“James Langteaux’s daring new book, Gay Conversations with God, is one written “for such a time as this.” This is a time when a deluge of grace and truth purges the earth of religious pretense, hypocrisy, and intolerance, and all the captives are set free to be finally themselves just as God made them.
Everything that can be shaken will be shaken, and Langteaux fearlessly shakes things up here with unflinching clarity… not just as a gay man who has been there and done that in the world of high profile Christian media, but as one who speaks with the provocative tone of a prophet. Someone needed to say these things—to boldly go where no one has gone before…”
—Bishop Jim Swilley, Church In The Now, Now Ministries
“This book will definitely not make the Baptist Women’s Book Club list… However, this is a must-get-out-there book! I am a reading snob and I loved it!”
—A Pastor [who wishes to remain anonymous]
“James Alexander Langteaux is an incredibly gifted, poetic writer who pens words so beautifully that I’m moved to tears and impassioned to love every time I read them. I am convinced that Jesus Loves Homos! And that message is far more important than you or me.”
—Jeremy Casper, Filmmaker
“Christians were once known as witnesses to God’s love and grace—those who kissed lepers and welcomed strangers. Somehow we’ve morphed, acquiring a reputation for judgment, especially condemning those we’ve exiled as ‘unclean.’ I suspect it’s because we’re much better at telling than listening. For those ready to give one of our own a turn, I would invite you to hear James Langteaux’s heart. Suspend the need to be right for a moment and truly listen. Jesus is not ashamed to call him ‘brother,’ just as he is. Neither am I. Please hear his story, his pain, his faith. Read this book.”
—Brad Jersak, Author of Kissing the Leper
“In my own search I discovered that I could never offend God while I was being honest with him; in fact, I find that he urges me on to tell it like it is. This has helped me to discover (in process) who I am and that it’s OK to be me. And this is what I now read within the pages of James’ new book. I applaud his honesty and wit and I hope that Gay Conversations with God encourages many people to ask the same questions of themselves.”
—Chris Falson, Singer/Songwriter
“We look at other people’s lives through our own filters and often miss the complexities of who they are in themselves, in God. James strips away those filters applied to him by others and lets us into the humor, the pain, the struggles, the lies and the victories. For those of you who think God is only in the tidy places with the heterosexuals, Gay Conversations with God will bother, challenge and enlighten you. And, in the end, I hope it confronts the filters in which you may wrap the other children of God. There is freedom in Christ, for all of us.”
—Kathy Baldock, Canyonwalker Connections/Str8apology
“After reading Gay Conversations with God, I went out today with a smile and so much joy! Suddenly I knew that God loves me— and that made all the difference. In my closet where I was hiding from myself were guilt and shame and the belief that I was unlovable. James’ story is one of sacred tenderness and acceptance. At times, as I was reading, I knew I was in truth, listening to the voice of God. How real and honest the words are. James has such a poetic gift as a writer … simple and deep and embracing and real!”
—Toni Gilyard, Poet/Author of the girl between the trees