“All mortals have one: this protective angel,
this invisible friend that watches over his heart.”

—Alphonse de Lamartine

There exist two distinct realms: the angelic realm and the spiritual realm. The main difference between the two is that those from the angelic realm have never lived on earth.

The Angelic Realm

The angelic realm comprises angels, archangels, fairies, and animal spirits as well as guardian angels.

During my private consultations, I’ve noticed that everyone has angels and archangels around them. Angels may adopt different forms according to a person’s belief system, culture, or religion. For example, people of Irish descent often have fairies instead of angels, and Native Americans are often surrounded by animal spirits.

The main archangels that I notice around people are as follows.

Archangel Michael

Archangel Michael is known to be the protector. He is always with people who have suffered abuse or have a protector role. He brings you strength, courage, and protection. He helps you with your career and your life’s purpose. He is also very gifted in mechanical things. If you are nervous or anxious, ask Archangel Michael to bring you inner peace and calm. Ask him to come to you in your dreams and help you let go of your fears that are preventing you from moving forward and being all that you are meant to be.

A few years back, I was on a business trip while I was working for the government. When I arrived at the hotel, they gave me the key to my room, which was located directly across from the breakfast area and near the entrance. At that moment I had a strange sensation come over me but dismissed it. I felt that this area must have been where the bar used to be in the hotel years earlier. There weren’t any other rooms available in the hotel because of new construction in the area. We actually had to book our hotel room weeks in advance.

After dinner, I settled in my room and called home. Then I turned off the light and lay back on the pillow and closed my eyes. Right then I sensed a spirit enter the room. I knew it was a male energy. With my eyes closed, I could see him come through the door, walk by the edge of the bed, and come right up next to me in record speed. My heart started to race so fast that I immediately called out “Michael!” in my head, and I saw the spirit turn around and leave at once. The energy wasn’t necessarily a “bad” spirit, but I was just taken by surprise by his presence in my dark hotel room. Archangel Michael is very quick to respond in these types of situations.

Each time I leave my house, I call on Archangel Michael to protect my car, my home, the people I meet on my route, and myself.

When you call on Archangel Michael (or any other angel), I recommend that you always thank them in advance when you ask them for a favor, unless you are in an emergency situation like I was in the hotel room. For example, you could say, “Thank you, Archangel Michael, for courage.” Because if you say, “Archangel Michael, give me courage,” he will bring you situations to help you develop courage. But if you thank him in advance, it is like saying to him that you already have it, so the universe then reacts like you have it.

The perfect example of this is when mothers are struggling to keep it together with their children and they cry out, “Angels, give me patience today!” What happens? The angels give them more opportunities to develop patience. The children get more agitated and excited and the mothers get more exasperated. Note the difference between the two phrases “Angels, give me patience!” and “Thank you, my darling angels, for the patience.” Don’t you feel more patient already when you thank the angels in advance? Can you feel the different energy in those two sentences? Always be grateful in advance, because it is affirming that you already have what you need.

Archangel Raphael

Archangel Raphael is the healing angel. He is often with people who work in health care, such as doctors, nurses, and different types of energy workers. He can help you heal your physical body as well as your relationships. If you have a physical problem or an illness, imagine that Archangel Raphael is enveloping that part of your body with his beautiful emerald green light and thank him for the healing. He also helps you with your own healing process by guiding you through your intuition and by giving you signs to live a healthier lifestyle.

To heal your personal or professional relationships, say, “Archangel Raphael, thank you for helping me resolve this conflict. Thank you for helping me see this situation with love and for resolving it for the highest and greatest good of all.”

Archangel Raphael also helps with money issues. He can help you pay your debts and attract abundance.

Archangel Gabriel

Archangel Gabriel is the angel of communication. He is known as the “messenger of God.” He can help you with your writing if you are working on a book or thesis, and he can also help you develop your communication skills. If you are a teacher, counselor, actor, artist, or writer, Archangel Gabriel can help you develop your abilities and fine-tune your craft.

When I sense Archangel Gabriel near a person, this tells me that they have an important role to play in communications. And if they are not already working in that field, they should be. They may be a journalist, an artist, or an author. They are called to work in the arts and communication fields.

You can call on Archangel Gabriel to assist you with all forms of communication, such as in your work and in your love life as well as with your family. If you have difficulty speaking up and being assertive, he can help you find the right words to help you stand your ground and feel heard.

Sometimes Archangel Gabriel comes to you to announce good news, such as the birth of a child or a new project. He also brings hope and direction. If you need help with this, ask Archangel Gabriel for his loving guidance.

Archangel Uriel

Archangel Uriel is the light bringer. He sheds light on situations. If you need to be enlightened about any situation or your life’s purpose, ask him for help. He can help you with your concentration during an exam or bring you a feeling of peace and well-being. He also inspires creative and ingenious ideas to resolve intellectual problems. He will bring you new insights into any problem you have and help you resolve any enigmas.

In the appendix you will find a list of the other archangels that you can call upon for assistance.

The Spiritual Realm

Members of the spiritual realm differ from those of the angelic realm because of their earthly experience. The spiritual realm comprises ascended masters such as Jesus, Buddha, Mother Mary, Saint Theresa, Mahomet, Quan Yin, and all other saints and prophets who lived on earth, as well as our spirit guides and deceased loved ones.

Ascended Masters

From my experience, every person has a least one or two ascended masters helping them accomplish their life’s purpose. Knowing which master is with you gives an indication of your life’s work.


I often see Jesus with teachers and counselors because their role is much like his: to guide souls on the right path. Jesus Christ, or Jesus of Nazareth, is known as the Savior or Messiah come to save the world, as prophesied in the Old Testament of the Christian religion. His teachings were about love and forgiveness. He was a healer and performed miracles. He was closest to those who were most in need of forgiveness, faith, and guidance.

Mother Mary

Mother Mary is often with people who are mothers to everyone, such as the mother who cares for all the children in the neighborhood, the mother whom all the children adore. The children feel understood by her and she has a very special bond with them, particularly the “indigo” and “crystal” children.

Mother Mary is known as Jesus’s mother in Christianity. She is also what most Christians believe to be the Blessed Virgin Mary. She is considered to be the mother of all children. You can call on Mary to help you with any issue related to children, including fertility, adoption, and discipline.

Mother Mary helps everyone who calls on her. During a recent visit to Quebec City, I met my uncle’s new wife. She is a beautiful person who is a very strong believer. She was telling me that she prays to Saint Rita and that all her prayers are answered. So I decided to pray to Mother Mary, because in my native village of Lourdes-de-Blanc-Sablon, Quebec, there is a statue of the Virgin Mary on a cape overlooking the village. All the residents pray to her and believe in her power.

I started a novena while I was in Quebec City and continued upon my return home. On the fifth day, my friend Linda came to visit. She arrived with a big gift bag. We had been trying to get together for over a month, but our schedules were just off. I opened the bag and was astounded to see that it held a statue of the sacred heart of Mary. What a wonderful gift! The timing could not have been more perfect! Since then, the statue has held a special place in my office.

Saint Theresa

Saint Theresa of Lisieux is a saint who lived in France in the late nineteenth century. She is known to have had great healing powers. She is most often with people who care for others, such as caregivers for elderly people and politicians who care for their communities. She is also near people who pray to her and with women named Theresa or Therese. If you see or smell roses, you will know that Saint Theresa is with you.

Many more ascended masters and saints exist. If you are meant to discover them, they will surely find a way to make themselves known to you. You can go to a spiritual bookstore and browse autobiographies and books on certain masters and particular saints. You can even find bookmarks with special prayers to them. Notice if you feel attracted to a specific one. Allow yourself to be guided to the master or saint who can help you with any situation you are facing.

Spirit Guides

All of us have a least one spirit guide. A spirit guide is a soul that has already lived on earth and has lived similar challenges to our own. They are with us in this life to guide us. They help us make good decisions. They encourage us and bring us strength and courage when needed.

Half of our qualities resemble our angel’s qualities, and these are mostly our feminine ones. This is the part of us that is gentle, generous, calm, and, in the case of fairies, playful. The other half of our qualities are similar to those of our guide, and tend to be more masculine. Attributes such as strength, confidence, self-esteem, resilience, and courage make up some of these.

Guides can be ancient soldiers, warriors, wise men, medicine men, scientists, priestesses, and so on. Generally they are souls that have lived many lives and have acquired the wisdom and experience to help us.

Sometimes these guides are someone quite famous. For example, I have often seen Florence Nightingale with nurses. Florence Nightingale is known as the founder of modern-day nursing. She had a strong sense of being called by God to serve others. Against her family’s wishes, she studied nursing and devoted her life to helping others.

I once met an Afro-Canadian woman who was accompanied by Martin Luther King Jr., who was best known for his role in the Civil Rights movement. At the end of the consultation, I discovered that it was actually Martin Luther King Jr. Day. This lady’s life purpose was important. She was destined to bring about positive changes that would help the cause of African women all over the world, and this would be done in a very public way in the years to come. At the end of the consultation, the young woman confided to me that I was not the first to tell her she was going to be significant in the African movement, but I was the first to see Martin Luther King Jr. beside her.

Deceased Loved Ones

Deceased loved ones are often beside people when there is something incomplete, like when a person needs to forgive someone or needs to be forgiven. By holding a grudge, you may be holding a deceased loved one from going further into the spiritual realm. I often meet souls, whether through my consultations or simple encounters, that are attached to the earth plane because they didn’t have any spiritual beliefs or didn’t believe in the afterlife. They are surprised to find that their “consciousness” continues to exist, and they seek help and guidance.

When a person dies suddenly by accident, they may be confused or refuse to believe they are dead, so they remain attached to the place where the accident occurred. Often people who commit suicide do not believe they deserve to go to heaven and they get “stuck” where they committed the act. Like in the television series Ghost Whisperer, a large part of my private consultation work consists of helping these souls cross over into the light. We can all pray to the angels and ask them to help our loved ones cross over, and we can also talk to our loved ones and help them believe in the afterlife and their worthiness.

Recently, during a visit to Quebec City, I had lunch with a former colleague. When we arrived at the restaurant, we ordered lunch and suddenly I felt a presence around my friend. I am very clairsentient, so I feel a spirit presence rather than see them. I asked my friend, “Who recently died that you knew?” She was surprised. She questioned why I hadn’t asked her about this the last time we had seen each other a month earlier. I explained that I hadn’t asked her then because I hadn’t felt anyone present. But on this day, there certainly was a spirit standing next to her.

“Well, my godmother passed away last summer,” she said.

“No, it’s not your godmother.”

“Well, now you are scaring me, Lucinda!” she said. “I just received news that a mutual friend of ours has died.”

Now I was surprised. I said, “Someone I know? That we both know?”

“Yes, it’s George! The police just called the office. They are looking for his parents to inform them. He was on vacation in another country and something tragic happened outside of a bar.”

Then I felt George’s presence even stronger. I felt that he was in shock. My friend was very uncomfortable with my gift, so I told George to stay calm and that I would talk to him a little later.

I talked to George throughout the entire week, the time it took for his body to be returned to our country. Each time I spoke to him, I felt him become calmer. We reminisced about the great times we’d had with the office crew. He found it difficult to accept that he had died so young. I explained to him that it was simply his karma, nothing more. He seemed to accept this explanation. I sensed that he was more at peace and was looking forward to attending his funeral service.

A year and a half later, I was moving to the province of New Brunswick from Quebec City and had one last client to see before the move. A lovely dark-haired lady arrived at my door. After she sat down, I told her she was very lucky to see me since I was moving away but that I felt this reading was very important. I started the reading and felt that a young man was beside her and that he was sad because she was not letting him go. I soon realized that it was my friend George. She had heard that I had written about her son in the French version of this book and wanted to meet me. I believe George arranged this incredible meeting because his mother had been holding on to him while she tried to make sure justice served for his death. He wanted his mother to know that he had accepted the way he had died and he wanted her to accept it too. He just wanted her to be happy and at peace so he could be happy and at peace too. As in life, some souls want justice and closure and other souls just want to move on.

How can we know if our loved ones are at peace? If we are at peace, they are at peace, and vice versa. If we have difficulty accepting their death, they will stay near us until we accept it, and if they have difficulty accepting their passing, we will sense it too.

We can help our loved ones cross over. This can be done through a simple conversation. It is like helping your best friend prepare for their dream voyage. Of course they will be afraid, have doubts, and be nervous about leaving. However, remind them that making this trip will be worth the joy, that this journey has been planned for a long time, and that you (and all the other people who will remain here on earth) will be fine despite their departure. Talk to your deceased loved one, forgive them, ask for their forgiveness, thank them for being in your life, and invite them to go into the light knowing that you will be well. Tell them that once they are in the light, they can return much more easily. This is the most beautiful gift you can give your deceased loved ones.
