“Half an hour of meditation is essential,
except when you are busy. Then a full hour is needed.”
—Saint Francis de Sales
Before we discuss how to communicate with our angels, guides, and deceased loved ones, let’s take a look at meditation and how it can greatly improve our ability to connect with the other side.
Meditation is extremely beneficial for the mind, body, and spirit. It is one of the greatest tools we have at our disposal to help us heal ourselves on all levels. Meditation is known to calm our minds, heal our bodies, and uplift our spirits.
The benefits of meditation are numerous. For example, for the mind, it helps with mental strength, focus, memory, decision making, and problem solving. Emotionally, it can help with stress reduction and alleviate depression, anxiety, and worry. It also promotes well-being, calmness and serenity, confidence, and faith. And physically, it promotes health, wellness, and healing in the body.
Practicing meditation regularly will help you feel calm, centered, and peaceful, plus you will be more receptive to extrasensory information.
There is nothing complicated about meditation. Just sit comfortably in a quiet place and be with yourself. The important thing is to breathe and allow yourself to be with the inner silence. Thoughts about your problems and worries will come to mind, but just refocus your attention on your breathing. Playing relaxing music or lighting a candle or incense might help you relax. The goal is to feel calm and receptive and to feel the peace within.
A basic way to meditate is what some people call “mindful” meditation. A method for mindful meditation is given in the next section.
Let me share with you my personal experience with meditation.
For twelve years I lived with ulcerative colitis. When I was home on sick leave for an occupational burnout, I decided to stop taking the drugs so I could really feel my body and understand what it was trying to tell me. (Please note that I do not encourage you to stop taking your medication without the consent or supervision of your doctor.)
Through meditation, I discovered that I was experiencing tremendous stress. I realized I was nervous and anxious, especially when I went out in public. In fact, I felt fear. When I began to meditate twice a day for twenty minutes, the first thing I noticed was that my symptoms diminished. Meditation brought me into a state of calmness, serenity, and confidence, and I was able to remain in this state for most of the day. When I went shopping, I felt much more at peace and I no longer had to run to the bathroom. I slept like a baby for the first time in months. Within a few days, my symptoms were completely gone, as if by magic.
During the second week of my experience with meditation, I was inspired to rearrange my furniture. I had a clear vision of how I should place the furniture in my living area. So I immediately arranged a sitting area by the window with two chairs facing each other and a small table placed in between, exactly as I had seen in my vision.
This area became my favorite place in the house. I spent most of my time there. The space was uncluttered and energy flowed more freely. From one chair I could see the sunrise, and from the other I saw the sunset. I had a wonderful view of the ocean, and I could enjoy it much more after I was inspired to make this change. I wrote, meditated, and did all my personal consultations in that space.
After a couple weeks of meditating, I woke up on a Friday morning with a strong sensation of fear. My ego had taken over and I was feeling fearful. By Monday morning I had started to bleed again. That is when I understood the feelings of insecurity and fear that were causing my colitis. I felt insecure about my future. So I decided to meditate. I felt the need to connect with my soul and find peace within. It took one hour to feel peaceful. I was guided by my angels to imagine what I really wanted in my future instead of focusing on what I did not want. Imagining how I really wanted my future to be increased my feeling of well-being and my vibration. I continued to imagine my future until I felt peaceful, hopeful, even excited, and the fear dissolved.
During the third week, I was meditating one evening before going to bed to help me sleep. After about twenty minutes, I saw myself meeting a publisher for the French version of this book. I felt the urge to write him a letter requesting an appointment during my next visit to Quebec City. I got out my computer and began writing him the letter I heard dictated in my mind. The next day, with a clear head, I reread the letter and sent it to the publisher. Within one hour I received a positive confirmation for an appointment. What happened next? The book was published in French and became a national bestseller within four months.
During another meditation, I put on a relaxing melody of the ocean. At first I had trouble concentrating, but then the angels guided me to meet my spirit guide. I saw myself embark on a small boat and make my way out to an island where I was to meet my spirit guide. I saw myself get out of the boat and walk up a beach and then some stairs to this amazing white building, and there I met my guide Menerva. She was a beautiful woman all dressed in white, and she had a gift for me: a key. She told me that it was a key to access all knowledge and wisdom. We sat there for a long time discussing my life purpose and how she would help me achieve my goals. It was a beautiful experience.
These are the wonderful kinds of experiences you can have through meditation. So I encourage you to start taking time every day to sit quietly and meditate to heal your mind, body, and soul.
I recommend you meditate once or twice a day for twenty-minute periods.
Sit comfortably, with your legs crossed and your back straight. Close your eyes and focus on your breath. Spend the first couple minutes just noticing how your breath enters your body through the nose and fills your chest area and stomach. Slowly exhale and notice how the breath is exhaled through the nose and deflates your lungs and stomach. Your thoughts may wander, but keep bringing your attention back to your breath.
Next, pay attention to your body and any sensations you may be feeling, such as pain or tingling. Bring your attention to each part of your body that may be speaking to you. Notice any emotions that arise when you focus on a particular part of your body. Do not judge or think about the pain or the emotions related to the pain, but just allow yourself to feel the physical sensations and the related emotions.
Now, let go of any sensations and emotions and focus all of your attention on your third eye, the space between your two eyes and slightly above. Notice if you see any colors or shapes in this area. This is where your visions will come through. Spend at least a minute or two focusing all of your attention in this area. Then bring your attention to your ears and listen to everything going on around you. Try to listen to every little sound. Usually you might be annoyed by noises when meditating, but include these in your practice, knowing that they are helping you develop your clear hearing. Listen to things that are in the room and then listen for sounds that are farther away, outside of your home. Listen as far away as possible.
Finally, bring all of your attention into your heart and feel all the love that is there waiting for you. Sit with this feeling of love and peace for as long as possible. Send love outward toward others, and feel the love flow back to you. Imagine this love flowing out of your heart and going out into the world, and feel it flow back toward you. Allow this love to fill you up until you feel it overflowing all around you. Take a moment to be grateful for all this love and this beautiful experience.