty, 309

approach of, 77

avenue for opening black box mechanisms, 369

concepts of, 4, 369–370

strengths/weaknesses of, 79, 375

view of transmission of cultural knowledge, 211–212, 218

Duboule, D., 118

Dugatkin, L., 49

Dumville, B., 192

Dunbar, R., 9, 11, 61, 68, 255

Duneier, M., 308

Dunn, A. J., 178

DuPont, 134–135

Durham, W., 4

Durkheim, É., 127, 139, 141, 195

Dyads. See also Mentor-mentee relationships

of animal groups, 66

definition of, 12, 30

entrenchment of, 62

essential for reproduction, 52n17

of hunter-gatherers, 61

modal tasks/scaffolds/group size, 62t

mother-infant dyad, 12, 31, 61, 70–73, 358, 368, 386

of scientists, 63

Dye industry. See Synthetic dye industry

Dynamical patterning modules (DPMs), 89, 110–115, 117–120, 371–372

Dynamic biocultural coconstruction, 327–328, 328f, 338–340, 384–385

Dynamic closure conditions, 367

Dynamic systems, 365

Dyslexia, 331


Ecological succession, 92

Economic change theory, 293

Economic disaster, 276

Economic exchange, 211

Economics, 293, 296–300


before/after industrial revolution, 287

continuity/change in, 288

decision making scaffolding, 5

employment in different sectors of, 283–284, 289–290, 290f

GDP, 288–291, 289f

generative entrenchment, 288

growth due to increase in products/services, 288, 290, 290f, 381

growth due to technological development, 287, 290, 381

increase in number/size of firms, 291, 381

as nested hierarchy of part-whole relationships, 300f

scaffolding of, 288, 301–302

VSR model, 288, 297–298, 301–302, 382

The Economist, 357

Edelman, L. B., 140

Eden, J. van, 135

Edmonds, E., 126

Educational scaffolding. See Learning

Education system of Orthodox Jews, 317–319, 321

Egg-patterning processes (EPPs), 114–117

Ekdahl, C. T., 185

Ekman, P., 70

Elberse, A., 127, 131

Elbert, T., 330

The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life (Durkheim), 139

Ell, S. W., 182

Elowitz, M. B., 112

Embedded entrenchment, 60, 90–91

Embodied/embedded cognition, 5–6, 70, 366, 370

Embryonic hourglass, 107, 110–111, 117–120, 119f


appearance of neuromodulators in humans, 176

capacity to produce normal result after disruptions, 111

developmental patterning modules in development of, 378

development of, 107, 110–112, 117–120, 119f

ontogenetic stage of development, 113–114

tolerance to intracellular variation in development, 114–118

Emina, B., 114

Emotion, 174

Emotional scaffolding, 344

Empirical testability, 3–4

Empirical tracking, 37–38

Employment, 283–284, 289–290, 290f

Encephalization, 254–255

Encoding, 8

Encouragement, 350–351, 352t, 353, 360n2. See also Mentor-mentee relationships

Enculturated cognition hypothesis (HEnC), 191

Enculturation, 221

Energy minimization, 112

Engelien, A., 330

Engineer’s Illustrated Thesaurus (Herkhimer), 97f, 98–99, 98f

Enkephalins, 176, 178

Entities, 79

Entrenched features, 77


in aircraft industry, 83

of animal forms, 119

in career development, 343

of caregiver-infant patterns of behavior, 70, 72–73

of cognitive abilities in coevolution of tasks/symbols, 229

of cognitive development, 91, 371, 375

complexity of, 385

of computer software/hardware, 83, 85

of core configurations, 62

core configurations perspective incorporating, 58

cultural variant accumulation as diagnostic for, 376

definition of, 2

embedded entrenchment, 60, 90–91

escape mechanisms for modifications, 93

factors modulating, 86–92, 89t

of fine hand-eye coordination, 67

generation of transgenerational invariance/cumulative developmental change, 170

generative (see Generative entrenchment)

generative entrenchment, 82, 84f

of group sizes, 61

of ideational structures, 85–86

in individual ontogeny, 370

of infrastructural scaffolding, 81

innovation’s use of, 283

internalization of, 377

of Jewish life (Orthodox), 317–320, 383

of language, 83

maintenance entrenchment, 86

of material overlap, 28

overlapping entrenchment, 60, 90–91

of poverty, 307–308, 383

pseudo-entrenchment, 82–83

of Quinian bootstrapping, 223

resistance to changes, 111

scaffolding compared to, 376

of scaffolds, 285, 365

simple entrenchment, 83, 85–86

standardization of parts/tools, 88, 89t, 93–102, 97f–98f

of steps in developmental processes, 111, 344

time and size scales of, 60, 371

tracking of relations, 368

of ways of setting up initial conditions of morphogenetic stage, 118


in cognitive development, 220

construction of/by humans, 311, 316

definition of, 59

evolutionary analysis considering, 5

factors evoking cultural diversity, 217–218

factors scaffolding cultural stability/evolution, 212, 216, 220

gene interactions, 4, 6, 59

groups interactions with, 60, 65

inputs authoring mind/behavior, 283, 329

inputs influencing plasticity/interaction, 284

learning scaffolded by, 220

modes of interaction, 66

organism interactions, 52n12

plasticity of sensory/motor cortex shaped by, 330–331

relationship between brain size/manipulation of, 255

repeated assembly perspective concerning, 59

role in cognitive development, 220–221, 373–374

role in development, 26

as scaffold for diverse agents, 364

as source of disturbance in heredity, 4, 6, 275

as source of structure for individuals, 275

symbols in, 240

system-environment interactions, 30–32, 52n11

task groups interaction with, 64

Epel, D., 9

Epidemiological culture, 226–227n2, 230

Epidemiology, cognitive, 369, 383

Epidemiology of representation, 226–227n2

Epigenetic inheritance systems, 10, 23

Epigenetic landscape model, 284, 311–314, 314f–315f, 322, 383–384

Epigenetic modulators of behavior, 284

Epigenetics, 311

Epistemic actions, 192–193

Epistemic projects, 58, 63–70

EPPs (egg-patterning processes), 114–117

Erickson, K. I., 331

Ericsson, K. A., 298

Erixon-Lindroth, N., 333

Erlebach, T., 313

Error diagnosis strategy, 149

Escape mechanisms, 93

Espelund, M., 109, 113

Esrock, E., 9

“Essay on the Principle of Population” (Malthus), 296

Eugenics, 296

Eukaryotic chromosomes, 26–27

Evans, James A., 6, 107–108, 125–142, 372–374

Evans-Pritchard, E. E., 70

Evo-devo perspective

approach to cultural evolution, 210, 216

approach to heredity, 23

avenue for opening black box mechanisms, 369, 375

connections between understanding of relationships/human sciences, 4

contributors’ contributions to, 1, 387

core configurations perspective as human evo-devo, 57

decomposition of interactions providing material for, 66

epidemiological approaches combined with, 376

notion of innateness, 213

on phenotypical trait development, 210

view of infant imitation, 72–73

Evoked culture, 212–213, 217–218, 226–227n2

Evolution. See also Natural selection

biological (see Biological evolution)

change in deep features, 13

of cognition by stress, 169, 171–186, 373–374

cognitive (see Cognitive development)

cultural (see Cultural change/evolution)

driving forces, 2

factors causing variability of rate, 13

hierarchical view of, 58–59

human evolutionary studies, 73

of human mind, 254–255

introduction of developmental considerations, 16

nontrivial process involving developmental systems, 34

origin of animal forms, 119–120

repeated assembly of core configurations materializing, 58

replicator/interactor function approach to, 25

reproducer perspective on units of, 10–11

role of development/reproduction, 24

role of social learning in, 250

theories of (see Darwinism; Dual inheritance theory; Epigenetic inheritance systems; Evo-devo perspective; Multilevel selection theory; Reproducer perspective; Standard narratives of biological evolution)

Evolutionary accumulation, 77–102, 363

Evolutionary analysis, 59

Evolutionary-developmental cognitive processes, 66

Evolutionary-ecological view of culture change, 310

Evolutionary economics, 283

Evolutionary meta-ontogenies, 91–92, 371

An Evolutionary Theory of Economic Change (Nelson/Winter), 296–297

Excess capacity, 13

Excitable media, 109

Existential challenge, 171–186

Experience, 284, 329, 332

Experiments. See also Rat pup aggregation experiment

in biotechnology, 134–136

collaboration between industry/academics, 132–136

as models, 149–150

as scaffold for understanding, 150–151

Expertise acquisition, 278, 330–331, 345–348, 351, 360n1

Exploration, 312, 322

Exposito, J. Y., 113

Extended cognition

challenge to notion of cognition inside the head, 169

claims of, 191

social dimension of, 192–196, 254

Extended mind thesis

challenge to notion of cognition inside the head, 169

Clark and Chalmers’s argument for, 5–6, 193–194

concepts of, 191, 193–194

connections to Martínez’s concept of institutions, 377, 380

limitations of, 344, 374–375

relationship between individual and group cognition, 196–206

social dimension of, 192–196, 374–375

Theiner’s view of, 375, 382

External symbols, 233–235, 240, 377

Extracellular matrices (ECMs), 113–114

Extrapolationism, 371, 379. See also Standard narratives of biological evolution

Extreme plasticity, 230

Eye movement, 229

Eyer, J., 173


Face-recognition, 215, 220, 225

Face-to-face groups. See also Core configurations; Demes; Dyads; Macrobands/macrodemes

core configurations of, 60–63

functions of, 12, 58, 68

liberation from, 62

repeated assembly of, 363

role in human evolution, 57–58

scaffolding by customs/common knowledge, 369

scaffolds in, 57

scales of coordination, 65–70

shared construction of reality, 61

Facial imitations, 61, 72–73

Factual knowledge, 58

Fairclough, S. R., 111

Farde, L., 332–333, 340

Fauconnier, G., 277

Faull, R. L. M., 184

Feenstra, W. J., 135

Feinstein, J. S., 181

Feldman, M. W., 4–5, 73, 310

Feng, B.-S., 180

Festschrift, 6

Fetal tissue, human, 176

Fettling, W. T., 155

Feynman’s diagrams, 258, 260

Finkenauer, C., 176


birth and death of, 283, 291–292, 295t, 302n4, 381

changes in, 92, 298

factors affecting response to markets/technological developments, 92

increase in number/size of, 291, 381

institutions scaffolding, 288, 381

life span of, 103n6

market share, 293, 294t–295t, 297–298

ownership structure, 294t

as population of routines/practices, 297, 299

research and development labs, 91, 292–293, 294t, 298–299, 381

role of technology in success of, 382

spin-offs, 300

Fischer, J., 243

Fiske, A. P., 67

Fitness function model, 156

Flannery, B. P., 155

Fleming, L., 132

Flinn, M. V., 11

Focus groups, 199

Fodor, Jerry, 222–223, 232

Folk psychology, 68–71

Footholds. See also Handholds

career decision making as, 349–350

for cognitive development, 370

definition of, 385

in development of Darwin’s theory, 348

in development of medical careers, 350–359

in development of Venter’s career, 346

emotive/intellectual, 353

function of, 364, 376

knowledge/acquired skills, 354

as problem-solving resources, 348

stabilization of problem-solving trajectories, 345

types of, 346, 359

Forgacs, G., 109–112

Formal reproduction, 42–43, 45

Forman, Paul, 141

Forssberg, H., 333

Fourth moment, properties of, 142n4

Fracchia, J., 92, 249

Frackowiak, R. S. J., 330

Fractal order, 14

Fraley, R. T., 134

Franceschi, C., 179

Frank, M. G., 182

Frank, R. H., 127

Freeman, G., 115

Freeman, J. H., 292

Freeman, R. B., 143n7

Free-riders, 67

Frege, Gottlob, 232

Fregni, F., 329–330

Frenken, K., 301

Freund, G. G., 179

Friedlander, A., 128

Friedman, D., 298

Frith, C. D., 330, 340

Fukuda, H., 333

Fuller, S. R., 140

Functional gain, 204–205

Functional redundancy, 93

Functional scaffolding, 9, 47

Futai, K., 117


Gaddis, W., 14

Gadian, D. G., 330

Galis, F., 118

Gallagher, S., 197

Gallup, G. G., Jr., 244

Gamble, Clive, 9, 11, 61, 254–255, 261n6

Gamble, J., 68

Gametes, 27, 31

Gametophytic plants, 28

Gao, T.-M., 179

Garber, P. A., 65

Garbutt, I. D., 180

Garcia-Ojalvo, J., 112

Gardener, W., 62, 68

Gatfield, D., 112

Gauges, 95–96

GDP (gross domestic product), 288–291, 289f

Geary, D. C., 11

Geertz, Clifford, 267

Gelatt, C. D., 164n12

Gender, support in medical field, 350–351, 352t, 353, 357–359, 360n2, 386

Genealogical relationships, 27, 51n4

GeneBank, 138

Gene-culture coevolution theory, 4, 79

Gene-encoded transcription factors, 371–372

Gene-environment interactions, 59

Generations, 36, 52n10, 58, 70–73, 170

Generative entrenchment

advantage of, 92

analysis showing innateness, 6

approach of, 9–10

consistency with economics, 288

core configurations perspective incorporating, 58

cross-discipline application of, 366

of culture, 211

of defense systems, 180, 374

definition of, 2, 111, 231

in development of Venter’s career, 346

on different scales of cognition, 169

of economic structures, 301–302

effect on ability to change, 301

empirical evaluating systems with, 366–367

failures of, 13–14

foothold related to, 345

generation of different rates of stasis/change, 363

as part of nontrivial evolutionary processes, 6

of parts of developmental systems, 34

perspective taking, 344–345

predictable features, 14

in retrovirus replication, 47

role in cultural evolution, 13–14

of stages of ontogenesis, 114

of standardized parts, 97

of symbols, 231, 234, 245

types of, 82–83, 84f, 85–92, 89t, 102

Generative process, 345

Generic properties of morphological states, 109

Genes. See also Canalization

canalization of cognitive development, 220–221

cells’ role in production by, 13

cultural/environmental factors affecting, 4, 6

developmental toolkit, 109, 371–372

effect on response to training methods, 284

interactions with environment, 4, 6, 59

mind/behavior authored by, 283

as part of inheritance systems, 1, 9–10, 23

reproduction of, 26–27, 59

role in mobilization of cell clusters, 110

Gene’s-eye view, 6, 10–11, 73

Gene theory, 23, 363

Genetic algorithm, 160

Genetic code, 89

Genetic databases, 96

Genetic inheritance systems, 11, 363

Genetic regulatory networks, 107

Gentner, D., 277

Geographic protocols, 137–138

Gerhart, J., 89

Gerson, Elihu M., 6, 48, 64, 68, 80, 92, 103n1, 229–230, 265–280, 283, 299, 371, 378–383

Gestures, 125

Geyer, Charles, 360n2

Ghiselin, M., 35

Ghoshal, S., 297

Giannini, N., 157

Gibson, J., 30

Giddens, Anthony, 311, 316, 323

Gierer, A., 112, 149, 250

Gieryn, T. F., 73

Gilbert, P., 172

Gilbert, S. F., 9, 112

Gill, K. M., 181

Ginsberg, Simona, 6, 32, 283–284, 307–324, 378, 380, 383–386

Gittins, E., 61

Glucocorticosteroids, 178–179

Glucose metabolism, 178

GMT (group mind thesis), 195–196, 199t, 203–206, 206n2

Godfrey-Smith, P., 28–29, 36–37, 40, 43

Goguel, V. R., 183

Gold, P. W., 173, 177

Golding, W., 270

Goldstone, Rob, 191, 195, 204–206, 236–248

Good, C. D., 330

Goody, Jack, 220, 257

Google, 128–129, 131, 142n2

Goroff, D. F., 143n7

Goshen, I., 172, 178, 182–185

Gould, S., 25, 35, 180


funding of research, 136

reflected in mathematical models, 141

reflected in science, 139–141

structure reflected in religion, 139

Government bodies, 80

Gowlett, M., 9, 11, 68

Grace, A. A., 181

Graham, C. F., 111

Grain, 35–36, 38, 40, 66, 378

Grant, Robert, 347

Gray, R. D., 6, 307

Greeno, J. G., 344, 359

Grice, H. P., 232

Griesemer, James R., 1–17, 23–51, 57–60, 74n3, 77–78, 81, 93, 96, 103n11, 110, 115, 117, 210–212, 216, 219–220, 226, 227n3, 231, 259, 287, 300, 343–345, 349, 363–387

Griffith, B. C., 64

Griffiths, P. E., 6, 307

Grosberg, R. K., 112

Gross domestic product (GDP), 288–291, 289f

Group identities, 68

Group-level traits, 203, 206n2

Group mind thesis (GMT), 195–196, 199t, 203–206, 206n2

Groups. See also Core configurations; Demes; Dyads; Macrobands/macrodemes; Mentor-mentee relationships; Parent-offspring relationship; Task groups

controversy over selection of, 74n1

decision-making processes, 197–199

demic structure of science, 63–65

encephalization enabling, 255

formation of, 62

functions of, 65–67

group-level traits, 204–205, 206n2

group mind thesis, 195–196, 199t, 202–206, 206n2

hunter-gatherer, 12, 60–64, 67

hybrids transforming/creating, 367

interactions enabling production, 79

judgment aggregation, 199–202, 199t

mother-infant dyad, 12, 31, 61, 70–73, 358, 368, 386

size of, 52n15, 363

Growth, 15, 23–51, 365

Guldi, J., 277

Gureckis, T., 206


Habitat, 66

Habits, 91

Habituation studies, 214

Hafner-Burton, E., 138

Hall, B. K., 118

Hall, John, 95

Halldin, C., 333

Hamilton, Bill, 217

Hammerstein, P., 10

Handholds. See also Footholds

development/innovation aided by, 364

in development of Darwin’s career/theory, 347

in development of Venter’s career, 346

function of, 376, 385–386

as problem-solving resources, 348

scaffolding problem-solving trajectories, 345

types of, 359, 385

Hanhart, C. J., 135

Hanisch, A., 112

Hannah, L., 292

Hanson, M. A., 181–182

Haraway, D., 52n9

Hard core, 86

Hargreaves, L., 157

Harlander, Les, 101

Harper’s Ferry armory, 94

Harris, C. B., 191, 194–196

Hart, B. L., 179

Harwell, J., 71

Hasegawa, K., 117

Hassell, M. P., 152

Hattikudur, S., 239–240

Hauser, M. D., 241

Hawes, C., 148

Hebb, D. O., 329, 332

Hector, Dwight, 157

Heilman, S. C., 319

Heintz, Christophe, 6, 91, 169–170, 209–226, 227n3, 229, 375–376, 380, 383

Heisler, I., 47

Helenius, H., 333

Hellhammer, D., 181

Hellsten, U., 114

Hempel, Carl, 250

Hen, R., 172

HEnC (enculturated cognition hypothesis), 191

Henderson, R., 91

Hendriks-Jansen, H., 57–58, 71

Hengge-Aronis, R., 174

Hensch, T. K., 329–330

Henslow, John Stevens, 285, 347

Heredity, 10, 23

Hertzog, C., 329, 339

Heterogeneity, 46–47, 60, 78

Heuristic adaptations, 14

Heuristic research strategies, 366–371

Heuristic structures, 259–260

Hewlett, S. A., 357

Heyes, C., 72

Hibernation, 176

Hidden profile tasks, 198

Hierarchical chunking, 78, 88

Hierarchical modularity, 99

Hierarchical regimes, 140

Hierarchical view of evolution, 58–59

Hietalo, J., 333

Hilgard, E. R., 174

Hill, J., 71

Hino, Y., 176

Hinsz, V. B., 192, 197

Hippocampal NSC, 185

Hippocampus, 181, 184

Hippocampus-dependent memory formation, 185

Hirota, N., 176

Hirschfeld, L., 210, 215

Hirschman, A. O., 127

Histone proteins, 26–27

Hitchcock, K., 128

HIV-1 replication, 31–32, 40, 41f, 42–46, 52n14, 368

Hodgson, G. M., 287, 297

Hoechst, 293

Hoke, M., 330

Holder, M., 112

Holekamp, K. E., 66

Holl, P. W., 111

Hollan, J., 8

Hollingshead, A. B., 66

Holt, C. A., 137

Holyoak, K. J., 277

Homburg, Ernst, 291, 298

Homeostasis, 173, 175, 181, 383

Hominin commitment to bipedalism, 58, 70, 73

Hominin evolution, 261n6

Hopkins, R. O., 181

Horder, T. J., 118

Hormones, 169, 178

Horsch, R. B., 134

Host-parasite systems, 152–153

Houghevans, B. R., 135

Hounshell, David A., 95, 101

Hourglass of development, 107, 110–111, 117–120, 119f, 369, 387

HPA axis (hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis), 177–179

Hu, D. L., 203–204

Hubel, D. H., 330

Huganir, R. L., 183

Hughes, Everett C., 103n1, 268–269

Hull, David L., 10, 32, 36, 57, 63, 65

Human demic groups/structures, 61–65

Human development

biology/culture’s coconstruction of, 284

cognitive (see Cognitive development)

development, 28 (see also Development)

evolution, 57–61, 73 (see also Cultural change/evolution; Evolution)

infant development of independence/interdependence, 62, 70–73, 368, 386

repeated assembly of core configurations scaffolding, 58

Human fetal tissue, 176

Humans. See also specific topics

construction of/by environment, 311, 316

cultural activities of, 46

development (see Human development)

as ecosystems of endoparasitic/endosymbiotic species, 103n7

epistemic projects, 65–70

limitations of, 381

mother-infant dyad, 12, 30, 61, 70–73, 358, 368, 386

obligatory interdependence of, 11

reproduction, 27–28

scaffolding of, 81

social nature of, 343–344

structuring of/by social life, 316

Hume, David, 141, 296

Humphry, R. W., 148

Hunt, L. A., 269

Hunter-gatherer groups, 12, 60–64, 67

Hurov, J., 113

Hutcheson, Francis, 141

Hutchins, Ed, 5, 8, 48, 191, 196, 203, 220, 344, 348, 374

Huxhold, O., 329


assembly vs. reproduction of, 30–31

blurring of system-environment boundaries, 30

characterization of, 24

core configurations as, 32, 34

core configurations perspective incorporating, 58

in cultural development, 46–48

definition of, 24

development from, 39–40

factors affecting status, 51

formation in business, 103n6

generative entrenchment as tool for analysis of, 92

government bodies as, 80

in HIV 1 replication, 41f

individuality, 34–35

overlapping and embedded entrenchment in, 90–91

reproduction and development of, 24

RNA-DNA hybrids, 42–46

scaffolding of, 34

tracking of, 38–39, 43–44

transformation/creation of group identities, 367

virus-host hybrid, 40

Hyperalgesia, 184

Hyperlinks, 126–129

Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA axis), 177–179

Hypothalamus, 181


Ideas, 59

Ideational structures, 85–86

Ideological commitment, 276

IEEE, 103n9

IJzerman, H., 70

IL-1beta, 178–179, 182

IL-6, 178–179

Iljima, T., 338

Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy, 126

Imitation, 61, 72–73, 256, 278

Immigration, 136, 276

Immune-brain coevolution thesis, 172, 177–180

Immune-brain communication, 178–179

Immune mediators, 178

Immune system

combinatorial antibodies produced by, 89

interaction between/reciprocal comodulation of neuroendocrine system and, 178

involvement in brain, 172, 177–178, 182, 374

involvement in neural plasticity, 172, 182

relationship to response to stimuli, 171–172

role in neurogenesis, 172, 182, 184–185

role in normal cognitive function, 171–172, 374

Immunocyte, 179

Impossibility theorem, 202

Incomes, 287

Incommensurability, 96

Independence/interdependence, infant development of, 62, 70–73, 368, 386

Inder, T., 71

Index of change in shared beliefs, 257

Individual cognition, 193–196

Individual culture, 137


definition of, 39–40

delimiting of while tracking units of inquiry, 44

effect of choice of starting points/grain for narration, 36

environment as source of structure for, 275

expression of in terms of owners of use of order, 51n1

as hybrid concept, 34–35


creative thought of, 298–299

economic mobility, 307–308

as elements of theory of culture/cultural evolution, 79

evolution and, 297

institutions embodied in, 270–271

learning process, 299

rationality of, 293, 296, 302n7

relationship to collective behavior, 271–273

scaffolding for, 81

social-developmental landscape metaphor of social development, 314–316, 316f

as units of inquiry, 34–35

Industrial economies, 275

Industrial science, 132–136, 142n7

Industry. See also Economies; Manufacturing; Mass-production systems; Synthetic dye industry

armory practice, 78, 94, 102

automobile, 25, 100–101, 103n9

factors affecting change, 301

favoring of risky innovation, 108

paper-making, 283, 290, 291f, 292, 381

supporting structures of, 288, 298–299, 302


development of independence/interdependence, 62, 70–73, 368, 386

embodied vs. enactive infant, 71

as fulcrum between generations, 70

imitation by, 61, 72–73

nursing pattern, 71–72

resemblance to adult, 71

scaffolding of development of, 69

Information processing, 331. See also Cognition; Knowledge; Learning

Infrastructure scaffolding

cultural change enabled/forced by, 277, 366

definition of, 15, 81

for development, 30, 226

industrial development enabled/inhibited by, 301

for industry, 298

intersection with maintenance/growth/development, 15, 365

for learning, 364

in medical field, 350

Sears kit houses, 100–101, 103n11, 219–220

types of, 16

Ingold, T., 9, 49, 57, 69

Ingvar, M., 338

Inherent cognitive biases, 310

Inheritance, 10–11, 363

Innate cognitive abilities, 91, 212–214, 383

Innate immune system, 179, 185

Innateness, 6

Innate phenomena, 2

Inner symbols, 234


as by-product of evolving structure of scaffoldings, 260–261

circulation of through seasonal meetings, 67

critical stance supporting, 278

flow of from world to world, 273

relationship to cultural stability, 255–257

role of, 363

role of knowledge preservation in, 345

use of modularity/entrenchment, 283

Inoue, M. and O., 333

Inquiry, units of. See Units of inquiry


articulation through common knowledge, 271–273

change of structure vs. change of scope, 270

changes in/replacement of, 274–279

as conventional practices, 378

culture as system of, 266–269

definition of, 80, 103n1, 268, 380

as element of theory of cultural evolution, 80, 366

embodied in organizations, 270–271, 279, 382

epidemiological accounts of changes in, 230

formation of, 277, 279

function of, 279

funneling of decision making in medicine, 350

identification of, 380

meaning/intention implicated in, 81

mechanisms that enable/block influences among, 230

relationship between forming/formed by organizations, 230

replacement of macrobands, 67–68

role of, 363

role of literacy in development of, 257

scaffolding role of, 5–6, 227n3, 275, 279, 288, 382

source of, 80

structural changes initiating change in practices, 266

as unit of analysis of cultural evolution, 230

as units of inquiry, 380

Instructions, 251–253, 261n2

Integrated network of organism defense, 374

Integrated system, 204

Integration, 177, 343

Intel integrated circuits, 85, 96, 100, 297

Intellectual interdependence/coordination, 348

Intentions, 81–82, 256

Interaction, 284. See also Coordination; Core configurations

Interactionist view of representations, 8

Interchangeable parts, 78, 90, 94–95

Interdeme selection, 50

Interdependent designs, 287

Interdisciplinarity, 139

Interleukin family, 178–179

Internalization, 377

Internal symbols, 232, 234–235, 376–377

International Classification of Disease, 138


disciplinary differences in use, 142n3

economic growth attributed to, 290

extension of information/narrowing of scope of things considered, 127–128, 130, 130f, 136, 138–139, 372–373

facilitation of communication, 126–128, 372

as infrastructural scaffold, 81

scaffolding of knowledge/culture, 126–128, 130–131

scaffolding of science/scholarship, 128–134, 130f

Web 2.0, 126, 142n1

Intra-action of hybrid systems, 32

Intuitive theories, 223–224

Invertebrates, 179

Invisible colleges, 63

Iosif, R. E., 185

Itoh, T., 333


Jablonka, Eva, 6, 10–11, 27, 32, 283–284, 307–324, 378, 380, 383–386

Jackson, J., 141

Jacque, C., 182

Jakobsen, K. S., 109, 113


Jakubs, K., 185

James, William, 296, 327, 329

Jameson, Robert, 347–348

Jang, Y. S., 138

Janus kinase, 183

Jarrod, C., 114

Järvinen, Joonas, 289–290, 291f

Jefferis, G. S. X. E., 172

Jeffery, J. E., 118

Jeong, H., 127

Jernvall, J., 113, 116, 118

Jewish Orthodox community in Los Angeles, 283–284, 317–322, 383–384

Ji, R.-R., 172, 184

Johannsen, W., 274

Johnson, M., 70

Johnson, R. W., 179

Johnston, L., 288

Johnstone, T., 174

Johnsure, I. S., 330

Jones, S., 338

Jones, S. S., 72

Josephson, M., 132

Joshi, Sanjay S., 61, 107–108, 147–164, 373

Jucaite, A., 333

Judgment aggregation, 199–202, 199t, 206n1


Kaasinen, V., 333

Kaiser, D., 258, 260

Kam, M., 184

Kandel, E. R., 332

Kaplan, Nathan, 346

Kaube, H., 340

Kauffman, S., 13

Kawashima, T., 114

Kaye, K., 71

Keil, P. G., 191, 196

Kel, E. R., 183

Kelley, Keith, 179

Kempermann, G., 329

Kendal, J., 310–311

Kim, J. S., 331

Kimura, S., 172

King, D. W., 128–129

King, N., 109, 111, 113

King-Casas, B., 340

Kipnis, J., 183

Kirkpatrick, S., 164n12

Kirsch, D., 8, 191–193, 197, 202, 359

Kishimoto, T., 333

Kitcher, P., 11, 225

Kleinman, D. L., 142n6

Klepper, S., 292, 300

KLI (Konrad Lorenz Institute for Evolution and Cognition Research), 3, 16–17

Kliegl, R., 329, 337

Kline, S. J., 171

Klingberg, T., 331, 333

Kluckhohn, C., 267

Knowledge. See also Cognition; Learning

acquisition of expertise, 278, 330–331, 345–348, 351, 360n1

articulation of institutions through, 271–273

building on prior knowledge, 345, 347–349, 359

common knowledge, 271–273, 275, 279

communication of through core configurations, 64

communication’s scaffolding of, 125–126

differentially distributed knowledge, 363

effect of shifts in quality of communication, 125, 139–141, 372

effect of shifts in quantity of communication, 125–139, 130f, 141–142, 372

effects of standards, 138–139

flow from world to world, 272–273, 364, 381

pooling/preservation of, 345

relevance of, 142n5

support of in different domains, 299

transmission of, 299–300, 363

variance in institutions of, 136

Knudsen, T., 297

Koehnle, T. J., 152

Kohn, D., 347

Kohno, T., 172, 184

Kokaia, Z., 185

Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, 155

Kondo, Y., 338

Konrad Lorenz Institute for Evolution and Cognition Research (KLI), 3, 16–17

Koornneef, Martin, 134–135

Kotrschal, A., 182

Kowalewski, M., 119

Kramer, A. F., 329, 331, 339

Kroeber, A. L., 267

Kruger, D., 109

K-T mass extinction, 82

Kuhl, D., 183

Kuhn, T., 132–133

Kuo, A., 114

Kuper, Adam, 73, 267–268

Kuraishi, Y., 176

Kurtosis, 142n4

Kurz-Milke, E., 348



relabeling in hybridization studies, 38–39, 43–44

simplification of encoding complex environments, 5

tracking hybrids with, 38–39, 43–44

tracking with, 24

types of, 37

Labor unions, 292

Lahl, V., 117

Lakatos, I., 86

Lakoff, G., 70, 225

Lal, K. N., 4, 310

Laland, K., 4–5

Lamb, M. J., 10–11, 27, 309, 313, 322

Lamberg, Juha-Antti, 290, 291f

Lamboreaux, N. R., 291

Lampin-Saint-Amaux, A., 183

Landau, M., 73

Landy, David, 236–248

Lang, F. B., 109

Lange, M., 136


acquisition as closed causal loop, 86

combinatorial systems of, 90, 93–94

as communication protocol, 125

coordination of actions, 5

culture made through use of, 79

effects of colonization, 136–137

effects of standardization for science, 138

entrenchment of, 83

genetic/cultural basis for learning, 221

incommensurability of differences, 96

as infrastructural scaffold, 81

lack of material overlap, 29

maintenance through seasonal meetings, 64, 67

meaning and intention implicated in, 81–82

origin of written forms, 93–94, 103n8

as resource for shaping geometric deductions, 229–230, 378

roles of, 271

as scaffold for social interaction, 255

as symbolic system, 5, 231–232, 259, 376

Langville, A. N., 128, 142n2

Large-scale group coordination, 58, 67–70

Larson, J. R., 192, 197

Lashley, K. S., 329

Lateral inhibition, 112

Latour, B., 132, 134

Latremoliere, A., 184

Laubichler, M., 10

Lawrie, Steve, 52n14

Layton, R., 61

Lazarus, R. S., 174

Learned helplessness, 179

Learning. See also Cognition; Mentor-mentee relationships; Mother-infant dyad

artifacts/infrastructure scaffolding, 364

collective resources scaffolding, 197–198, 219, 222–223

effect on brain function, 329

environmental scaffolding of, 216

in firms, 381

in individual/population levels, 299

lack of material overlap, 29

link with neurogenesis, 184–185

models scaffolding, 107, 373

mother-infant dyad, 12, 30, 61, 70–73, 358, 368, 386

plasticity of sensory/motor cortex shaped by, 330–331

proinflammatory cytokines in, 182–183

Quinian bootstrapping, 222–223

reactivity to stress enhancing, 182

representation as scaffold for, 221

role of in cognitive development, 344–345

scaffolding of, 1, 7–9, 79, 162

supporting structures of, 299, 359

through social/cultural/artifactual realm, 344

Lee, R. B., 61

Legal arrangements, 277

Legislation, 266

Leibnizian concepts, 225

Lengeler, J. W., 177

Leonardo, E. D., 172

Lethias, C., 113

Leutwiler, L. S., 135

Levin, T. C., 111

Levins, Richard, 6, 148

Levinson, Marc, 101, 138, 277

Lévy-Bruhl, L., 216

Lewis, J., 112

Lewis, M., 72

Lewontin, R., 4, 6, 10, 92, 180, 249

Li, P., 180

Li, Shu-Chen, 6, 58, 70, 79, 283–284, 327–340, 384–385

Lieberman, E., 141

Life, processes maintaining/threats to, 171

Life cycles

adaptation occurring downstream, 2

breaks in material overlap, 29

of business firms, 103n6

central subjects of narratives, 32

of cultural items, 230

of HIV-1 viruses, 41–46

material overlap in reproduction, 25–29

narrations of, 36

of simple entrenched systems, 83

Lifespan Development of the Brain (Baltes et al.), 327

Light, 30

Lindenberger, U., 329, 332–333, 337, 339–340

Lindvall, O., 185

Lineages, 2

Linkage maps, 95

Linton, S., 184

Lipid compounds, 178

Lipsey, R. G., 298

List, C., 192, 199–201

Literacy, 242, 257

Lloyd, A. M., 134

Lloyd, E. A., 11, 39, 50, 73

Localized common knowledge, 272–273

Locantore, J. K., 338–339

Long-tail argument, 131, 142n4

Long-term potentiation (LTP), 184, 332

Lovas, B., 297

Lövdén, M., 329

LTP (long-term potentiation), 184, 332

Lucas, G., 150

Lunt, P. S., 269

Luria, A. R., 7–8

Ly, D., 240

Lyell, C., 347–348, 357

Lyon, Pamela, 60, 81, 169, 171–186, 313, 373–374


Macintosh operating system, 85, 96

Mackie, D. M., 195

Mackie, J. L., 233

Mackiean INUS conditions, 233


artifact production by, 48

definition of, 12, 67

distribution of folk psychology, 69–70

entrenchment of, 62

function of seasonal meetings, 64

mediation of interaction in, 61

modal tasks/scaffolds/group size, 62t

model for coordination, 67

role in establishing social imaginaries, 68–69

scaffolding within and between groups, 65

of scientists, 63

as site of biocultural evolution, 67–68

standardization of language/liberation from face-to-face groups, 61–62

Maddison, Angus, 288, 289f

Maglio, P., 191–193, 197, 202

Maguire, E. A., 330

Mahoney, J., 136

Maienschein, J., 23

Maier, Steven F., 178–180, 182

Maintenance, 16, 365

Maintenance entrenchment, 60, 86

Maintenance scaffolding, 15

Malthus, Thomas R., 25, 296, 348

Management, 293, 296–300, 382

Mancosu, P., 225

Mantzavinos, C., 5–6, 379

Manu’a Islands, 136

Manual dexterity, 243


black boxing of complex hierarchical artifacts, 47

effects of armory practice, 78

percentage of population employed in, 290, 290f

standardization of machine parts/tools, 88, 89t, 93–102, 97f–98f

strategies for facilitating deep modifications, 93

use of combinatorial modules, 90

Mara-Drita, I., 140

March, James, 296

Marchand, T. H. J., 221

Mark, R., 260

Marking, 36–38

Markov model, 128, 142n2

Marriage, 221, 318

Marshall, G. J., 292

Martínez, Sergio F., 6, 229–230, 249–261, 377–378, 380, 385

Masks, 215, 220, 225

Mass culture, 137, 143n9

Masse, N. Y., 172

Mass-production systems

interchangeability propagating, 78

standardization of machine parts/tools, 88, 89t, 93–102, 97f–98f

use of combinatorial modules, 90

Matching, 149–150

Material/cognitive scaffolding, 91

Material culture, 255, 257–259

Material overlap

in biological reproduction, 363

breaks in, 29

connection of lineages, 59

core configurations perspective incorporating, 58–59

lacking in scaffolding, 30

in reproduction, 25–29, 34, 36–37

in retrovirus replication, 40, 42–46

Material resources, 256, 261, 261n6

Maternal-infant dyad, 12, 30, 61, 70–73, 358, 368, 386

Mathematical concepts

as cultural items, 225

Newtonian vs. Leibnizian concepts, 225–226

order of precedence in, 229

parasymbolic features, 240

resources for shaping deductions in geometry, 229–230, 252–253, 378

skills acquisition, 86, 101, 222–223, 233–235, 238–239, 376

symbols entrenched in, 231, 376

traces of scaffolding in students, 236–240

Mathematical models, 141

Mating systems, culturally/environmentally driven, 4

Maturation, 45

Matzinger, P., 171

May, Christopher J., 61, 107–108, 147–164, 373

Mayr, E., 274

McAfoose, J., 172, 182–183

McClanahan, K., 129

McCoy, S. K., 182

McDermott, J., 241

McDonald, K., 111

McDougall, W., 195

McEwen, B. S., 174

McGonigle, Brendan, 243, 245

McGowan, R., 128

McIntosh, A. R., 338–339

McKelvey, B., 297

McKenzie, R. D., 137

McLuhan, Marshall, 125

McNab, F., 333

McNeil, Nicole, 238–240

McPhee, W. N., 127, 131

Mead, G. H., 274, 278

Meanings, 81–82

Measurement, 95

Mechanical construction kits, 101

Mechanisms of development

for creation/maintenance of reliability/consistency in behavior, 266, 379–380, 383

definition of, 10, 261n1

interaction producing cultural phenomena, 256

necessity of ontological context of, 250

as units of measure of regularity/contingency in culture, 229, 378

Medical doctors in training study, 343, 349–351, 352t, 354–359

Meinhardt, H., 112

Meltzoff, A. N., 72

Meme-like things (MLTs), 78–79, 366

Memes, 251, 309, 322, 378

Memetic inspired theory, 79, 250–251, 309, 378, 383

Memetics, 212, 218


factors shaping, 284, 331

link with neurogenesis, 184–185

mnemonic training shaping, 329–330, 333, 337

necessary for acquiring states of continuum of tolerance, 177

plasticity of, 331–333, 334f–336f, 337

proinflammatory cytokines in, 182–183

social distribution of, 194

social interactions requiring, 62

Menary, R., 191

Mendel, Gregor, 23, 39, 135

Mendoza, M., 113

Mental capacities. See Cognition; Core cognition; Memory

Mental events, 226n1

Mental exercise, 327

Mentor-mentee relationships

attraction of mentors, 285, 346–347, 349, 354–357

career development, 285, 343, 346–348, 354–359

cognitive development through, 343–344, 346–349, 385

encouraging activities, 285

gender biases, 350–351, 352t, 353, 357–359

in medical field, 350–351, 352t, 353–359, 360n2

mentee efforts, 285, 354–355, 357

negative interactions, 357

reciprocal nature of, 386

in science research, 63–64

transmission of tacit knowledge, 125, 372

types of assistance, 352, 385

Merabet, L. B., 329–330

Merton, Robert K., 127, 129, 140

Merzenich, M. M., 331

Meselson, M., 28, 35–36

Meselson-Stahl procedure for tracking strands, 43

Mesentseva, N. V., 113–114

Mesoscale materials, 109–110

Mesoscale physics

confirmation of scaffolding by in embryonic hourglass, 117–120

mobilization of partway into development process, 111

in oogenesis, 115

role in development, 109–110

role in morphogenetic stage of development, 113–114

tracking by gene-encoded transcription factors, 371–372

Mesoudi, A., 4

Message, 125–126

Metazoans, 89–91, 111–112

Methionine-enkephalin, 176

Method of difference, 323

Method of loci, 337–338, 339f

Methodology, 3–4, 24, 48–51, 86, 244, 351

Metric system, 138

Metz, J. A., 118

Meyer, C. D., 128, 142n2

Meyer, John W., 138

Meyerowitz, Elliot, 135

Meyer-Thurow, G., 293

Michel, J. B., 141

Microbands, 63

Microcoordination, 61

Microglia, 182, 185

Microsoft software, 85, 96

Miller, G. E., 171, 173, 177

Miller, S. L., 331

Mills, J. S., 323

Mimicry, 61, 72–73

Mind. See also Brain; Cognition; Cognitive development; Extended cognition; Learning

as constituted by culture, 69

development in infants, 368

evolution of, 254–255

production of new cultural items, 211–212

Minge, M. A., 109, 113

Minimum description length principle, 141

Mistro, D. C., 152

Mitchell, M., 128

Mitosis, 91

Miwa, J., 117

Miwa, S., 117

Mlot, N. J., 203–204

MLTs, 78–79, 366

MLTs (meme-like things), 78–79, 366

Mnemonic training, 329, 333, 337–338, 339f

Moadel, T., 172

Modal tasks, 61, 62t


applicability of, 364

assumptions in creation of, 373

of cultural evolution, 249

definition of, 147

experiments, 149–150

false representation by, 147–148

guiding inquiry, 37

hierarchy of, 164n1

identification of, 364

number of parameters for data fitting, 164n11

phylogeny of, 152–153

of rat pup aggregation, 153–155, 154f

of rat pup interactions, 108, 164n16, 165n23, 165n26

reason for building, 147

scaffolding of learning, 107, 373

Modernization, 136

Modern society, 68

Modifications in entrenched structures, 93

Modular designs, 287

Modularity, 87–88, 99, 283

Mohammed, S., 192

Mokyr, J., 287

Molar adaptive decision making, 100

Molecular developmental biology, 23

Monsanto, 134–135

Montague, P. R., 340

Montesquieu, C. S., 127

Montgomery, C., 128

Montgomery, S. L., 185

Moore, K. A., 72, 172, 184

Moral commitment, 267

Moran, N., 28

Morphogenesis, 111

Morphogenetic stage, 113–114, 117–118

Morphogenic fields, 112

Morphogens, 112

Morphological evolution, 109

Morphology. See Body form/morphology

Morris, William, 267

Mother-infant dyad, 12, 30, 61, 70–73, 358, 368, 386. See also Parent-offspring relationship

Motivation, 174, 180

Motor cortex, 330–331

Motorola integrated circuits, 85, 96

Motor system, 240

Movable type, 90

Mugikura, S., 338

Mulbrandon, C., 288, 289f

Müller, G. B., 57

Müller, V., 341

Müller-Wille, S., 23–24

Mullins, N. C., 64

Multicellularity, 111–112

Multicellular organisms, 109

Multidimensional classification, 368

Multilevel selection theory, 11, 27, 46–47, 58–59, 375

Multilevel trait, 203–205, 206n2

Multiple object tracking/parallel individuation, 214

Multistable dynamics, 112

Munro, E., 116, 118

Murmann, Johann Peter, 6, 80, 92, 101, 142n7, 283–284, 287–302, 291f, 371, 379, 381–383

Murrell, G., 347

Music, 241, 278


aspects of culture exemplified by, 265–271

auditory cortical representations of, 330

common knowledge shared by, 272–273

as members of cross-cutting groups, 68, 272–273

as task group, 48

Muskets, interchangeable parts, 78, 94–95

Mutational landscape, 369


Nagren, K., 333

Nance, J., 116

Narrative modes of thought, 65

Native immune system, 169, 374

Natural disasters, 266, 276

Natural perceptual biases, 229

Natural selection. See also Evolution

application to cultural evolution, 249–250, 261n1

Dawkins’s idea of, 250–251

development of concept, 296

as exploration/selective stabilization, 322

factors affecting, 59, 180

group mediation of, 60

in Waddington’s epigenetic landscape, 314

Nature-nurture dualism, 59

Naveh-Benjamin, M., 333

Navigational tasks, 48, 64, 196, 203, 348

Nazi Germany, 139–140

Neely, A. Stigsdotter, 338

Neil, J., 71

Nelson, K., 298

Nelson, R. R., 287–288, 293, 296–299, 340

Nematode development, 116–117

Neo-Darwinism. See also Darwinism

alternative to, 2

application to cognitive/cultural evolution, 252, 275, 371

burden of proof for, 73

causal resources of, 58–59

controversy over, 74n1

developmental systems perspectives recasting of, 366

dichotomy between genes/environment, 57

limitations of, 1, 11, 61, 368–369

Nersessian, N., 343–344, 348, 359–360

Network elements, 103n10

Network protocols, 125

Networks, 125

Network-theory models, 313

Netz, R., 252–253

Neural plasticity, 172, 182–183

Neural progenitor cells, 184

Neural stem cells (NSCs), 184

Neuroendocrine system, 178–179

Neurogenesis, 172, 182, 184–185

Neuropeptides, 178

Neurophysiology, 283

Neuroplasticity, 283, 327–340, 384–385

Neurotransmitters, 169, 178, 284, 332

Newman, K. S., 308

Newman, Stuart A., 6, 27, 57, 60, 63, 89, 107–120, 371–372, 378, 385

Newstetter, W., 348

Newtonian concepts, 225–226

Niche construction theory, 4–5, 383

Nichols, S. A., 111

Nicholson-Bailey model of host-parasite systems, 152–153

Nietzsche, Friedrich M., 143n9

Niklas, Karl, 343

Noncore groups, 12, 63

Noradrenaline, 178

Norepinephrine, 332

Normalization, 378

Norman, D. A., 8, 196, 344


embodiment in material culture, 255

fixed features of cultural systems, 14

generation of by artifacts, 252–253

generative role, 14

of institutions, 80

for manufacturing parts, 95–96

meaning and intention implicated in, 81

spread through specialization, 257

standardized elements of cultural practices anchoring, 379

North, Douglas, 5–6, 379

Notch pathway, 113–114

Not-for-profit organizations, 291–292, 381

Not OK condition, 175–177, 181, 373–374

Nowak, M. A., 141

NSCs (neural stem cells), 184

Nucleus accumbens, 181

Null hypothesis testing, 150, 163n2

Nunez, R., 225

Nursery rhymes, 241

Nursing, 71–72

Nyberg, L., 332–333, 338, 340


Object cognition, 214

Object tracking system, 225

Obligatory interdependence, 11

O’Brien, M. J., 268

Observation, 37–38, 260

Occam’s razor, 141

O’Connor, J. C., 179

O’Connor, T, 197, 203, 205, 206n2

Odenbaugh, J., 148

Odling-Smee, F. J., 310

Odling-Smee, J., 4–5, 311

O’Doherty, J., 340

Oertzen, T. von, 337, 340

“Of the Standard of Taste” (Hume), 141

Ogren, Bill, 134–135

O’Hara, S., 61

Ojala, Jari, 290, 291f

OK condition, 175–176, 181

Oktem, O., 151

Okubo, Y., 333

Olby, R., 24

Olesen, P. J., 331

Olsson, H., 333

Oluwole, C., 180

Online scholarly databases, 129

Ontogenetic stage of development, 113–114, 313


entrenchment of habits, 91

evolutionary meta-ontogenies, 91–92, 371

generation of recurrences/entrenchments, 86, 370

of information, 26–27, 51n3

ontological commitment, 38–39, 48

Oocytes, 115

Ooplasmic organization, 114–117

Ooplasms, 115

Oostenveld, R., 330

Open-ended plasticity, 312

The Open Society and Its Enemies (Popper), 140

O’Reilly Media Web 2.0 conference, 142n1

Organisms, 6, 52n12, 59


circulation of innovations through seasonal meetings, 67

culture as manner of assembly/conduct of, 380

definition of, 80

as element of theory of cultural evolution, 80, 366

formation of, 275

imprints of on members, 91, 103n5

institutions embodied in, 270–271, 279, 382

institutions scaffolding, 275, 279

participation in multiple worlds, 272

re-creation process in, 278

role of, 80, 363

scaffolding for, 81

society as repeated assembly of, 380

as source of institutions, 80

The Origin of Concepts (Carey), 213–214, 222–223

Origin stories, 68–69, 73

Orr, R., 109, 113

Orthodox Jewish community in Los Angeles, 283–284, 317–322, 383–384

Orzack, S. H., 148–149

Oscillation in internal chemical composition, 112

Ostrom, E., 192

Ottaviani, Enzo, 179

Overlap, material. See Material overlap

Overlapping entrenchment, 60, 90–91

Ovulation in mammals, 151

Ownership criterion in retrovirus replication, 42–44

Oyama, S., 6, 51n3, 58, 307


Pain memory mechanisms, 172, 184

Painters scaffolding, 30–32, 219, 369

Paley, W., 27

Palmer, C. L., 128

Palmer, T. D., 172, 182, 185

Pantev, C., 330

Paper-making industry, 283, 290, 291f, 292, 381

Paradigmatic modes of thought, 65

Paradigm Genetics, 135

Parasymbolic features, 240

Parcellation of functions, 87–88

Parent-offspring relationship

material overlap, 25–29

mother-infant dyad, 12, 30, 61, 70–73, 368, 386

scaffolding for development, 26, 51n7, 52n8, 58

in virus reproduction, 40, 43–44

Parity principle, 193, 197

Park, D. C., 339

Park, R. E., 137

Parker, J., 347

Parnes, O., 23–24, 36, 52n10

Parsons, Talcott, 267

Pascual-Leone, A., 329–330

Patent laws, 298, 382

Pattern formation, 111

Pea aphids, 28

Penrose, L., 26

Pepperberg, Irene, 242, 244

Peraino, K., 357

Perception, 177

Perceptual system, 240

Performance, 284

Perry, M., 8

Personality matching for careers, 285


core configurations, 57–73 (see also Core configurations)

entrenchment of generative elements, 9–10, 13–14, 77–102 (see also Entrenchment; Generative entrenchment)

repeated assembly of core configurations, 9, 11–13

reproduction, 9–11, 23–51 (see also Reproducer perspective)

Petersen, L. A., 239–240

Peterson, M. S., 331

Petersson, K. M., 338

Pettit, P., 192, 199–202

Phase separation, 112

Phenotypical trait development, 210

Pheromones, 125

Phyla, 114

Phylogenetically ancient defensive network, 179

Phylogeny of models, 152–153, 163f

Phylotype, 114–118

Phylotypic stage of development, 111, 116, 118, 369

Physical medium, 240


confirmation of scaffolding by in embryonic hourglass, 117–120

mobilization of partway into development process, 111

in oogenesis, 115

role in development, 109–110

role in morphogenetic stage of development, 113–114, 117–118

tracking by gene-encoded transcription factors, 371–372

Piaget, Jean, 243

Picchini, A. M., 172

Pigliucci, M., 210

Pilley, J. W., 242

Piore, M. J., 131

Piwnica-Worms, H., 113

Plague, 276

Planning, 5

Plant biotechnology, 134–136, 143n8

Plant reproduction, 28


of brain, 283, 327–340, 384–385

cognitive plasticity, 226

definition of, 312, 327

developmental plasticity, 284

experience-dependent plasticity of sensory/motor cortex, 330–331, 385

extreme plasticity, 230

future research needed concerning plasticity, 339–340

of individuals in society, 317

interlinking across multiple levels, 284

longevity of, 284

memory plasticity, 331–333, 334f–336f, 337

mnemonic training shaping brain plasticity, 338

modification of brain plasticity by cognitive training, 331

neural plasticity, 172, 182–183

neurochemical mechanisms of memory plasticity, 332–333, 384–385

open-ended plasticity, 312

plasticity over life span, 283, 327–340, 384–385

scaffolding performance, 284

of sensory/motor cortex shaped by sociocultural inputs, 330–331

study of cultural evolution in terms of, 323

Plath, N., 183

Pleiotropy, 283, 300–301

Polanyi, M., 125, 140, 299

Polarity, 112, 114–115

Poldrack, R. A., 331

Political parties, 202

Political structure

cultural change enabled/forced by, 277

reflected in mathematical models, 141

reflected in science, 139–141

religion reflecting/worshipping, 139

totalitarian claims to scientific authority/compatibility, 139–140

Poole, M. S., 66

Poore, K. R., 181–182

Popper, Karl, 140, 161

Population-genetics-inspired gene-culture coevolution. See Dual inheritance theory

Populations, 274, 297

Population structure, 79

Porter, M. E., 293

Postfertilized eggs, 115

Postma, P. W., 177

Post-morphogenetic stage diversification, 118


application of developmental systems theory, 310–311, 316–317, 322

application of genetic-evolution-based models, 309–310

factor causing shifting of, 307

factors reproducing, 308–309

stability of, 283–284, 307–308

ways it is lived, 308


artifacts/infrastructure narrowing shared practices, 364

embodiment in material culture, 255

group interactions facilitating production, 79

as mechanism of change in culture, 380

mechanisms embodied in, 256

role in characterization of interactions, 253

role in cultural stability, 256

structural changes initiating change in, 266

transmission of, 309

Pragmatic actions, 192–193

Preat, T., 183

Prefertilized eggs, 115

Prefrontal cortex, 181, 184

Premack, D., 244

Premetazoan cell clusters, 113–114

Premise-centered procedure, 201

Pre-morphogenetic-stage variation, 117–118

Press, W. H., 155

Price, D. J. D., 129

Price, E. G., 278

Priess, J. R., 116

Primordial cell clusters, 109

The Principle of Psychology (James), 327

Prions, 29

Problem solving

in acquisition of expertise, 345

artifacts/infrastructure scaffolding, 364

careers as developing cognitive trajectories, 349–351

in distributed cognitive systems, 348–349

resources for integration over time, 348

study of situated cognition, 192–193

zone of proximal development, 1, 7, 63–64, 370

Process explanations, 32

Process ontology, 8

Process outputs, 367

Process scaffolding, 47–48

Proctor, R., 140


complex group interactions facilitating production, 79, 366

effect of production technologies, 290

growth of, 283, 381

introduction into economy, 288–289

know-how necessary for production of, 299–300

repeated assembly of, 59

research and development, 292–293

Professionalization, 90, 343, 350–351, 359, 385. See also Career development

Profession choice, 79, 346–347, 349–350, 353–356

Profits, 287, 381

Progeneration, 26–27

Program evolution, 103n3

Proinflammatory cytokines, 182–185

Promotional scaffolding, 344

Propagule, 26, 28, 50

Prostaglandins, 178, 185

Protease, 45

Protein synthesis, 90

Provirus, 42–44

Pseudo-entrenchment, 82

Psychological challenge, 171

Psychological phenomena, 226n1

Public representations, 68, 209, 214–215, 223

Puffert, D. J., 277

Putnam, N. H., 114

Pylyshyn, Z., 235


Quantum mechanics, 141

Quartz, S. R., 340

Quinian bootstrapping, 222–223

Quinn, Naomi, 221

Quintner, J., 176


Raff, R. A., 118

Ramirez, F. O., 138

Random access memory (RAM), 233

Random variation and selective retention (RVSR), 273–274

Rasmussen, N., 111

Ratcheting effect of development, 173, 345, 355, 359, 386

Rational decision theory, 6


effect of choice of aggregation procedure on, 199–202

explanations concerning range of, 293, 296, 302n7

requirements for group judgments, 200–202

role in decision making, 6, 350

Rat pup aggregation experiment

building/rebuilding scaffolding for understanding, 153

discussion, 161–162, 163f, 164

first agent-based model, 155–156, 161, 164n9

models, 153–155, 154f

models of interactions, 108, 164n16, 165n23, 165n26

rat pup huddles, 153f

robot models (see Robot models of rat pups)

second-generation agent-based model, 156, 161, 164n16

second-generation robots, 165n17

third-generation agent-based models, 160–162

Ray, E., 72

Rayner, K., 241

R. culicivorax, 117

Reaction-diffusion mechanism, 112

Reading, 242

Reciprocity, 62

Re-creation process, 278

Recursion, 279

Recursive notion of constructive learning, 8

Redemann, S., 113

Redfield, Robert, 269

Redundancy, 13, 87

Re-Engineering Philosophy for Limited Beings (Wimsatt), 164

Reformation, 139

Reid, A. K., 242

Reimer, J., 126–127

Reinke, H., 112

Relabeling in hybridization studies, 38–39, 43–44

Relative developmental dependency, 2, 13

Relevance, 215

Reliability. See also Stability

canalization leading to, 313

of channels of cultural transmission, 260

increased in transmission of capacities by material overlap, 26, 28

in patterns of behavior, 266, 379

of recurrence of core configurations, 60

of reproduction, 78


beliefs triggering cognition mechanisms, 215

effects of belief concerning after life, 221

Orthodox Jewish community, 283–284, 317–322, 383–384

reflection/worship of political structure, 139

Renear, A. H., 128

Repeated assembly

of core configurations, 11–13, 57, 343–344, 363, 380

of core configurations scaffolding, 58

cross-discipline application of, 366

definition of, 2, 11, 58–60

dependence upon early development, 70–72

errors of, 60

of fine hand-eye coordination, 67

Heintz’s questioning of, 376

of HIV-1 viruses, 40

involving copying, 59–60

of ontogeny, 370

of organizations, 380

process outputs feeding back to, 367

re-creation process in organizations, 278

reproduction compared to, 34

in retrovirus replication, 45

role in establishing social imaginaries, 69

of social groups, 380

standardized elements of cultural practices anchoring, 379

time scales of, 60

Replication in social transmission practices, 309

Replication of HIV-1, 31–32, 40, 41f, 42–46, 52n14, 368

Replicator/interactor function approach to evolution, 25

Replicators, 10, 322


application to evolution of cognition/culture, 253

artifacts as scaffoldings for production of, 256

construction of, 253

of goal-oriented action, 214

interactionist view of, 8, 253

of material objects, 214

role in spread of culture, 258, 260–261

of scaffoldings of culture, 259–260

as scaffolds for learning, 221

standardization of by social norms/expectations, 256

Reproducer perspective

application to economics, 301–302

approach of, 9

concepts of, 10–11

consistency with economics, 288

cultural development, 46–48

development/status of hybrids, 34–40, 41f, 42–46

integration with core configurations/entrenchment, 32, 34

material basis for, 110–111

material overlap in reproduction, 25–29

scaffolding, 29–32, 46–47

trait/breeding/task groups, 48–51

Reproducers, 27–28, 118

Reproduction. See also Mass-production systems

application of developmental systems theory, 321

biological, 27–29

of cells, 27, 91

conceptualizing levels of, 74n2

of core configurations, 380

cross-discipline application of, 366

definition of, 2, 10, 25–27

development as integral to, 24

development of hybrids, 23–50

failure to confer developmental capacities, 51n5

as fundamental to evolution, 24

of HIV-1 viruses, 31–32, 40, 41f, 42–46, 52n14, 368

of interdeme groups, 50

material overlap in, 25–29, 34, 36–37

model of, 34

of Orthodox Jewish life, 317–321, 383

of poverty, 307–308, 383

repeated assembly compared to, 34

role of individuals, 34–35

scaffolding of, 37

task of breeding groups, 49

tracking of, 37–39

use of combinatorial modules, 90

Reproduction dynamics, 323

Research, 142n3

Research and development labs, 292–293, 294t, 298–299, 381

Researcher-subject collaboration, 60

Research groups, 63

Research laboratories, 348

Research strategy proposals, 375–378, 380–382, 384

Reserve developmental plasticity, 337

Residential bands, 61

Resources, 59–60, 311, 345

Response to stimuli, 171


barriers steps in replication, 42–46

lack of material overlap between parent/offspring, 29

replication of, 31–32, 40, 41f, 42–46, 52n14, 368

Reuter-Lorenz, Patricia A., 327, 339

Revolution, 266

Reynolds, L., 242

Rheinberger, H.-J., 23

Richardson, M. K., 118

Richerson, P., 4, 11, 46, 79, 209, 211, 217–218, 226, 260, 268, 309, 369–370, 375

Rifles, 25, 34, 45, 78, 94–95

Rijit, A. van de, 130

Rinne, J. O., 333

Rissanen, Jorma, 141

Rittle-Johnson, B., 239–240

Rivier, C., 179

RNA, 95

RNA-DNA hybrids, 42–46

Robbins, P., 344

Roberts, L. E., 330

Robotics, 253, 260

Robot models of rat pups

errors in programming, 165n24

first-generation, 157, 157f, 161

formation of subgroups, 165n26

second-generation, 157f, 158, 159f, 160–162, 165n17, 165n23–165n24

unexpected outcomes, 164n16, 165n23


analysis of, 148–149, 153

canalization leading to, 313

definition of, 307

enabling modification in entrenched structures, 93

increased in transmission of capacities by material overlap, 26, 28

modulation of entrenchment, 87

monitoring, 382

Röcke, C., 329

Rockstroh, B., 330

Rodrigues, L. A. D., 152

Roger, A. J., 109

Rogers, S., 134

Rogoff, B., 7, 9, 57

Rohrschneider, M. R., 116

Rokas, A., 109

Rosati, A., 350

Rosen, S., 127

Rosenberg, E. L., 70

Rosenblum, L. A., 72

Rösler, Frank, 327

Ross, B., 330

Ross, G., 7

Rostral migratory stream, 184

Rowlands, M., 191

Ruden, T., 109, 113

Ruiz-Trillo, I., 109

Rules, 80, 271, 366

Rumbaugh, G., 183

RVSR (random variation and selective retention), 273–274


Sabbath edicts, 319, 321

Sable, C. F., 131

Sadler, B., 117

Salazar-Ciudad, I., 113, 116, 118

Salganik, M. J., 127

Salmon, C. A., 217

Salter, M. W., 184

Samuels, R., 213

Sandblom, J., 338

Sander, K., 111

Sastry, B., 176

Sato, Gordon, 346

Sato, Y., 176

Satoh, M., 176

Savage-Rumbaugh, E. S., 244

Sawyer, R. K., 344, 359

Scaffolding. See also specific topics

acquisition of expertise, 278, 330–331, 345–348, 351, 360n1

activities in science, 63–64

artifact (see Artifact scaffolding)

bonded groups, 61

boundaries, 63

brain processes, 329

caregiver-infant relations, 70–73

categories of, 15

Clark’s elaboration of, 5–6

as clue to evolutionary origins, 369

cognitive (see Cognitive scaffolding)

complexity of, 385

of concept changes, 222–226

conceptualizing levels of, 57, 74n2

by core configurations, 12

cross-classification of, 365–366

cultural change/evolution, 46–48, 130–131, 209–226, 249, 256, 310

cultural variant accumulation as diagnostic for, 376

cumulative culture, 216–217

definition of, 1–2, 7, 14–15, 26, 57, 81, 110, 172, 259–260

developmental capacities, 26, 29–32, 34

development of hybrids, 41f

development of offspring, 57, 70–73

development of standardization, 96

development/stabilization/language, 67

diagnostic symptoms of, 371

of economy by institutions, 288, 301–302

effect on reproducing and repeated assembly, 2

elements accounting for role of in cultural evolution, 78–82, 101–102

elements of, 80–81

in embryonic development/evolution, 113–114, 117–120, 372

enabling modification in entrenched structures, 93

entrenched features acting as, 77

entrenchment compared to, 376

entrenchment of, 77

environmental factors scaffolding culture, 212

by fine hand-eye coordination, 67

of flow of knowledge from world to world, 272–273

functional nature of, 8–9

function of, 259

function of models allowing, 149, 152, 373

gene replication, 81

group, 58, 60, 62t

as guide for system to basin of attraction, 383–384

hybrids, 34

individuals, 81

information through standards, 138–139

infrastructure (see Infrastructure scaffolding)

internalization of environmental scaffolding, 377

knowledge, 63, 221

learning, 1, 7–9, 79, 107, 162, 222–223, 373, 381

limitations of, 136

lowering of fitness functions, 374

in mass manufacturing, 102

as means of creating groupiness, 367

mediating role of tools, 7

mesoscale physics in embryonic hourglass, 117–120

models appropriate for, 152–153

models of rat pup aggregation, 153–157, 154f, 157f, 158, 159f, 160–162, 163f, 164

in morphological evolution, 109

opening/closing avenues of change, 363

organizations, 81

Orthodox Jewish life, 321

performance, 284

persistence of, 51n2

plant biotechnology, 134–136

points for new empirical research, 366–368

problem-solving trajectories, 345

production of hybrid developmental complexes, 47

professional/career development, 283, 343–344, 346–359, 352t, 360n2, 385

protein folding, 81

provision of causal specificity to accounts, 369

psychosocial aspect of, 7, 69

reciprocal nature of in mother-infant dyads, 30, 58, 70–73

representings as scaffolding of culture, 259–260

reproduction, 37

research, 108

retrovirus replication, 42–45

role in development, 71–72

scales of, 107

science by theory, 131–136

science/scholarship by Web, 128–131, 130f

sensitivity to time/size scales, 363

significance of artifacts in, 6–8

skills acquisition, 79, 284–285, 381

social development, 316

sociocultural networks, 311

success/failure of firms, 284

support/limitation of types of institutional change, 277

task groups by customs/common knowledge, 369

by technology, 67

theoretical work, 37

time and size scales of, 371, 379

traces of, 235–240

23rd Altenberg Workshop on, 3, 386–387

types of, 30

of virus reproduction, 40

zone of proximal development, 1, 7, 15, 63–64, 370


architectural features compared to, 230–231

artifacts, 219–220

artifact structures, 80–81

behavior of others, 219

cells, 81

chaperone molecules, 81

core cognition, 216, 220–226

cultural environments, 46

definition of, 47–48, 81

DPMs as, 117

effects of, 48

empirical work, 37

entrenched features, 77

environment, 364

face-to-face groups, 57

factors affecting status, 51

function of, 364

groups, 60

handholds, 345–346

host cells, 40, 44

infrastructure, 219

institutions, 80, 227n4, 382

Internet, 127–131, 130f

mentor-mentee relationships, 343, 346–347, 350–351, 352t, 353–359

models, 147–164

organizations, 80

physics of mesoscale materials, 110

symbols, 231–245

theory, 131–134

types of, 30, 364

Scale. See also Mesoscale physics; Time scales

of B. Wimsatt’s study of career development, 284–285, 345

of coordination, 65

of core configurations, 79

DPMs enabled by, 113

effect on narration of hybrids, 36

effect on views of status of hybrids, 35

influence on physical effects on organisms, 111

mesoscale, 109

of processes scaffolding activities/capabilities, 107

relationship to scope of institutions, 380

of role of interaction toolkit, 109–110

scaffolding by groups, 65

scaffolding sensitive to, 363–364

of social landscapes, 311

sources of large scale changes, 276–277

for study of hybridization, 24

of work on situated cognition, 359

Scalf, P. E., 331

Scaplehorn, N., 183

Schaefer, S., 329

Schank, Jeffrey C., 6, 13, 24, 32, 61, 107–108, 111, 147–164, 276, 284, 373

Schank, R., 70

Schema, 311

Scherer, K. R., 174

Schierenberg, E., 117

Schmiedek, F., 329

Schmitt, V., 243

Scholarship, 128–131, 130f

Schon, D. A., 277

Schultze, J., 117

Schwartz, M., 177


biological experiments, 150–152

collaboration between academic/industrial, 132–136

criteria for evaluation of hypotheses, 141

as cultural accumulation, 222

effect of industrial science on academic science, 142n7

effects of Internet scaffolding, 128–131, 130f

effects of shifts in quality of communication, 125, 139–141, 372

emergence of English as dominant language, 138

history of, 252

industrial compared to academic, 132–135

reflection of government structure, 139–141

role of models, 373

scaffolding of models, 153–162, 163f, 164

as social practice, 254

symbols entrenched in, 231, 376

theory as scaffold for, 131–136

totalitarian claims to scientific authority/compatibility, 139–140

Scientific citations, 129–130

Scientific dialects, 125

Scientific management, 140

Scientific research distribution, 364

Scope, 371, 380

Scrable, H., 183

Seabright, P., 379

Sears kit houses, 100–101, 103n11, 219–220

Seasonally meeting macrobands, 61

Sebé-Pedrós, A., 109

Seger, C. R., 195

Segerstrom, S. C., 171, 173, 177

Selectionist approaches, 283, 322

Selection processes on firms/products, 283

Selective retention model, 297, 381–382

Selective stabilization, 312, 322

Self-maintaining interactions, 311, 383

Self-maintenance, 60. See also Immune system; Stress response

Self-scaffolding, 26, 34, 238, 365–366

Seligman, M. E., 179

Selye, Hans, 173–174

Semi-conservation, 28, 35, 39

Semin, G. R., 66, 70, 191

Sensitive period, 330

Sensorimotor system, 240

Sensory cortex, 330–331

Sensory/motor cortex, experience-dependent plasticity of, 330–331, 385

Services, 288–290, 290f, 299–300

Seymour, B., 340

Sgorbati, S., 9

Shackelford, T. K., 217

Shalchian-Tabrizi, K., 109, 113

Shared construction of reality, 61

Shared inferential mechanisms, 225

Shared practices, 255, 364

Sharik, S., 5–6, 379

Shaw-Williams, K., 64

Shechter, R., 177

Sheets-Johnstone, M., 9, 65

Shen, B., 119

Shennan, S. J., 268

Shepherd, J. D., 183

Sherbin, L., 357

Shettleworth, Sara, 174

Shifting balance theory, 63

Shillito, D. J., 244

Shipboard distributed cognitive tasks, 48, 64, 196, 203, 348

Shore, B., 72

Shorr, A., 174

Short germ band insects, 116

Sickness behavior, 179

Signaling pathways, 89

Signal transducer and transcription activator, 183

Signatures, 214

Sikström, S., 333

Simmel, G., 137, 143n9

Simon, Herbert A., 26, 98, 296

Simple entrenchment, 83, 84f

Simplicity, 225

Simulated annealing algorithm, 156, 164n12

Singer, T., 337, 340

Sisti, A. C., 172

Situated activity, alignment of, 58

Situated cognition, studies of, 191–196, 344–345, 355, 359

Skill acquisition. See also Career development; Learning; Mentor-mentee relationships

culture made through, 79

effect on brain function, 329, 331, 385

mathematical concepts, 86, 101, 222–223, 233–235, 238–239, 376

meaning and intention implicated in, 81

professionalization, 90, 343, 350–351, 359, 385

profession choice, 79, 346–347, 349–350, 353–356

scaffolding, 79, 284–285, 381

scientific, 63–64

social interactions requiring, 62

Slack, J. M., 111

Smale, L., 66

Small-group relational identities, 68

Smith, Adam, 296

Smith, E. R., 66, 191, 195

Smith, J., 329

Smith, Maynard, 10–11, 25–27, 58, 73

Smith, Merritt R., 94–95

SMT (social manifestation thesis), 194–195, 202–206, 206n2

Snowdon, C. T., 241

Sober, E., 11, 49, 148–149

Social brain hypothesis, 230, 254

Social cognition, 344

Social cognitive causal chains, 215–216, 219

Social-cognitive scaffolds, 169

Social-cognitive systems, 363

Social-developmental landscape model, 314–317, 316f, 321–324

Social evolution, 287, 301. See also Cultural change/evolution

Social externalism, 195

Social identity formation, 67

Social imaginaries, 68–70, 73

Social interactions, 214, 320–321

Sociality, 12, 67, 255

Socialization, 79, 125, 371

Social judgment, 62

Social learning, 250

Socially manifested psychological traits, 206n2

Social manifestation thesis (SMT), 194–195, 202–206, 206n2

Social networks, 68, 254

Social norms of behavior, 80, 366

Social organization, 50. See also Core configurations

Social outcomes, 314–317, 316f, 322–324

Social parity principle, 197

Social phenomena, 219

Social protocols, 136–137

Social rituals, 60

Social structure, 139

Social systems, 300, 307–309, 316

Societal interdependence theory, 127

Society. See also Core configurations; Face-to-face groups; Groups; Poverty

collective behavior, 271–273

developmental scaffolding, 69

evolution, 11

macrobands, 67–68

modern, 68

Orthodox Jewish community, 283–284, 317–322, 383–384

plasticity of individuals in, 317

units of inquiry, 380

world, 138

Sociocultural inputs, 330–331

Sociocultural network, 311

Somerville, Chris, 134–135

Sorenson, O., 132

Sovago, J., 333

Soviet Union (U.S.S.R.), 139–140

Specialization, 10–11, 88

Specialized common knowledge, 272–273

Specialized role differentiation/training, 79

Special progeneration, 25–26, 28, 31

Speciation, 137, 274

Sperber, Dan, 170, 210, 212, 214–215, 226–227n2, 229, 256, 268, 309–310, 321–322, 376, 383

Sponges, 114

Sponsel, A., 348

Springfield armory, 94

Sprunger, D. B., 182

Squire, L. R., 181, 332

Srivastava, M., 114

Sroufe, L. A., 71

Stability. See also Consistency; Reliability

canalization leading to, 313

of Orthodox Jewish community, 283–284, 317–322, 383–384

of outcomes of individual trajectories, 386

of poverty, 283–284, 307–309

of reproduction, 78

of sociocultural systems, 307, 383

Stabilization, 284

Stahl, F., 28, 35–36

Stam, P., 135

Standard narratives of biological evolution. See also Biological evolution; Darwinism; Neo-Darwinism

application to cognitive/cultural evolution, 25, 46, 48, 230, 249, 252, 266, 274–275, 280, 309–310, 366, 371, 377, 379–380, 382–383

application to economics, 381–382

biases due to longing for generality, 249, 377

reassessment of, 23, 365, 375

treatment of cognition, 374

treatment of constraints, 369

treatment of entrenchment/repeated assembly/reproduction, 366

Standards/standardization. See also Conventions; Norms

abstract representations of, 257

armory practice requiring, 78

for attribution of intentions, 256

of cellular materials, 378

combinatorial entrenchment enabling, 77

communication facilitated by, 125

cultural practices dependent upon, 378

of developmental patterning modules in embryonic development, 378

enabling worldwide compatibility, 103n9

of entrenched parts, 85

extension of reach/narrowing of global range, 127, 139, 141, 372

facilitation of communication, 125, 138–139

fixed features of cultural systems, 14

functional scaffolding, 47

generation of by artifacts, 252–253

generative role, 14

industrial revolution midwifed by, 77

institutionalization of, 378–379

institution of common reference standards, 98

of language, 62, 62t, 67

of level of preparation for Cambridge graduates, 101

of mathematical toolbox, 378

meaning and intention implicated in, 81

of parts in combinatorial systems, 88

of parts/tools in manufacturing, 88, 89t, 93–102, 97f–98f

of practice and conventions, 268–269

of recipes, 251–252

repeatability insured by, 258–259, 378–379

of stability, 260, 378

of symbols by social norms/expectations, 256

technology of cognition as scaffold for diversification of, 258–259

toolbox of mathematics producing, 252

of tools/gauges, 78

of units of reference, 107–108

writing anchoring to text, 257

Standard view of symbols, 232

Stanton, A. A., 150

Star, S. L., 138

Stasser, G., 198

Steady state, 316

Steinberg, M. S., 112

Sterelny, K., 9, 11, 172, 191, 194, 196–197, 344–345

Stereotypes, 68–69

Sterling, P., 173

Sternberg, E. M., 177, 179

Stethoscope, 257, 261n7

Steward, Julian, 273

Stewart, D., 198


response to, 171–172

and symbols, 240–244

Stoff, Joshua, 95, 103n9

Storz, G., 174

Stotz, K., 245

Strathmann, R. R., 112, 118

Straus, Claudia, 221

Strauss, A., 273


cognitive scaffolding, 169, 171–186, 345, 373–374, 376

definition of, 173–174

sensitivity of neurogenetic processes to, 172

sickness behavior induced by, 179

Stress (HPA) axis, 177–179

Stress hormones, 178

Stressors, 173–174, 181

Stress response

generally, 177

hypothalamic coordination of, 181

hypothesis of cognitive evolution, 169, 171–186, 373–374

intersection with cognition, 180–182

in invertebrates compared to mammals, 179

steps of, 175

Stress response system, 169

Striatal D2 binding, 333, 334f

Strogatz, S. H., 112

The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (Kuhn), 132

Struiksma, S., 180

Subgranular zone of the dentate gyrus, 184

Substance P, 176, 178

Subsumption-style behavior-based cognitive architecture, 157, 165n17

Subventricular zone, 184

Sudo, Y., 333

Suhara, T., 333

Sumberg, K., 357

Sunstein, C. R., 126

Supermajority voting, 201

Suppes, P., 164n1

Suprachiasmic nucleus, 181

Surface tension, 112

Sutton, J., 191, 194–196

Suzuki, K., 333

Suzuki, M., 338

Swain, J. W., 139

Swanson, Guy, 139, 141

Sweatt, J. D., 332

Swidler, A., 269, 271

Swiss-Prot, 138–139

Symbolic logic, 240

Symbolic mediation, 65

Symbolic reasoning, 236–240


coadaptation to cognitive tasks, 229, 242–243

expansion of memory through use of, 5

external symbols, 233–235, 240, 377

generative entrenchment of, 231, 376

interlinking with everyday life, 261n6

interlinking with material, 261

internal symbols, 232, 234–235, 376–377

of language, 5

learning through, 222–223, 377

of Orthodox Jewish life, 320

role of natural perceptual biases in recognition/articulation of, 229

as scaffolding for cognitive development, 231, 233–246, 237f

standard view of, 232, 376–377

as stimuli, 240–242

stimuli as, 243–244

types of, 232

Synaptic plasticity, 183, 332

Synaptic scaling, 183

Synchrony, 112

Synthetic dye industry

diversification, 300

factors affecting German dominance, 297–298, 301

firm entries/exits, 291–292, 299, 381

research and development of, 292–293

study of, 283, 381

Systematicity, 200–201

Systematic processes of stabilization, 283

System-environment boundary, 30

System-environment interactions, 30–32, 52n11

Systemic inflammation, 178–179

System metabolic functions, 86

System structure, 300–301

Szathmáry, E., 10–11, 27, 58


Taborsky, B., 182

Tacit knowledge, 125, 259–260, 278

Takagi, H., 176

Takahashi, S., 338

Tallal, P., 331

Tandem duplication, 93

Tang, S.-G., 180

Tang, T., 141

Task, 61

Task groups

connections to Gerson’s concept of institutions, 380

coordinated fates of, 49

core configurations, 48–50, 52n16, 61, 63, 66, 69, 363, 369, 380

definition of, 12, 48

formation of, 49, 52n16, 363

hunter-gatherers, 12, 60–64, 67

as hybrids, 50

modal tasks/scaffolds/group size, 62t

as optimal size for epistemic projects, 66

repeated assembly of, 380

role in establishing social imaginaries, 69

scaffolding by customs/common knowledge, 369

of scientists, 63

Tateno, Y., 333

Taub, E., 330

Tavory, Iddo, 6, 283–284, 307–324, 378, 380, 383–386

Taylor, C., 68, 70

T-cells, 185

TCP/IP protocol, 125

T. diversipapillatus, 117

Technical protocols, 138

Technological culture, 92

Technological dialects, 125

Technological scaffolding

cognition, 258–259

culture, 230

plant biotechnology, 134–136, 143n8

situated activities of configurations, 67

Technological systems, 300


advancements in paper-making industry, 290

birth and death of, 292, 381

of cognition, 230, 257–261

cultural change enabled/forced by, 276–277

economic growth attributed to, 287–288, 381

enabling new ways of doing things, 266, 344

evolutionary model of, 293, 296–301

scaffolding of situated activities of configurations, 67

strategies for facilitating deep modifications, 93

Tehrani, J. J., 310–311

Teie, D., 241

Telephony protocols, 125

Teleportation matrix, 142n2

Temple, E., 331

Tenopir, C., 128–129

Terkel, J., 250

Terveen, L., 253

Testing-the-limits procedure, 337–338

Tetris, 192–193

Teukoloshy, S. A., 155

Thagard, P. R., 277

Theiner, Georg, 6–7, 66, 79, 169, 191–206, 373–376, 380

Thelen, E., 313

Theoretical commitment, 36, 126, 132, 136, 195

Theory. See also specific theory

entrenchment of, 85–86

factors affecting acceptance of, 225

guiding inquiry, 37

industry’s interest in, 132–133, 142n6

limitation of range of experiments, 131–132, 134–135

as scaffold for science, 131–136

scaffolding of, 225

Theory of mind, 368

Thick description, 14, 77

Thomas, G., 138

Thomas Register of American Manufacturers, 288

Thompson, E., 9

Thorbek, P., 148

Timberlake, W., 150

Time scales

of cognitive capacities facilitating literacy, 242

of complex compositional structures, 90

core configurations occurring in, 79

of entrenched entities, 60, 376

of entrenchments, 91, 213

of human development, 328, 328f

of infrastructural scaffolding, 15

as key issue in establishing units of inquiry, 385

for narration of life cycles, 32

of repeated assemblies, 60

of resources, 59

scaffolding sensitive to, 363, 365

of scaffolds/systems scaffolded, 48, 365, 379

single developmental stages, 31

for study of hybridization, 24

for study of social phenomenon, 323

of systems interacting with environment, 31–32

of transmission of religiosity, 317

Tindale, R. S., 192, 197

Tissue multilayering, 112

Titus, W., 198

TNF-alpha, 178–179, 182

Tollefsen, D., 197

Tomasello, M., 344–345, 355, 359

Tomlin, D., 340

Tongue protrusion, 72

Tooby, J., 212, 217, 226–227n2, 268

Toolboxes, 252–253

Tools, 7–8, 63, 330–331, 364. See also Artifacts

Toqueville, A. de, 137

Totalitarianism, 139–140

Tovey, C. A., 203–204

Tracey, K. J., 176


of cultural development, 46–47

of developmental production, 370

of economic change, 382

empirical tracking, 37–38

of extended cognition, 375

of genomic DNA replication, 35–37

of history of scaffolding operations, 377

of hybrids, 24, 38–39, 43

of importance of assumptions in modeling, 373

Meselson-Stahl procedure for tracking strands, 43

of mobilization of physical forces in mesoscale, 371–372

of networks of social interaction, 372

of organism-artifact complexes/transmission of learned states, 370

Training methods, 284

Trait groups, 48–50, 52n16, 380

Tranel, D., 181

Transactive memory system, 198

Transgenerational invariance, 170

Transitive inference, 243

Transmitted culture, 217–218, 226–227n2

Traweek, S., 345

Trial-and-error behavior, 161, 293, 296, 312, 381

Trichoplax adhaerens, 114

Triggered influences, 215

Triggering thesis, 194

Trilogy of mind, 174

Triploblasts, 114

Trivers, Robert, 217

Tsai, M. C., 116

Tsutsui, K., 138

Tumor necrosis factor-alpha, 178–179

Turing, A. M., 112

Turnbull, A. V., 179

Turner, G. C., Jr., 172

Turn taking, 71–72

Tushman, M. L., 297

Tutorial interactions, 7

TV shows, 293

Twenty-third Altenberg Workshop, 3, 386–387

Tylor, E. B., 267


Unitary consciousness, 169–170

Units of inquiry

alignment with unit ontologies, 37

assumptions in modeling, 373

collective epistemic actions, 374

of developmental systems theory, 383

dynamical patterning modules (DPMs), 371–372

for economic change, 382

individuals, 34–35

institutions, 380

means of identifying new units, 371

mechanisms, 229, 378

neuroanatomical/neurochemical systems, 385

noncognitive/cognitive elements of immune-brain functions, 374

organizations, 380

relating individual/collective action, 373

self-sustaining feedback interactions, 383

shift in leading to change of strategy, 375

sociocultural groups, 375

structuring of commitments to notions of individuality, 36

time scales as key issue in establishing, 385

Universal Darwinism, 297

Universality, 200

Universal laws, 249–250

Universities. See Colleges/universities

Univocal strategic commitment, 382

Urman, B., 151

U.S.S.R., 139–140


Valcourt, U., 113

Valence, 177

Vallas, S. P., 142n6

Van Essen, D., 71

Variation and selective retention (VSR) model, 288, 297–298, 301–302, 382

Varr, M. C., 152

Varrone, A., 333

Veblen, Thorstein, 296

Vecchi, M. P., 164n12

Vedder, H., 177–178

Venter, Craig, 283, 285, 343, 346, 356–357

Vilkman, H., 333

Vincenti, W., 292, 298

Violation-of-expectation studies, 214

Virons, 40, 44–45


HIV-1 replication, 31–32, 40, 41f, 42–46, 52n14, 368

retroviruses, 29, 31–32, 40–46, 52n14, 368

Visual cortex, 330

Vitkovic, L., 182

Vlaeyen, J., 184

Vocal material, 261n6

Vohs, K. D., 176

Vollrath, D. A., 192, 197

Vom Hau, M., 136

Von Baer’s law, 2

Voting paradox, 200, 202

VSR (variation and selective retention) model, 288, 297–298, 301–302, 382

Vygotsky, Lev S., 5–8, 57, 64, 344–345, 385


Waal, F. B. M. de, 268

Waddington, C. H., 284, 311–314, 322, 383–384

Wade, M. J., 46, 50, 118, 149

Wadhwa, R., 331

Wahlin, T. B. Roins, 333

Wais, P. E., 181

Wake, David, 348–349

Walbot, V., 134

War, 11, 276

Waraczynski, M. A, 181

Ward, C. V., 11

Warneken, F., 350

Warner, W. Lloyd, 269

Warwick, A., 79, 101, 344

Washburn, J., 142n7

Water-repellency, 204–205

Waters, E., 71

Watkins, Linda R., 179–180, 182

Watts, D. J., 127

Weakley, A., 126

Weak supervenience thesis, 203

Web 2.0, 126, 142n1

Webb, B., 148

Weber, B., 9

Weber, Max, 221

Websites. See Internet

Webster Marketon, J. I., 179

Wegner, D. M., 198

Weick, K. E., 297

Weimar Germany, 141

Weisberg, M., 148–149

Wells, A. J., 71

Wertsch, J. V., 7, 9

West-Eberhard, M. J., 312

Westerberg, H., 331

Wexler, J., 157

Wheeler, G., 196

Wheeler, P., 255

White, Leslie, 273

Whitehorn, M., 347

Whiten, A., 4

Whittington, K. B., 143n7

Wienbruch, C., 330

Wiesel, T. N., 330

Wikis, 126

Wilder, R. L., 177

Wilkins, A. S., 109

Williams, G., 50

Williams, L. E., 70

Williamson, O. E., 271

Williamson, S. H., 288

Willis, M. J., 137

Willis, S. K., 339

Wilson, D. S., 48–50

Wilson, Robert A., 5, 11, 191, 194–196, 203–205, 206n2, 344, 346, 349, 359

Wilson, R. S., 329, 339

Wilson, W. J., 308

Wimsatt, Barbara Horberg, 6, 283–285, 343–360, 372, 385–386

Wimsatt, William C., 1–17, 24, 30, 45, 47, 49, 57–58, 60, 66, 77–102, 103n11, 110–111, 117, 148–149, 164, 180, 205, 210–213, 216, 219–220, 226, 227n3, 231, 235, 250, 259, 276, 287, 300–301, 343–346, 348, 352, 360n1, 363–387

Windows operating system, 85, 96

Winter, S. G., 287, 293, 296–297

Witchcraft, 68

Wittenbaum, G. M., 198

Wixted, J. T., 181

Wnt pathway, 113–114

Wolf, J., 46

Women in medical field, 350–351, 352t, 353, 357–359

Wood, D., 7

Woodruff, G., 244

Woolf, C. J., 172, 184

Working memory, 332–333, 335f

World society, 138

Worldviews, 64

World Wide Web. See Internet

Worley, P. F., 183

Wound healing, 60

Wray, G., 118

Wright, Sewall, 63

Wright Flyer (1903), 82–83

Writing, 5, 257

Written norms/standards, 257

Wu, J., 183

Wu, L., 129


Xiao, S., 119


Y2K scare, 83, 85

Yamada, A., 172

Yamasaki, T., 333

Yan, H. C., 179

Yang, C., 183

Yang, P.-C., 180

Yasuno, F., 333

Yirmiya, R., 172, 178, 182–185


Zak, P. J., 150

Zednik, C., 240

Zhang, Y. T., 112

Zheng, P.-Y., 180

Zhu, J., 112

Zhu, X.-H., 179

Ziman, J. M., 292

Zipf, G. K., 141

Zoëcon Research Institute, 134–135

Zone of proximal development, 1, 7, 15, 63–64, 370

Zygotes, 27, 31