Appendix 3. Feeling and Emotion Words

adoring careless empathic
adventurous caring enchanted
affectionate charmed energetic
aglow cheerful enthusiastic
alive cherished evil
alluring childlike excited
aloof clear exposed
ambivalent coarse exuberant
amused confident  fantastic
angry considerate fascinated
appreciative consumed fatherly
apprehensive contented fawning
apologetic crazy fearful
aroused cruel feminine
arrogant cuddly flattering/ed
ashamed daring floating
assertive delighted flustered
astonished demanding forceful
attracted desirous forward
awed desperate frank
awkward devoted free
bad dirty friendly
bitchy dominant frightened
blissful dominated frivolous
bold eager frustrated
bossy ecstatic generous
bottled up effeminate gentle
bubbly electrified genuine
captivated embarrassed giddy
carefree emotional giving
glad little pretty
gleeful lively prim
glowing lonely prissy
good longing proud
grateful loose prudish
gratified loud quiet
greedy loving rageful
grieving low rebellious
guilty lustful reckless
happy lusty reflective
heavenly macho relaxed
helpless mad relieved
hesitant masculine renewed
high mature reserved
honest meek respected
honored melancholy responsible
horny mild responsive
humiliated mischievous retiring
humorous modest reverent
hungry motherly rude
imaginative mysterious sad
in control/in charge mystical safe
infantile naive sated
infatuated nasty satisfied
ingenious natural scared
ingenuous naughty secretive
inhibited nervous secure
inspired nice seductive
insecure noisy self-centered
intelligent obliging self-conscious
intimidated/ing obsessed self-confident
intimate open selfish
in tune out of control sensitive
inventive outspoken sentimental
involved outgoing serious
irrational overjoyed servile
irreverent overwhelmed severe
jealous pampered sexy
joyous patient shaky
keyed up peaceful shocked
kinky persistent show-off
kind pleasant shy
kittenish pleased silly
lecherous poised sincere
leisurely potent slow
licentious powerful small
light powerless soft
sophisticated temperamental tough
special tempted trusting
spontaneous tender turned on
spunky tentative unaffected
steady terrific understanding
stern thankful uninhibited
stimulated thrilled unselfish
strong tickled valued
subdued timid vital
submissive tired vivacious
sure together vulnerable
sweet tolerant warm
sympathetic tormented wholesome
talkative touched wicked