Many thanks to Marcella Burnard for an emergency read when I needed it most. Also to Sage Walker for, dare I say it, sage advice, as always. And to fantastic assistant Carien, for happily reading as soon as I send. Your support during the writing of this book meant everything.
Evergreen thanks to all of my wonderful writer friends who brighten my life and enrich my world: Amanda Bouchet, Grace Draven, Jennifer Estep, Megan Hart, Darynda Jones, Katie Lane, Kelly Robson, Veronica Scott, Minerva Spencer, and many others.
To all the faithful readers of this series, many thanks for your patience and all the messages of enthusiastic support during the extended wait for this book.
Thanks to Rebecca Cremonese for her stellar production editing skills, and for being generally awesome.
Awe and gratitude to Ravven for the absolutely incredible cover. Your images bring my characters to life and give me much-needed inspiration while writing. I could look at this cover forever.
Many thanks to my family, especially to my mom, who worried this book would drive me crazy.
Love to David, first, last, and always.