
by Sarah Fieber, head writer of The Ominous Eye

First and foremost, to Tracey Hecht: the creator of this series, my boss, and my friend. Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to do what I love everyday. I can’t imagine my career or my world without you.

To Tommy Fagin and Rumur Dowling, my fellow writers. Tommy: thank you for being there from the very beginning, for sticking by me through thick and thin, and for your invaluable edits. Rumur: thank you for your feedback at every odd hour, for making me laugh through the stress and fatigue, and for your incredible help. I couldn’t have done this without your friendship and support.

To Susan Lurie, for her rounds of thorough edits (and necessary leveling!). To the wonderful team at Consortium. To Stacey Ashton and everyone at Fabled Films: Lisette Farah, Nicole Wheeler, Waymond Singleton, Nina Passero, Joe Gervasi. Thank you for keeping things running and for making it fun. To Bailey Carr, who animates the words with her readings. To Kate Liebman, who brings the writing to life with her beautiful illustrations.

To everyone outside the office. To Aaron: for your interest, your feedback, and your animal expertise. Without you, there’d be no Tutu! To my unofficial editor, Ryan. To my lifelines: Sam and Savit. To all my incredible friends.

To my family. My brothers: Brian, Greg, and Daniel. My grandparents: Nana and Gramps, Grammy and Poppy. And my parents. Mom, Dad: I write words for a living, but I can’t find ones that express what your support means to me. Thank you for everything.

And finally, of course, to Beau: my happiness and inspiration.

Thank you again, everyone.