Chapter 6

It’s a house Caroline.” “Chase, how many square feet is it?” “12,500. What?” She shook her head. The man had a way with sweeping her off her feet, but this was just crazy. “You realize that you have to show me around the house now right?” He kissed her, got her door for her and walked her inside. “Chase, this place is massive.” He showed her around the house, stopping at the kitchen, the gym and every other room. “All of this and you’re the only one here?” He kissed her. “For now.” She shook her head and he headed upstairs to grab his clothes. When she came into the master bathroom, her jaw almost hit the floor. “Oh my goodness.” “You can always take a peek at the balcony.” She shook her head with a smirk and walked out onto the balcony to see the view.

Chase grabbed his black jeans and tee, grabbed his hoodie and threw in a few toiletries in case he needed them. When he came back into the bedroom, she was staring at his view. “See something you like,” he asked as he leaned against the door frame and looked at her. “I love this house Chase.” “I kinda love the view right now.” She turned to look at him. “I mean it.” “You can always stay if you want to.” “Are you serious?” He nodded. “You can have the main bedroom all to yourself if you want to stay. I can stay in the other big bedroom.” “You don’t have to put yourself out Chase.” “It’s up to you.” She smirked and kissed him. “We need to head over before they flip out that I’m not there yet.” “You do realize it’s only 1:30 right?” “Then I guess we’re hanging out here for a little while.” He smirked and kissed her. “Then we are going downstairs. You can put your feet up and relax.” He kissed her again, took her hand and walked her downstairs.

They walked into the tv room and sat down on the sofa. “Did you want a soda or coffee or something?” “Is it bad that I almost want cider?” He smirked. “That could work too.” He kissed her and got up, warming up a glass of mulled cider for both of them. When he came back in, she was staring out the window at the birds in one of the magnolia trees. “For you,” he said placing the warm mug into her hands. The cinnamon and apple mixture was almost addictive. That’s why he’d always loved the fall, and not just because he was back playing football with his team.

Movie?” “Or we just hang out and talk.” “Then I get to ask questions,” he teased. “Go for it.” “Why music?” He took a sip of his cider and sat back on the sofa as she leaned into his arms sipping on hers. “I used to write poetry. When the poems started sounding more like music, they became songs then I added the music to them. When the first one was sold to one of the big artists, I knew I had something. I went to an open mic night in Nashville then got signed a few months later.” “You could’ve just published and left it at that.” “Once I did that first performance, I was hooked. I loved that feeling.” “Oh really?” “You know that feeling Chase. The entire stadium cheering your name, the crowd cheering for the team.” “I know, but it doesn’t feel the same way. I saw that crowd at the stadium. They were all cheering for you.” “It sounds crazy, but I almost tune it out. I kinda have to or I get really nervous.” “So that whole idea of fixing the butterflies means?” “Still better with you there.” He smirked and kissed her forehead.

I have a question for you. Your turn,” Caroline teased. “Which is what?” “You could quite literally have anyone you want. Why have you been single so dang long?” “Just decided that I wasn’t just gonna date anyone. You know that feeling. When someone is only with you to get a little fame or their 15 minutes, you know you’re gonna be used. I did that once and only once. I’m not living with that. Not anymore. Until I know that it’s because they like me for me and not because I’m on the Atlanta team, I’m not giving anyone that chance.” “So, in other words, I’m the lucky one?” “Funny.” “Seriously though. Why wait that long?” “You don’t want people after you for anything other than you. I sorta decided that I wasn’t gonna date anyone that I couldn’t see a long-term thing happening with. That I wouldn’t introduce to my mom and dad one day.” “And what about me?” “What about you?” “You think I’m worthy?” “I think that I want to find out. I want to put what time I have into this to see what happens.” “Good answer.” She put her half-empty mug of apple cider down and slid his out of his hand.

Chase.” “Yes.” “That was a very, very good answer.” “Why?” She kissed him until both of them were covered in goosebumps and neither of them cared about anything else but that moment. He wanted nothing more than to peel every inch of clothing off of her and have his way with her, but that nagging thought in his mind to treat her with respect kept holding him back. When his phone went off, he barely even noticed. “Your phone,” she said as he pulled her to him. “Don’t care.” He kissed her again. “Chase.” He caught his breath and grabbed his phone from the table.

Hello.” “You’re coming out tonight. We’re goin bar hopping downtown,” Jake said. “I told you I was kinda busy all weekend,” Chase said as Caroline kissed his neck. “You deserve better than some stupid country singer. Get changed.” “Concert tickets. I’ll talk to you later Jake.” “Dude, I’m on my way over. Either you get changed or…” “I’m on my way out. I have to go,” Chase said. “She’s there isn’t she?” “Yes.” She went to slide his sweater off and he stopped her. “Whipped and it’s only been 48 hours. Fine. After the concert you’re coming.” Chase shook his head. “I have to go. I have company,” Chase said as he hung up.

Friend of yours,” Caroline asked as he put his phone back on the table. “Team mate. Determined to drag me to another stupid bar when I don’t really drink.” “What?” “During the season I don’t. Weddings are an exception.” “Wine?” “Only on special occasions.” She shook her head and he pulled her back to him. “What?” “Not one bad habit right?” “I have bad habits. Spur of the moment going to a concert for 4 nights in a row. Staying up until 1am going through the playbook when I’m worried about a game. Working out too much.” She kissed him. “Every one of those is called being normal. The concert thing though. That go for any concerts of just this one?” “Just you.” “Very good answer handsome.”

When the kissing got even hotter, she peeled her sweater off and he leaned her onto her back on the sofa. “We should…” “Just kiss me.” He leaned into her arms and kissed her, devouring her lips until he thought he’d lost all oxygen. When she started going for the belt of his jeans, he stopped her. “What’s wrong?” “Your phone,” he said as she heard it buzz. She smirked. “The world is dang well determined.” One more kiss and he handed it to her. “Chase.” “Mm.” “I may take you up on that tonight.” “On what?” She smirked and he shook his head. “I can sleep in the other…” She kissed him again. “We can discuss that after the show.” He smirked. “Meaning?” “I have to go back and do an interview or two. Come with me?” He nodded, kissed her again and helped her up as she slid into his lap, straddling him.

She slid her sweater back on and got a grin ear to ear. “What’s the smile for?” “Finding the one and only gentleman there is left in this dang world.” “Because I didn’t pick you up and carry you to bed?” “And because you walked down here with me instead.” He kissed her. “That’s who I am and will always be.” She shook her head and wrapped her arms around his neck. “What’s the look for,” he asked. She leaned in and kissed him until his arms tightened around her torso. “I have to grab a few things from the hotel.” He nodded. “Okay.” “And I have to be there in 45 minutes to get ready.” He nodded and kissed her again. “Cider to go?” She nodded and smirked. He kissed her and they got up. He put their drinks into his travel mugs and grabbed their phones and his change of clothes. He locked the house, flipping the alarm back on, and they headed out to the SUV and headed down to her hotel.

When they got back, Hailey was pacing the hallway. “What on earth,” Caroline said as Chase took her hand. “Where in the…” “Oh. Hi,” Hailey said. “Hey yourself girl. Chase, you remember Hailey right?” “Miss Hailey. Something wrong?” “Y’all vanished today didn’t you?” “We headed off to some peace and quiet. Lots of amazing pics though. Why? What happened,” Caroline asked. “Girl, I’ve been trying to figure out where you were all dang day. We have to be at the stadium in 45 minutes.” “Kinda know that Hailey. That’s why we came back.” “That mean that we’re all heading over together?” “I’m heading over with Chase,” Caroline replied as he squeezed her hand. “If you want to come over with us you can,” Chase said offering up the backseat of the SUV. “Thank you. I’m gonna head over with the guys. I was just worried when I couldn’t reach you.” “She was very safe. I promise you that,” Chase replied as Caroline got the door.

Can I at least see the pictures,” Hailey said as she followed Caroline in. She handed Hailey her phone and went to grab what she needed, throwing it into an overnight bag. “Oh my goodness. Girl, these look like freaking postcards.” “I thought so too. Honestly, it was a very good surprise Chase.” “Well, I aim to please. The peace and quiet was great.” “Oh, by the way, we have something for you guys for dessert,” Caroline said as she zipped up her bag and came into the sitting room. “Hint,” Hailey asked as Chase got a grin ear to ear. “Involves cinnamon.” Hailey shook her head. “I’ll let the guys know you’re alive. We’ll meet you over there,” Hailey said as she excused herself and left them alone.

Now where was I,” Caroline teased as she kissed him. “Thought you had to leave?” “Have a few minutes.” She put her bag on the table and he sat down on the sofa. She slid into his lap, straddling him. “You sure you want to stay tonight,” he asked. “I think so. Honestly, waking up with that view will definitely help with the writer’s block with the new music.” “You know you can come over whenever you want to right?” “I may take you up on that.” “Good.” “How are you this good of a guy?” “Older sister. I kinda learned what to do and what not to.” She shook her head and kissed him. “And if I said throw the manners out the window?” “Not really possible. I don’t push anyone into anything unless it’s on the football field.” “Chase.” “Yes.” “Promise me something.” “What?” “Tonight, stay up there with me. No questioning it or anything else. Just stay.” “If that’s what you want.” “It is.” He kissed her. “We can talk about it after you blow everyone’s socks off.” She smirked and kissed him. “For now, we keep things between us.” He nodded. He wouldn’t have it any other way.

He kissed her and they got up. “Charger?” “Got it. You ready for day 2?” He kissed her. “More than ready.” They headed out, hopped into the SUV and headed down to the stadium, parking his SUV beside the buses. When they got there, her hair and makeup team were waiting.

Good timing. We have a half hour…” “Y’all remember Chase Cooper right,” Caroline asked as she sat down and slid a chair over so Chase could sit with her. “Hi Chase. We have the wardrobe steamed and ready to go. Which color are you wearing tonight,” her stylist asked. “White jersey.” When a smirk came across her face, Chase shook his head. “You sure you don’t want to do black,” he teased. “Hmm. Black it is then with the leather.” “Leather pants?” She nodded. Leggings actually.” Within a half hour, hair and makeup were done for the most part and Caroline went and slid into her red satin blouse and her black suede leggings with her heels. “And,” she asked as Chase stared. “The ultimate Georgia girl if I ever saw one.” One quick kiss and she slid her hand in his and hair and makeup headed out. “Do you want to come to the interview?” “If I do, you’re gonna get questioned about this.” “Don’t care.” “Caroline.” “If they want to ask, let them.” “Then I have to at least change the shirt.”

She smirked, kissed him and he went and changed. When he came out in black jeans and a black tee with a red sweater, she got a big grin. “Well at least we’re almost color-coordinated.” He shook his head, brushed his hair and they headed over. “This is your thing. Should be all about you.” “And if it comes up, you’re there.” “You sure?” She nodded. They put their phones on silent and she headed over to the interview. When they were all getting ready, she went through her phone to see that the photo from the bakery had now gone viral. “Chase.” “Yes.” She showed him the photo. “What do you want to do?” “That’s up to you.” “Sort of a joint decision since you know they’re gonna ask.” He looked at her. “Do your best to concentrate on you. I’m not jumping in unless it’s necessary.” She nodded, kissed him and went and sat down.

He sent a quick email to his mom:

Interview coming up on TV with CC Heart – may want to tape it and watch. Tell Lauren. I’m out tonight, but I promise I’ll come for dinner on Sunday. Will call you in the morning. Love you mom. – Chase

When her makeup artist came over to him, he looked up. “You do realize you have lipstick on your lips right?” He smirked and brushed it off. She fixed up his hair just in case, lint rolled his sweater and smirked. “What?” “You know that if you hurt her, it will be forever immortalized in music right?” He nodded. “I wouldn’t ever think of it.” “Good. I might have to kick your butt.” He smirked and watched.

We have CC Heart with us today from State Farm arena. So many questions for you. We saw the show last night. You were without a doubt absolutely amazing last night. For any of you that are missing it, you have to get a ticket for an upcoming show. Wow.” “Well thank you for that. I had a couple good friends in the crowd last night and of course it has to be an amazing show. I’m in Atlanta. The home of my all-time favorite football team and my favorite college team. How can I possibly go wrong?” The questions went on from there until one came up that he almost felt like he needed to answer himself. “One question we got from some of our listeners was whether you were single or not. I know you don’t really share private stuff, but would you be willing to answer it?” “Actually, I’m not single.” “Oh really?” “Very sweet guy. Pretty amazing if you ask me.” “Do we get a hint?” “Nope. He’s one of those unicorn type guys. One of a kind in every dang way.” “Would he possibly be the guy in this photo with you? It went viral today on Instagram and we think we recognize him.” “He’s a very good friend. One I’m very honored to know.” “Is that a yes?” She glanced over at him and he shrugged. He wasn’t about to demand or even ask for that.

I’m leaving it at that. Chase is a very good friend of mine.” “Is that why you were singing the anthem at the game?” “Honestly, I hadn’t even met him yet at that point.” “Really?” She nodded. “We’ve just become really good friends.” They finally changed topic and got back to the music. When they were done, she headed out to the hallway to see Chase. “You could’ve answered.” “Not like that. When we decide to tell people we will. Not until we decide to.” “Chase.” “What?” “You do realize that you’re gonna get asked too after that photo going viral.” “Oh I know. We have time to figure out the answer to that question.” “Very good answer.” He kissed her. She smudged her lipstick off his lips and they went and hung out on the bus. “Two hours,” he asked. “Then I have to get changed and eat dinner with this sexy guy I know, then another concert.” “Then what?” She smirked. “Whatever we want.”

When they heard footsteps coming down the hallway of the bus, she almost laughed. “Did you realize that you two were in a photo with a baker,” Hailey asked. “Mercer Orchards,” Chase said. “We have to get them out of the cooler.” “Get what,” Hailey asked. Caroline got up and they went and grabbed the box from the cooler. Caroline took them into catering to hand out to the band and then walked back to the bus with Chase, curling up on the bed. She kicked the door closed, determined to have some time alone.

You never did answer me.” “About what?” “After the show.” “Trying to have will power completely sucks. Did you know that,” Caroline teased. “What did you want to do?” “Whatever feels right.” “Meaning?” “You want me to say it?” He nodded with that sexy smirk that could make any woman want him like she did at that exact moment. “Take full advantage of that big bed. Curl up together under the covers and…” Just as she was about to say it, another knock at the door. “Yes,” Caroline said as Chase almost laughed. “Radio interview in 20.” “Can I do it from here?” “Yep. I have the G2 you wanted.” Caroline got up and grabbed the drink, closing the door and slid right back to where she was before her assistant interrupted.

And?” “Remind you what it’s like being with a woman again.” “Taking advantage of me I see,” he teased. “We keep taunting each other. More fun when taunting leads to that.” “We don’t…” She kissed him. “See what happens.” He nodded. “You might just be tired after.” She shook her head. “Adrenaline high.” He smirked. “Alright.” “Chase.” “Yes.” “You sure you’re single?” “Not anymore.” “Meaning?” “Kinda hanging out with this beautiful lady I know.” “Kinda?” He nodded. “Would you consider her a girlfriend?” “We’ll see. Hoping.” She kissed him again and he devoured her lips. He didn’t care about the lipstick at that point. He was overheating and way too turned on. Just as he was about to make a move, her phone buzzed.

He shook his head and she slid her earbuds in, sliding one in Chase’s ear. If he was going to be there, he deserved to hear the questions. Hell. He could even answer if need be. They started going through questions, asking what felt like a million questions about the tour stops. He was about to slide the earbud out when she was asked for the second time about that photo. He was almost wishing it would just go away. “Everyone’s been asking. Does this mean you aren’t single anymore,” the radio DJ asked. “Spending time with a very good friend of mine. And I’m taken.” “Then we have to ask, are you dating Chase Cooper from the Atlanta Firestorm?” He looked at her. “Yes.” “Well, y’all heard it here first. Chase Cooper and CC Heart are the new item.” When the interview was finished, they hung up and she looked at Chase.

You sure this is what you want?” “Caroline.” “What?” “I never said I didn’t. I said that I wanted to spend time with you and be with you. It was up to you to say that you wanted to call it what that DJ just did.” “You know your phone is ringing right?” He nodded and ignored it. “This is more important.” “Chase.” “Are you okay with that decision?” “I am. It doesn’t affect me as much as it affects you.” “How would it hurt my career on the field?” “When they start asking about you and me instead of asking about the plays or the game.” “I’m good. So long as you’re okay with all of this that’s about to happen, I am.” She kissed him. “You sure?” He nodded and kissed her again as they curled up on the bed together. “This is kind of crazy. You know that right?” “Honestly, who would’ve thought at that game that all of this would happen?” She kissed him. “Is it bad that you’re making me nervous?” “Why?” “Chase, all of this is a little insane. We had two dates. Two. I love having you around, but maybe I just said it too soon.” “I’m alright with it. I’m glad it was said before I started asking when you were gonna ask.”

She shook her head and he felt his phone buzz again. “Get it.” “Nope.” “Chase, you know that your friends heard that interview.” He kissed her, devouring her lips until her leg curled around his. When his phone buzzed yet again, she slid it from his pocket and handed it to him.

Yep.” “Did I just hear what I think I did,” his sister asked. “Lauren, I’ll call you later.” “Nope. Are you?” He put the call on speaker, knowing that Caroline would get a laugh out of it. “Lauren, I get it, but I’m kinda busy.” “Chase, just tell me that I heard what I think I did.” “You did,” Caroline replied. “Seriously? Oh my goodness.” “Lauren, I’ll call you tomorrow.” “Okay,” his sister said completely shocked. They hung up and Caroline smirked. “Like I said, it doesn’t matter to me. Let my sister lose her marbles. The guys won’t say anything.” “You do realize that you’re gonna end up answering questions about us now.” “You too. You already were.” “Chase.” “We’re fine. Just enjoy what time we have. We have a heck of a lot of time that you’re gone on tour, and a ton of time that I’m away playing at games.” “Still gonna watch every one,” she teased.

You know what I mean.” “I know. We can figure it out. We’re setting up the list of shows for next year. We can set them so we aren’t that far apart.” “And you’re touring all summer.” “Re-thinking it?” “I’m just saying that we have to figure it out.” “Chase, I’m not touring continuously. I’m home during the week if I have to be. It’s fine.” “How are we gonna do this?” “We’ll figure it out.” “I love that you want to make this simple and easy, but I have practices all the way through the season. I can go home every night, but if you’re not even in the same state?” “So you are re-thinking the idea.” “I still want you in my life. It’s just not exactly easy if you aren’t even in one spot.” “Then I take a break after this tour. I was gonna take a break to write anyway.” “You sure that’s what you want?” She kissed him. “When did all of this get so serious?” “Just say it.” “I want to have time to be with you.” “You can’t put your life on hold. I know how much time it took to get here Caroline.” “Chase, I’ve been touring for 2 years straight. I want down time. If people have to wait until the fall to see me, so be it. It doesn’t mean that I can get away with avoiding festivals, but I can choose what I want to do Chase.”

He shook his head. All of a sudden, all of this had gone from happy and enjoyable and amazing to too serious. “Caroline.” “It’s another reason.” “I’m not a reason for you to just vanish from music.” She kissed him. Part of him felt horrible knowing that he’d just started a relationship with the impossible. The other part was just glad to have her with him for as long as he could. “Chase.” “I’m not gonna be the one that everyone hates when you aren’t on tour.” She shook her head. “I can do shows. I just don’t have to do a full out tour. I want time off. I want us to be able to do what we did today.” “We’ll figure something out.” “Don’t leave okay?” “It’s just a lot all at once. That one word just made everything go crazy.” “I shouldn’t have.” “That’s not it.” “Chase.” Just as they were about to curl back up, there was a knock at the door. “It’s dinner. You two coming or what,” her guitarist asked. “Be there in a couple,” Caroline said as Chase’s head was swimming with questions.

Are we okay,” Caroline asked. Chase nodded. Fact was, he wasn’t okay. He’d known her 48 hours. He wanted to be with her. He loved her being in his arms. The fact that he’d just started a relationship with a woman that would never really be there, that would never be able to be in the stands cheering him on, was what almost terrified him. It was almost too soon. Way too soon. They went and had dinner as he did his best to pretend that everything was alright. They had a quick dinner and shared a hand pie. When they headed to hair and makeup, he almost wanted to tell her he had to use the bathroom or something to calm his mind down from going around in circles.

They finished up and his phone went off. “I have to take this. I’ll be right back.” She nodded and kissed him and he took a deep breath, heading down the hall to somewhere private and quiet. “Yep.” “Tell me I didn’t hear what I think I did,” Jake asked. “I don’t even know what is gonna happen next.” “So you are dating her?” “For now. Who knows what else will happen.” “How in the hell is that gonna work when we have games every weekend and practice all week?” “Jake, back off.” “Where are you?” “At the concert. Two more shows after tonight.” “Dude, you need to leave and come out tonight. Go home if you want to. You’ve barely known her 48 hours.” “Jake, have you ever heard the term mind your own business?” “You need to be able to do what you want.” “Goodbye.” Chase hung up and called his sister. If anyone would have a calming effect, it would be her.

I can’t believe you didn’t tell me,” Lauren said. “I need you to do me one favor.” “I’ll come down to the concert to hold your hand if you need me to.” “Lauren.” “Okay. What?” “I have practice every day during the season and half the dang summer. She’s on tour and gone more than she’s home. Is this even gonna work?” “Chase, if you’re that worried then tell her.” “I can’t do that.” “From what I know, they’re normally home during the week when they can and only out on weekends.” “Lauren.” “Stop worrying and just enjoy what time you have. That’s what you told me.” “Doesn’t change that I’m walking into the most impossible thing ever.” “Breathe, stop taking everything so seriously and just enjoy it. Stop worrying Chase.” They hung up a minute or two later and he headed back down the hall to see Caroline talking to Hailey.

Looking beautiful.” “Thanks. Everything okay?” “Yeah. The guys were just calling to be idiots when they heard.” “And how’s Lauren?” “Good. She said to say hi.” Hailey headed out, closing the door behind her. “What’s wrong?” “Nothing. Just fielding a ton of calls after the interview.” “Chase, just tell me.” He shook his head. “It’s nothing.” She shook her head. She finished getting ready, grabbed a bottle of water and shook her head. “We can talk about it later.” “Just say it Chase.”

Just a lot to think through. I don’t want you putting your life on hold and your career aside because you want to be with me, and I can’t change the football season to be at all of your shows either.” “Then we’re not doing this.” “I didn’t say that. I just realized there’s a lot to figure out.” “Chase, you want out than just say it.” “I want to sit down and figure it out together. I’m not going anywhere.” She shook her head, walked out the door and headed towards the stage. He shook his head. Totally the wrong thing to say and he knew it. He shook his head and walked up towards the stage. “Chase, not now.” “Two seconds.” She walked over to him. “What?” “I’m sorry.” “I get it Chase. I do, but you have to know that things aren’t perfect. They never are.” “I don’t want to hurt you.” “We can talk after. It’ll be fine.” He motioned for her to come closer. “What?” He kissed her. “Good luck.” She nodded and headed on stage.

The things swimming in a tide pool in his mind were going around and around like a hurricane about to hit his life. Knowing that being with her would mean his entire life changing scared the crap out of him. He could walk out and take the easy route. Leave before it got even crazier. He could vanish from her life as fast as he’d appeared in hers. When he looked over at that stage, at that woman on it that took his breath away, every fear spinning through his mind went on silent and he watched her. The crowd singing along with every song, the lighters going in the air when she sang a ballad. He watched from the side of the stage and was in awe. How could he even think about leaving? How could he even worry? They could let reality hit them in the morning. Until then, he was making the most of the time they had while they had it.

When she headed off, she walked over to him and shook her head, heading backstage. He followed her and walked into the dressing room with her before she slammed the door in his face. “So I made a decision,” Chase said. “Meaning what?” “Meaning we get to hang out without worrying about what happens next.” “Chase, you’re not gonna be happy.” “Says who?” “You said you didn’t want…” He kissed her. “Ignore what I said.” “Chase.” “It doesn’t matter. We can figure it out.” “Are you sure?” He kissed her again. “Come with me.” She kissed him and went and got changed into jeans and a t-shirt. She grabbed her purse and her bag and shook her head. “Are you sure?” He nodded. He kissed her and slid his hand in hers. They headed out, hopped into his SUV and took off the back way to his place.

When they pulled in, his phone was already buzzing. “You answering that,” she teased. He shook his head. “A little busy.” He parked the SUV in the garage, hopped out and got her door for her and they headed inside. “Chase, are you sure about all of this?” “No. What I do know is that if you don’t try then you’ll never know. I thought that when I tried out for the football team in high school and college and when I got signed to the team in the NFL draft. Nothing is ever easy. Some things are just worth taking a real chance on. I have no idea what’s gonna happen with us, but I do know that I’m not letting worry and fear scare me away from what feels like the best thing in the world.” He picked her up, carrying her over to the sofa. “Two minutes.” He went and locked up, flipping the alarm back on and grabbed them each a drink of water.

Chase.” “Yes,” he replied handing a glass to her. “You know we should talk about it before we go any further right?” He shook his head. “Tomorrow.” “Chase.” “We have 48 hours before you leave again.” Actually, I don’t leave until Wednesday. I was gonna go back to Savannah on Sunday after the show.” “I have practice all week before the away game.” She kissed him. “We can figure it out Chase.” He nodded and she put her glass on the table, sliding into his lap. “What?” “Nothing. Just making sure you’re real.” She kissed him and his arms wrapped tight around her, pulling and holding her tight to him. When she went for his shirt, he instinctively stopped her. “What?” “You sure this is what you want?” “Stop being rational and just kiss me.”

He kissed her, ravaging her lips until he felt his shirt slide up his back. He pulled it off, throwing it on the sofa beside them. Just as he was about to carry her upstairs, her phone went off. “I have to,” she said as he leaned her onto her back on the sofa and peeled her shirt off.

Hey Hailey.” “Where exactly are you?” “Chase’s place. Why?” “Well, remember Steven.” “Your point?” “He’s here looking for you.” “Good thing I’m not there then.” “I’ll handle it. Just wanted to let you know. Be safe and call me tomorrow.” “Will do.” Caroline hung up and Chase kissed her. “Problem?” “After that little announcement, an old boyfriend showed at the concert.” He stopped. The one thing he’d never asked about and now it was hitting him in the forehead.

Is there an issue?” “No. Was kind of a crappy relationship anyway. He’s probably just showing up to cause drama. We broke up a year and a half ago.” “You sure?” He could feel his heart racing as loud as hers. “I’d rather be here.” He kissed her again and her legs slid around him. “I can take…” She put one finger across his lips, silencing him. “Don’t even think it Chase. I’m where I want to be.” She kissed him and almost like it was doomed to happen, his phone buzzed again. “Is it just me or is it every single time we try to be alone, the world is calling?” “You have a point handsome. I think this means silencing the phones.” “Only person that can interrupt is my mother in case of emergency.” “Agreed.” She kissed him again and he couldn’t help himself. She went for the buckle of his jeans and he stopped her. “What,” she asked almost breathless. “Upstairs.” She kissed him again and he picked her up, carrying her up the steps to the main bedroom. He leaned her onto the oversized bed and slid her to the pillows.

He put the phones on the charger by the bed sliding into her arms. “Chase.” “Yes.” “Are you sure?” “I can sleep in the other room.” “That’s not what I meant.” “I’m sure that when I get up tomorrow you’ll be here. I’m sure that I want it that way.” She kissed him. He had no idea what she was really saying, but something about him had her thinking long and hard about the idea of them together. “We don’t have to.” “Chase, I want you.” “But, we don’t…” She kissed him again and went for the buckle of his jeans a second time.