“When someone desires health,
we must first ask him if he is ready to remove
the cause of his illness. Only then can you help.”
Disease is the language of the soul. Our soul uses disease to communicate that which is often unconscious. If we are listening, the disease can tell us a lot about how we feel and how we perceive life.
Our present health care system would have us believe that we are victims of our diseases, but in fact it is we who create them. There is still a lot of resistance to this way of seeing disease, but there is also growing scientific evidence that proves that the cells of our body are affected by our subconscious thoughts and beliefs, as described in the book Biology of Belief by Bruce Lipton, renowned American biologist. In fact, the only thing that is inherited is how we react to life. We adopt beliefs and imitate ways of reacting to things from our parents and they from their parents, and it is because of our perception of life that we develop disease. According to Dr. Lipton, all of this happens on the subconscious level.
There are different reasons for which we can develop a disease. Disease can help us become conscious of the fact that we are no longer happy in a certain situation. We may have a soul contract with another person to live the experience of a disease. We may also use a disease as a form of procrastination. While we are caring for our illness, we may not be fulfilling our life’s purpose. Sometimes the disease can be a form of self-punishment. If you feel guilty, you can hurt yourself by having an “accident.” We may also use a disease to punish the people around us and guilt them into caring for us. We may use an illness to attract love and attention from our loved ones. If you need a break from your life but feel unable to take time off out of fear of displeasing someone, you can attract an accident where you break something in order to break out of the routine of your life. You may also create a depression or an occupational burnout. That is one way your soul signals to you that you have temporarily lost your joy of living, you are not aligned with what your soul really wants you to do, or you are not setting proper limits and boundaries.
Before looking at how we may try to cure a disease or ease discomfort, we must first understand what it is trying to tell us. And we cannot speak of healing without discussing prevention.
If the cells in our body are affected by our subconscious thoughts and beliefs, then we can conclude that to prevent disease we must first be aware of our beliefs, our thoughts, our perceptions, and our reactions to certain life circumstances and how we express these in our lives.
Thoughts create. If we repeat a negative or positive thought long enough, the thoughts will eventually materialize. For example, repeating “I can, I can, I can … !” will ensure that you can. Repeating the words “I can’t!” often enough will ensure that you won’t.
Here is an example of how thoughts create. In 2003, I went to Toronto for a healing Mass. There was a Catholic nun there who had the gift of healing. There were several thousand people in the room that day. Toward the end of the Mass, the nun walked through the aisles with a relic. When she passed by me, I felt something change in my body. I had been suffering from ulcerative colitis for over a year by that time. Over the next few days, I did not bleed. Every time I went to the bathroom, I thought, “It’s unbelievable!” On the fourth day, I started to bleed again. What I realized was that my thoughts were creating my reality. I had kept repeating the words “It’s unbelievable,” which actually meant that I could not believe, and so I undid the miracle. Today, I simple say “Thank you” and “That’s amazing.”
Thoughts create, and words spoken with strong emotions create even faster.
The angels suggest we remain aware of what we are thinking and saying. Let’s look at how some common expressions may affect our body and even cause disease. For example, how do you think these expressions will affect your body?
• “I just can’t digest what he said or did!”
• “It burns me!”
• “It’s killing me!”
• “It tore me apart!”
When these words are used with strong emotions, it can register in the body and develop into indigestion or heartburn or even cause disease in the stomach or colon.
Here are some examples of how common expressions can affect the body:
Expressions |
Area Affected |
“I’m in a pinch!” |
Sciatic nerve |
“It breaks my heart!” |
Heart |
“I feel torn!” |
Tear in the rectum |
“It pisses me off!” |
Bladder |
Do you recognize any expressions you use in your own life?
Do you have any discomfort or illness now? What expressions are you using that may be related to your disease?
To stay conscious of your thoughts and expressions, make a pact with those around you or ask your angels to help you notice when you use negative words that can harm your health. Say, “Thank you, my dearest angels, for helping me stay aware of any expressions I have been using that may be negatively affecting my health.”
If you feel a strong desire to express your frustration, be aware of how your perception of the situation may be hurting you and your body. Anger is always self-directed. When we are angry at someone, we are usually angry at ourselves for putting ourselves in the situation, for not speaking up or setting healthy boundaries, for letting ourselves be taken advantage of, and especially for not loving and respecting ourselves enough. Most of the time we do these things out of a fear of not being loved for who we really are.
Fear is the biggest cause of disease. In fact, there are only two true emotions: love and fear. Anything that is not love is fear. Anger is simply fear disguised. Resentment, sadness, and feelings of disempowerment and stress are all simply fear disguised. We are afraid of not being loved, of not being lovable, of not being good enough. We then attract people and situations that confirm this belief, and this keeps us in a state of fear and stress.
At times, you might be dealing with a person or situation that makes you so angry, so irritated, and so resentful, even to the point of feeling “beside yourself,” that you feel the need to express your feelings. Yes, you must express them. You must expel the anger and all negative emotions from your body. So take your pillow and show it who’s boss. Go for a run or take a boxing class. Get your anger out and then see how you can express your needs to the person in a calm and loving manner. Ask the Archangels Michael and Raphael to help you find the right words to express yourself in a loving and calm way and for the greatest good of all. Prepare your speech well, and talk about the facts and how your needs and expectations have not been met. It is best to let some time pass between the incident and the moment when you express yourself so as to do it in a calm and loving manner. When we are full of strong emotions such as anger and frustration, the most important thing is to change our perception. Try to see the other person’s point of view and try to let go of any negative emotions that may be keeping you in a state of disease and discomfort.
Ask Archangel Michael to help you guard your thoughts and to ensure that they are loving toward yourself as well as others. Archangel Gabriel is wonderful at helping you communicate your feelings better, and Archangel Raphael can help you heal your relationships. Ask the archangels to help you speak your truth, be true to yourself, and set healthy boundaries. Archangel Uriel can help you shed light on any situation. If you find yourself in a situation or relationship that is ambiguous or unhealthy, ask Archangel Uriel to help you see the situation clearly.
You can say, “Thank you, dearest archangels, for helping me see this situation more clearly. Help me be true to myself and to my needs. Thank you for the strength and confidence to speak my truth and set healthy boundaries. Help me find the courage and the right words to express myself in a loving and firm manner. Help us heal this relationship for the greatest good of all. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”
On a final note regarding how our words create, the angels suggest we refrain from discussing our disease in too much detail. Whenever you talk about your disease, you anchor it more firmly in your body. Aside from the weather, disease is the most discussed topic in our society. Listen to the people around you in the coffee shops or elsewhere; they mostly talk about how bad they feel. Choose to discuss your symptoms only with your doctor. When someone asks you “How are you?” simply answer, “I’m well and so happy to see you!” Focus your attention on positive topics and events.
Disease or illness is always an invitation to reconnect with our true selves. When we become ill or develop a disease, it is a sign that we have temporarily lost touch with our higher self. The word disease means “we are not at ease,” meaning we are not at peace within our lives.
The angels say that it is not only important but vital to be true to ourselves. I know it is not always easy to do this, because we were raised to please others. We want to please our spouse, our parents, our family, our friends, and our employers at all costs. Many of us would rather hurt ourselves before hurting someone else. We let ourselves down rather than let someone else down. We also forget ourselves in day-to-day life. We put the needs of others before our own. Our own deepest desires remain buried deep inside our hearts, and with time, we forget about them and sometimes blame the people around us because we did not realize our dreams.
When we become sick or exhausted, our deepest desires will try to surface. If you’re listening and you take the time to care for yourself, to recover and rest, your soul will try to communicate to you your most heartfelt longings. The angels suggest you take time out of your life to go inside and listen and gain perspective, whether it is through a daily mediation, a weekend retreat, or a month away from your life, like they suggested to me. When we take time to connect with our angels and our inner self, we make space for their loving messages and guidance to be heard.
Ever since our incarnation, our body has been recording everything that has happened emotionally. When you develop symptoms, stop and ask yourself, “What is going on in my life?” Have you ever noticed that there is almost always a significant event that happened right before the symptoms first appeared? When we are unable to express ourselves or manage a stressful situation, our body, which is really our ally, our greatest friend, tries to manage this stress for us.
Whenever you deny yourself, a cell in your body dies. Whenever you give your power away to another person, such as an employer or a partner, whenever you put yourself down or feel disempowered about a situation, a part of you dies. When we listen to and follow what our heart truly desires, when we are able to set limits and boundaries and truly honor our feelings and needs and are loving and respecting ourselves, we feel at peace and experience wellness.
Wellness, or well-being, is the opposite of disease. When we are being our true selves, when we are well with ourselves and others, we are totally at peace and can be disease-free.
Deep down, a lot of us know this, but it doesn’t prevent us from experiencing disease. I can relate. I have experienced my own share of disease, including an appendicitis, acute ulcerative colitis for twelve years, eczema, and shingles. Through all of these diseases, I tried to understand what my body was trying to tell me, what my soul really wanted me to know. Once I understood that feelings of worry, fear, and stress were at the root of these diseases, I took action to change the situation and my perception of it. Now I try to stay in a state of calmness and peacefulness through meditation and by relinquishing all my worries and problems to God and the angels.
For example, before going to bed, I say, “Thank you, God and my dearest angels, for caring for ___________ (current problem or worry). I know you already have all the solutions. Thank you for bringing me creative ideas to resolve this issue and for helping me feel at peace.”
Often I will wake up feeling peaceful and have an ingenious idea about how to solve my problem or ease my worries.
Disease in Children
Some of you may ask, “But how do you explain diseases in children and newborns?” The angels tell me that newborn children sometimes arrive with diseases they had in their previous life, such as a child being born with cataracts. A fetus may also be affected by a stressful event that happened during the pregnancy. Children may also develop disease in early childhood when they experience stress in the home or at school. It is important not to blame anyone or feel guilty, but simply to be aware of the symptoms and see how you can change the atmosphere in your home, help the child adapt at school, or learn to express themselves.
Some souls choose to come into this world to live the experience of a disease to learn something or to teach others. Sick children are often our greatest teachers. If you take the time to listen to them, you will see that they are much wiser than you think. I have often heard parents of seriously ill children or children who have passed away at a young age report that their child taught them a lot about life and that they were a real gift from heaven.
Remember that there is always a reason for everything. Every experience brings a lesson and nothing happens for nothing. Wanting to blame someone or feeling guilty does not elevate our consciousness. It is best to look at any situation and try to understand what lessons can be learned and what blessings you are being offered. Ask your angels, “Dearest angels, please help me understand the gifts and blessings in this disease.”
The Language of Disease
Our body speaks to us through ailments and disease. How can we understand what it is trying to tell us? The angels tell me that “the consequence of our discomfort or illness is the cause.”
There are three important questions to ask yourself:
1. How do I feel physically? Irritated, inflamed, tight, stuck, stiff, etc.?
2. How do I feel emotionally about my discomfort? Anxious, panicked, paralyzed, disappointed, scared, nervous, sad, etc.?
3. Do I feel the same way in another area of my life? Like in my family, friendships, work, finances, love life, etc.?
Take a good look at your life and see if the words you use to describe your emotional and physical discomfort also describe another area of your life. The words are always clues to the real issues in your life.
Next, thank your body for the message: “Thank you, body (name the specific part), for your message and for your love and support. I know that you are my best friend and you are showing me what I need to know.”
Once you have zeroed in on the situation that is causing your discomfort, you can look at how you can resolve it.
You can make an action plan to reduce your stress, face your fears, express your needs, forgive others, forgive yourself, and do what you need to do to be at peace.
Here is an example:
You have very sore legs that are preventing you from walking easily.
How do you feel physically? “I have trouble moving forward. I lack flexibility and feel stiff.”
How do you feel emotionally about your discomfort? “I feel angry. I’m scared and worried.”
Do you feel the same way in another area of your life? Take a look at your life to see if you are having trouble moving forward in a project, a relationship, or at work. Do you lack flexibility to move forward with something or someone? Are you afraid to move forward in your life? Is your fear of moving forward irritating you, making you scared and worried, and ultimately preventing you from experiencing joy?
Take a look at your life and try to understand what your body is telling you. Talk with your body, thank it for the message, and take action to correct the situation.
Tell your body, “Thank you for the message! I understand now. I will get into action to move forward in my life! Despite the fear, I will take small guided steps forward!”
If you have any difficulty with this exercise, ask Archangel Raphael to help you understand what you need to know: “Thank you, Archangel Raphael, for helping find the right words to describe my pain and discomfort and for helping see which part of my life I need to heal in order to help heal my body. I know my body is my friend and is lovingly holding on to this pain to help me see it better in my own life. I am willing to look honestly at any situation or relationship that may be affecting my health, and I am willing to let go of any fear, worry, beliefs, or resentment that may be preventing me from experiencing perfect health. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”
One of my clients had really bad low back pain. It was so serious that she had to remain in bed for a month so as not to put any pressure on her spine. Pain in the lower back is usually associated with the fear of lacking money, so I asked her the following questions:
How do you feel physically? “I feel paralyzed. I feel pressure in my lower back and I also feel as if the nerves are pinched.”
How do you feel emotionally about your discomfort? “ I feel angry and irritated, and at the same time I’m scared and worried.”
Do you feel the same way in another area of your life? This lady wanted to build a new home but was afraid of not having enough money. She was literally paralyzed by her fear and concern about money. She had to delay the project because of her back pain. She was putting a lot of pressure on herself and felt pinched financially.
Today, she is fine. She relieved some of the pressure by choosing a new house plan with which she felt much more comfortable financially. She secured a great mortgage rate that allowed her to pay off the house more quickly than expected. She no longer feels stuck. She is no longer afraid of not having enough money because she made the right decisions to remove the financial pressure.
I also had a personal healing experience by being aware of my symptoms. One morning I arrived in the office parking lot, when suddenly I felt something in my back that felt like an electric shock. I immediately asked my angels what it was, and the answer that came to me was one word: “shingles.” My mother and grandmother had both experienced this disease. I knew that shingles was very painful and could last for several months.
When I arrived at my office, I researched the symptoms on the Internet and soon discovered that the sensation of an electric shock was indeed a symptom of shingles.
At the end of the day, I was in such pain that I had a difficult time picking up groceries. I asked myself the following questions:
How do you feel physically? “I felt a shock this morning and now I feel intense pain and stiffness. I feel like something has a grip on my back.”
How do you feel emotionally about your discomfort? “I feel very anxious because I certainly do not want to have this pain for months. I feel very afraid, nervous, and sad.”
Do you feel similarly in another area of your life? “In my relationship, I feel trapped. I experienced a shocking situation with my boyfriend recently. I do not want to endure this painful relationship and his rigidity (stiffness) for several more months. I feel anxious and nervous. I am afraid to tell him about my decision to leave and I am also sad that our relationship is not working out.”
I also read the following sentences in Jacques Martel’s book The Complete Dictionary of Ailments and Diseases: “I felt under attack … A situation or person has hurt me, provoking tension … The pain reminds me of a forced submission to some authority … I feel in constant danger … I hold back my creative energies … I am feeling an intense emotional reaction or irritation over someone or something that causes me excessive stress and makes my decision-making difficult.”
This was exactly what I was experiencing. I was going through a very difficult period with my boyfriend and I knew I had to leave. He tried to convince me to stay, and I felt torn. I loved him but could no longer live with him. I felt I couldn’t be myself. I had dreams to fulfill, and for me, those dreams were vital. I was to the point where I preferred to die rather than not fulfill God’s will.
Being in so much pain that evening, I ran a bath, hoping it would calm my nerves. I used a salt ball that my mother had given me some time before. When the ball was completely melted, a piece of plastic remained in my hand, on which it was written, “We must accept a man for who he is and not for who we wish he was.”
What a revelation! It was clear that my image of my boyfriend was not who he really was … and I could not accept him as he was. He had some great qualities, but I felt I could no longer grow with him. Our story was over.
So I prayed to my angels that night and told them that if I woke up the next morning with no symptoms, I was going to love myself enough to get out of the relationship. That evening, two of my friends confirmed that they would help me the next day. I knew they were sent to me by the angels to help me through that difficult time in my life. They were real earth angels who took time out of their busy lives to help me move. The next morning I woke up without any pain, and I kept the promise I had made to the angels.
There are a few excellent books that exist on the subject of the link between physical symptoms and emotional blockages, including You Can Heal Your Life and Heal Your Body by Louise L. Hay and The Complete Dictionary of Ailments and Diseases by Jacques Martel.
Healing has always been an important part of my private consultations. We all have emotional healing to do. It is an ongoing process. In 2004, during one of my earliest readings, the angels recommended that we start healing our lives by reviewing the major events that have happened over the years so that it becomes easier to heal our daily issues. They invite us to forgive ourselves as well as others. We have all done things in our lives that we are not proud of, and we have all experienced incidents with our parents, families, friends, lovers, and even strangers that have affected us. We have all lived through painful experiences during our childhood. We must take the time to address this emotional baggage. We must forgive ourselves and everyone else for everything. In fact, life is forgiving. Life is about giving love and compassion to ourselves and others. Jesus’s main commandment was “Love one another.”
The angels suggest we start by forgiving ourselves first. If we take a good look at our own behavior and forgive ourselves, we will be more forgiving toward others. When we see something in another person that we don’t like, it is usually a sign that it is something we do not like and accept about ourselves. Accepting and loving ourselves for who we are enables us to love and accept others as they are.
Make a list of all the people you have hurt, and describe your regrets. Go over this list with compassion and love for yourself, remembering that you are a soul trying to find your way home. You are a beautiful spiritual being living a human experience. Sometimes we have to experience who we are not to decide who we really want to be.
It can be very healing to call or talk with the person you have hurt and apologize for your trespasses. Letting the other person know that you are aware of your wrongs is a beautiful lesson in humility. Whether or not the person chooses to forgive you is not important. What is important is that you forgive yourself. You cannot change how other people choose to feel or react. You can only choose your own actions. You can choose to love yourself, to be and to do better. Forgiving yourself is the greatest act of self-love.
Make a list of everything you have done or think you did for which you may need to forgive yourself. Ask Archangel Raphael to accompany you during this exercise, and use a green pen or pencil. The beautiful and loving healing energy of Archangel Raphael is emerald green. He says that when we write with green ink, everything we write is instantly healed.
Is there anything on your list that is really so unforgivable? Is there anything that you would not forgive someone else? Give yourself the same forgiveness that you would give to others.
For each thing on your list, look in the mirror and say this sentence out loud: “I forgive myself for ___________. I did my best with the knowledge I had at that time.”
Forgiveness of Others
Forgiving others is essential for our well-being. We do not extend forgiveness to others for them, but mostly for ourselves. Often the other person continues to go on with life and does not even think about their transgressions. The person may not even be aware of their actions. But you continue to hurt yourself by keeping all the anger, shame, and guilt inside of you.
We all hang on to feelings of blame, anger, frustration, resentment, hatred, anxiety, fear, disappointment guilt, shame, insecurity, and depression. Know that these feelings contribute to our discomfort and diseases. When we feel anything but love, peace, and joy, it is a sign that we are not aligned with who we really are, and a disease can develop.
The angels recommend that we sit quietly and ask Archangel Gabriel (the angel of communication) and Archangel Raphael (the angel of healing) to assist us with our healing process.
The archangels suggest that we get a notebook or journal and use a green pen to write our story. Archangel Raphael says to use a green pen to help with the healing of anything we put on paper.
First, we can begin to write our story from the time we were children up until now. We can write about all the main events we experienced and of all the negative feelings we felt regarding the events. Expressing these feelings is vital to our well-being. We must be totally honest about our feelings, about the actions of other people and any beliefs we may have developed as a result.
Once our story is written, the angels suggest we go through each event and find the lesson, the gift, that this person or event brought us.
If there is a particular person you need to forgive, you can ask yourself the following questions:
What do I need to forgive the person for?
How did I feel during this event?
How has this event affected the rest of my life?
What beliefs have I developed as a result of this event?
What have I learned from this situation?
What good has this event brought me?
What qualities did I develop after this event?
What is the gift of this transgression?
Answer each question and finish with a sentence of forgiveness, such as “I understand that you could not have done any better with the knowledge and life experience you had at the time. With the help of my angels, I accept that this event happened and I forgive you. I free myself from all negative emotions related to this event.”
It is not necessary to send anything to anyone. The goal is to release any negative emotions and forgive.
The angels want you to remember that you chose to come to this earth to experience certain specific events that helped you become the person you are today. Without these experiences, you could not accomplish your life’s purpose. You have soul contracts with the people who are in your life: the ones who have hurt you in the past or who are hurting you now or may hurt you in the future. These people have chosen to live this drama with you to teach you the very thing your soul needs to learn so it can continue to evolve. This is a fundamental truth about our existence.
I know that for some people this truth may be hard to accept. But know that the people who hurt you the most are the souls who love you the most. They are your greatest teachers. These souls experience the greatest test because to hurt someone goes against the purity and perfection of our true self. In fact, these souls have sacrificed themselves to come to earth with you and teach you the lessons of forgiveness, acceptance, hope, courage, confidence, joy, and love. So see these souls as the beautiful and magnificent beings they really are and have compassion for them. Send them love and thank them for agreeing to fulfill this role in your life, for without them, you could not fulfill your soul contract and your divine life’s purpose. I find it helps to look at them and imagine the pain they must be experiencing deep inside that makes them behave in a certain way. Imagine how painful it must be to lack self-confidence and self-esteem, to not feel loved or lovable to the point of hurting others. Try to sense their pain and feel compassion for them.
For some of you, what happened to you may be so painful and atrocious that you have difficulty feeling love or compassion for the other person. The angels suggest you at least try to accept that the event occurred and try to see how the event may have positively affected your life. See how maybe it made you stronger, more courageous, more determined and resilient, or even set you on a specific path toward something more wonderful. There is always something positive in every situation and there is always a reason for everything; we must simply look to find it. No experience is wasted with God. Everything happens for us and not to us. And real healing starts with acceptance.
On a larger scale, many of us have resentment toward our institutions, governments, and various cultural societies. The angels have helped me understand, accept, and forgive the injustices in the world, reminding me that I have done my part to create them. As in our current life, where we are creating all that is before us, we have also created the past in our former lives.
We created this world in which we live, including all that we love and hate about it. As creators, we have to love and accept our creation. We have to accept responsibility for what exists in the world, and acceptance is the first step toward healing. Acceptance does not mean we have to live with things the way they are; it only means that we should drop the negative feelings we have toward the situation and strive to change it. It does not serve us to complain about any system if we do not intend to contribute to effecting change.
At any time, we can choose to create a better life for ourselves and a better world for us all. We can do this with healing and forgiveness, by accepting and loving everything that we have created and choosing to create again with a new consciousness.
Conclusion on Healing
The angels gave me all this advice about healing during a private reading in 2004. At that time, I did the exercises for self-forgiveness and the forgiveness of others, which are presented at the end of this chapter. I even called some people I felt I had hurt to tell them that I was aware of their pain and wanted them to know. I told them it was not necessary for them to forgive me because it was me who had to forgive myself. One of these people has since become one of my best friends.
After writing this book and before its publication in French, I was going through a difficult period. I felt a deep sadness. I felt that something was blocking me and was not allowing me to move easily forward in the direction of my dreams. I am humble enough to admit that even with all these tools that the angels have offered me over the previous ten years, I could not do it alone. Through a friend, the angels led me to a healing center, where I discovered that I had wounds buried so deep that I had completely forgotten they were there. You cannot heal what you do not acknowledge or remember. Once I became aware of these old wounds and I did the forgiveness exercises, I finally felt free. It was like everything that was blocking me, that was preventing me from living my life fully and being all that God intended me to be, was transformed.
That therapy session was the most beautiful experience of my life! There is no greater voyage than the one we make inside of ourselves. I thank my angels and my friend who guided me toward the center and for the wonderful therapy I experienced.
If you need assistance with healing some part of your past, ask the angels to guide you to a great healing center or therapist. Accepting outside help is a wonderful way to love ourselves. Say, “Thank you, my darling angels, for guiding me to the perfect healing center or therapist to help me heal my past. Thank you for helping me find the beauty and blessings in every situation and to see that only love is real.”
Prayer for Manifesting Health
Here is a sample prayer that you can use to help manifest perfect health.
“Lord God and my dearest angels, I am worthy of your goodness, your grace, and your blessings. By the simple fact that I exist, I am worthy of perfect health. I am willing to release myself from all negative emotions and false beliefs that no longer serve me and that may be affecting my health. I also forgive those who have trespassed against me as I forgive myself. I know that my will is your will and you only want what is best for me.”
“Dearest angels, it is my greatest desire to experience perfect health.”
“My dearest angels, I trust you completely. I know you have heard my request and you are already working on its fulfillment. I promise you, my dearest angels, that I will follow any divine guidance regarding my health and will accept God’s will, whatever it may be.”
“I reserve at least ten minutes a day to imagine myself experiencing perfect health, and I pretend I already have it.”
“Thank you in advance, Lord God and my dearest angels, for the fulfillment of my greatest desire to experience perfect health. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”
Manifesting Health with the Angels
The angels suggest the following exercises to help you with your healing. Ask Archangel Raphael, the healer, to accompany you during this exercise. Archangel Raphael’s energy is emerald green and he suggests that we use a green pen to help heal anything we put on paper. He says, “As you write, so it is healed.”
First, let’s take a look at some of the common expressions you use that may be affecting your body and even be causing disease.
Make a list of regular expressions you use to describe what is going on in your life. Here is an example:
Expression |
Part of the Body Affected |
“I just can’t digest what he did!” |
Digestive system |
Where do you feel any discomfort in your body right now? List any illnesses, pains, discomforts, or diseases you have at the moment.
Can you relate your expressions to your discomfort or disease?
Ask your angels to help you stay aware of your thoughts and expressions that may be harming your health.
Say, “Thank you, my dearest angels, for helping me stay aware of any expressions I have been using that may be affecting my health.”
Fear is one of the main causes of disease. Fear can cause stress, tension, and anxiety, and in the long run, exhaustion or chronic disease. We are mostly afraid of not being loved, of not being lovable, of not being good enough, but we can also be afraid of not having enough, which leads to feelings of financial insecurity.
Ask yourself, “What am I afraid of?”
If such a thing occurred, what would be the worst consequence? How would you handle it?
In this moment, can you change anything in the situation to reduce your fear?
Make an action plan to reduce your fear. This may include saving money, taking courses, taking a vacation, dieting, etc.
There is always a solution to every problem. You can face your fears in your imagination to see that no matter what happens, you will be able to deal with them. Remember, you are not alone. Your angels are near you and want to help. Ask them for solutions and pay attention to the divine signs for the answers.
Say, “Thank you, my dearest angels, for helping me find solutions to reduce my fears. I know you love me and are here for me. There is nothing to fear with you by my side.”
If you feel a strong desire to express any anger or frustration, find a way to physically let go of it, such as through a good workout.
Know that when we are angry at someone else, we are usually angry at ourselves. Are you angry at yourself for putting yourself in a bad situation, for not speaking up or setting healthy boundaries, for letting yourself be taken advantage of, and for not loving and respecting yourself enough? Anger is simply fear disguised. We do these things mostly out of fear of not being loved for who we really are.
Ask the archangels to help you see the situation more clearly, be true to yourself, set healthy boundaries, express yourself, and heal the relationship.
You can say, “Thank you, dearest archangels, for helping me see this situation more clearly. Help me be true to myself and to my needs. Thank you for the strength and confidence to speak my truth and set healthy boundaries. Help me find the courage and the right words to express myself in a loving and firm manner. Help us heal this relationship for the greatest good of all. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”
Disease is a sign that we are not at ease with some part of our life. Something is out of sync with who we really are.
Let’s look at what your illness or discomfort might really be telling you.
Answer these three important questions:
1. How do I feel physically? Irritated, inflamed, tight,
stuck stiff, etc.?
2. How do I feel emotionally about my discomfort?
Anxious, panicked, paralyzed, disappointed, scared,
nervous, sad, etc.?
3. Do I feel the same way in another area of my life? Like
in my family, friendships, work, finances, love life, etc.?
Describe the situation you are experiencing.
Thank your body for the message: “Thank you, body (name the specific part), for your message, your love, and your support. I know that you are my best friend and you only want what is best for me.”
If you have any difficulty with this exercise, ask Archangel Raphael to help you understand what you need to know. Say, “Thank you, Archangel Raphael, for helping find the right words to describe my pain and discomfort and for helping see which part of my life I need to heal in order to help heal my body. I know my body is my friend and is lovingly holding on to this pain to help me see it better in my own life. I am willing to look honestly at any situation or relationship that may be affecting my health, and I am willing to let go of any fears, worry, beliefs, or resentment that may be preventing me from experiencing perfect health. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”
Now that you know which area of your life requires more love and attention, you can address it.
Make an action plan to reduce your stress, face your fears, express your needs, forgive others, and do what you need to do to be at peace regarding the situation. Write down what you feel guided to do to bring peace to your mind, body, and spirit.
Self-forgiveness is an important part of your healing. Start by making a list of everything you have done or think you did for which you may need to forgive yourself. Ask Archangel Raphael to accompany you during this exercise, and continue to use a green pen.
Is there anything on your list that is really so unforgivable? Is there anything for which you would not forgive someone else? Grant yourself the same forgiveness that you would give to others.
For each thing on your list, write it down, look in the mirror, put your hand on your heart to feel the love, and say this out loud: “I forgive myself for ___________. I did my best with the knowledge I had at that time.”
Forgiving others is essential for your well-being. We do not forgive others for them, but for ourselves. Know that keeping all the anger, shame, and guilt inside of you is only hurting yourself.
Do the following exercise for each person you need to forgive.
Sit in a quiet place and invite Archangel Gabriel (the angel of communication) and Archangel Raphael (the angel of healing) to assist you with this exercise. Continue using a green pen, and know that while you are writing, the situation is being healed. Answer the following questions:
• Whom do you need to forgive (name of the person)?
• How did you feel during and after this event?
• How did this event affect the rest of your life?
• What did you learn from this experience?
• What good came of it?
• What qualities did you develop as a result of this event?
• What is the gift of this transgression? (Continue writing with your green pen, and if you have trouble seeing the good in this situation, ask Archangel Raphael to show it to you.)
Answer each question and finish with a sentence of forgiveness, such as “I understand that you could not have done any better with the knowledge and life experience you had at the time. With the help of my angels, I accept that this event happened and I forgive you. I free myself from all negative emotions related to this event.”
Write down your beliefs about health and disease. Here are some examples:
• “Disease is hereditary.”
• “My pain is chronic and I just have to live with it.”
• “My disease is chronic and I just have to learn to live with it.”
For each of your beliefs, ask yourself if this belief is helping you manifest health or not.
For each of your negative beliefs, rewrite the belief and state that you are ready to release it:
• “I release the belief that disease is hereditary.”
• “I release the belief that I have to live with this chronic pain.”
• “I release the belief I have to live with this chronic disease.”
Then create new beliefs in the present tense:
• “My body is an amazing self-healing machine.”
• “I am fully capable of assisting and allowing my body to self-heal.”
• “I believe in the power of miracles.”
Ask yourself, “How do I really want to feel health-wise?”
Then write down your answer, such as “I desire to feel healthy and energetic, full of life and vitality. I desire to experience perfect health.”
Be open to all the guidance that presents itself to you. Ask your angels to guide you to new healing methods or health practitioners and follow their advice.
Imagine that you are already experiencing perfect health. How would you spend your day? What would you be doing right now if you felt energetic and full of vitality? Let yourself imagine how wonderful you would feel and know that these emotions will help you experience health even for a few brief moments. The more you are able to bring yourself into this loving state of calm and peace, the more you are enabling your body to self-heal.
Write down what you are grateful for concerning your health. For example:
• “I am grateful that I am able to walk, see, taste, hear, feel, and smell.”
• “I am grateful for ___________.”