Your angels and guides want to present themselves to you. They want to assist you on this journey we call life. They want you to be happy and healthy, to experience love and abundance, and ultimately to live the life of your dreams.

This practical guide will teach you how angels talk to you. It will help you develop your intuition and your “clairs” to better receive their messages. It will also help you connect with your angels and guides so that you may begin your very own conversation with them and start manifesting the magnificent life that you are destined to live.

The angels tell me that we are meant to live a magnificent and gratifying life. The simple fact of recognizing the existence of angels embellishes our life. If we invite them into our everyday lives to accompany us on our path, if we learn how to talk to them, we can create a life greater than anything we could ever imagine, a divinely inspired life! This is what I wish to share with you in this book.

Back in 2003, I was working at a government job in Ontario. I had a beautiful apartment, a new car, and many nice things, but I was very unhappy. I felt like something really important was missing from my life. One weekend I cried out to God 1 in one of those “dark night of the soul” moments and said to him/her/it that if life was only about working to buy things and have things, I was not interested in staying. I needed my life to have more meaning. I needed to feel useful, like I was making a difference. My soul was unhappy, my body was sick, and I was exhausted. I felt like I needed a better reason to live. I wanted to matter.

The following Monday, I met my neighbor Dorinda, who just happened to be a Reiki Master and whose name means “gift from God.” Being that I was suffering greatly from ulcerative colitis at the time, she offered me a Reiki energy treatment. Meeting Dorinda and learning about Reiki was the beginning of a whole new life for me, a new spiritual life. Through her, I met a lovely group of Metis ladies and was invited to join their circle. We did monthly moon ceremonies and talking circles. This new spiritual life filled the hole that I had inside.

Next, I decided to take Reiki classes to help me heal my body, and I noticed that with every class my psychic senses started to develop. Then, through a series of events, I felt guided to take Doreen Virtue’s Angel Therapy class in 2004. Dr. Virtue is the author of the bestselling books Healing with the Angels, Angel Therapy, and The Lightworker’s Way as well as numerous angel oracle card decks.

One day, my friend Claudette arrived home from a trip to North Bay, Ontario, with a deck of cards titled Messages from Your Angels. It was the most beautiful deck of cards I had ever seen. The images were absolutely extraordinary.

When I shuffled the pack, one card fell out onto the table. It was “Archangel Raphael” and it said that I was a healer like him. Having just completed my first level of Reiki that same day, I was very impressed with the accuracy of the cards, so much so that I went straight to the bookstore to purchase them.

A few days later, I drove to Gatineau, Quebec, to visit my friend Odette. I was excited to show her my new deck of cards, but before I got the chance she told me that she had just met a woman, Jennifer Clark, who talks to angels. Curious, I visited her website. When I read through her site, something spoke to the deepest part of my soul and I thought that it was the most wonderful thing someone could ever do with their life. I said to myself, “Ah! How lucky she is to have such a wonderful career!”

Going through her website, I noticed that Clark had studied with a lady named Doreen Virtue. The name sounded familiar. I went through my library to see if I had one of her books. I didn’t find any. Then I noticed the oracle cards on my table that I had recently purchased and there it was—Doreen Virtue’s name. What a coincidence!

I visited Doreen Virtue’s website and came across her Angel Therapy class information. Once again, my heart skipped a beat and something about the whole thing spoke to me. But my ego kicked in and said, “That course is for gifted people and you don’t have a gift!” So I closed down my computer and gave up on the idea that I might be “special.” The course was not for me.

Over the next three days, the idea of this course kept coming back to me. It haunted me. So by Wednesday morning I looked up toward the sky and said to God, “I think you want me to take this course. So if you do, then show me the money!”

That same day, I went to work and noticed that I had an extra $150 on my pay stub. My colleagues explained that it was because we had finished paying into one of the funds and that we would receive this amount every two weeks up until Christmas. This amounted to $1,200. The course cost $1,500. So I made a mental note that I just needed another $300.

When I arrived home at the end of the day, I received a letter from my auto insurance company. The cost for insurance in Ontario is extremely high. I was so distraught by the amount that I picked up the phone and called another company. I saved $300. So I looked up to the sky once more and said to God, “I think you really, really want me to take this course. Well, I’m going to need a plane ticket.”

The following Monday, I arrived home from work, and in my mailbox I found a letter from Aeroplan, Air Canada’s rewards program. It said that because of the inconveniences that I had experienced during my last vacation due to the big electrical shortage that had struck Ontario, Quebec, and northern parts of the United States, I had been awarded triple reward points. This brought my points up to 42,000. I needed 40,000 to go to Hawaii.

With all these signs, I had to accept “the call.”

During the course in Hawaii, I learned that angels and guides accompany each and every one of us. And since my return, I have felt guided to present at conferences and give private readings. I connect people with their guides and angels and bring them guidance regarding their path in life. I also have the privilege to connect people with their deceased loved ones and bring them healing and loving messages.

The angels wanted me to write this book for you so that you, too, can benefit from their loving presence and divine guidance. They want you to know that you are not alone and they are but a whisper away. So invite them into your life, ask them for help with anything, and see how magically your life transforms!


1. I will use the word God for ease of writing, but it can be replaced with Spirit, Creator, Universe, or whatever word you feel most comfortable with.