Chapter Eleven


Sitting and waiting had never been one of my strengths, but after Sebastian rose abruptly at the interruption and left rather quickly, I didn't have much say in the matter.

Charlotte calmed enough she was back to mostly normal, though I knew her present state would change at the barest hint of a threat. It couldn't be easy for her, surrounded by her enemies, knowing my life was in danger, and I almost wished Anastasia hadn't brought her, no matter the insane demands I'm sure Charlotte made.

And though my usual reaction to being trapped and frustrated because my fate was being decided for me would be to pace or throw things or storm my way into more trouble, I found myself reclining on a divan, looking out at the silent mountains, lost in thought.

Did my demon and Shaylee, not to mention my family magic, have that much of a restless influence on me? I certainly felt calm, almost relaxed, and had to blame—or thank—my vampire for my present emotional repose.

Though, of course, instead of trying to work my way through a plan of escape just in case I needed it, my mind went to love.

Not in a dreamy-steamy embarrassing kind of way. More of a pensive, what to do swirling softly around and around. I'd written love off because I just couldn't stand the thought of losing someone I cared about to old age while I remained young. But Sebastian, or someone like him… that was another option all together. It certainly opened up some interesting possibilities.

You must be cautious, my vampire sent. While he cares for you, it is true, he is still her creature.

Spoil sport. I don't know, I sent back. I think, in the end, he'll back me if push comes to shove.

Delusion does not become you, she sent.

It's not like it matters anyway. I picked at the fabric of the divan, the tapestry of woven colors making me dizzy. If they do decide against us, we'll just give the Queens the old heave-ho and deal with it later.

Again, delusion. She sighed. You seem to be working under a flawed premise I've meant to speak with you about for quite some time.

Sorry? Where was the flaw exactly? It's not like they can really hurt me or anything. I'm immortal.

Immortal, yes, she sent. But not invincible.

Gulp. Explain?

Immortality means you will live forever, and never grow old, she sent. As long as nothing happens to you.

That sounded rather final for something I was given the impression would go on and on forever. Why was this the first time I was hearing this information?

You can die, Sydlynn, she wrapped up her happy message. I'm just not sure how much it will take to kill you.

Didn't really want to find out. It would have been nice to know this a while ago, I sent.

She shrugged inside my mind. I assumed you knew.

Way to make me feel like a total moron.

Holy. Fear rose, bubbled, burst, choked me, drove me to my feet to pace. Charlotte startled, coming to me, but I waved her off, fighting the rush of panic this new bit of news rustled up.

This changed my perspective. On everything. My memory went to the beach, to surfing, the wave.

I could have drowned.

The basement of the Brotherhood house, the scent of gasoline, the pressure of sorcery holding me down.

I would have burned to death.



I spun as Charlotte snarled, eyes going to the window, the brightening of the sky. But she wasn't focused on the newborn morning. Instead, she darted toward the bedroom door and flew inside, emerging a moment later with a small, shivering, silver-haired cherub in tow.

Demetrius smiled at me, blue eyes full of innocence as she dumped him on the floor at my feet.

Sydlynn,” he said. “I'm so happy to see you again.”

