Hitler gazed out at the adoring crowd. Nodding. Stroking his moustache with his fingers. His tight-lipped smile of satisfaction, satisfaction for us all.

The Jews mobbed him with adoration as had the Germans and Austrians and French. He saved them all. Many had scoffed when he made his first offer of a homeland in the countryside outside Munich—and more—he would pay them to leave their homes in all other parts of Germany. But the offer was sincere. He paid them fair value for their homes. Soon Jews from all over Germany came by foot, by car, by the trainload. Then the Germans led by the Fuhrer and his men helped build this new homeland for the Jews.

The day that Dachau officially became an independent domain was a great day for Germany and a greater day for all of Europe, but the greatest of all was for Hitler—the best friend the Jews ever had.

When the other European nations saw how well Germany’s Jews adjusted to their new country, that the German economy had recovered from its depression once the Jews were gone, they too wanted to solve their Jewish problem. They approached the Fuhrer. He said, with his open heart, “Of course, they are welcome. But they must be paid for their homes and land.”

A system with which all countries from France, the Netherlands, Austria, Poland, the Balkans, and Czechoslovakia complied. Only England and Russia refused to help their Jews.

Soon, all the Jews of Europe, paid in full for their belongings, which they left behind, by funds from not only their own countries but with the aid of the generous German people, came streaming by the trainloads. First thousands, then hundreds of thousands, and then millions danced into the new land of milk and honey, of “the chosen people.”