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acidity, 39

acid mantle, 40, 42


      astringents and, 42

      description of, 120–21

      hormonal, 121

      hydration and, 68

acne-prone skin

      acne washes for, 3–4, 39

      breakouts, 31

      exfoliating, 47, 49

      gel creams for, 73

      oil cleansers for, 35

      salicylic acid for, 51

activating serum, 42

adrenaline, 162

aegyo-sal, 150

age spots, 84

alcohol, in toners, 42–43, 107

alcoholic drinks, 166–67

alkalinity, 39

alpha hydroxy acids (AHA), 50, 201

AmorePacific, 145, 189–90

ampoules, 71, 109

antioxidants, 32, 75, 88

apricot scrubs, 49–50

astringent toners, 42, 107


banchan, 57, 157–58

Banila Co., 190–91

barley tea, 168

BB cream, 143–45, 152

Belif, 191

benzoyl peroxide, 40, 130

beta hydroxy acids (BHA), 50

blackheads, 31, 47, 106

blind dates, 16–17

boosters, 71, 109

boricha, 168

bromelain, 50

brown spots, 71, 113

brush bristles, 49

bulgama, 58


cafés, Korean, 61

caffeine, 131

castor oil, 36

CC creams, 144–45, 152

3CE, 197–98

ceramides, 130

cetyl alcohol, 43

cheeks, 153–54

chemical-free products, 125–26

chemical peels, 50

children, 21–22, 96–97

Cho, Dave, 99

chok chok, 65–79

Choo, Hellen, 140

Chosungah, 191

clay sauna, 58

Clio, 191–92

coconut oil, 36

cold plunge, 55

collagen, 32, 47, 76, 85, 87–88

contact lenses, 35, 146

cortisol, 162

cosmeceutical products, 125

creams, 73

cultural taboos, 163–67

cushion compacts, 94, 133, 145, 152


DD creams, 144

dermatologist-recommended products, 124

dermatologists, 189

diets, 160

double cleanse

      best products for, 39–41

      importance of, 30–34

      instructions for, 34–38

      in ten-step routine, 104–6

dry saunas, 58

dust, yellow, 32–33


eczema, 40, 49

elastin, 32, 76, 87–88

emollients, 43

emulsions, 72

enzymes, 50

epidermis, 68

essences, 70, 108–9

Etude House, 192

exfoliation, 47–63

      chemical, 50–51, 106, 122

      importance of, 106

      mechanical, 49–50, 106

      sunscreen after, 98, 113

expiration dates, 126

eyebrow pencil, 147–48, 152–53

eye cream, 110–11

eyelashes, 153

eyeliner, 146–47, 153

eye makeup, removing, 34–35, 104–5

eyes, puffy, 161


face masks, 32

The Faceshop, 192–93

facial oils, 73

facials, 55, 77, 186–87

facial sprays, 142

family-style dishes, 61

fashion, Korean, 136–38

fermented foods, 158

fermented skin care, 128

flight attendants, 141–42

foam cleansers, 38

free radicals, 32, 75, 88, 96, 166

freshener, 42


gel cleansers, 38

gel creams, 73

Get It Beauty, 12

ginseng, 131

glycerin, 42, 130

glycolic acid, 50, 130

Goodal, 193

green tea, 32, 131, 168


hair, 108, 139–40

hair salons, 187–88

hallyu, 18

hats, 94

Hee, Ko Joon, 137

highlighter, 149–50, 153–54

honey, 130

Hong, Mr. (Hong Sung-il Sangmoonim), 8, 9

hormonal acne, 121

humectants, 42, 72, 107

humidifiers, 74

hyaluronic acid, 75, 130

hydrating toners, 107

hydrogel sheet masks, 75, 79

hyperpigmentation, 51, 52

hypoallergenic products, 124–25

Hyun, Jeon Ji, 155


ice igloo, 58

Im, Jenn, 202–3

Innisfree, 193

IOPE, 193–94

IOPE Air Cushion XP, 145–46

Italy towels, 49, 56

It’s Skin, 194


Jackson, India-Jewel, 62–63

jade sauna, 58

jeong, 61–62

jimjilbang, 52–58

jojoba beads, 49


Kang, Paul, 132–33

Kdramas, 10, 148, 155

Kim, Young Ah, 26–27

kojic acid, 130

Korean Air flight attendants, 141–42

Korean beauty industry

      affordable products in, 23–24, 128

      beauty shopping at home, 200–202

      competition in, 19–20, 26, 127

      focus on health, 132–33, 157–59

      high-quality products, 127–29

      innovation in, 20, 128

      largest cosmetic company, 189–90

      multipurpose products, 115

      new and powerful ingredients, 128–29

      product packaging, 20–21, 26, 129

      rise in product popularity, 18–19

      “whitening” products, 23

Korean culture, 5–13, 15–16, 58–62, 136–38

Korean dishes, 169–71

Korean skin care

      applying the products, 22

      for children, 21–22

      culture of, 5–13, 15–16

      focus on healthy skin, 21

      holistic nature of, 19

      ideal of dewy skin, 22–23

      motivation for, 102

      number of products used, 22

      as part of total health, 102–3

      proven results from, 25–26

      purpose behind each product, 22

      treatments in, 70

      trial-and-error process, 24

Korean spas

      all-ages nature of, 52–53, 60

      checking in, 53

      dry saunas, 58

      family rooms, 57

      heated floors, 57

      nudity, 53, 54

      in Seoul, 184–85

      showers, 53–54

      treatments and body scrubs, 55–56

      wet rooms, 54–55


lactic acid, 50–51, 130

Laneige, 194

laser treatments, 113

lash extensions, 153, 185

lifestyle, healthy, 157–69

lines, fine, 47, 68, 71, 109

lipids, 72

lip tint, 148–49, 154

loofahs, 47

lotions, 73



      removing, 31, 34–35, 104–5

      routines, 133

      SPF, 95, 98

mandelic acid, 131

Manefit, 194

manufacturing dates, 126

mascara, 34–35, 104–5

massages, 55

metalloproteinases, 87–88

McElligott, Bill, 93

melanin, 96

men, 123–24, 139–40

microfiber sheet masks, 75, 79

Missha, 195


      after exfoliating, 51

      after shower, 41

      on damp face, 69

      importance of, 68

      for no-makeup look, 152

      in ten-step routine, 111–12

      treatments before, 70–71

      types of, 72–79

moles, 98

mugwort tea pool, 55

Multi-Brand Shops, 198

My Love from Another Star, 148, 155


nail shops, 185–86

Neogen Dermalogy, 192

niacinamide, 130

nicotine, 166

no makeup look

      for flight attendants, 141–42

      instructions for, 151–55

      products for, 143–51


oatmeal, 49

Obama, Barack, 162

officetel, 59

Oh, Yeon-seo, 115

O HUI, 195

oil cleansers, 35–38, 104–5

oral hygiene, 151


papain, 50

Park, Soo Joo, 44

PA system, 91

period-after-opening (PAO) symbol, 126

pH, 39–43

pimples, 31, 49, 121

plastic surgery, 138–39

pollution, 31, 32–33

pools, 55

pores, 31, 73, 106, 120

premarital sex, 163


red raspberry extract, 131

“refreshers,” 42, 107

RE:P, 195

restaurants, 180–82

retinol, 51, 71, 98

rosacea, 40, 88

rotating brush, 50


saccharomyces ferment filtrate, 131

salicylic acid, 51, 106, 121, 130

salt sauna, 58

Samsung, 164

sebum, 31, 35, 50

selcas, 77


      beauty shopping, 189–98

      dermatologists, 189

      facials, 186–87

      favorite spas, 184–85

      hair salons, 187–88

      nail shops, 185–86

      neighborhoods, 176–80

      restaurants, ordering at, 180–82

      shopping tips, 182–84

      subway and taxi, 198–99

      wifi, 200

Sephora, 201

serums, 71, 109

sheet masks, 74–79, 109–10

Sik, Son Dae, 155, 196


      acid mantle on, 40, 42

      cells, shedding, 47–48, 52

      primary function of, 31

      sagging, 84

skin cancer, 81, 83, 86, 88, 96, 97–98, 166

skin-care products, 117–33

      for age groups, 124

      cosmeceutical, 125

      dermatologist recommended, 124

      expiration dates, 126

      hypoallergenic, 124–25

      for men, 123–24

      mixing and matching brands, 127

      natural, “chemical free,” 125–26

      new ingredients in, 130–31

      prices of, 123

      skin types and, 117–19

Skinfood, 196

skin softener, 42

skin stories

      Dave Cho, 99

      India-Jewel Jackson, 62–63

      Jenn Im, 202–3

      Kim Ju Won, 79

      Paul Kang, 132–33

      Son Dae Sik, 155

      Soo Joo Park, 44

      Yeon-seo Oh, 115

      Young Ah Kim, 26–27

skin types

      combination, 122

      dry, 119–20

      normal, 119

      oily or acne-prone, 120–21

      sensitive, 122

sleep, 160–61

sleeping packs, 73–74

smoking, 165–66

snail mucin, 76

snail secretion filtrate, 131

soap, 40

sogaetings, 16–17

soju, 166

Soko Glam, 18–19, 99, 200

Son & Park, 196

Son & Park Beauty Water, 155

spas. See Korean spas

spritzing, 142

steam rooms, 55

stearyl alcohol, 43

stratum corneum, 68

stress, 162

subway and taxi, 198–99

sugar scrubs, 49

Sulwhasoo, 197

Su:m37, 196

sunblock, 87

sunglasses, 94–95

sun protection. See also sunscreen

      myths and facts, 84–98

sunscreen, 81–99

      for acne-prone skin, 121

      after exfoliating, 52, 113

      chemical-based, 89

      for children, 96–97

      in daily routine, 92

      ears, neck, and shoulders, 98

      hands and lips, 98

      ingredients in, 86–87

      mineral-based, 88, 97

      for no-makeup look, 152

      nongreasy, 94

      PA rating system, 91

      physical, 88

      purpose of, 82

      reapplying, 91, 93–94

      removing, 35

      SPF makeup, 95, 98

      SPF numbers, 89–91

      sweatproof claims, 90–91

      in ten-step routine, 112–13

      types of, 88–89

      waterproof claims, 90–91

sunspots, 88, 109

sun umbrellas, 84

Swagger, 140, 197

swimming, 91


taboos, cultural, 163–67

takeout, Korean, 59–60

tanning beds, 96

tans, 83, 84, 95–96

Target, 201

taxi and subway, 198–99

tea, barley, 168

tea tree oil, 121, 131

ten-step Korean skin-care routine

      changing up, 113–14

      essence, 108–9

      exfoliator, 106

      eye cream, 110–11

      makeup remover and oil cleanser, 104–5

      moisturizer, 111–12

      sheet masks, 109–10

      sunscreen, 112–13

      toner, 107–8

      tweaking, for morning, 114

      variability in, 101

titanium dioxide, 88, 131

titanium oxide, 89

toners, 41–42, 70–71, 107–8

Tony Moly, 197

Too Cool for School, 26–27, 198

toothbrush, 151

towels, Italy, 49, 56

treatments, 70–71


Urban Outfitters, 200

urea, 130

UVA, 85, 91

UVB, 86

UV rays, 52, 71, 85, 87–88


vitamins, 32, 131


walnut scrubs, 49–50

washcloths, 47

water, drinking, 159–60

water-based cleansers, 38, 105–6

waxing services, 185

“whitening” products, 23

wifi, in Seoul, 200

witch hazel, 42, 107

Won, Kim Ju, 79

wrinkles, 32, 38, 47, 68, 84, 88


yellow dust, 32–33

Yun, Park Tae, 196


zinc oxide, 88, 89, 131

zits, 31