“When you want something,
all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.”

—Paulo Coelho

There may come a time in life when we are called to change jobs or careers. Maybe we are laid off or simply feel the need or a deep desire to make a change in our work life. Change is a natural process of life. Nothing ever stays the same, no matter how much we want it to. Sometimes, if we are living in fear, we’ll be tempted to stay where we are despite the inner nudging to move on, but life will always find a way to get us on the path of change. For example, you may no longer feel happy where you are, you start to experience problems with your boss or coworkers, or maybe you fall ill. Rest assured that life is speaking to you and is saying, “There is something better for you. Open your arms wide to receive.”

When you find yourself out of work or feeling a deep desire for change, know that God and the angels have something better for you and it is your faith in them and your belief in their goodness that will help you attract something better. Do not be afraid. When you live in fear, you are tempted to stay where you are or perhaps show a tolerance for unpleasant situations that may eventually make you ill. Know that there is something special just for you. Give the angels a chance to bring it to you.

Whether you believe in angels or not, I am convinced that the universe, God, Spirit—call it what you want—is working behind the scenes for you. If you pay attention to the signs, your intuition and your gut feelings, you will see that life always brings you the right job or opportunity at the perfect time. Your life is perfectly orchestrated. And if you stop long enough to observe, you will see the perfection and beauty in the tapestry of your life.

See the perfection and beauty in the tapestry of your life.

Life is like a river. Allow yourself to flow with life and let it guide you to exactly where you need to be. The angels say that there are times when you have to choose what you want, but the course, in general, has already been traced. For example, the angels say to imagine you are going down a river and you come upon a fork. You can go left or go right. One direction may look easier at the outset but become more difficult as you flow downstream. The other way may look arduous at the beginning but quickly turn into a nice, easy ride. But looking at it from where you are, you cannot see down the river. You have to make a choice. The angels suggest you go inside and ask them for guidance. Feel what is best for you. Know that there are no mistakes, only experiences.

Many people stay in jobs in which they are no longer happy. You always thought you would stay there for your entire career, but now, suddenly, things are not as perfect as before. You no longer have the support you once had and you notice that the fundamental values of your employer are no longer consistent with yours. These may be signs that it is time to move on. Do not stay at a job where you are no longer well. Do not stay for the money or out of fear that there is nothing better for you, and do not stay for the retirement plan. Don’t put off your joy now in the hopes of being happy once you retire. Know that some people who put off their happiness until retirement never get to see it. Do what makes you happy today, and the joy you bring to your everyday life will be what actually prolongs your life.

I know a man who talked about retirement his whole life. Every day he counted down the number of days he had left until he would reach his retirement on his sixtieth birthday. Two years before his retirement, he developed a brain tumor. The day he was supposed to retire, he was actually lying in bed waiting to die in the very hospital where he had worked his whole life.

Back in my early twenties, many of my friends worked for an airline company that closed its doors. I was amazed at how the people who were unhappy, who wanted to make a change but were afraid to leave, found themselves out of work, and the people who loved their job were immediately hired by the competition. I could see how God and the angels were working their magic. They were helping these friends move out of their comfort zones and into new jobs and new opportunities. Sometimes when we are afraid of making a move that we know we should make, God and the angels make it for us. Trust that there is something better for you. They only want what is best for you. God loves you. Life loves you. So trust that everything is always working for you and not against you. God and the angels have always been there for you in the past, have they not? They have supported you thus far, so know that they will continue to do so.

When life suddenly no longer goes the way you want, I call this “divine discontent.” It is a sign that you need to change something in your life. Many people choose to fight to keep things as they were before. The angels encourage you to stop fighting and stop resisting change. The more you resist change, the more difficult life will become. Life may simply have a different plan for you. Just let go of your preconceived ideas about what you want and allow something new to unfold. You may be pleasantly surprised.

Divine discontent is a sign that you need to change something in your life. I knew a lady who started to experience a difficult situation in her workplace with her boss. It started off with him undermining her work and judgment. She retaliated by taking extended sick leave. When she returned, he made life so difficult for her that she actually became ill and depressed. She ended up taking pills for her depression and alcohol to numb her pain even further. She was determined to stick it out until she retired. The situation became so unbearable for everyone that she eventually was given an early retirement after fighting for ten years. That kind of stress will take a toll on a person and may even shorten their life. Often we stay in unbearable situations because we resist change, and only God and the angels know what wonderful opportunities this lady missed out on.

When it comes to fighting to keep your job in the workplace, choose your battles wisely. You may say to me, “But in years past, people fought to improve their working conditions.” Yes, the movements in the 1970s were needed to improve the working conditions of women and workers in general, to reduce the injustices suffered by the oppressed groups, but these people did not remain victims. They created the future they wanted. How do you know whether or not to fight? Listen to your inner voice. Does this battle give you energy or does it simply exhaust you? Does it help others? Are your demands fair and just?

There are no victims in life, only creators.

Sometimes there are battles that are important to fight to improve the lives of all, but if the battle is only for you, for your wounded ego, it is probably not worth the trouble. You will hurt yourself physically, emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually, while God and the angels just wanted to give you something better. However, to receive it, you must be open, know that you are worthy, believe that there is something better waiting for you, and open yourself up to receive it.

The angels want you to know that the only thing that matters in this life is your happiness in the present moment. Do everything you can do to be happy now and know that tomorrow will care for itself.

A very well-respected author and coach I know started a business with another person after losing her job. Once the business was all set up, her business partner no longer wanted to work with her and asked to leave. She was devastated. She cried for a whole week. She prayed for guidance and then felt an urge to sit down and write. She remembered that when she was young, she used to really enjoy writing. She started to write little essays about learning to love ourselves better and posted them on social media. These essays eventually became a book that she self-published, and within a few months it became a bestseller. There are blessings in every situation. If we take the time to pray to our angels and ask for guidance and find the courage to follow it, what may seem like a dire situation may turn out to be the biggest blessing you could ever imagine.


Many people believe they do not deserve a better job because they feel they do not have enough education or experience, they are too young or too old, or they simply lack self-confidence. Other people believe that they must work hard to get a job, by passing all sorts of tests and interviews, for example. Remember that you attract what you believe. I have always believed that life is supposed to be easy, that opportunities that are meant for me will come easily, without the need to jump through hoops, and this is what I have experienced.

What are your beliefs about work? Are they serving you well?

I have often been led to the perfect job for me. I have sometimes been led to jobs that were not meant for me, but I trusted my gut feeling and turned them down when I sensed they were inappropriate. Since my early twenties, I have sensed and noticed that “something greater than me” was taking care of me. I feel that there is a divine force leading me on a certain path, to the right places and people at the perfect time. I believe it is so for everyone.

When I lived in Ontario, I was unhappy in my work. I felt intimidated by the person who supervised me. During a consultation with a friend, the angels told me to leave my job. At first I was stunned. I thought, “How will I survive?” I had applied for other jobs elsewhere, but no doors were opening. No longer able to continue, I decided to take a leave without pay for one year in January 2005. I had no money and no savings, but I knew I had to leave. A month later, I woke up with a vision of my mother. I felt guided to visit her. That trip took me to Sept-Îles, Quebec, where I experienced the most wonderful week with my mom and friends. Upon my return to Ontario, I knew I was supposed to move closer to them.

One day after my move, I was driving down the boulevard and I heard someone on the radio speaking about a job. I heard only a few words that described the position and I thought, “Ah! That would be the perfect job for me!” I was leaving the next day on a trip with my mother and did not have time to look into the position.

Upon my return, one Monday morning, I told my boyfriend, “I am ready to go to work!” It had been five months since my leave from Ontario and I felt the need to be useful. The next day, I called my aunt who worked for the government to wish her happy birthday, but she was not there, so I left a message on her answering machine. On Thursday, she returned my call and said that she believed there was a job opportunity for me in her office, and she gave me the contact information of the person to call. I immediately sent him my resume. Without even meeting me, he called me the very next morning to inform me that I could start work the following Monday. When I arrived at the office, I was directed to my cubicle and given the job description. To my amazement, I saw that it was the exact position I had heard about on the radio.

God and the angels have always looked after me, and I believe they do this for all of us. I followed all the signs. I had the courage to leave my job when I had no money saved. The angels brought me what I needed to survive. I did not spend all of my time looking for another job either. I felt the need to travel, to care for myself, and to rest. When I felt ready to work, I believed that something would show up and I stayed open to all of the possibilities. I trusted, I believed, and I received. These are the steps to manifest a job.

Sometimes you are in a job but the environment or the atmosphere is not quite what you want. Ask your angels to help you improve your situation. For example, say something like, “Dear angels, please improve my work environment, and this for the greatest good of all!” A few years back, I recommended this strategy to a friend who was having a difficult time fitting in with her new colleagues. A month later, all of her colleagues were transferred to another department and a new team joined her.

The other day this same friend told me that there was a lady who was very loud working near her cubicle. She thought of what I had suggested before and how well it had worked, so she prayed to the angels again. Two days later she received an email stating that two new positions had been created that entailed a few changes in the office. The loud lady was given this new assignment and was transferred down the hall.

Whatever you wish to change, whether it be your career, your job, your environment, or the atmosphere at work, remember that you are not alone. God and the angels support you in all that you do.

God and the angels support you in all that you do.

Feel worthy of having something better in your work life, decide what you really want, and open yourself to all the possibilities. Imagine how you want to feel and what you desire to experience, and thank the angels in advance for the miracle that is about to happen.

You have the right to be happy in your work, and the angels want you to be happy too. So give them a chance to help you create something new and more connected with who you really are. Follow the signs, listen to your intuition, and have the courage to hope for something better and to make necessary changes. Something better exists. It is up to you to open your arms and heart to receive it.

Prayer for Manifesting Employment

Here is a sample prayer that will assist you in manifesting new and better employment.


“Lord God, I am worthy of your goodness, your grace, and your blessings. I know that the perfect job or career for me exists and is waiting for me. Even if there are job cuts, I know there is one perfect job reserved just for me. I know that my will is your will and you only want what is best for me.”


“Dearest angels, I deeply desire a significant new job that pays very well, reflects my deepest values, and allows me to make the most of my qualities and skills, and where harmony reigns between my supervisors, my colleagues, my clients and me.”


“My dearest angels, if this desire is in agreement with your divine plan for me, is for my highest and greatest good and that of others, I ask that you bring me this new job soon. Dear God and my loving angels, I trust you completely. I know you have heard my request and you are already working on its fulfillment. I promise you that I will follow your divine guidance. I will remain open to and follow all the signs that you send my way.”


I reserve at least ten minutes a day to imagine my dream job. I pretend I am already living it. I feel the joy, love, and wholeness that this new job brings.


“Thank you in advance, Lord God and my dearest angels, for this new significant job that pays very well, reflects my deepest values, and allows me to put my qualities and skills to good use, and where harmony reigns between my supervisors, my colleagues, my clients, and me. I am grateful that you have always guided me toward the perfect job and have always provided me with a good wage. Thank you for this new timely job that suits me perfectly! Thank you, thank you, thank you.”


Manifesting Employment

The best way to manifest a new job is to believe that one exists, and the best way to manifest a new, passionate career is to listen to the special calling that God and the angels have planted in your heart.

Know that you are worthy of the best life has to offer, and let go of any fears and doubts that may be holding you back. Release any old beliefs that no longer serve you. Know what you want in your heart. Pray boldly when you ask God and the angels to help you, and stay in gratitude, knowing the new job is on its way.


Write down your beliefs about manifesting a job. Here are some examples:

• “I have to work hard to find a job.”

• “I have to be highly educated to have a good-paying job.”

• “There are so many job cuts now. I’ll never find a job.”

For each of your beliefs, ask yourself if this belief is helping you attract a job or not.

For each of your negative beliefs, rewrite it and state that you are ready to release it:

• “I release the belief that I have to work hard to find a job.”

• “I release the belief that I must be highly educated to have a good-paying job.”

• “I release the belief that because there are so many job cuts, I’ll never find a job.”

Now create new beliefs in the present tense:

• “The perfect job for me exists and is waiting for me.”

• “I am deserving of a very good wage.”

• “Despite job cuts, there is a perfect job that exists for me.”


Ask yourself, “What do I really want in a new job to be happy?” For example:

• “I would like a significant new job that reflects my deepest values, pays very well, and allows me to make the most of my qualities and skills, and where harmony reigns between my supervisors, my colleagues, my clients, and myself.”


Be open to all opportunities that are presented to you. Ask your angels to guide you to this new employment and follow the divine signs.


Imagine that you are already working at your ideal job or in your perfect career. Are you in an office, working outside, or out on the road? Are you traveling? What kind of people do you work with? Are they friendly? How do you feel in this new job? How does it differ from your past employment?

Describe what it would be like to live a full day in your ideal job or career.


Write down what you are grateful for concerning employment. For example:

• “I am grateful that I am always guided toward the perfect job for me.”

• “I am grateful for always having had a good wage.”
