
Black uniforms. Black visors. And weapons. Deadly weapons. One of them says: ‘You’re in no danger. Remain where you are.’ In no universe does that ever mean you’re in no danger.

There are dogs and trucks too, and torchlight so bright it’s like the sun. But I’m trying to hide a grin. Because I’m right where I need to be. Knew following that kid would pay off.

Someone makes a break for it and gets grabbed and dragged back. We’re all clumped together in the yard in front of the Pit.

A Coaly opens fire. I squeeze my eyes shut and press my hands over my ears.

She’s a few metres away from me, covering her eyes with her sleeve and trying to turn off her AR mask without anyone clocking her. A round of gunfire breaks through the air, and my heart jumps into my throat. I open my eyes, expecting to find a pool of blood and a human shape on the ground. Instead, there’s a man cowering in front of a Coaly and a cloud of dust rising from the air. The Coaly fires again, pointing his weapon at the ground.

‘On your knees,’ comes a Coaly’s voice. ‘On your knees. You are not in danger.’

I edge closer to Esther Crossland.

One of the Coalies is sauntering towards me with the kind of confidence that comes from holding a weapon. The surety that everyone will do what you order. My hands are still clamped over my ears. He grabs me by the wrist and drags me. Then pushes me to the ground, sending pain jolting through my legs. I’m right next to her now. Close enough to touch.

Without thinking, I put my hand out to her. She looks at it for a second, then takes it and squeezes.
