My friend, the late Congressman G.V. “Sonny” Montgomery, was a true champion for U.S. servicemen and women. His persistent and tireless efforts to enact permanent education assistance legislation, known for its namesake as the “Montgomery GI Bill,” have created opportunities to develop and enrich the lives of countless veterans since its enactment in 1987. I was honored to work closely with Congressman Montgomery on this important piece of legislation and greatly respected his ability to reach across the political aisle, generational divides, and state lines to fight for and provide this well-crafted legislation.
—Bill Cohen
Former Secretary of Defense, U.S. Senator & Member of Congress
This magnificent case study brought happy tears. I had the distinct privilege of working with Congressman Sonny Montgomery from 1983-1987, as he carefully forged the necessary strength to achieve the enactment of the Montgomery GI Bill. I had the honor of telling him in a Congressional legislative hearing that the Army was so in favor of the GI Bill that we would pay for it. It changed the Army forever.
—Lt. General Robert M. Elton, U.S. Army (Ret)
In many respects, military service represents America’s most fundamental—and longstanding—form of national service. I personally honor that service and commend to America’s numerous civilian-volunteer organizations Sonny Montgomery’s wonderful lessons in leadership.
—Colonel Robert L. Gordon, III, U.S. Army (Ret)
Chief Brand Officer and Senior Vice President for Civic Leadership, Boston City Year
Across the Aisle is a fitting tribute to legislative brilliance and inspired vision of Sonny Montgomery, combat veteran and life-long supporter of national security. His GI Bill created an enduring basis for the All-Volunteer Force and assures America’s security for the foreseeable future. Generations of troopers and their families have Chairman Montgomery to thank for uplifting educational opportunities established by the Montgomery GI Bill.
—General John Wickham, U.S. Army (Ret)
Sonny Montgomery was an exceptional leader who was one of the unsung national heroes in recognizing and rewarding our military veterans. Kehrer and McGrevey have done a masterful job at describing the background and historic significance of the Montgomery GI Bill. If you are interested in Veteran’s affairs and politics, this book is a must read.
—Kirk Shultz
President, Kansas State University
The emergence of our nation’s modern-day community colleges is closely intertwined with the Sonny Montgomery GI Bill. Across the Aisle is a detailed account of this landmark legislation and Sonny’s unfailing determination to provide America’s military men and women with the education and training worthy of their service and sacrifice.
—Clyde Muse
President, Hinds Community College, Mississippi
For 26 years, The Montgomery GI Bill has produced untold numbers of teachers, engineers, business leaders, physicians, lawyers, first-responders, the full range of technologists, and countless other professionals. If students read only one book on the art of legislative leadership, this is the one I would recommend.
—Jack Quinn, President
Erie Community College of the State University of New York Past Chairman, Subcommittee on Economic Opportunity Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives
Creation of the New GI Bill remains an example of how major legislative achievements are possible when Democrats and Republicans work together toward a common goal. This is something that couldn’t happen today given the bitter partisan fighting over almost everything and it wouldn’t have happened in 1987 without G. V.“Sonny” Montgomery, whose ability to form alliances with almost anyone willing to listen made him one of the last legislative giants.
—Rick Maze
Congressional Editor, Army Times Author, “Insider’s Guide to the New GI Bill”
I remember when Sonny came to Congress. I was the only Army National Guardsman until Sonny came, and he was a wonderful addition. We were both World War II veterans and became close friends. This friendship grew even stronger when President Reagan named me Secretary of the Army. I could not have had a stauncher ally than Sonny. We were in constant communication. No one knew more members of Congress on either side of the aisle, and none was more respected than Sonny. Only a few in the gym crowd were aware that President George H.W. Bush—during his presidency—kept his gym gear in Sonny’s locker. The All-Volunteer Force in the 1970s became a major instrument of national security policy. It was defined by implementing legislation, but it was Sonny, and the Montgomery GI Bill, that made it work. I know because I was there. It had to succeed in the Army and it did because of Sonny.
—John O. Marsh, Jr.
Secretary of the Army, 1981-1989
Representative Sonny Montgomery and his “team-of-many”—inside and outside of government—created a permanent, GI Bill educational assistance program that has paid for itself many times over. Mr. Montgomery’s learning-friendly case study is a tribute not only to his foresight but also to the 2.6 million engaging and resourceful members of our military who have made the Montgomery GI Bill such a resounding success.
—Anthony J. Principi
Secretary of Veterans Affairs, 2001-2005
Few entitlement programs provide a return-on-investment at the level of the Montgomery GI Bill. The government return is slightly more than $2.5-to-$1 and the private return is $8.6-to-$1. In a highly reader-friendly way, Across the Aisle expertly chronicles the bill’s long legislative journey.
—Tim Penny
Member of Congress Representing Minnesota’s 1st District Member, Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, 1983-1995 Senior Fellow, University of Minnesota Author of “Common Cents: A Retiring Six-Term Congressman Reveals How Congress Really Works and What We Must Do to Fix It”
Students and others who read Across the Aisle will gain an insider’s perspective on the challenges that face passage of comprehensive legislation. The innovative approach in the book is striking. The visual content of persons, documents, and news articles helps students have an expanded context that should help make the reading become more“real.”
—Dan Doyle
Professor of History and Fulbright Scholar Pennsylvania College of Technology/The Pennsylvania State University
Across the Aisle is an amazing historical account of the Montgomery GI Bill. The meticulous research and remarkable accuracy in preparing this extraordinary book should make it a class case study on the legislative process.
—Dale Jones, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Public Administration Director, National Homeland Security Project President, College of Humanities and Sciences Faculty Council Virginia Commonwealth University
Transitioning to the All-Volunteer Force was the most important change the Army made since World War II; the Montgomery GI Bill was the policy vehicle that allowed this to happen.
—Colonel Michael Meese, Ph. D
Head, Department of Social Sciences, U.S. Military Academy
The Montgomery GI Bill, through its laser-like focus upon education and training, has profoundly impacted for the better America’s ongoing ability to compete globally. Across the Aisle brilliantly captures the story behind this legislation, detailing from many perspectives both its enactment and its extraordinarily positive—and somewhat under appreciated—contribution to the development of our nation’s workforce.
—Paul Roitman Bardack, ESQ
Director, George Mason University Center for Online Workforce Development, Fairfax, VA