A Note on Sources

All quotes accompanied by present-day citations—“he says,” “he recalls,” and so forth—come from personal interviews. Thanks, then, to Micheal Ray Richardson, Darryl Dawkins, Derrick Rowland, Ross Barrett, Steve Patterson, Pace Manion, Phil Jackson, Jim Cleamons, Hubie Brown, Tom Nissalke, Fred Kerber, Calvin Ramsey, Earl Monroe, Tim Layden, Tim Wilkins, Frankie Sanders, Eric Musselman, and Neal Walk. Various online quotes from Micheal Ray Richardson were used from articles on Jud Heathcote and Jim Brandenburg. I also used various online articles, which include NewsOne, “72 Percent of Black Kids Raised by Single Parent, 25% Overall in U.S.”; and Psychology Today, “Father Absence, Father Deficit, Father Hunger,” May 23, 2012. Print sources used include Brian Tuohy’s Larceny Games, David Leonard’s After Artest, Jim Patton’s Il Basket d’Italia, Neil D. Isaacs’s Vintage NBA, as well as my own titles The Wizard of Odds, The Scandals of ’51, and Perfectly Awful.