Two years ago
ME: Hey, how’s it going? I’ve tried calling you a few times, but you haven’t answered.
ZAC: Hey. Sorry I haven’t been in touch, I’ve been really busy with the move.
ME: Has it gone OK? Are you still staying with Ross? I’d love to come up and see you both when you’ve settled into Newcastle.
ME: Just checking in because I haven’t heard back from you … How are you? X
ZAC: Sorry, thought I replied, but it mustn’t have sent.
I’m going OK, thanks
Coming up here has been a good change I think. Mum and Dad also told me they’re moving up to Port Stephens, which isn’t far away. Yeah, I’m still at Ross’s.
ME: That’s great to hear that you like it up there! And wow, big news about your parents. Got time for a phone chat? Say hi to Ross from me.
ZAC: Will do
ME: Happy birthday to you! I just tried calling, but no joy … I’m around all day, if you have time to give me a ring back?
ZAC: Thanks so much for the b’day message. I hope things are good with you? Can’t chat today as I’m working, but will try to call soon.
ME: Poor thing, having to work on your birthday. Sorry I’m not up there to celebrate with you … I’d love to come up for a visit if there’s a weekend that works?
Or let me know if you’re planning a trip down here. Would love to catch up. X
ME: Hey, stranger, how are you feeling? Whenever I call, you don’t seem to pick up.
ZAC: Hey, sorry I’ve been MIA. I’ve started a new role up here in the ambo offices, and I’m back on crazy shifts. It’s probably easier to reach me via text these days. How are you?
ME: I’m going OK, thanks. I’ve got a job interview with Channel One News on Friday.
ZAC: Oh wow, that’s amazing. Good luck
ME: Thank you
ME: Can I call you?
ME: Guess what—I just found out I got the job!!
I’m gonna be a reporter for Channel One
ZAC: Sorry, meant to reply to this yesterday
That’s incredible! Really well deserved.
I’m happy for you.
ME: Thanks! How are you, favourite? I miss you.
Wish you’d give me a ring? Or let me know when I can call you. I’d love to come up and visit too. I assume you’ve found a place by now?
ZAC: Yeah, in Hamilton. It’s a great spot.
ME: Wish I knew where Hamilton was!
ME: Hi favourite, how are you?
ME: Tried calling again but can’t seem to reach you. I miss you.
I hope you’re OK.
ME: Hi Zac, I’m just checking in again as I haven’t heard from you. How are you?
ME: Hey Zac, is this still your number?