Malik had never been to this club before, but he tried his best to make it seem like he had. Ronnie had told him that the main entrance was around the side of the building, and it looked like a large garage door. Malik led Magaly around the corner and saw the open garage door with a couple of bouncers posted near the entrance. Just like Ronnie said. Malik and Magaly approached and handed their identification cards to one bouncer, while the other bouncer reached for a couple of nose swabs. The pair pulled down their masks while the bouncer took samples from each of their nostrils. The bouncer put the swabs into the portable viral test kit and, after a few seconds, said, “They’re good.”
The first bouncer handed their ID cards back to them, and Malik held up his phone to pay the entry cover. The entrance was a long, gradually declining concrete driveway that led them to an underground level. The space was dark, but the walls and bar were illuminated by neon paint and black lights. There were two dance floors, each playing a different style of music. Malik’s ears were still adjusting, but Magaly caught his attention. She motioned around at the other patrons, pulled out her phone, and put it within inches of her eyes. Malik glanced around and saw what she meant. Everyone who wasn’t dancing had a blue light reflecting on their faces from the light of their cell phones.
Malik and Magaly shared a look and each smiled. Then he leaned over and shouted, “Would you like a drink?”
Magaly nodded her head, pulling down on his arm to bring him closer to her height, and said, “Vodka cranberry, please.”
Malik almost missed her order. The scent of her perfume was distracting, and her lips were so close to his ear he thought she might have kissed him. “Oh, okay,” he said, trying to pull it together.
The couple were migrating toward the bar when somebody jumped in front of them.
“Hey, you two! I’m so happy that you got this guy out,” Ronnie said as he threw an arm around Malik’s shoulder. “I usually have no luck convincing him to come out, but when you agreed to go on a date with him, he was so panicked that he didn’t know where to take you.” Ronnie gave Malik a wink and said, “I told him we’d make him look cool.”
Malik elbowed his friend. “Magaly, this is Ronnie.”
Before Magaly could answer, Ronnie stuck out his hand and said, “You must be the nurse I’ve heard so much about.”
Magaly laughed and shook his outstretched hand. “Oh, he’s been talking about me, huh?” she said.
“Well—” Malik stammered.
“Malik, weren’t you going to go get us some drinks?” she said, letting him off the hook with a playful smile.
“Yeah, Malik, why don’t you go get some drinks,” Ronnie said. “You can put them on my tab.”
“I’m buying top shelf,” Malik said in vain as the two walked off. Malik could see Ronnie running his mouth and Magaly’s head falling back in laughter. Lord only knows what that dude is telling her.
Malik waved his hand casually to get the bartender’s attention. She came over, and just over her shoulder, something caught Malik’s eye. There was a man in a blazer and button-down shirt across the bar staring at him. The stranger wasn’t trying to get the bartender’s attention, and he didn’t have a drink. He just stood there, staring at Malik.
Malik then realized that the bartender was talking to him. “What can I get you?”
“Oh, uh, one vodka cranberry and one gin and tonic, please.”
“What type of vodka?”
“Whatever you recommend,” Malik said as he glanced back toward the mysterious man, who was now gone. Malik got the drinks and reviewed the bill on the screen. He nodded in agreement as he leaned closer to the screen and spoke the command, “Approve the transaction.”
Malik brought the drink to Magaly, who was standing at a high table with Ronnie, both of whom were laughing hard.
“I had no idea,” he heard Magaly say. “He never said a word.”
“I’m telling you,” Ronnie said, “this dude has had a crush on you for such a long time.”
Malik handed Magaly her drink. “What are you guys talking about?”
“Oh, nothing.” Magaly smiled and took a sip of her drink.
She doesn’t seem scared off. Malik couldn’t help but smile back.
“So, as I was saying, Magaly,” Ronnie cleared his throat, “thank you for convincing Malik to grace us with his presence. He never comes and hangs out anymore.”
“That’s not true,” Malik said.
“Oh yeah,” Ronnie responded, “when was the last time you and I hung out?”
Malik was about to speak when Ronnie interrupted. “Riding around the city doesn’t count.”
“Well, I’ve been working a lot,” Malik said.
Ronnie looked at Magaly. “We used to hang out all the time, but then after Callie…”
“I know,” Malik said, cutting him off.
“Well, you’re still coming to volunteer tomorrow, right?”
Malik sucked his teeth and averted his eyes.
“You said you would be there,” Ronnie reminded him.
“Volunteer, to do what?” Magaly asked.
Ronnie responded, “Callie always wanted to clean up the woods around Mason Mill and Medlock Parks. Her dad started an annual event in her honor. Tomorrow we’re going to clean up that scrapped car that she was so obsessed with.”
“Those woods were always your thing,” Ronnie added, with intentional eye contact, as if Malik needed reminding.
“I’ll go with you, Malik,” Magaly offered.
“Really?” he said.
“Of cour—” Magaly started to say before Ronnie interrupted.
“Great! We’ll be out there at nine o’clock.” Ronnie then suddenly looked past them. “Okay, I’ve got to go. There’s someone I’ve been waiting to see.” He caught Malik’s eye one last time. “You’ll be there, then?”
“I will,” Malik said.
“Good.” Ronnie gave Magaly a conspiratorial look. “Malik always keeps his word.”