
From the first lines of the introduction, this passionate book captivated me and kept my interest from page to page, up to the last words.

In a simple style, Lucinda takes us by the hand and guides us through the world of angels that is really our world seen through a different perspective. She answers questions that many people ask, relates numerous personal experiences, and invites us to observe the signs in our lives, to open ourselves up, to discover that we are more exceptional and more aware than what we believe.

This book is a bedside book. To read it once is not enough! It motivates us to practice because it reveals the how: how to talk to angels, how to let ourselves be guided by our intuition, how to manifest what we wish, how to heal, how to see more clearly—in short, how to LIVE in capital letters!

—Lisette Simard, author and speaker,
life coach (PLN), and eternal student of life
