The Jews, we Jews, erred by claiming the Holocaust as a “Jewish tragedy.” By creating a Jewish State with memorials that call attention to, in effect affirm, the truth in Hitler’s claims that he would eliminate Jews from Europe and that few non-Jews would care enough to stop him. No doubt, the Holocaust, as evidenced by Hitler’s pronouncements in Mein Kampf, which were proven all too true, issued a moral license for Christians to kill Jews, as well as to kill other Christians, but it did not enforce a contrary moral imperative for Christians to save Jews. The Nazis and their henchmen, and the Allies, who didn’t bomb the chambers or railways, proved that all too clearly. What we should have emphasized is that the barbarism signified humanity killing humanity. All humanity. Instead we have retained the gold star of otherness rather than becoming part of the whole, which forced us to live and die outside the human epistasis, servants of the Jewish god, YHVH, who deserted his people rather than becoming entwined in the connective tissue of the greater whole. We remain a word apart rather than a prefix or suffix affixed to the human word.