“An intellectually impeccable selection, distilling Ginsberg as visionary mystic and dark prophet foretelling what people in power didn’t want to hear.”
—Lawrence Ferlinghetti
“Allen Ginsberg brilliantly adhered to the poet’s job of looking into the darkness of his time, seeing the generative aspects of imagination, composing texts as orality and believing in the power of poetry to reawaken the world to itself. He never lost that faith and manifested it in myriad directions with as empathetic a heart as I have ever known. His humanity embraced others all over the world. His spirit matches Whitman for its profound candor, adhesiveness, and trickster transgression. When planet Earth is dust, this will be one of the books to take to Mars to remember us by.”
—Anne Waldman
“In these memory orchards Allen Ginsberg flashes from the divinely practical to inspired songs and factual revelations. . . . They shine on the future.”
—Michael McClure
“The career-arching overview [Ginsberg’s work] deserves. . . . What distinguishes this book from other posthumous Ginsberg collections is that it also presents small samples of his songwriting, essays, interviews, letters, journal excerpts, and understated photography. . . . An essential starting point for any reader encountering the artist’s still-controversial work for the very first time.”
—Library Journal (starred review)
“A representative sampling from an iconic American poet. . . . . A well-chosen selection of [Ginsberg’s] writings . . . testimony to an often outrageous, groundbreaking poet and tireless social activist.”