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Adams, Harry
Adler, Alfred
Admirable Crichton, The
Ainsworth, William Harrison
Albin Michel
Aldridge, Richard
Aldwych Theatre
Anderson, Judith
“And Now to God the Father”
Angela (friend)
Annabelle Lee
“Apple Tree, The”
Arnaud, Yvonne
Ashcroft, Peggy
Attenborough, Richard
Austen, Jane
Austin, Bunny
Bacon, Anthony
Bacon, France
Baker-Munton, Bim
Baker-Munton, Maureen
Balmoral Castle
Barrie, J. M. (Uncle Jim)
Llewelyn Davies boys adopted by
Michael’s death and
Peter Pan
Beaton, Cecil
Beaumont, Ursula
Beaumont, Willie
Beaumont family
Beauregard, Comtesse de (Doodie)
Beauvoir, Simone de
Berlioz, Hector
Betjeman, John
Big Granny
Billy, Aunt
death of
“Birds, The”
film adaptation of
Birkinshaw (Angela du Maurier)
Blind Windows (MacDonald)
“Blue Lenses, The”
Bogarde, Dirk
Bourget, Paul
Breaking Point, The
Bridge Too Far, A (Ryan)
film adaptation of
Brontë, Branwell
Daphne’s biography of
Brontë, Emily
Wuthering Heights
Brontë sisters
Brown, Ivor
Browning, Christian “Kits” (son)
birth of
film-making and photography of
marriage of
Once Upon a Time: The Make-Believe World of Daphne du Maurier
at school
Vanishing Cornwall
Browning, Edward “Ned” (grandson)
Browning, Flavia (daughter)
birth of
children of
Daphne’s education of
marriage of
in Paris
Browning, Frederick (“Boy”; “Tommy”) (husband)
amputation of
at Arnhem
breakdown of
A Bridge Too Far and
car accident of
ceremony in honor of
in Ceylon
Daphne’s French vacation with
Daphne’s letter to
Daphne’s marriage to and relationship with
Daphne’s meeting of
death of
drinking of
in Egypt
fragility of
glider accident of
ill health of
knighthood of
London posts of
military career of
mistress of
nightmares of
in North Africa
in Operation Market Garden
Prince Philip and
retirement of
return from duty
teddy bears of
Tod and
wedding of
Browning, Frederick (grandson)
Browning, Grace (granddaughter)
Browning, Grace (Tommy’s sister)
Browning, Nancy (Tommy’s mother)
Browning, Olive White (“Hacker”)
Browning, Robert (grandson)
Browning, Tessa (daughter)
birth of
children of
Daphne’s education of
goats of
marriage to David Montgomery
marriage to Peter de Zulueta
in Paris
Brunel, Isambard Kingdom
Bryden, Ronald
Brynner, Yul
Burgades, Isaac
Burt, Mr.
Burt, Mrs.
Burton, Richard
Busson, Anne-Sophie
Busson, Mathurin
Busson du Maurier, Robert-Mathurin
Butler, Mme (Denise Van Moppès)
Café Anglais
Camus, Armand-Gaston
Canadian Forum
Cannis Rock
Cannon Hall
Christmas Eve at
purchase of
sale of
Sunday lunches at
Carne Point
Carpenter, Constance
Castle Dor (Quiller-Couch and du Maurier)
Catholic World
“Chamois, The”
Charles I
Christian Science Monitor
Christie, Agatha
Christie, Julie
Clarke, Mary Anne
Daphne’s book on
Clarke, Mrs.
Cloud’s Hill
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
Collier, Compton
Collins, Norman
Come Wind, Come Weather
Compton, Fay
Compton-Burnett, Ivy
Constable-Maxwell, Mr.
Cooper, Gladys
Cora Ann
Fowey, see Fowey
Menabilly in, see Menabilly
Vanishing Cornwall
Coward, Noël
Cumberland Terrace
Curtis Brown Agency
Daily Express
Daily Herald
Daily Telegraph
D’Annunzio, Gabriele
Davis, Bette
Dear Brutus
De’Ath, Wilfred
de Havilland, Olivia
Dent, J. M.
Desert Island Discs
de Zulueta, Marie-Thérèse
de Zulueta, Paul
de Zulueta, Peter
Dietrich, Marlene
“Doll, The”
“Don’t Look Now”
film adaptation of
Don’t Tell Alfred (Mitford)
Doodie (friend)
Doonican, Val
Dorothy (maid)
Doubleday, Ellen
death of
Doubleday, Nelson
illness and death of
Dove Cottage
Driberg, Tom
Druce, Miss
Duhamel, Georges
du Maurier, Alexandre Eugène “Gygy” (brother of George)
du Maurier, Angela (sister)
appearance and personality of
arrival in Fowey
car accident of
code words used by
Daphne’s writing and
at Ferryside
Menabilly and
at Milton Hall
plays put on by
portrait of
du Maurier, Angela, writing of
It’s Only the Sister
Lawrence Vane
A Little Less
Old Maids Remember
The Perplexed Heart
Road to Leenane, The
Shallow Waters
Weep No More
du Maurier, Daphne:
birth of
childhood of
childhood bullies and
children of, see Browning, Christian “Kits”; Browning, Flavia; Browning, Tessa
code words used by
death of
dogs of
education of
“Eric Avon” alter ego of
fall of
fans’ letters to
fans’ visits to
father’s poem to
flu contracted by
French learned by
French name and heritage of
generosity of
health problems of
on hiking trip
husband of, see Browning, Frederick
interviews of
journal of
memory problems of
menstruation and
painting of
photographs of
physical appearance and style of
plays put on by
pneumonia contracted by
portrait of
pregnancies of
reading of
sailing and boats of
sexuality and self-image of
shyness of
titles and honors of
wedding of
du Maurier, Daphne, writing of
“And Now to God the Father”
“The Apple Tree”
article on death and widowhood
“The Birds,” see “Birds, The”
“The Blue Lenses”
The Breaking Point
Castle Dor (with Arthur Quiller-Couch)
“The Chamois”
Come Wind, Come Weather
“The Doll”
“Don’t Look Now,” see “Don’t Look Now”
The du Mauriers
first novel published
The Flight of the Falcon
Frenchman’s Creek, see Frenchman’s Creek
Gerald: A Portrait
The Glass-Blowers
Golden Lads
Growing Pains: The Shaping of a Writer
The House on the Strand
Hungry Hill, see Hungry Hill
I’ll Never Be Young Again
The Infernal World of Branwell Brontë
Jamaica Inn, see Jamaica Inn
The King’s General
“Kiss Me Again, Stranger”
“The Little Photographer”
The Loving Spirit
Mary Anne
“Monte Verità”
My Cousin Rachel, see My Cousin Rachel
“No Motive”
“Not After Midnight”
“The Old Man”
The Parasites
plagiarism charges against
The Progress of Julius
Rebecca, see Rebecca
reviews of
Rule Britannia
The Scapegoat, see Scapegoat, The
The Searchers
September Tide
short stories
“Split Second”
Vanishing Cornwall
The Winding Stair
“A Winter Afternoon, Kilmarth”
The Years Between
du Maurier, Ellen Clarke (great-grandmother)
du Maurier, Emma Wightwick (grandmother)
du Maurier, George “Kicky” (grandfather)
novels of
du Maurier, Gerald (father)
acting career of
air-raid warning and
appearance and personality of
Browning and
Cannon Hall home of, see Cannon Hall
and Carol’s relationship with Daphne
conversations with daughters
childhood of
code words used by
crystal tumbler of
Daphne’s biography of
and Daphne’s bout with flu
Daphne’s writing and
daughters’ education and
death of
drinking of
family of
Ferryside and
finances of
and Geoffrey’s relationship with Daphne
health problems of
infidelities of
knighthood of
mother of
motorboat purchased by
Muriel’s meeting of
poem to Daphne by
son wanted by
traveling of
twenty-fifth wedding anniversary of
du Maurier, Guy (uncle)
du Maurier, Isobel (sister of George)
du Maurier, Jeanne (sister)
arrival in Fowey
Browning and
code words used by
at Ferryside
at Milton Hall
as painter
plays put on by
portrait of
Welch and
du Maurier, Louis-Mathurin Busson de (great-grandfather)
du Maurier, Muriel Beaumont “Mo” (mother)
acting career of
air-raid warning and
arrival in Fowey
Browning and
and Carol’s relationship with Daphne
Daphne’s wedding and
Daphne’s writing and
death of
family of
Ferryside and
Gerald’s death and
Gerald’s infidelity and
Gerald’s knighthood and
Gerald’s meeting of
menstruation and
at Milton Hall
traveling of
twenty-fifth wedding anniversary of
du Maurier family:
background of
Cannon Hall home of, see Cannon Hall
Daphne’s history of
Ferryside home of, see Ferryside
Du Maurier Productions
du Mauriers, The
Duncan, Isadora
Edward VIII
Eisenhower, Dwight D.
Elizabeth, the Queen Mother
Elizabeth II, Queen
at Menabilly
Endrèbe, Maurice-Bernard
Engeler, Miss
Engels, Friedrich
English Civil War
Esménard, Francis
Esménard, Robert
Fanny Rosa
Farrère, Claude
Ferry Inn
Christmas at
World War II and
Fitzwilliam family
Flight of the Falcon, The
Flying Dutchman, The (Wagner)
Fontaine, Joan
Fonteyn, Margot
Ford, Ford Madox
cold spell in
Ferryside in, see Ferryside
Menabilly in, see Menabilly
World War II and
Fowey Bay
Fowey Hotel
Fox, Mary
Foyle, Christina
France, Anatole
Frenchman’s Creek
film adaptation of
Freud, Sigmund
Garbo, Greta
Garrick Club
Geoffrey (cousin)
George V
George VI
death of
Gerald: A Portrait
Gérin, Winifred
Gideon, Melville
Glass-Blowers, The
Golden Lads
Gollancz, Livia
Gollancz, Ruth
Gollancz, Victor
death of
Gone with the Wind (Mitchell)
film adaptation of
Good Housekeeping
Gough, Michael
Graham, Walter
Grant, Hugh
Greene, Graham
Gribbin Head
Growing Pains: The Shaping of a Writer
Guinness, Alec
Guitry, Sacha
Hamer, Robert
Hamilton, Alex
Hampstead Heath
Handel, George Frideric
Haven, The
Hedren, Tippi
Hemingway, Ernest
Henri IV
Hentschel, Irene
Hepburn, Katharine
Hitchcock, Alfred
Hodges, Sheila
Hoffman, Michel
Holzman, Fanny
House on the Strand, The
Hubbard, Mrs.
Hunebelle, Jules
Hungry Hill
film adaptation of
Hunkin, George
Hurst, Brian Desmond
I’ll Never Be Young Again
Infernal World of Branwell Brontë, The
Ingres, Jean-Auguste-Dominique
It’s Only the Sister (Angela du Maurier)
James, Henry
Jamaica Inn
Jamaica Inn
film adaptation of
James, Henry
Jane Slade
Jeanne d’Arc
Joan (friend of Fernande)
John, Elton
Joseph, Michael
Jung, Carl G.
Kahn, Otto
Keaton, Buster
Keats, John
Kennedy, John F.
King and I, The
King’s General, The
Kirkus Reviews
“Kiss Me Again, Stranger”
Koestler, Arthur
Kommer, Rudolf
Koster, Henry
Kylmerth, Roger
Labbé, Madeleine
La Bourboule
Lady, The
Langley End
Last Battle, The (Ryan)
Laughton, Charles
Lawrence, Gertrude
death of
Lawrence Vane (Angela du Maurier)
Leigh, Vivien
Leisen, Mitchell
Lennon, John
Leon, Anne
Levy, Ben
Life Guards
Little Less, A (Angela du Maurier)
Llewelyn Davies, Andrew
Llewelyn Davies, Arthur
Llewelyn Davies, George
Llewelyn Davies, Jack
Llewelyn Davies, Michael
Llewelyn Davies, Nico
Llewelyn Davies, Peter
death of
Llewelyn Davies, Sylvia
Lockwood, Margaret
Hampstead Heath
ice-skating accident in
Regent’s Park
Tommy’s posts in
Longest Day, The (Ryan)
Lord Camber’s Ladies
Loving Spirit, The
MacDonald, Edwina
Maeterlinck, Maurice
Malet, Oriel
Mann, Thomas
Mansfield, Katherine
grave of
Margaret (nanny)
Margaret (nurse)
Margaret, Princess
Market Garden
Marx, Karl
Mary, Queen
Mary Anne
Maugham, Somerset
Maupassant, Guy de
Maureen (Tommy’s assistant), see Baker-Munton, Maureen
Maurey, Nicole
Maurois, André
Mayfair, London
Mayflower Pictures
Menabilly (“Mena”)
cold spell and
Daphne’s lease on
Daphne’s leaving of
Elizabeth II at
goats at
Prince Philip at
Rashleigh family and
renovation of
Vandeleur at
war and
Michelmore, Cliff
Miller, Mrs.
Milton Hall
Mitchell, Margaret
Mitford, Nancy
Montaigne, Michel de
“Monte Verità”
Montgomery, David
Montgomery, Bernard
Moral Re-Armament
Morning Post
Mountbatten, Louis
Murdoch, Iris
Musset, Alfred de
My Cousin Rachel
film adaptation of
Nabuco, Carolina
New Grove House
News Chronicle
New Theatre
New Yorker
New York Herald Book Review
New York Herald Tribune
New York Times
New York Times Book Review
New York Times Film Review
“No Motive”
Normany landings
“Not After Midnight”
Notting Hill
Oheka Castle
Old Maids Remember (Angela du Maurier)
“Old Man, The”
Olivier, Laurence
Olympio: The Turbulent Life of Victor Hugo (Maurois)
Once Upon a Time: The Make-Believe World of Daphne du Maurier
On the Art of Writing (Quiller-Couch)
Operation Market Garden
Orwell, George
Our Man in Havana
Panckoucke, Charles
Panckoucke, Ernestine
Parasites, The
modernization of
Tessa in
Parker, Mrs.
Perplexed Heart, The (Angela du Maurier)
Perret, Françoise
Peter Ibbetson (George du Maurier)
Peter Owen Publishers
Peter Pan (Barrie)
Philip, Prince
at Menabilly
Tommy’s position with
Phillips, Miss
Piccadilly Hotel
Piffy, Aunt
Playfair, Dr.
Plomley, Roy
Pommer, Erich
Potter, Beatrix
Price, Denis
Price, Frank
death of
Private Lives
Procter, Dod
Progress of Julius, The
Puxley, Christopher
death of
Puxley, Paddy
Queen Mary
Queen’s Theatre
Quiller-Couch, Arthur (“Q”)
Quiller-Couch, Foy
Quiller-Couch, Mary
Rashleigh family
Readymoney Cove
film adaptation of
French edition of
plagiarism charges against
stage adaptation of
Reed, Carol
death of
Regent’s Park
ice-skating accident in
Reveille (Angela du Maurier)
Ricardo, Jeannette
Richepin, Jean
Ringer, The
Rite of Spring, The (Stravinsky)
River Fowey
Road to Leenane, The (Angela du Maurier)
Roberts, Julia
Roberts, Miss
Roeg, Nicolas
Rosenschein, Charles S.
Ross, Arthur L.
Rowe, Esther
Rowe, Henry
Rowse, Alfred Leslie
Rule Britannia
Ryan, Cornelius
St. James Theatre
Sandy Cove
Saturday Review
Saturday Review of Arts
Saturday Review of Books
Scapegoat, The
film adaptation of
Searchers, The
Selznick, David
September Tide
Shakespeare, William
Shallcross, Martyn
Shallow Waters (Angela du Maurier)
Sharaff, Irène
Simpson, Wallis
Sisley, Alfred
Slade, Ernie
Slade, Jane
Smith, Mrs.
Snow Queen, The (Andersen)
Somerville, William
Spain, Nancy
Spence, Ken
“Split Second”
Stevenson, Robert Louis
Stewart, Mary
stock market crash of 1929
Stravinsky, Igor
Successora, La (Nabuco)
Sunday Times
Sutherland, Donald
Symington, John
Taylor, Elizabeth
Times (London)
Times Literary Supplement
Torrance, Mrs.
Tower, Alastair
Tower, Rupert
Tracy, Spencer
Treasure Island (Stevenson)
Tree, Herbert Beerbohm
Tree, Viola
Trenet, Charles
Treveryan (Angela du Maurier)
Trilby (George du Maurier)
Trollope, Anthony
Troy Cinema
Urquart, Brian
Vandeleur, Captain
Van Druten, John
Vanishing Cornwall
Van Moppès, Denise (Mme Butler)
Varcoe, Mary
Vaughan, Tom
Verrier, Marguerite
Very Easy Death, A (Beauvoir)
Victor Gollancz Ltd.
Vidal, Gore
Vigo, Miss
Villa Camposenea
Vyvyan, Clara
Daphne’s hiking trip with
Waddell, Maud (“Tod”)
arrival at Menabilly
Tommy and
Wagner, Richard
Wallace, Edgar
Wallace, Pat
Walmsley, Leo
Weep No More (Angela du Maurier)
Welch, Noël
Western Mail
West Morning News
White, Olive (“Hacker”)
White Cliffs
Whitely, Derek
Whiting, Frederic
Wicksteed, Mrs.
Wilcox, Miss
Wilde, Oscar
Winding Stair, The
“Winter Afternoon, Kilmarth, A”
Wolfenden, John
Wolfenden, Lady
Women’s Land Army
Wordsworth, William
World War I
air-raid warnings and
World War II
end of
land mines and
Normany landings in
Operation Market Garden in
Wuthering Heights (Brontë)
Wyndham’s Theatre
Wynyard, Diana
Years Between, The
Yeats, William Butler
Ygdrasil II
Ygdrasil III
Yorkshire Post
Young, Terence
Yvon, Fernande (“Ferdie”)
death of
Zola, Émile