Daniel Abraham, “Belfour and Meriwether in the Adventure of the Emperor’s Vengeance,” Postscripts 19.
———, “The Best Monkey,” Solaris Book of SF 3.
———, “The Curandero and the Swede,” F&SF, March.
———, “The Pretender’s Tourney,” Eclipse Three.
Jim Aikin, “Leaving the Station,” Asimov’s, December.
Tim Akers, “A Soul Stitched to Iron,” Solaris Book of SF 3.
Neal Asher, “Shell Game,” New Space Opera 2.
Kage Baker, “Are You Afflicted with Dragons?,” The Dragon Book.
———, “The Green Bird,” Songs of the Dying Earth.
———, “The Women of Nell Gwynne’s,” Subterranean Press.
Peter M. Ball, “Horn,” Twelfth Planet Press.
———, “To Dream of Stars: An Astronomer’s Lament,” Apex Magazine, October.
Elliott Bangs, “This Must Be the Place,” Strange Horizons, 2/2.
John Barnes, “The Lost Princess Man,” New Space Opera 2.
———, “Things Undone,” JBU, December.
Kelly Barnhill, “Open the Door and the Light Pours Through,” Clockwork Phoenix 2.
Laird Barron, “Catch Hell,” Lovecraft Unbound.
———, “Strappado,” Poe.
William Barton, “The Sea of Dreams,” Asimov’s, October/November.
Christopher Barzak, “The Ghost Hunter’s Beautiful Daughter,” Asimov’s, October/November.
Stephen Baxter, “Artifacts,” Solaris Book of SF 3.
———, “Earth II,” Asimov’s, July.
———, “Formidable Caress,” Analog, December.
———, “Kelvin 2.0,” New Scientist, September 16.
———, “The Phoebean Egg,” Postscripts 20/21.
———, “Starfall,” PS Publishing.
———, “Tempest 43,” We Think, Therefore We Are.
———, “The Unblinking Eye,” Other Earths.
Peter S. Beagle, “Oakland Dragon Blues,” The Dragon Book.
———, “Slight of Hand,” Eclipse Three.
———, “Up the Down Beanstalk: A Wife Remembers,” Troll’s Eye View.
———, “Vanishing,” OSC’sIMShow, March.
Elizabeth Bear, “The Horrid Glory of Its Wings,” Tor.com.
———, “Snow Dragons,” Subterranean, Summer.
———, “Swell,” Eclipse Three.
Chris Beckett, “Atomic Truth,” Asimov’s, April/May.
———, “The Famous Cave Paintings on Isolus 9,” Postscripts 19.
Gregory Benford, “Paradise Afternoon,” Flurb 8.
Judith Berman, “Pelago,” Asimov’s, February.
Beth Bernobich, “Ars Memoriae,” PS Publishing.
Terry Bisson, “Corona CenturionTM FAQ,” F&SF, June/July.
James Blaylock, “The Dry Spell,” Subterranean, Winter.
Michael Blumlein, “California Burning,” Asimov’s, August.
Leah Bobet, “The Parable of the Shower,” Lone Star Stories, June 1.
———, “Six,” Clockwork Phoenix 2.
Desirina Boskovich, “Celadon,” Clarkesworld, January.
Richard Bowes, “I Needs Must Part, the Policeman Said,” F&SF, October/November.
———, “The Office of Doom,” Lovecraft Unbound.
Marie Brennan, “Letter Found in a Chest Belonging to the Marquis de Monsseraille, Following the Death of That Worthy Individual,” Abyss & Apex 29.
———, “Once a Goddess,” Clockwork Phoenix 2.
Damien Broderick, “Flowers of Asphodel,” Asimov’s, October/November.
———, “The Qualia Engine,” Asimov’s, August.
———, “The Ruined Queen of Harvest World,” Tor.com.
Keith Brooke, “Sweats,” We Think, Therefore We Are.
Eric Brown, “Cold Testing,” Asimov’s, June.
———, “Gilbert and Edward on Mars,” PS Publishing.
———, “Salvage Rites,” We Think, Therefore We Are.
———, “Starship Fall,” NewCon Press.
Rachel Manija Brown, “River of Heaven,” Strange Horizons, 6/29.
Chaz Brunchley, “White Skies,” When It Changed.
Tobias S. Bucknell, “Placa Del Fuego,” Clarkesworld 34.
Karl Bunker, “Murder,” Abyss & Apex 29.
Stephanie Burgis, “True Names,” Strange Horizons, 11/9.
Chris Butler, “The Festival of Tethselem,” Interzone 224.
Pat Cadigan, “Don’t Mention Madagascar,” Eclipse Three.
———, “Truth and Bone,” Poe.
Paul Carlson, “Mirror Girl,” Abyss & Apex, 32.
Michael Cassutt, “The Last Apostle,” Asimov’s, July.
Jason K. Chapman, “Brief Candle,” Clarkesworld, November.
———, “The Singers of Rhodes,” Panverse One.
Suzy McKee Charnas, “Lowland Sea,” Poe.
Robert R. Chase, “Five Thousand Light Years from Birdland,” Asimov’s, January.
Catherine Cheek, “Voice Like a Cello,” Fantasy, May.
J. Kathleen Cheney, “Early Winter, Near Jenli Village,” Fantasy, April.
Eric Choi, “Another’s Treasure,” Footsteps.
Geffrey W. Cole, “Teaching Bigfoot to Read,” Clarkesworld, January.
Glen Cook, “The Good Magician,” Songs of the Dying Earth.
Brenda Cooper, “In Their Garden,” Asimov’s, September.
———, “Sailors in a Sea of Suns,” Footsteps.
Bruce Coville, “After the Third Kiss,” The Dragon Book.
Albert E. Cowdrey, “Bandits of the Trace,” F&SF, October/November.
———, “The Private Eye,” F&SF, August/September.
———, “Seafarer’s Blood,” F&SF, January.
Dave Creek, “Zheng He and the Dragon,” Analog, January/February.
Ian Creasey, “Digging for Paradise,” Realms of Fantasy, August.
———, “The Report of a Dubious Creature,” OSCIMS, November.
Benjamin Crowell, “A Large Bucket, and Accidental Godlike Mastery of Spacetime,” Asimov’s, December.
———, “The Rising Waters,” Strange Horizons, May 4 and 11.
Don D’Ammassa, “Duck and Cover,” Analog, July/August.
Dennis Danvers, “Healing Benjamin,” Realms of Fantasy, August.
Colin P. Davies, “The Certainty Principle,” Asimov’s, February.
Rebecca Day, “The Urn of Ravalos,” OSC’sIMShow, March.
Aliette de Bodard, “After the Fire,” Apex Magazine, November.
———, “Dancing for the Monsoon,” Abyss & Apex, 30.
———, “In the Age of Iron and Ashes,” Beneath Ceaseless Skies, December 31.
———, “Ys,” Interzone 222.
Paul Di Filippo, “The New Cyberiad,” We Think, Therefore We Are.
———, “Providence,” Solaris Book of SF 3.
———, “Yes We Have No Bananas,” Eclipse Three.
Cory Doctorow, “To Go Boldly,” New Space Opera 2.
Terry Dowling, “The Copsy Door,” Songs of the Dying Earth.
———, “The Library,” X6.
Brendan DuBois, “Illusions of Tranquility,” F&SF, October/November.
Alexandra Duncan, “Bad Matter,” F&SF, October/November.
Andy Duncan, “The Dragaman’s Bride,” The Dragon Book.
———, “The Night Cache,” PS Publishing.
Scott Edleman, “Glitch,” Solaris Book of SF 3.
———, “The Only Wish Ever to Come True,” Talebones, Summer.
———, “The World Breaks,” Postscript 19.
Sarah L. Edwards, “Lady of the White-Spired City,” Interzone 222.
———, “The Tinyman and Caroline,” Beneath Ceaseless Skies, May 21.
Greg Egan, “Hot Rock,” Crystal Nights.
Phyllis Eisenstein, “The Last Golden Thread,” Songs of the Dying Earth.
Carol Emshwiller, “The Bird Painter in Time of War,” Asimov’s, February.
Gemma Files & Stephen J. Barringer, “each thing I show you is a piece of my death,” Clockwork Phoenix 2.
Charles Coleman Finlay, “The Minuteman’s Watch,” F&SF, January.
———, “The Texas Bake Sale,” F&SF, February.
Michael F. Flynn, “Where the Winds Are All Asleep,” Analog, October.
Jeffrey Ford, “The Coral Heart,” Eclipse Three.
Eugie Foster, “Sinner, Baker, Fabulist, Priest; Red Mask, Black Mask, Gentleman, Beast,” Interzone 220.
Karen Joy Fowler, “The Pelican Bar,” Eclipse Three.
Ben Francisco, “Tio Gilberto and the Twenty-Seven Ghosts,” Realms of Fantasy, October.
Gregory Frost, “The Final Act,” Poe.
Julie Frost, “Fortune of Soldiers,” Cosmos, April/May.
Adam Corbin Fusco, “Sails Above Greensea,” Realms of Fantasy, April.
Diana Gabaldon & Samuel Sykes, “Humane Killer,” The Dragon Book.
Neil Gaiman, “An Invocation of Incuriosity,” Songs of the Dying Earth.
R. Garcia y Robertson, “SinBad the Sand Sailor,” Asimov’s, July.
———, “Wife-Stealing Time,” Asimov’s, October/November.
Harry Garfield, “Stratosphere,” F&SF, April/May.
Sara Genge, “As Women Fight,” Asimov’s, December.
David Gerrold, “Ganny Knits a Spaceship,” Jim Baen’s Universe, August.
Carolyn Ives Gilman, “Economancer,” F&SF, June/July.
Molly Gloss, “The Visited Man,” Eclipse Three.
Ari Goelman, “Bird of Paradise,” Talebones, Summer.
Lisa Goldstein, “Away From Here,” Asimov’s, September.
Theodora Goss, “Ceilla’s Story,” Other Earths.
———, “The Puma,” Apex Magazine, March.
Steven Gould, “Bugs in the Arroyo,” Tor.com.
Eric Gregory, “Salt’s Father,” Strange Horizons, 8/3.
———, “The Transmigration of Aishwarya Desai,” Interzone 223.
Christopher Green, “A Hundredth Name,” Abyss & Apex, 31.
Dominic Green, “Coat of Many Colours,” Interzone 223.
———, “Glister,” Interzone 223.
Robert Grossbach, “An Idea Whose Time Has Come,” Analog, October.
Eileen Gunn & Michael Swanwick, “The Armies of Elfland,” Asimov’s, April/May.
Paul Haines, “Wives,” X6.
Joe Haldeman, “Never Blood Enough,” F&SF, October/November.
Warren Hammond, “Carnival Night,” Solaris Book of SF 3.
Elizabeth Hand, “The Far Shore,” F&SF, October/November.
———, “The Return of the Fire Witch,” Songs of the Dying Earth.
Alex Hardison, “Clouds in the Night,” Flurb 7.
Gail Hareven, “The Slows,” The New Yorker, May 7.
Andy Heizler, “The Broken Hourglass,” Cosmos, December/January.
Samantha Henderson, “Chandra’s Game,” Lone Star Stories, Feburary 1.
———, “East of Chula Vista,” Abyss & Apex 29.
Howard V. Hendrix, “Monuments of Unageing Intellects,” Analog, June.
Trent Hergenradar, “Eskhara,” Federations.
Glen Hirshberg, “The Pikesville Buffalo,” Poe.
M.K. Hobson, “The Warlock and the Man of the Word,” Postscripts 19.
Nina Kiriki Hoffman, “Pranks,” Lone Star Stories, June 1.
Cecelia Holland, “Dragon’s Deep,” The Dragon Book.
B.C. Holmes, “Glamour,” On Spec, Winter.
Matthew Hughes, “Another Day In Fibbery,” Postscripts 20/21.
———, “Enemy of the Good,” Postscripts 19.
———, “Grolion of Almery,” Songs of the Dying Earth.
———, “Hell of a Fix,” F&SF, October/November.
———, “Hunchster,” F&SF, August/September.
David Hutchison, “The Push,” NewCon Press.
Simon Ings, “Zoology,” When It Changed.
Alex Irvine, “Dragon’s Teeth,” F&SF, October/November.
———, “Eagleburger’s Lawn,” Interzone 223.
Harvey Jacobs, “The Man Who Did Something about It,” F&SF, October/November.
Alaya Dawn Johnson, “The Yeast of Eire,” Strange Horizons, 7/1– 7/14.
Kij Johnson, “The Cat Who Walked a Thousand Miles,” Tor.com.
———, “Spar,” Clarksworld, October.
Matthew Johnson, “The Coldest War,” Asimov’s, February.
Diane Wynne Jones, “JoBoy,” The Dragon Book.
Gwyneth Jones, “Collison,” When It Changed.
Richard Kadrey, “Trembling Blue Stars,” Flurb 7.
James Patrick Kelly, “Going Deep,” Asimov’s, June.
John Kessel, “The Motorman’s Coat,” F&SF, June/July.
Caitliln R. Kiernan, “Galapagos,” Eclipse Three.
Alice Sola Kim, “The Ugly Zombie,” Strange Horizons, 12/7– 12/14
Swapna Kishore, “Home on the Ganges,” Ideomancer, June.
Ellen Klages, “A Practical Girl,” Eclipse Three.
———, “Singing on a Star,” Firebirds Soaring.
———, “A Wild and Wicked Youth,” F&SF, April/May.
Ted Kosmatka, “The Ascendant,” Subterranean, Spring.
Mary Robinette Kowal, “At the Edge of Dying,” Clockwork Phoenix 2.
———, “Body Language,” OSCIMS, November.
———, “The Consciousness Problem,” Asimov’s, August.
———, “First Flight,” Tor.com.
———, “Ginger Stuyvesant and the Case of the Haunted Nursery,” Talebones, Summer.
Barbara Krasnoff, “Rosemary, That’s for Remembrance,” Clockwork Phoenix 2.
Nancy Kress, “Deadly Sins,” Asimov’s, October/November.
———, “Exegesis,” Asimov’s, April/May.
———, “Images of Anna,” Fantasy, September.
———, “Unintended Behavior,” Asimov’s, January.
Matthew Kressel, “Saving Diego,” Interzone 221.
Naomi Kritzer, “The Good Son,” Jim Baen’s Universe, February.
Ellen Kushner, “A Wild and Wicked Youth,” F&SF, April/May.
———, “Dolce Domun,” Eclipse Three.
Marc Laidlaw, “Leng,” Lovecraft Unbound.
Jay Lake, “Black Heart, White Mourning,” Grant’s Pass.
———, “Bringing the Future Home,” Global Warming Aftermaths.
———, “Chain of Stars,” Subterranean, Fall.
———, “Leopard,” Jim Baen’s Universe, June.
———, “People of Leaf and Branch,” Fantasy, June.
———, “Red Dirt Kingdom,” Realms of Fantasy, October.
———, “To Raise a Mutiny Betwixt Yourselves,” New Space Opera 2.
Claude Lalumiere, “Three Friends,” Clockwork Phoenix 2.
John Lambshead, “Storming Hell,” Jim Baen’s Universe, April.
Margo Lanagan, “Ferryman,” Firebirds Soaring.
———, “Sea-Hearts,” X6.
John Langan, “Technicolor,” Poe.
———, “The Wide Carnivorous Sky,” By Blood We Live.
Joe R. Lansdale, “Hides and Horns,” Subterranean, Spring.
Ann Leckie, “The Endangered Camp,” Clockwork Phoenix 2.
Tanith Lee, “Clockatrice,” Fantasy, October.
———, “Evillo the Uncunning,” Songs of the Dying Earth.
———, “The Pain of Glass,” Clockwork Phoenix 2.
———, “The War That Winter Is,” The Dragon Book.
Soon Ha Lee, “The Bones of Giants,” F&SF, August/September.
———, “Swanwatch,” Federations.
———, “The Unstrung Zither,” F&SF, March.
Tim Lees, “Meeting Mr. Tony,” Postscripts 19.
David D. Levine, “Joy is the Serious Business of Heaven,” Realms of Fantasy, February.
Marissa Lingen, “The Calculus Plague,” Analog, July/August.
Kelly Link, “The Cinderella Game,” Troll’s Eye View.
Jennifer Linnaea, “Second-Hand Information,” Strange Horizons, 6/15.
Rochia Loenon-Ruiz, “59 Beads,” Apex Magazine, December.
Richard A. Lovett, “Attack of the Grub-Eaters,” Analog, June.
———, “Excellence,” Analog, January.
Ken MacLeod, “A Tulip for Lucretius,” Subterranean, Spring.
———, “Death Knocks,” When It Changed.
———, “iThink, Therefore I Am,” Solaris Book of SF 3.
———, “Reflective Surfaces,” New Scientist, September 16.
Paul McAuley, “Penance,” New Scientist, September 16.
———, “Shadow Life,” Discover, July/August.
Sharyn McCrumb, “The Mountain House,” Poe.
Ian Mcdonald, “A Little School,” New Scientist, September 16.
Sandra McDonald, “Diana Comet,” Strange Horizons, 3/2– 3/9.
Ian McHugh, “Sleepless in the House of Ye,” Asimov’s, July.
———, “Sundogs,” Beneath Ceaseless Skies, October 8.
Maureen McHugh, “Useless Things,” Eclipse Three.
Will McIntosh, “Bridesicle,” Asimov’s, January.
———, “A Clown Escapes from Circus Town,” Interzone 221.
Sean McMullen, “The Art of the Dragon,” F&SF, August/September.
———, “Mother of Champions,” Interzone 222.
———, “The Spiral Briar,” F&SF, April/May.
Gregory Maguire, “Puzzle,” The Dragon Book.
Elissa Malcohn, “Flotsam,” Asimov’s, October/November.
John Mantooth, “The Water Tower,” Fantasy, July.
David Marusek, “Hard Man To Surprise,” Nature, 30 July.
———,“Timed Release,” Nature, May.
George R. R. Martin, “A Night at the Tarn House,” Songs of the Dying Earth.
John Meaney, “From the Heart,” New Space Opera 2.
———, “Necroflux Day,” Solaris Book of SF 3.
Greg Meller, “Defence of the Realm,” Cosmos, February/March.
T. J. Morganfield, “The Place That Makes You Happiest,” Paradox, Spring.
Kris Nelscott, “Clinic,” Subterranean, Winter.
Mario Milosevic, “Winding Broomcorn,” F&SF, February.
Michael Moddor, “The Boy Who Sang for Others,” F&SF, January.
Steven Mohan, Jr., “The Promise of Touch,” Ideomancer, March.
Sarah Monette, “White Charles,” Clarksworld, September.
Elizabeth Moon, “An Incident in Uskvesh,” Songs of the Dying Earth.
———, “Chameleons,” New Space Opera 2.
Ruth Nestvold, “In the Middle of Nowhere with Company,” Abyss & Apex 30.
———, “On the Shadow Side of the Beast,” Apex Magazine, January.
———, “Woman in Abaya With Onion,” Fantasy, June.
R. Neube, “Intelligence,” Asimov’s, March.
Kim Newman, “Illimitable Domain,” Poe.
———, “Moon Moon Moon,” Subterranean, Summer 2009.
Garth Nix, “An Unwelcome Guest,” Troll’s Eye View.
———, “The Heart of the City,” Subterranean, Summer.
———, “Punctuality,” New Space Opera 2.
———, “Stop!,” The Dragon Book.
Naomi Novik, “Vici,” The Dragon Book.
Charles Oberndorf, “Another Life,” F&SF, October/November.
Mike O’Driscoll, “The Spaceman,” F&SF, June/July.
Nnedi Okorafor-Mbachu, “On the Road,” Eclipse Three.
Patrick O’Leary, “That Laugh,” We Think, Therefore We Are.
Shannon Page & Jay Lake, “Bone Island,” Interzone 225.
Suzanne Palmer, “Silence and Roses,” Interzone 223.
Paul Park, “A Family History,” Other Earths.
———, “The Persistence of Memory, or, This Space for Sale,” Postscripts 20/21. Richard Parks, “The Mansion of Bones,” Beneath Ceaseless Skies, June 28.
———, “Night, in Dark Perfection,” Clarkesworld, December.
———, “The River of Three Crossings,” Realms of Fantasy, February.
Marshall Payne, “Sausages,” Talebones, Summer.
Rebecca J. Payne, “By Starlight,” Interzone 225.
Jennifer Pelland, “Minya’s Astral Angels,” Solaris Book of SF 3.
Tom Pendergrass, “Aim for the Stars,” OSCIMS, November.
Holly Phillips, “Cold Water Survival,” Lovecraft Unbound.
———, “Thieves of Silence,” Beneath Ceaseless Skies, July 16.
Tony Pi, “Come-From-Aways,” On Spec, Spring.
———, “Silk and Shadows,” Beneath Ceaseless Skies, February 26.
———, “Tokkai Exhales His Avatar,” OSCIMS, March.
Tamora Pierce, “The Dragon’s Tale,” The Dragon Book.
Steven Popkes, “Two Boys,” Asimov’s, August.
Tim Pratt, “Another End of the Empire,” Strange Horizons, 6/22.
———, “Her Voice in a Bottle,” Subterranean, Winter.
———, “Troublesolving,” Subterranean, Fall.
———, “Unexpected Outcomes,” Interzone 222.
Tom Purdom, “Controlled Experiment,” Asimov’s, June.
Cat Rambo, “Diary of a Beast’s Life,” Realms of Fantasy, December.
———, “The Mermaids Singing Each to Each,” Clarkesworld, November.
———, “Ms. Liberty Gets a Haircut,” Strange Horizons, 10/26.
Kit Reed, “Camp Nowhere,” Asimov’s, July.
Robert Reed, “Creatures of Well-Defined Habits,” Asimov’s, August.
———, “Firehorn,” F&SF, June/July.
———, “Shadow Below,” F&SF, March.
———, “Tests,” Postscripts 20/21.
———, “Three Princesses,” We Think, Therefore We Are.
———, “True Fame,” Asimov’s, April/May.
Mike Resnick, “The Bride of Frankenstein,” Asimov’s, December.
———, “Catastrophe Baker and a Canticle for Leibowitz,” New Space Opera 2.
———, “Inescapable,” Songs of the Dying Earth.
———& Lezli Robyn, “Soulmates,” Asimov’s, September.
Alastair Reynolds, “The Fixation,” Solaris Book of SF 3.
———, “The Receivers,” Other Earths.
———, “Scales,” Guardian.co.uk, June 23.
Chris Roberson, “All Under Heaven,” Firebirds Soaring.
———, “Dragon King of the Eastern Sea,” We Think, Therefore We Are.
Adam Roberts, “Woodpunk,” Solaris Book of SF 3.
Justina Robson, “Cracklegrackle,” New Space Opera 2.
———, “One Shot,” New Scientist, September 16.
Benjamin Rosenbaum, “Nine Alternate Alternate Histories,” Other Earths.
Mary Rosenblum, “Dragon Storm,” The Dragon Book.
———, “My She,” Federations.
Deborah J. Ross, “The Price of Silence,” F&SF, April/May.
Rudy Rucker & Bruce Sterling, “Colliding Branes,” Asimov’s, February.
Kristine Kathryn Rusch, “Broken Windchimes,” Asimov’s, September.
———, “Defect,” New Space Opera 2.
———, “Flower Fairies,” Realms of Fantasy, October.
———, “The Recovery Man’s Bargain,” Analog, January/February.
———, “The Spires of Denon,” Asimov’s, April/May.
———, “Turbulence,” Asimov’s, August.
Patricia Russo, “The Men Burned All the Boats,” Fantasy, February.
———, “Rainbows and Other Shapes,” Abyss & Apex 32.
Geoff Ryman, “You,” When It Changed.
Jason Sanford, “Here We Are, Falling Through Shadows,” Interzone 225.
———, “Sublimation Angels,” Interzone 224.
John Scalzi, “The Tale of the Wicked,” New Space Opera 2.
Delia Sherman, “Wizard’s Apprentice,” Troll’s Eye View.
Ken Scholes, “A Weeping Czar Beholds the Fallen Moon,” Tor.com.
———, “Grail Diving in Shangrilla with the World’s Last Mime,” Subterranean, Winter. Ekaterina Sedia, “Fungal Gardens,” Apex Magazine,
———, “The Mind of a Pig,” Apex Magazine, March.
Gord Sellar, “Cai and Her Ten Thousand Husbands,” Apex Magazine, January.
———, “Of Melei, of Ulthar,” Clarksworld, October.
Lucius Shepard, “Dog-Eared Paperback of My Life,” Other Earths.
———, “Kirikh’quru Kronkundor,” Poe.
———, “Sylgarmo’s Proclamation,” Songs of the Dying Earth.
Lewis Shiner, “The Death of Che Guevara,” Subterranean, Fall.
Rachel Swirsky, “Great Golden Wings,” Beneath Ceaseless Skies, October 22.
———, “Eros, Philia, Agape,” Tor.com.
Robert Silverberg, “The True Vintage of Erzuine Thale,” Songs of the Dying Earth.
Dan Simmons, “The Guiding Nose of Ulfänt Banderōz,” Songs of the Dying Earth.
Vandana Singh, “Conservation Laws,” The Woman Who Thought She Was a Planet.
Jack Skillingstead, “The Avenger of Love,” F&SF, April/May.
———, “Einstein’s Theory,” On Spec, Spring.
———, “Human Day,” Asimov’s, April/May.
———, “Rescue Mission,” Solaris Book of SF 3.
Alan Smale, “Delusion’s Song,” Panverse One.
Jeremy Adam Smith, “Eko and Narkiss,” Lone Star Stories, February 1.
Melinda M. Snodgrass, “A Token of a Better Age,” F&SF, August/September.
Midori Snyder, “Molly,” Troll’s Eye View.
Bud Sparhawk, “No Cord or Cable,” Abyss & Apex 30.
Cat Sparks, “Heart of Stone,” X6.
Katherine Sparrow & Rachel Swirsky, “No Longer You,” Interzone 224.
William Browning Spencer, “Come Lurk with Me and Be My Love,” Lovecraft Unbound.
Nancy Springer, “Iris,” F&SF, October/November.
———, “You Are Such a One,” F&SF, August/September.
Brian Stableford, “The Great Armada,” Asimov’s, April/May.
———, “The Highway Code,” We Think, Therefore We Are.
———, “Some Like It Hot,” Asimov’s, December.
Allen Steele, “The Other Side of Jordan,” Federations.
Bruce Sterling,“Esoteric City,” F&SF, August/September.
———, “Join the Navy and See the Worlds,” New Space Opera 2.
———, “Open Source Science,” Discover, July/August.
Jason Stoddard, “Monetized,” Interzone 220.
Charles Stross, “Overtime,” Tor.com.
———, “Palimpsest,” Wireless.
Jonathan Stroud, “Bob Choi’s Last Job,” The Dragon Book.
Tim Sullivan, “Inside Time,” F&SF, October/November.
Michael Swanwick & Eileen Gunn, “Zeppelin City,” Tor.com.
Rachel Swirsky, “Eros, Philia, Agape,” Tor.com.
———, “Great Golden Wings,” F&SF, April/May.
John Alfred Taylor, “Bare, Forked Animal,” Asimov’s, June.
Steve Rasnic Tem, “The Day Before the Day Before,” Asimov’s, September.
Byron Tetrick, “The Collegeum of Mauge,” Songs of the Dying Earth.
Lavie Tidhar, “Dark Planet,” Apex Magazine, February.
———, “The Dying World, Clarkesworld, April.
———, “Funny Pages,” Interzone 225.
———, “Jews in Antarctica,” Fantasy, October.
———, “Out of the Blue,” Abyss & Apex 32.
———, “The Shangri-La Affair,” Strange Horizons, 1/26.
Andrew Tisbert, “Waking the City,” Panverse One.
Jeremiah Tolbert, “The Culture Archivist,” Federations.
———, “The Godfall’s Chemsong,” Interzone 224.
Harry Turtledove, “But It Does Move,” Analog, June.
———, “None So Blind,” The Dragon Book.
———, “The House That George Built,” Tor.com
———, “The Star and the Rockets,” Tor.com.
———, “We Haven’t Got There Yet,” Tor.com.
Lisa Tuttle, “Ragged Claws,” Postscripts 20/21.
Garth Upshaw, “Name Day,” Realms of Fantasy, April.
Steven Utley, “The Point,” Asimov’s, February.
Catheryene M. Valente, “Golubash, or Wine-Blood-War-Elegy,” Federations.
———, “The Radiant Car Thy Sparrows Drew,” Clarkesworld 35.
Genevive Valentine, “A Brief Investigation of the Process of Decay,” Strange Horizons, 11/16.
———,“Carthago Delenda Est,” Federations.
Jeff VanderMeer, “The Final Quest of the Wizard Sarnod,” Songs of the Dying Earth.
———, “The Goat Variations,” Other Earths.
Greg Van Eekhout, “The Holy City and Em’s Reptile Farm,” Other Earths.
———, “Last Son of Tomorrow,” Tor.com.
James Van Pelt, “Working the Moon Circuit,” Footsteps.
Carrie Vaughn, “Conquistador de la Noche,” Subterranean, Spring.
Paula Volsky, “The Traditions of Karzh,” Songs of the Dying Earth.
Juliette Wade, “Cold Words,” Analog, October.
Howard Waldrop, “Frogskin Cap,” Songs of the Dying Earth.
Jo Walton, “Parable Lost,” Lone Star Stories, June 1.
———, “Three Twilight Tales,” Firebirds Soaring.
Ian Watson, “A Virtual Population Crisis,” New Scientist, September 16.
K. D. Wentworth, “The Orangery,” Beneath Ceaseless Skies, March 12.
Ian Whates, “The Assistant,” Solaris Book of SF 3.
Dean Whitlock, “Changeling,” F&SF, January.
Wayne Wightman, “Adaptogenia,” F&SF, June/July.
Kate Wilhelm, “An Ordinary Day with Jason,” Asimov’s, April/May.
———, “Shadows on the Wall of the Cave,” F&SF, October/November.
Liz Williams, “Caulk the Witch-chaser,” Songs of the Dying Earth.
———, “The Dragon of Direfell,” The Dragon Book.
———, “Enigma,” When It Changed.
———, “Under the Honey,” Subterranean, Spring.
———, “Winterborn,” Other Earths.
Sean Williams, “Inevitable,” New Space Opera 2.
———, “Ungentle Fire,” The Dragon Book.
Tad Williams, “A Stark and Wormy Knight,” The Dragon Book.
———, “The Lamentably Comical Tragedy (or the Laughably Tragic Comedy) of Lixal Laqavee,” Songs of the Dying Earth.
———, “The Tenth Muse,” New Space Opera 2.
Walter Jon Williams, “Abrizonde,” Songs of the Dying Earth.
Bill Willingham, “Fearless Space Pirates of the Outer Rings,” New Space Opera 2.
Chris Willrich, “Sailing the Morne,” Asimov’s, June.
Robert Charles Wilson, “This Peaceable Land, or The Unbearable Vision of Harriet Beecher Stowe,” Other Earths.
Gene Wolfe, “Donovan Sent Us,” Other Earths.
John C. Wright, “The Far End of History,” New Space Opera 2.
———, “Guyal the Curator,” Songs of the Dying Earth.
———, “One Bright Star to Guide Them,” F&SF, April/May.
Jane Yolen and Adam Stemple, “Mesopotamian Fire,” Eclipse Three.
———, “The Tsar’s Dragons,” The Dragon Book.
Marly Youmans, “The Horse Angel,” Postscripts 20/21.
Alexsandar Ziljak, “An Evening in the City Coffee house, With Lydia,” Apex Magazine, December.