Twenty-first century physics will continue to revolutionize life as no other “discovery” has revolutionized the world. Twentieth century physics did not create what did not exist. It only brought the notions to consciousness. The quantum phenomenon defies simple dissection in the lab; the idea of which is to break down in order to understand the pieces through the whole. The sum parts are whole, yet not whole, yet the whole is whole yet not. Uncertainty not only can lead to truth, but is truth. Concepts once thought universal are not; above all, we will learn that information can be transferred faster than the speed of light. It is my hope that we will see that the universe is not only three dimensional, but multidimensional. If we exist in the implicate order that implies the universe is a hologram, that would solidify my theories of a cosmic epistasis. This gives substance to my feeling both unwhole and part of the mosaic of the hologrammatic web that is the universe, and explains why I felt a kinship even with my torturers. This idea will not require the mystical leap of faith. It will be a provable truth. Truths that have always existed, as gravity existed before Newton and time bending before Einstein. New truths will be found that merge the seeming contradictions among these constructs.
What has already changed is our consciousness of these laws and thus the need for a language to express this new reality as we enter the era of the quantum id, where we are all one in good and evil.