Lord Gabriel

“So what’s in Buckhead?” Jessica asked.

“We’ve got to see Gabriel,” Ori said. “Someone is interfering with my plan, and I need him to correct it.”

“What plan?” Jessica asked as she tried to pay attention to the road.

“This virus that’s crippling the world. Its impacts aren’t supposed to be this severe.” Ori gazed out of the window. “Not in this reality.”

“You’re losing me again.”

“Events were set in motion that would provide solutions to allow you to coexist with the virus while minimizing the harmful symptoms that come with it. And you are privy to all of it, but you can’t remember it, for some reason.” Jessica felt Ori glance over at her. “Everything will be explained in time, I promise. For now, we talk to Gabriel, or Lord Gabriel as he likes to go by these days. He claims that he descended from the House of Capet with a long lineage of nobility. It allows him a cover as an incredibly wealthy man.”

“And he lives in Buckhead?”

“He’s here for the CDC forum on the virus,” he said. “Everyone wants to know what will be done.”

Jessica programmed the West Paces Ferry address into the rental car’s navigation system. After about a thirty-minute drive, she parked in front of a massive twenty-plus-story sandstone building. “He rented a room at St. Regis?”

Ori let out a laugh. “Nothing short of the penthouse.”

Jessica pulled up to the valet stand and placed her mask over her mouth and nose. As she got out of the car, she looked over at Ori to see that his outfit was completely different. His look now consisted of a sleek silver suit, oxblood dress shoes, and a black mask covering his nose and mouth. He lifted his arms to adjust his cuff links. Jessica noticed that his watchband changed from black rubber to metallic gold.

Ori noticed Jessica staring at him and winked. “Walking into the St. Regis penthouse in joggers and a T-shirt would attract attention, wouldn’t you say?”

 The two walked to the elevator and rode it to the top. They were met by security guards as they exited the elevator. Ori walked by, not acknowledging their presence. To her surprise, no one said a word to him until they got to the door. A large man in a black suit held his hand up, motioning for Ori to stop.

“My name is Ori. Lord Gabriel is expecting me.” The man nodded and stepped out of the way as the door opened.

The penthouse was one of the most elegant things Jessica had ever seen. There were floor-to-ceiling windows everywhere, with beautiful views of the city skyline popping out of the trees off in the distance. They were escorted through a foyer, past a sitting room with a grand piano, and into a living room. The living room entrance was bordered by four pillars, two on each side, and had a marble fireplace almost Jessica’s height.

A man in white linen pants and a matching linen shirt, half unbuttoned, was sitting on the couch reading the newspaper. He set the paper down, then stood up and inspected Ori head to toe. “Ori.” He put his palms together and slightly bowed. “Thank you for dressing for the occasion.”

Ori glanced back at Jessica. “See, I knew he’d appreciate it.”

“Ah, Ms. Ifill, it’s lovely to see you.” The man extended his hand.

“Yes,” Ori interjected, “Jessica meet Lord Gabriel.”

Gabriel shot Ori a puzzled look, and Ori raised his eyebrows in return.

“Ah, I see,” Gabriel said, turning his attention back to Jessica, “but you can call me Gabriel. Please,” Gabriel waved his hand to the pristine white chairs in the living room, “have a seat.”

As they settled in, Gabriel said, “So…”

Ori tilted his head. “So…”

“Look, Ori, what can I say. These things happen.”

“They shouldn’t, not like this,” Ori shot back. “Your folks are getting too reckless, and we don’t have time to keep cleaning up their messes.”

“You know that they aren’t my folks any more than anyone else is,” Gabriel said. “And it’s not my job to control them.”

“Here we go with that line,” Ori said.

“That’s not fair,” Gabriel said. “We all have a role to play. You of all people should understand that.”

“You’re right.” Ori took a deep breath. “I apologize.”

“What is it that you were hoping for from me?”


Gabriel nodded in agreement.

“First, what happened to Zach?”

“The same thing that always happens,” Gabriel said. “A healthy combination of greed, the need for power, and impatience.”

“But he was our recruit and under our watch,” Ori said. “So tell me, what happened to Zach?”

“He uncovered a plan to create an antibody from plasma harvested from people who were asymptomatic or who had immunity to the virus.”

“And let me guess, these people weren’t volunteering their blood, were they?” Ori asked.

“Ding, ding, ding. Come forward to claim your prize.”

“Why would you allow this type of interference?”

 “I didn’t allow anything,” Gabriel said. “If he had gone public with that information, it would have cost a lot of people a lot of money, and a lot of lives would be lost. The antibody works.”

“That’s foolish. He was my recruit, and we had a plan in place that would have been more effective and didn’t require kidnapping and harvesting innocent people.”

“Like I said, greed and impatience.”

Ori stared out the window, rubbing his beard. After a moment of contemplation, he nodded to himself. “That’s okay, there’s another way. It can still work out.”

“There’s a difference between what I want to happen and what my job is. I can’t understand why some of them request what they request, but we’re bound to do what is asked of us. That’s our role,” said Gabriel, studying Ori’s face.

Ori replied, “I know, but I think it’s worth remembering that this mission is bigger than just them. As such, it’s part of your role to ensure that there’s no interference with sanctioned efforts on our side.”

“Fair reminder,” Gabriel said. “What do you suggest?”

“There’s no way you can do something about these kidnappings?”

“It’s out of my hands. They’ve convinced themselves that this is the only way to ensure survival.”

“What would you say if I told you that I have another solution?”

“I’d tell you that unless the majority buy in, then there’s nothing I can do.”

“There’s a kid, well, a young man. He’s onto something and might be our last chance at solving this.”

“Well, what do you need from me?”

“I need you to get Zach back.”

“I don’t see how that will be possible. I can’t interfere.” Gabriel eyed Jessica. “She’s entangled, isn’t she?”


“How viable of a candidate is this young prospect of yours? I’d hate to see them all moved back behind screens again.”

“He’s the best shot we have.”

“You know what it would take to bring Zach back. That’s a lot of potential exposure,” Gabriel said.

“I understand.”

“Here’s the deal. If the boy comes through, then you can get Zach back.”

“But?” Ori asked, anticipating some stipulation.

“But what?”

“There’s always a ‘but’ with you.”

Gabriel tilted his chin up. “But Jessica is out of play.”

“I’d like to leave that up to Jessica. If she decides to sit out, then she comes with me.”

“To the Point?” Gabriel asked, his eyebrows raised.

“Wouldn’t be the first time. And when the kid does succeed, you have to ensure that they get back every second that they missed. Everything restored in full, in exchange for her sacrifice.”

“Agreed,” Gabriel said as he leaned back in his chair. “But you know the consequences if he fails. Does she?” Gabriel motioned his head at Jessica.

“Don’t worry about that. I’ll tell her.”

“You better.”

“One more thing. If anyone tries to interfere with the kid, our team will be there, and it’ll be on you to clean up the mess.”

Gabriel didn’t reply and instead turned to Jessica. “Ms. Ifill, just out of curiosity, why did you go immediately to Zach’s house after you arrived from the airport?”

Jessica was surprised by the question. How did he know that? How did she forget that?

“He told me that he had something important to share, something that needed to be done in person.”

He had something important that he needed to share?” Gabriel repeated back, gazing at her with a bemused expression. “You don’t remember, do you?” Gabriel turned his attention back to Ori. “The universe and its mysteries, hmm?”

Ori checked his watch. “Time to go.”

“Aren’t you going to stay for tea?”

“Sorry, old friend, next time,” Ori said as he stood up. Jessica followed his lead.

“Let me at least walk you out.”

“Of course.”

Once outside, the valet handed Jessica her keys. She noticed for the first time how young he looked. He was tall and skinny, but his face was that of a kid. The young valet held the door open for Jessica and closed it behind her. She watched as the boy ran around the car to open the door for Ori. After Ori exchanged goodbyes with Gabriel and the valet closed the door behind him, both Ori and Jessica reacted as the valet shouted, “Excuse me! Excuse me…” Jessica thought she had forgotten something and started to roll down the window when she realized that he was trying to get Gabriel’s attention. Jessica heard the beginning of a conversation. “You’re Lord Gabriel, aren’t you? It’s a real honor to meet you. My name is Roy,” the boy said.

Ori caught Jessica’s eye. “Let’s head back to the park.”