“You look beautiful.” Rich swallowed hard. “How the hell am I going to keep my hands off you for three hours?”

That was exactly the reaction she’d hoped for. Meghan had rushed home from the shop and walked straight into the shower, only stopping to close the front door and shuck off her clothes. Knowing she had hardly an hour to transform herself from ice cream server to goddess put everything into focus. Not one minute could be spared – she was too busy drying and curling and make-up applying to even eat or take a drink.

Her stomach gurgled in a reminder that it was annoyed about that. She’d have to attack the hors d’oeuvres when they got to the gallery.

She’d found the gorgeous cocktail dress she was wearing in a local boutique. The moss green of the crepe fabric complemented her hair perfectly. The top was made of two bands of material, attached to a ruched waistband, rising up to cover each of her breasts before gathering at her shoulders. The Grecian style made her chest look fantastic, but she hadn’t been able to find a bra to fit under it. Instead, she’d used tape to make sure the fabric didn’t slip and reveal more than she’d intended.

But right now, she didn’t care. In the warmth of Rich’s intense stare she felt like a princess.

“You’re pretty hot yourself,” she pointed out. He was wearing a dark blue suit, his hair perfectly brushed back for once, the hint of a shadow clinging to his strong jaw. He wasn’t wearing a tie, and his pale blue shirt was unbuttoned at the neck, revealing a hint of tanned skin and dark hair that made her mouth water. “I’m not sure whether I prefer you in scrubs or a suit.”

His eyes crinkled. “Why choose? You can have me any way you want.” He held his arm out and she slid her right hand through, grabbing her purse with the other. As they passed Gloria’s apartment she waved, almost certain their friend was staring through the peep hole.

It was a five minute drive to Belle’s house. Rich’s sister grinned widely when she saw Meghan standing by his car. “Oh my god,” she breathed. “You’re so pretty. You remind me of a Greek statue.”

“How about me?” Rich teased, helping her into the back seat. He folded up her wheelchair and put it in the trunk.

“You’re passable.” Belle shrugged. “But let’s face it, you’re batting above your league.”

Rich’s eyes caught Meghan’s. “Tell me something I don’t know,” he murmured.

The first hour passed quickly. Belle and Carlyn were busy at the back of the gallery, talking to journalists and dealers. Meghan took the opportunity to look at each of her pieces, letting herself be absorbed by the seascapes, the rippling of the waves so realistic she could almost hear them crash against the shore. She was glad that Carlyn was behaving. Even happier that they wouldn’t have to deal with her after tonight.

Rich walked around with her, his hand softly pressed against her back. There was a constant buzz between them, like an electrical current that couldn’t be switched off. Her muscles were tight, her skin heated, just from the feeling of his palm.

How would it be when they were alone and naked again?

At seven, guests began to arrive. The wait staff were on hand to pass out tall flutes of bubbling champagne. Meghan took one gratefully, her stomach gurgling with relief when she was handed a tiny sandwich that looked like it would barely fill a Barbie doll.

Belle must have finished with the journalists, because she wheeled herself back toward the gallery, then stopped, her face pale. She looked so nervous that Meghan wanted to squeeze her, tell her it was going to be okay.

But she barely knew the woman.

“Is it okay if I leave you for a moment?” Rich asked, his voice warm against her ear. “Just to check on Belle?”

“Go for it.” Meghan smiled warmly at him. Funny how their emotions were so in sync. “I’m going to grab some more food.”

James and Harper were standing near the entrance, both of them looking at Belle’s art. Meghan made a beeline for them, happy to see some familiar faces. Harper was holding a half-empty glass of champagne while James sipped at an orange juice.

“Hi!” Harper’s face split into a grin. “It’s so good to see you again.” She looked over Meghan’s shoulder. “Where’s Rich?” There was an underlying question in her voice.

“He’s with Belle at the moment.”

Harper raised an eyebrow. “So you came together?”

“We did.” Meghan bit down a smile.

“Oh my god, did you hear that James? They came together.” She turned back to Meghan. “Wait… as in together together?”

“Is this some kind of girl code?” James asked. “What’s together together?”

“It’s like going out out,” Harper told him. “You know, that comedy sketch we watched. Like tonight we’re not just out, we’re out out.”

It was impossible not to grin at James’ confusion. He stared down at Harper, a mixture of indulgence and puzzlement pulling at his features. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“But you do, right?” Harper asked Meghan.

“I’ve got a decent idea,” Meghan said dryly.

“And you two are a thing?” Harper tipped her head to the side, a gleam in her eye.


“Ohmygod!” she squealed, her giddiness making Meghan laugh. “Did you hear that?”

“She’s out out, too. I get it.” James nodded. “Maybe lay off the champagne a bit, babe.”

“She’s with Rich. As in with him.” Harper shook her head. “Do you see why I have to have girl friends?” she asked Meghan. “I swear they take all the nuance out of guys at birth. So tell me everything. When did this start?” She grabbed Meghan’s hand. “Wait, were you a thing when you came to our place?”

“Not really, no.”

“I’m sensing this is going to take a while.” She glanced at James. “Fair warning, honey. I’m going to get all the dirty details about Rich. You can either stay and have to wash your ears out with bleach, or go and never have to close your eyes and imagine your best friend naked.”

James’ expression didn’t change. “I’m going to go.”

Harper grinned at him. “Great idea.” She kissed his cheek and he shook his head, eyeing her indulgently. They were such a fabulous couple they made Meghan’s chest ache. Harper was the ying to James’s yang. She brought him to life and he calmed her when needed.

It made her want to have that, too.

Harper grabbed two more glasses of champagne from a passing waiter, handing one to Meghan and holding the other in her hand. “Come on, let’s go find a corner where nobody is listening,” she said, blowing a kiss at James before sliding her arm through Meghan’s. “Because I know just from looking at him that he’s an animal in bed.”

Rich was finding it impossible to keep his eyes off Meghan. Every time Belle was distracted by a question or a guest, he’d look around, his body relaxing when he saw her standing next to one of Belle’s paintings with Harper, the two of them laughing like loons.

This time she caught his eye, her lips curling as their stares collided. His body felt heated at the sight of her smooth shoulders covered by the ruched green fabric, and the way it draped over her firm breasts. She had the perfect silhouette, her softness complimenting the hard lines of his muscles perfectly. He loved how she fit against him like they were made for each other.

Just a few hours before he could make that happen.

“Is everything okay?” Carlyn asked Belle. She turned to give him a tight smile. She hadn’t made one wrong move tonight, and he was appreciative. Sure, she was a little uptight, constantly checking her watch and the guests who were arriving, but it was her gallery, after all. She was the one in charge of the show and she’d somehow brought it all together.

“Everything’s great. I can’t believe you managed to get Danny Lawson here.” Belle looked over at the Hollywood star, deep in conversation with a journalist.

“And his girlfriend,” Carlyn reminded her. “Ellie Pritchard is going to be big once they release her next movie.” There was a smugness to her smile. “We’ve already sold more than half your paintings. I’ll be writing you a very nice check over the next couple of weeks.” She glanced over Rich’s shoulder at the entrance again, her brows pulling together, before bringing her attention back to them. “I was planning on making a speech in a few minutes. Once the final guests arrive. Maybe you could say a few words after?” she asked Belle.

Belle blanched. Rich squeezed her shoulder. “You’ve got this,” he murmured.

“I can try.” Belle nodded. “I can at least thank everybody who has helped me.” Her classmates and tutors were here, as well as other guests and dealers. A few of them had introduced themselves to Rich, telling him how much Belle always raved about her big brother.

He’d smiled tightly and shook their hands. Even though his sister had nothing to rave about. He was only doing what he owed her.

Less than that, even.

Belle saw one of her friends walk in and waved, wheeling herself over to give her a big hug. Rich looked around for Meghan, then saw James standing alone.

“Thanks for coming,” he said, shaking his best friend’s hand.

“Harper wouldn’t have missed it for the world.” James smiled wryly. “She seems to have a girl crush on your lady friend.” He took a sip of orange juice, his brows knitting together. “Do you know what out out means?”

“Um, does it mean you’re really out?”

James shrugged. “I’ve no idea. Sometimes it’s like she talks a different language to me.”

“Yeah, but that’s why you like her, right?”

James’s expression softened. “I guess it is.” He shrugged and looked at Rich. “Anyway, how are you? It feels like it’s been forever since we caught up. I had to come here just so I could make sure you were still alive.”

“I saw you last week when I called for a consult.” He’d had a patient with a suspected spinal injury.

“For about three seconds before we wheeled him away. So what’s up? Where have you been?”

“Working a lot.”


Rich bit down a smile. “And seeing Meghan and her daughter.”

James’ brow lifted. “Is that what together together means?”

Rich blinked. “I’ve no idea. Who said we’re together together?”

“Harper did. And Meghan.” James shrugged. “Whatever that means.”

It was weird how much that warmed him. He looked over at the two of them. They were looking at one of Belle’s paintings, their faces animated as they discussed it.

“I don’t know what we are.” Rich shrugged. “But I like her.”

“I knew that weeks ago. Are you dating now or what?”

“Yeah, but we’re keeping it on the down low for a while, until Isla gets used to the idea or I mess it up.”

“Why do you think you will mess things up?”

Rich blew out a mouthful of air. “Because I always do.”

“Just because you’ve done it before, doesn’t mean you’ll do it again.”


James eyed him carefully. “What part of your life did you mess up? Because right now all I see before me is a successful ER attending whose patients adore him even though he doesn’t get to spend more than a few hours with them. Whose sister is holding a show where her paintings aren’t only amazing, but covered with sold signs. And we all know that she did this thanks to your support.”

“And she had to do it without parents by her side. In a wheelchair.” Rich felt a lump in his throat.

“Jesus, man. You need to stop beating yourself up about it.” James’ eyes narrowed. “I get it, I do. Of all the people here, I get what you’ve been through. The pain, the guilt, the fucking wallowing. The second guessing when good things happen in your life. I did them all when I met Harper, and you told me to get over myself. Remember?”

“I remember.” James had lost his first wife and their baby son in a car crash. “But yours wasn’t wallowing. It was grief and it was real.” He’d been by James’ side every step of the way. Nobody had been happier than Rich when his best friend met Harper and they’d gotten pregnant. Even if the two of them had to fight for their love.

“If it can happen for me, it can happen for you. If you only let it.”

Rich swallowed, his throat thick. “I hope so.”

James opened his mouth to respond, but the sound of a bell ringing swallowed his words. They turned to look at the center of the gallery, where Carlyn was standing next to Belle.

“Can I have your attention?” Carlyn called out, her voice clear. Her gaze swept over to Rich and then away again, her expression unchanging. “I’d just like to say a few words, and I know that Belle has a few thank yous to impart. So if you could give us a couple of minutes, then you can relax and get back to her beautiful paintings.”

The murmur of conversation died down.

“First of all, I’d like to thank Belle for choosing The Sunshine Gallery for her graduation show. It isn’t often I get to be part of an artist’s journey from the beginning, and I think you’ll all agree with me that this beginning is very special.” Carlyn smiled. “Every piece that Belle paints has magic to it, and I know she’ll go far.” She looked down at Belle. “I just hope you’ll remember me when you’re famous.”

Belle blushed, saying nothing.

“I’d also like to thank Delmonico’s for providing the food and drink, and Alex, Martin, Rhian, and Stuart, all art dealers from L.A., for coming down to our little gallery to take a look at what we have to offer in Angel Sands.”

Carlyn looked over at the entrance, her face lighting up. “There are some other people I’d like to thank, too. You probably all know Danny Lawson. He’s a huge patron of the arts, and we’re honored that he came here to Belle’s show this evening. Some of you also know his girlfriend, Ellie Pritchard, and I guarantee that every one of you will know her after her next movie is released.” Carlyn smiled at the glamorous couple in the corner, lifting her glass to them. “Thank you for adding such elegance and sparkle to the night.”

Danny and Ellie nodded, unfazed by the attention they were getting.

“We have one final surprise guest. Somebody I think you’ll all know, because he’s part of the biggest band in America right now.” She beckoned at somebody in the back of the gallery. Rich glanced at the door, seeing a tall, muscled man wearing shades standing there.

“This is Dylan Nash. The drummer for Everyday Feels Like Sunday, who are riding high at number one on the billboard charts.” Carlyn’s face was alight, as she held her hand out to him. “Welcome, Dylan. We’re all so happy you’re here.”

Rich followed as Carlyn’s eyes landed on Meghan, who looked pale. Her hands were shaking, the champagne sloshing against the sides.

And he was pretty sure her reaction had nothing to do with being a fan of his band.