
Nature abhors a vacuum. And so do I-they suck.

(And I’m not talking about the Hoover™ that I was forced to push around the house when I was a kid - although I hate those vacuums too.)

I’m talking about the kind of vacuums that exist because someone isn’t willing to do what they were called or created to do. Especially when so many beautiful sons and daughters suffer as a result.

There has been a great big-ass vacuum left in our world because of abject fear. I was almost sucked into that hollow void myself - and would never have put these words to paper if it were not for some incredible warriors of light - friends who would not let me put this crazy manuscript down until it was complete. And for that, I remain deeply grateful.

There are no words that will ever adequately express the depth of the gratitude I feel for all of you - so forgive my simple “Thank You” and know that one day, looking from eternity backwards - we may all be able to celebrate together - a great big “Gay Bash” with God’s brilliant, sensitive and beautiful kids who chose to ignore ignorant words like “God Hates Fags” and embrace the God of love - the God who loved so damn much that he actually gave everything … to the very last drop … to show his love in a tangible way. All I can say is a very naked “Thanks.”

To Andrea White (your artistry in my life has gone everywhere— including the gorgeous cover for this book), Anthony Annibale, Tommy Hall, Norm, Jeremy Casper, Sam Sparro, Ryan Leebrick, Aaron Gautschi and Jim Standridge (my amazing straight friend who read the manuscript and responded - “Now I wish I were gay!!” Man, Jimmy, you are a saint!) You are some of the best friends anyone could ever hope to have. Thank you for risking so much in your own journeys of “believe.” There were days I don’t think I would have made it through without you.

Thank you Chris and Karyn Falson for the years of friendship, wise counsel, selfless giving, and reckless drinking that helped take the edge off - when there was far more edge than any of us would have liked. You will forever be my partners in crime.

To all those who read the early versions of these words and gave your incredible feedback to make this ring with more authenticity, I can only say thanks. (Even if you wished I had toned it down, or whether or not you agreed with me! I loved being challenged to find out what I truly did believe.)

Thank you … Kyle Pierce (This is turning out to be a beautiful, “… And Everything After” Mmmmmhhhh!) Paul G, and Double G. Steve Keller (You were a pivotal game changer for me and your authentic love enabled me to write like the wind.) James Bowen, James Brandon (for putting your career on hold while you put yourself on the cross for so many years and so many audiences) and Asian James (my bi-anxious friend who lives a life of service and love). Thank you Lisa Darden, Chiara Tellini, Frank Marquette, Brad Jersak, my crazy identical twin half-sister Kelly, Rowland Nativel, Shea Blackston, Mark Tarbox and Steve and Becky Knight (for all your tireless giving and sacrifices you have made to help so many of God’s favorite kids!)

Thank you David Kopp. You have been a rock star and advocate. This book may not have seen the light of day without you.

Thank you Rachelle for challenging me on the content for over ten months before you signed on as my agent. And thank you for jumping in and editing this brilliantly and with so much finesse. You were hand selected and divinely so. I remain in awe of your gifts and more importantly—your heart.

To Christian de la Huerta - there are no words that will do justice to the gratitude I feel for all you have taught me over this past year. Through your workshops, retreats and the power of the breathwork - I have been forever changed. Living a life of reaction will now be a thing of the past. Thank you for the years you have poured out to so many all over the world in your books, in your non-egoic manner and in the way you model love in the very fabric of your everyday life. (And thank you for opening the door to Findhorn Press! We had to go all the way to the northeast coast of Scotland to get this baby in print.)

Speaking of print-thank you Thierry Bogliolo-the best and most selfless, loving Head of Publishing I have ever met. Thank you for taking a chance on this crazy little book. I am forever in your debt. (And all the rest of the incredible Findhorn Press team—and especially the posse at IPG!)

Finally, thank you Mom for becoming a new best friend. It has been years in the making and I realize this book could undo much of the progress we’ve made. But, like I’ve told you before, this is like insulin. If you are a diabetic it can save your life. If not, it will kill you. Please put this down now and go have some ice cream instead! I love you and remain grateful that you brought me into this world and have helped me laugh all the way through. And what’s more - you introduced me to my very best friend. The God of the Universe. With all my heart - thank you.

And to all of you, gay or straight, who are willing to use your talents, voice or heart to awaken the world to the grave injustices that have been done to some of God’s beloved kids—thanks. It doesn’t feel like enough. But maybe this is a good place to start.

I love you all. Thanks.