Once Malik was gone, Ori, Jordan, and Tony walked to the patient room where the Confidence Biotech tracers were. When Ori opened the door, the gurney was empty, and all three men were standing. One of them was behind the door.
“Who are you?” one man asked, standing up taller.
Ori, Jordan, and Tony took their helmets off and closed the door. Jordan winked at one man.
“Who the f—” he started to say.
Jordan swung her helmet. It landed directly on the man’s jaw, and he flopped back onto the gurney. Another Biotech tracer lunged toward her, and Ori struck him on the ear with the palm of his hand. The man wobbled and bent over. Ori kneed the man, splitting his headgear. The blow was so forceful that the man’s entire body elevated and was briefly horizontal in the air before thumping on the ground. Tony kicked the third man above his knee, dropping him to the ground. Tony slammed the man’s head against the counter, knocking his helmet off and breaking the cabinet door into several large pieces that were struggling to hold on to the hinge.
“Why did you do that?” Jordan asked, exasperated.
“It was there,” Tony said. “What was I supposed to use?”
“I don’t—” Jordan shook her head, “maybe the gurney or your knee.”
“It’s fine,” Ori said. He flicked his fingers, and the busted cabinet door was back on the hinges, and there was no sign of any damage.
Tony smiled. “See, no issues. It’s like it never happened.”
“Now’s not the time to joke around,” Ori scolded lightly. He pointed his fist at the brick wall and window that faced the vacant parking lot. He opened his hand wide. As Ori extended his palm and fingers, the bricks of the walls stacked onto themselves like a set of children’s magnetic tiles, creating an opening to the parking lot. Vau was waiting with an official black Confidence Biotech vehicle. Jordan and Tony carried two of the men to the back of the truck. They placed the unconscious Biotech tracers inside, next to the unconscious driver, before returning to the examination room. Ori closed his hand, forming a fist again, sealing the opening in the brick wall. Ori glanced back at the remaining man on the gurney. “Don’t forget about him.”
All three of them put their helmets back on. Tony put the helmet back on the unconscious man and covered him up to his neck with the sheet. Just then, they heard the door open.