Glossary of Terms
Annamite: native of French-Indochina, now Vietnam
abri: dugout
ambuscade: ambush
arrivé: in-coming (as an artillery shell)
assis: seated, slightly wounded soldier
au revoir: good-bye
avant la guerre: pre-war
avion: airplane
beaucoup: much, many
beaucoup d’étoiles et une grande lune: many stars and a full moon
bidon: kettle, canteen or tin used to carry gasoline, water or oil on a car
blessés: wounded
Boche: derogatory term for German, probably from French alboche—cabbage
bon compagnon: companion
brancardier: stretcher bearer
briquet: gas stove, lighter
camion: truck
camionette: small truck
c’est bien: that’s good
cave voûtée: vaulted cellar
c’est la guerre: it’s the war, it can’t be helped
chef: chief or supervisor, the American officer in command of a volunteer ambulance section
Cheval Blanc: White Horse
claxon: alarm
couché: lain down, a stretcher-case, a severely wounded soldier
couchez: lying down v.
coup de main: surprise attack in order to take prisoners for interrogation
cuisinier: cook
curé: priest
demi-tour a droit: half-turn to the right
D.S.A.: Direction des Services Automobile (French Motor Transport)
départ: out-going (as an artillery shell)
Desperate Desmond: character from early 20c. strip cartoon
deux: two
doucement: gently
éclat: burst (as of shrapnel)
en avant marche: march on!
en ligne: in line!
en panne: broken down (as a vehicle)
en repos: resting
essence: gasoline
état-major: general staff
face à gauche: turn left
fourragère: a military decoration awarded to an entire unit, worn as a braided cord
gare: station
gendarme: policeman
grave: serious
grave blessé: gravely wounded
guardez-vous: be careful
guerre: war
guerre mondiale: world war
H.O.E.: Hospital Of Evacuation
hôpital de triage: triage or sorting hospital
Kronprinz: Crown Prince
le Galle: scabies
Le Mort Homme: The Dead Man—name of a hill near Verdun
maréchal de logis: chief of supply
mari: town hall
mort: dead
parc: park
petite: small
pinard/penard: cheap wine
piste: track
Place de la Gare: railroad square
poilu: a French soldier
poste de secour: aid station
quinze: fifteen
ravitaillement wagon: field kitchen
rompez vos rangs: break ranks, dismissed
S.O.L.: out of luck, unfortunate, “shit out of luck”
S.S.U.: Section Sanitaire (États) Unis American Ambulance Section
sabot: wooden shoe, clog
soixante-quinze: 75 (as in 75 mm howitzer)
sous-chef: under chief or lieutenant
tout de suite: quickly
triage: see hôpital de triage
trois: three
un peu d’essence: a little gasoline
une: one
voiture: coach
Zouave: soldier of French infantry corps created in Algeria in 1831