
PETER J. COLUMBUS is administrator of Shantigar Foundation for Theater, Meditation and Healing, adjunct professor of psychology at Assumption College and Greenfield Community College, and serves on the Board of Directors of Valley Zendo—a Soto Zen Buddhist temple in the lineage of Kodo Sawaki and Kosho Uchiyama. Co-editor (with Don Rice) of Alan Watts—Here and Now: Contributions to Psychology, Philosophy, and Religion (2012) and Psychology of the Martial Arts (1988), he holds a PhD in experimental psychology from the University of Tennessee, and an MA in humanistic psychology from the University of West Georgia.

DONADRIAN L. RICE is professor and chair of psychology at the University of West Georgia. Co-editor (with Peter Columbus) of Alan Watts—Here and Now: Contributions to Psychology, Philosophy, and Religion (2012) and Psychology of the Martial Arts (1988), he has published more than 50 papers on martial arts, dreams, hypnosos, organizational development, psychotherapy, and mind-body studies He holds a PhD from Saybrook Graduate School, received training from R. D. Laing at the Philadelphia Association Clinic in London, and is a licensed psychotherapist.

ALAN W. WATTS (1915–1973) was one of widest read twentieth-century religious philosophers. He was an Episcopal priest and chaplain at Northwestern University, professor of comparative philosophy at the American Academy of Asian Studies, visiting scholar at Harvard University, and freelance philosopher. A graduate of King’s School in Canturbury, he held a master’s degree in sacred theology from Seabury-Western Theological Seminary and an Honory Doctorate of Divinity from the University of Vermont for his contributions to comparative religion. Watts published more than 20 books during his lifetime, including The Wisdom of Insecurity; The Way of Zen; Psychotherapy East and West; The Book; and Tao—The Watercourse Way.