“Don’t die with your music still in you.”

—Wayne Dyer

The angels say that we can manifest all the material things and financial abundance we want, but if our life has no meaning, we will not be truly happy and fulfilled. We must start by discovering and manifesting our life’s purpose and then all the material things will ensue. In Matthew 6:33, Jesus said, “Seek first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.”

The kingdom of God, or heaven, is not some place we go to after we die but is really a state of oneness with the divine that we can experience while we are here on earth. It is within us. It is a state of peace, love, and well-being that comes from living the life our soul desires. It is up to each and every one of us to find this place of oneness, of peace with a higher power within ourselves, to find our true essence and purpose. When we live constantly connected to this divine power and to who we really are, and we are living a purposeful life, we can achieve great things. With the help of our divine friends, the angels, through their love and grace, we can manifest an amazing life.

We all ask ourselves the same questions: “Why am I here?” “What is the purpose of my life?” “What is my reason for being?” Many people feel that their lives are devoid of meaning and that they do not matter. Even if they have a good job that affords them a gorgeous home, a beautiful car, exotic vacations, and luxuries from time to time, they still feel that there is something lacking in their lives. They work forty hours a week or more in a job they do not like and they cannot wait for the weekend. They work all their lives waiting for retirement to realize a few dreams. They spend most of their lives on hold instead of living their lives today. They are always looking forward to something in the future and do not take advantage of this moment, or they are at the end of their lives and have regrets. More often than not, they regret not having lived their passion.

We often hear about people dying just before their retirement or soon after taking it. They waited all their lives to live what they really wanted to live, to realize their dreams, but these people were trapped in the system. They bought into the idea of devoting their lives to a company or to public service, with the promise of a beautiful retirement later. “Work for us and we promise to take care of you later. You can enjoy your freedom when you retire.” Back then, they talked about “Freedom 55.” Today, there is talk of “Freedom 67” for the next generation, and some may not experience the freedom at all. I believe that this new young generation will not be trapped. They saw their parents or grandparents sacrifice their lives for companies that quickly replaced and forgot them, or for a government that dropped them during budget cuts.

We all have a dream in our heart that we would like to accomplish. We all have a passion for something we dream of living. But often, reason takes over and our beliefs and fears limit us. We are afraid. We do not want to be pretentious and believe that we are capable of something “special” or “greater.” Our ego plays tricks on us. Even the words of our parents and friends play in our heads: “But you have to earn a living!” “Be realistic!” “You cannot leave a job in the public service!” “How will you prepare for your retirement?’’ “Are you sure you can live on your passion alone?” These phrases are meant to make us doubt ourselves and keep us frozen in fear, and then we end up asking ourselves, “What if they are right?” Remember that well-intentioned people will project their own fears onto you.

More and more people realize that life is meant for living today, in this moment. Life is meant for being and not for having. For if we live in hopes of always having something and that something is in the future, that means that our happiness is always dependent on what we will have in the future. It is important to be happy and to be alive today, and for our life to have meaning and a sense of purpose.

God has put a dream in each one of our hearts. He has given us talents, gifts, and abilities specific to each one of us in order to realize our life’s purpose. He has given us experiences, trials, and challenges to prepare us for our destiny. He has even lit the flame in our hearts that we call passion, to propel us toward our future. He shows us signs all along the way leading us to our dreams. Know that we have everything we need to reach them.

The angels tell me that the only thing that is really important in life is to be happy, to be fully alive and present in this moment—not just on weekends or when we retire, but in every moment of every day. And the surest way to be happy and joyful in every moment and to give meaning to our lives is to do what excites us, what makes us feel alive, and what brings us joy.

The angels also remind us that life is also about giving to others. Life is not about merely surviving or about accumulating material goods; it is really about giving to others, whether it be a smile, a prayer, or a helping hand. Have you noticed that when you smile at people, you feel happier? What you give to others comes back to you. Try it. You will see that even on a day when you feel moody or melancholy, when you give a beautiful smile to someone, you will feel better. Life is about giving to others.

What made me realize that it was time for me to pursue my passion for writing was a song on the radio. One day I heard a song that spoke to my heart, and it came to me that I would never have heard that song if the artist had allowed herself to be influenced by negativity, such as “You cannot live off your music!” “Artists starve!” Furthermore, I realized that just as the artist had inspired me through her song, maybe it was possible that I might inspire someone through my book. Even if I inspired just one person, it would be worth the joy I had in writing it.

One evening, I heard a person on television list three things a person needs to be happy in life: a job you love, a reason for being, and a person with whom to share your happiness.

It’s important to have balance in our lives. A simple job cannot fill every need, and love alone cannot fill the void that is in our soul if we do not fulfill our life’s purpose. When I was young, I felt I was going to do something important in my life and that I would be somebody. In my early twenties, I felt I was going to write a book on the subject of grace, which for me means “God’s presence.” I had a deep desire to share my personal experiences of how God and the angels are present in our lives and how recognizing this is simply a matter of perception.

I believe that God and the angels are present in all of our lives, whether a person believes or not. There is a universal force present in our lives guiding us, protecting us, and leading us in the right direction to assist us in achieving our life’s purpose and God’s great plan.

From childhood, we all carry a dream in our hearts. The most important thing in our lives is to discover and realize this dream.

It is our responsibility to discover and fulfill our life’s purpose. Each of us has something special to share with others, and like our beloved Wayne Dyer said, “Don’t die with your music still in you.”

Deep down, we all know what makes our heart sing, but we do not listen. We think, “But it cannot be! I am not that special!” Too often we ignore what God has planned for us because we do not feel worthy of doing what our soul really wants us to do in life. We are afraid of what people will think, we are afraid to fail, and sometimes we are afraid to succeed. We think, “And what if it doesn’t work? How will I pay my bills?” We all ask ourselves the same questions.

But in our hearts, we all know what we really want in life. My clients always tell me at the end of a consultation, “I knew it, but I just couldn’t believe it!”

It’s not easy to listen to our inner voice. It takes courage to do what our heart really wants us to do. I also believe that our guides and angels are constantly trying to remind us of our life’s purpose, but to recognize it, we have to be still, listen to our heart, and pay attention to the signs.

To discover your passion, the angels suggest you ask yourself the following: “If there was no job security and no guarantee that I would keep this position until I retire, is there something else that would interest me more? What is keeping me here? What would my soul prefer to do? If money or time was no object, what would I really like to do with my life? What would make my heart sing?”

Is it possible that the job cuts in your company are one strategy the angels use to push you toward a new job or career that would make you happier? Remember that life is always on your side; it is working for you and not against you. Changes are always for the better, so don’t be afraid. Trust that God and the angels know the desires of your heart and what is best for you.

The signs are always there. The angels are constantly speaking to us if we would just listen. They usually lead us forward one small step at a time. We do not always see the entire stairwell, but we must take it one step at a time and trust where we are being led. Life is like traveling on the road. We have a final destination, but we do not see the whole journey at a glance. There are mountains and valleys, curves, fog, and road signs. We must trust that the signs are leading us in the right direction. We must not disregard any of the signs, because we may get lost. It is the same thing in our lives.

What stirs your passion? The arts? Children? Elderly people? Teaching? Construction? Writing? Antiques?

Remember that your life’s purpose is not necessarily connected to your job.

I have met people for whom their life’s purpose was to care for their community through prayer, and for others it was through politics. Many women are here on earth to care for the indigo children or to be the mother of all the children in their neighborhood.

There are other people who are simply here to learn how to have fun. I met a woman who liked to sing and enjoyed Irish music, but her husband did not support her. Her need to sing was vital for her, so she started taking singing lessons. Her evenings fulfilled her as she enjoyed singing for the elderly.

Our life’s purpose is as unique for each of us as our fingerprints. For example, there are many writers in the world and many have a similar message, but they each have a particular style that will attract the people who need to receive their message and in a way that will resonate with them. It is the same in all areas. There is no competition. The people we are meant to serve will naturally be attracted to us.

How do you identify your life’s purpose? The first hint is that it will serve others. That is your main motivation. Your life’s purpose is always a call to serve others.

What interests you? What dream do you have in your heart that you have not yet realized and would like to share with the world?

What gifts, qualities, or talents do you have that could be of service to the people around you? Maybe you have the ability to communicate, to paint, to cook, to put people at ease, or to counsel.

Ask your angels to show you your qualities, talents, and gifts. Everyone has something special and unique to them.

Say, “Thank you, my darling angels, for helping me see my special talents and gifts, and thank you for helping me discover my life’s purpose.”

I have noticed the divine signs all my life. When I was fourteen, I used to read tarot cards for my girlfriends. At eighteen, I did a secretarial course where I learned to type. At twenty, I had the feeling I was going to write a book someday. I was guided to go to university when I was twenty-four years old, and that is where I had my first encounter with a spirit and discovered my passion for writing.

At the age of twenty-eight, my friends encouraged me to have a fortune-telling booth at a festival. This really required me to step outside of my comfort zone. But that experience proved unforgettable for me! Strangely, I truly felt in my element. At thirty-five, I was guided toward an Angel Therapy™ class with Doreen Virtue, where all my clairs really opened up, and from there I was asked to teach. Then the angels inspired me to begin writing my first manuscript. Since then, I have been giving angelic and mediumship readings, conferences, and workshops, and I still write regularly. I left my government job to do this work full-time. I listen to the loving guidance of my angels and I follow the signs. I feel that my soul is happy with my progress. When I do not follow their guidance, I become depressed, anxious, or exhausted.

And so, a second hint that guides you toward your life’s purpose is your level of wellbeing. If what you are doing is making you feel exhausted, depressed, or sick, it is not for you. But if you feel happy and alive, you are on the right track. It is that simple. When people say “Follow your heart,” what they really mean is follow what makes you happy and joyful in your heart.

When you feel guided in a certain direction and the signs are clear, trust that everything will be provided for you. Maybe money may not be plentiful right now, but trust. Proceed if you feel guided to do so, and everything will be provided. We can’t always wait for the conditions to be perfect to move forward with our life; we have to trust that what we need will be provided. The important thing is to listen to the guidance of your angels, move forward, and trust. Sometimes moving into the unknown requires a great leap of faith. Know that you are not alone.

Honoring God and the angels by being all that you are meant to be is the greatest proof of faith and love in yourself and in them. Following your passion and fulfilling your life’s purpose is the greatest gift you can give yourself and others. You are special, you are unique, and you have something magnificent to share with others that nobody else can do in your place! Go forth in faith!

Prayer for Manifesting Your Life’s Purpose

To manifest your life’s purpose, you can say this prayer daily.


“Lord God, I am worthy of your goodness, your grace, and your blessings. I know I am special and I have something unique to share with others. I believe I can make a living from my passion. I know that you have placed a special dream in my heart that I alone can achieve. You have given me all the talents, skills, gifts, and experiences I need to realize my full potential and be all that I am meant to be. I know that my will is your will and you only want what is best for me.”


“Dearest angels, I wish to honor you by realizing my passion, my life’s purpose, and by being all that I am meant to be. I ask you, my dearest angels, to show me the way, to guide me toward my passion so I can build on my gifts, qualities, and skills for the greater good of all.”


“My dearest angels, I trust you completely. I know you have heard my request and are already working on its fulfillment. I may not know the road to follow or how things will all work out, but I promise you, my dearest angels, that I will follow your divine guidance. I will trust and follow all the signs you put on my path.”


I reserve at least ten minutes a day to imagine myself realizing my passion, my biggest dreams. I imagine that I am already living it. I feel the joy, love, and wholeness that this new life brings.


“Thank you in advance, Lord God and my dearest angels, for helping me with my confidence in myself and in my abilities. Thank you for giving me the courage to follow your guidance and fulfill my biggest dreams. I am so truly grateful for the gifts you have given me and for this wonderful life’s purpose! Thank you for the passion that suits me so perfectly! Thank you, thank you, thank you.”


Manifesting Your Life’s Purpose

This exercise will help you take a good look at your life to find what makes your heart sing.

Remember that you are special, you are unique, and you have something magnificent to share with others that nobody else can do in your place!


Write down any negative beliefs you have about your life’s purpose. Here are some examples:

• “I am not special.”

• “I have no gifts to share with others.”

• “I cannot make a living from my passion.”

For each of your beliefs, ask yourself if this belief is helping you achieve your life’s purpose or not.

Then rewrite each negative belief and state that you are ready to release it. For example:

• “I release the belief that I am not special.”

• “I release the belief that I have no gifts to share with others.”

• “I release the belief that I cannot make a living from my passion.”

Now create new beliefs:

• “I am special.”

• “I have something unique to share with others.”

• “I can make a living from my passion.”


What are your interests? What dreams do you have in your heart that you have not yet fulfilled? Here is an example:

• “I would like to share God and the angels’ loving message with the world.”

What gifts, qualities, or talents do you have that could be of service to the people around you? Maybe you have the ability to communicate, to paint, to cook, to put people at ease, or to counsel. Write them down now.

• “I have a gift for communicating with angels and deceased loved ones, counseling others, writing, and speaking.”

Ask your angels to show you your qualities, talents, and gifts. Everyone has something special and unique to them.

• “I am humble, authentic, compassionate, empathetic, and considerate. I have a gift for communicating, writing, counseling, and speaking. I have the gift of mediumship.”

Ask yourself the following questions: “If there was no job security and no guarantee that I would keep this position until I retire, is there something else that would interest me more? What is keeping me here? What would my soul prefer to do? If money or time was no object, what would I really like to do with my life? What would make my heart sing?” For example:

• “I really would like to connect people with their angels, guides, God, and their deceased loved ones during private consultations and in workshops. I would like to share with others my knowledge through books and speaking engagements.”


Stay open to all messages you receive regarding your life’s purpose. Are there new opportunities available to you? Ask your angels to guide you and follow the divine signs.


Imagine yourself already living your passion. How would you spend your days? Describe your perfect day living your passion, your life’s purpose.


Write down what makes you grateful. For example:

• “I am grateful for the gifts God has given me!”

• “I am grateful to have such a wonderful life’s purpose!”

• “I am grateful for this passion that suits me perfectly!”
