- If you were Jessica, would you travel to the Point? Is there anything else you would’ve asked of Ori or Gabriel?
- What dimensions/growth phase do you think you operate on? What about the majority of those around you? What positives and negatives do you see and do they align with the book?
- While at the Point, they talk about a lot of issues facing the world, including desertification, conflict, etc. What do you see as the biggest issues plaguing the world today?
- If you could choose between containing greed, ego, war, hate, which would you choose?
- Have you seen or experienced a great deal of division among people today? What do you think drives it? What can be done?
- Have you lost someone close to you? Like Malik lost Callie. Did it inspire you or change your course in anyway?
- How connected do you feel to your roots? How has or does that impact you?
- Do you often think about or try to interpret your dreams? Have there been any that have stayed with you for a long time?
- Has fear of public perception or of failure stopped you from pursuing anything in your life?
- If you were Magaly, at what point would you have bailed on that date, if at all? What’s the strangest or most unexpected first date you’ve been on?